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This is War!

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:50 pm

Deidra- still scowling

Tara smiled. "Hello. What were you fighting about?"


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:52 pm

Zordon glanced at Amber again, amused. "She seems to think that she can go fight demons."
"I can!"
"No you can't."
"Can too!"
"No -, " He cut off and looked back at Tara, his face turning red. Amber crossed her arm and pouted.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:06 pm

Tara chuckled as she watched them and shook her head. "What makes either of you think you can fight demons? You're just children." Deidra muttered.


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:15 pm

Zordon sighed as he took another look at Amber. "We've had training but I just don't think she could handle it."
Amber opened her mouth to reply, then slammed it shut and stormed off.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Ale J. Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:39 pm

(How do i jump in?)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:47 pm

(Shrugs* I don't know about Alyson but Amber can run into Ryan. *smiles* )))

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Ale J. Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:19 pm

Lol goodness! Are all your charries in love with him?! Haha its kind of wierd since Ryan is my least likable charrie...right next to Milena. Then in the end he turns good an BAM instant awesomeness)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:24 pm

((yep! Well, except the guys....)

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Ale J. Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:47 pm

(lol that would be....interesting)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Stark Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:10 pm

(Realish? AWESOME! I can work with that? Is it okay if I use charries from a book I haven't written yet? And OMFG Bells! Your avatar is Rukia and Ichigo!))

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:30 pm

((yes, corndog that's alright))

Tara watched the girl storm off, her brows raised with mild interest. It was funny almost, watching the two that is. They still seemed to have that youthful innosence. Not that she was one much to talk, she was only 18. But still. They had that innosence to them, the innosence of war that she had lost years ago.

Deidra frowned and rolled her eyes. Stupid, idiotic, and many other adjetives were running through her mind along those lines.


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Stark Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:39 pm

Name: Jacob "Jackel" Hicks
Age: 15
Job: Major in the USMC
Bio: Jacob was born into a world where vampires and werewolves have revealed themselves to the general public. The creatures expected to be treated like gods. By some they were by others they were not. One of those who did not lie down and obey was the United States of America. The vampires and werewolves also have a continuous war that has been going on for centuries. At age 6 Jacob was recruited into the USMC to be able to fight the vampire and werewolf menace. He is the best of the best. He can snipe a man from nearly two miles away, he is the world's best at hand to hand combat, and in assault situations his team has never failed a mission. Jacob is a super soldier for the humans and the last hope for mankind.

(That is the bio I have for him posted somewhere else I'm not saying he is mankinds only hope in this but in my book he will be)

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:48 pm

Zordon stared after Amber then shrugged, as much as he teased her she could take care of herself. "So what are you two doing here? I don't believe I've seen you around before."

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:54 pm

"We've been hired to take care of the Maltag that seem to be harrasing this place. At least, that's what we were told were here. Perhaps some ROUS's as well." Tara said. Deidra shot her a look. Why the frik was she telling him their mission?!

This is War! - Page 2 Starcr10
^ Maltag in my dic. of creepy deals, anything else that is introduced make sure you add a pic


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:05 pm

Zordon nodded solemnly. "Yeah, we've had a few people killed on hunts for the demon. Pretty nasty thing." He shuddered, remembering his on encounter with it.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:46 pm

Tara smiled at him and chuckled, "Not that bad compared to the Warg, or the Retts." She shrugged.
Deidra rolled her eyes, now Tara was just showing off. Not that there really was reason to, he was what? 17? She was 18! Deidra grabbed Tara by the arm. "Come on." She growled.

The Halespar brothers walked into town, a small girl (Amber) ran in Alex. He groaned as he looked down at her, "You alright?" Of course, he wasn't the one to be the most friendly out of the two, but still. He was pretty banged up from their journey here, so anything to keep him from getting hurt was a plus.

(Retts are the things on the front page and that v is a warg)
This is War! - Page 2 Warg1


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:11 pm

Amber stared up at him. "I'm fine." She glanced between the two and her brow drew together. "I should be asking if you're okay."

Zordon's eyes got huge. "You've fought all those things?"

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Stark Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:55 pm

(How can Jacob jump in?)

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:31 pm

Tara nodded with a gleam in her eye. "Well, ya. How else do you make a living?"

Alex looked at her and gave a small smile. "Ya, just wargs."
"Don't forget those nasty fire ants." Adam muttered, his pants still itching.
"Yes, well. That too. But that came after the wargs."
"Aye, but it still itches somethin' terrible."

((corndog, you can bring him in however))


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:37 pm

Zordon looked amazed, "Can you take me hunting? I've been with the village hunters but they don't face things like that......"

Amber laughed, "Fire ants can be terrifying." She teased. "Wargs ?" She asked in wonder. "You guys just fought wargs? "

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:44 pm

"Oi! They are!" Adam grumbled not liking the fact that while he was itching and buring along with his other wounds, she was taking jabs at him.
"Ah, yes. Yes we did. They came down just at the edge of The Range over on the east side." Alex said, trying his best to refrain from hitting his brother.

Deidra's eyes went wide and she looked at Tara. She better not agree.
Tara gave a small smile as she watched him. "Now why would a young lad like you, with so much ahead of him, want to go fight big baddies like those?"


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:50 pm

Zordon's eyes darkened. "My Dad was killed on a hunt when demons shower they didn't expect. I need to know what to do to protect Mum and Amber. We've both trained but I know there is tons the villagers don't know."

Amber covered a smirk at Adam's words. "That close?" Her voice was a little worried.

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:00 am

Tara felt a pang of empathy for the boy and nodded. "Alright, you can come."

Alex nodded. "Yes, caught us on the edge of the forest right where it meets the road. I don' think you'll be havin' much buisness for a while."


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Bells Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:08 am

Amber sighed, now Zordon would never leave her alone with close......"Its not like we had much business to begin with. " She grumbled.

Zordon grinned broadly, "Thank-you!"

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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:22 am

Alex chuckled as he watched the girl. "What's your name?"
Adam- itchy

Tara smiled and chuckled at his enthusiasem, though her eyes were slightly sad. At least he was a bit older than she had been her first time.


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This is War! - Page 2 Empty Re: This is War!

Post by Sponsored content

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