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It happened on Sunday morn'....

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:25 pm

Kala gasped, "Oh, thats terrible!" She held him tighter and patted his back. "You just cry, let it out. That isn't something that should be held bottled up. Isn't good for you."

Jackson glared at the nurse, his breathing heavy. "I'm fine, I-I- want to get out of here. I can't sit here any longer. Where the #### am I anyways? I-I can't remember!" His voice was taking on a panicing tone.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:29 pm

Lou frowned, it was obvious he was upset. She sighed and glanced down at her wheel chair and did her best to wheel over to him and put a gentle hand on his arm. "It's ok." She mouthed to him.

Luke clung to her, crying.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:36 pm

Jackson looked down at her and calmed a little, only a little. "T-the doctor asked if I knew you. Do I know you?" he felt like he was going to collapse, his head spinning. His shoulder was starting to show red through the hospital gown, it stung, but he really didn't notice in his desperate attempt to remember something.

Kala just held him, offering all the comfort she could.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:38 pm

Gabriel saw Angela and sighed. "101 maybe? Blame my horrid memory...." he swallowed and hoped she was doing better.

Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:14 am

Lou sighed. "Sit down." she mouthed and looked at him, then the bed before rolling over and grabbing a pen and paper. She scribbled on it. "You're my brother's best friend. My name is Lou." Then held him the pen and paper so he could write back.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:21 am

Jackson hesitated but sat down, "Lou's a nice name." He wrote back then paused "what's your brother's name?" He handed it back and rubbed his shoulder. Pulling his hand back when he felt something wet he frowned. His hand was lightly crimson, he was bleeding? Why was he bleeding? Jackson pulled the hospital gown down over his shoulder and was shocked to see it wrapped in bandages.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:24 am

His name was Jarred. Jarred Spindel. We were all in an accident. We were on our way back from celebrating my birthday. Lou scribbled and handed it back to him, watching him carefully. She hated seeing Jackson like this.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:35 am

Jackson starred at the paper for a moment, unable to really take it in. An accident? His hand trembled slightly as he wrote back. "How long ago? How old were you? Do we get along?" He had so many questions. He paused then wrote the most important one. "You said was?"

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:44 am

Lou looked at the paper and sighed, glancing back at him with tear filled eyes. She blinked them back furiously and began writing. Yes, we get along. Most days. The crash happened on Sunday, it's Wednesday now. I just turned 18 on Saterday, we spent the day in Vegas and where driving back when Jarred fell asleep at the wheel. The car jumped the meridian, and he got t-boned by a Sudan....he's dead Jackson. He died on contact. The doctors said you came over to make sure we were ok and a car got your back tire and sent you spinning into the crash.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:51 am

Jackson looked at the paper, sad that this man who was his friend had died. Upset that he couldn't find anymore sorrow than that, because he couldn't remember.
"Was Vegas fun?" He wrote finally, then paused for another important question. "What happened to you when the car crashed?"

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:54 am

Lou stared at the paper for a minute and then sighed and wrote Head trama and some minor breaks in my ribs. I can't hear now....and I'll never hear again. She glanced up at him and then back at the paper. Yes. It was fun. I have pictures in my room.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:58 am

Jackson looked at her, his eyes sad. "I'm sorry." He scribbled on the paper. "At least you had fun." He paused to rub his shoulder again. "What...what happened to me?"

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:08 am

Lou watched him and sighed and rolled, with difficulty, to the edge of his bed and grabbed the clipboard and set it in her lap before rolling back and handing it to him.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:14 am

Jackson read it slowly, twice, then a third time. Only a few words processing.
Head damage. Fractured skull. Broken ribs. Torn shoulder blade. Memory loss, amount seems to depend on the day. But he seems to always be missing something. Doesn't retain but few new memories.
"OK," he scribbled down eventually. "Is there anyone else I should know." He was trying to push the words from his mind, he couldn't take them right now.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:17 am

Lou looked at the paper and shook her head and looked back at him. She desperately wished he would remember. She could feel herself breaking. She felt so alone in all of this. Of course, those emotions were hidden well behind her mask of indifference.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:29 am

Jackson hesitated, his eyes sad still, "I'm sorry I don't remember." He wrote. "I wish I did. I already like you." As soon as they were on the paper he wanted to erase those embarrassing words, but the stupid eraser wouldn't work...

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:46 am

Lou placed her unwrapped hand on his and gave a small squeeze, a small, pathetic smile. "It's ok." She mouthed to him. She didn't know what to say. It wasn't like she could really "say" anything though.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:51 am

Jackson kept that hand in place bring the other up to rub his shoulder again. He didn't really know what to say now. Everything seemed beyond words. She was deaf...he couldn't remember anything. What was going to happen to them?

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:09 am

Lou watched him saddly and sighed. She took the pen and paper and began to scribble again, trying to ignore his last few words. It's going to be ok. I promise to come see you every day and help you remember. We're both gonna be stuck here for a we might as well get use to it.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:13 am

A small smirk tugged on the edge of his lips then turned into a smile. Taking the paper he wrote on word, "Thanks." That little promise she'd made meant the world to him, he wasn't sure how they would manage to bring his memory back. But he was willing to try.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:26 am

Lou looked at him and smiled, raising a brow. "You look like hell." she wrote down and smiled.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:31 am

Jackson smirked, "Why thank-you. You don't look to bad yourself." He handed the paper back to her with a smile and once again rubbed his aching shoulder.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:41 am

lou watched him, her eyes landing on his shoulder, her brow furrowing. "does it hurt? Should I get a doctor?" She quickly scribbled out on the pad and handed it to him.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Bells Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:44 am

"It's fine." He mumbled, then wrote down on the paper, leaving one hand in place so she wouldn't see the red below his fingers. He really didn't want any doctors. They would probably make him lay back down and stick all those tubes back in him. He eyed the tubes with annoyance.

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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:48 am

Lou smiled and burst into silent laughter at the look on his face. She shook her head, wincing as the pain raced through her sides, but she couldn't help it. He looked ridiculous.


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It happened on Sunday morn'.... - Page 2 Empty Re: It happened on Sunday morn'....

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