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Welcome to Highschool.

Some New Stillettos
Jelsa Mepsey
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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:05 pm

(( I was going to ask if ur guy smoking pot was taken sorry forgot xD)

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:08 pm

T.Mor looked at the stack of papers in shock. That was a lot of paper. He could sell it for an entire week's worth of food in his home country...He shook himself mentally. Right. There was a map...and a schedule. That...would help. He looked at the map. Pretty straightforward. There were hallways and numbers. Ok. Manageable. He looked at the schedule. "Erm...Sorry to ask...I mean..You're probably busy...but...What does this say?" He asked hesitantly, Handing her the schedule.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:13 pm

(no, he's not busy, but he's not smoking right now, either.)

Grace frowned a moment, but then remembered the thing that said he'd have to take reading class. She took the paper and read off.

"First period, History. Room 206.
Second period, English. Room 109.
Third period, Reading Learning Center. Room 113."
Fourth period, Lunch. Cafeteria."
Fifth period, Science. Room 217.
Sixth period, P. E. Gymnasium.
Seventh period, Study Hall. Room 104.
Eighth period, Math. Room 203.
Ninth period, Art. Room 110."


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:17 pm

"Ok. That's...That sounds ok...Uhm. Thank you." He smiled. He would be able to remember that. That was just a list...Like a list for groceries...if he could afford groceries... "Erm...Have a nice day." He left, map in hand and made his way to history. He sat down in a desk somewhere toward the centre of the room, hoping for...Well. Nothing bad to happen. If he could sit in a room , and not have the place set on fire...this would be an improvement from home.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:20 pm

He didn't pick his seat well, Mac was seated directly behind him.
And even if he told Skyler he didn't care about the guy talking to Trisha, he did care. Even if he was really gay.
He wadded up a piece of paper and shot it through a broken pen at the back of T. Mort's (sp?) head, a smirk on his face when it stuck to his hair.


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:22 pm

Jasmine got up and went into history. She sat next to a guy who was smirking. She kept her head down and sighed.

Justin watched people come into history and he let out a breath. He hated this. He hated it when people would ignore him.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:27 pm

T.Mor (there's no T at the end:) ) Turned around when he felt something hit the back of his head. He saw some...broken tube thing...and immediately knew who it was. He remembered his sister telling him that the administration frowned on violence at her school. He wondered if this was the same sort of thing. He didn't want to be in trouble though. No reason to cause trouble for a wad of paper...Right? "Erm. Why did you do that?" He decided to ask, instead.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:31 pm

(ahh, that makes sense xD)

"You talked to my girl," Mac said simply, shooting another one at the kid's face. "Trisha. You like her or something? Back off."


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:34 pm

Jasmine rolled her eyes and said "Leave the kid alone" She kept looking down. SHe hated those bad boy types.

Justin chuckled at the girls responce but kept facing foward.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:35 pm

"I'm sorry...I didn't know. You can have her...I mean...Yeah." T.Mor said somewhat...confused by the whole interaction.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:01 pm

Mac chuckled. "You think it's that simple, kid?"

He glanced over at the girl who had spoken and just shrugged and turned back to the boy with a smirk. "I said, do you think it's that simple? No, we're going to fight this out."


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:04 pm

"Oh. Ok." T.Mor stood, completely prepared to incapacitate him in the middle of history class. "I really don't care though...I mean....I don't even know her name..." T.Mor reiterated.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:10 pm

Mac's brow furrowed when the guy stood up. "Not here, idiot."


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:14 pm

"Oh. Ok..."T.Mor felt as though he was just a wind up toy with one preprogrammed phase. And that phrase was 'oh. Ok.' He should have realised that this was an inappropriate place for fighting...Not enough space. "Where then? I mean...ideally you'll just accept that I was clueless...but somehow, I don't see that happening...."T.Mor forced himself to articulate a full sentence.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:36 pm

is it ok if i join?

Name: Ginger
Gender: female
Age: 16
Grade: sophmore
Appearance: red-organish hair that is slightly wavey, brilliant green eyes, freckles. slightly taller than average and fit.
Personality: Hard working. But also nice and sweet. kinda playful and flirty at times.
Bio: She works hard to achive exlance in whatever she does. Spends most of her mornings before school running or swimming to keep in shape.
Other: She's dyslexic, but no one knows. She's kept it a secret because she see's it as a flaw.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:44 pm

(momo: sure)

"Clueless? I doubt it," Mac said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest.


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:49 pm

"Why? I am new. If you'd like to tell me how crap works around my guest. But until then...Erm. Don't be all mad when I defy parameters that I didn't know protocols had been set for yet." T.Mor said irritatedly.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Echo Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:52 pm


Name: Senet (pronounced "suh-nay")
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Junior
Appearance: On the taller side, longish blonde hair, shining blue eyes, excellent physique
Personality: Friendly, outgoing, loves to have a good laugh, isn't brought down easily, is optimistic
Bio: He grew up in a small town in Provence, a section of France. A friend started teaching him to speak English at age eight. (Perhaps he could be a foreign exchange student or something?)
Other: TV Tropes declares that Everyone Is Sexier If French. Also, he speaks with a French accent. You do the math Razz

There! So, uh, do I just join in much of the same manner that T.Mor did?))
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:33 pm

"Fine, I'll let you off the hook -- this time. Mostly because I realized I'm supposed to make out with that one chick later, so I won't have time to beat you up. But don't try me again, kid," Mac said.

(I like your charrie WD, lol. Yeah, just jump in! Grace is in the office, you could have him go in there to get his papers like T. Mor did. Or just have him wander, whatever you want)


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:34 pm

(also bringing in a guy)
Name: Max
Gender: male
Age: 17
Grade: senior
Appearance: Blond hair, pale skin, 5'9" and really fit.
Personality: Outgoing, nice and sweet. very helpful person and very active. Usually found in the weight room.
Bio: I dont know yet.
Other: n/a

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:37 pm

(Okay! Just pop him in anywhere, you know how it works Smile)


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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:39 pm

Ginger jogged to school, hated that she was running late. She never ran late. Stupid alarm clocks and going off late. She ran into the office to drop of her forms.

Max wandered around the court yard and sat down in the rising sun.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:39 pm

"uh. Ok...I'll just magically read people's minds to determine if they've ever met you or not. Makes sense..."T.Mor muttered more to himself than anyone else.

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Echo Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:40 pm

I entered the school, looking around. Office...I was supposed to find an office... Well, this looked like the main lobby, so the office couldn't have been too far away. I started heading down a wide hallway. Sure enough, I saw a sign leading to the place. I went inside, approaching the desk.
"Euh, 'ello?" I greeted/asked.
Winter Dragon

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Welcome to Highschool. - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Momo13 Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:42 pm

Ginger turned as someone else walked into the office behind her. "Hello." SHe greeted him sweetly.

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