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The Disability Chat

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The Disability Chat Empty The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:25 pm

Inspired by Peter's blindness post-DDS, I bring you the Disability chat.

- As a result of...Something...Your Character has aquired some kind of disability. (You are free to decide whether this something was chat related, for example: Peter's blindness from DDS or... a complete noodle incedent. Your choice.)
- They have been transferred into this rehabilitation centre (Complete with Psychiatric as well as Physical Therapy, as necessary) from...whatever hospital or...lack of hospital in their own universes. As gaping wounds or floor gore...unless someone splits their stitches.
- If you are checking in here it should be as a result of either a permanent Physical disability (Paralysis in some form...etc, etc) Some kind of sensory disability (Deaf, Mute, Blind...Mr.Face, you do not qualify because of your skillz...) or some kind of severe mental disability (Schizophrenia, DID(aka MPD), PTSD, Hallucinations, Addictions...The list kind of goes on here.). All other will be determined on a case by case basis, based on whether you can afford the rooming fees and whether or not you are problematic enough to be interesting.
-There will be group therapy. Have fun with that.

Character sheet:
Previous chats?:
Brief summary of aquisition of disability:
Misc. other:

Name: T.Morbid Namechov
Previous chats?:Yep. DDS, ~CC~, erm..TCR...He's all over the place.
Appearance:Ya'll know this already. Pale, underfed, black hair...etc, etc.
Disability: Paralysed from waist down. Probably already diagnosed with PTSD.
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: bored. T.Mor was in trouble...You do the maths.
Misc. other: Ellipsis are almost as common in his speech as real words.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:33 pm

Name: Peter
Previous chats?: First sighted in ~CC~, has been in CC!!!!, DDS, many places
Age: 16
Appearance: Y'all know this. Shaggy brown hair that hangs in...where his eyes used to be, average height, has fair skin, very physically fit, has lean muscles
Disability: it's been mentioned
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: Mr. Face gouged out his eyes with a tuning fork in DDS.
Misc. other: N/A

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:13 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:42 pm

Character sheet:
Name: Delilah kollan
Previous chats?: TiB
Age: 17
Appearance: wavy strawberry blonde hair, gentle blue eyes, fair pale skin, short and curvy. Has scares that are both self inflicted on her wrists and scares given to her by her father
Disability: hallucinates about her best friend (kyle) who left her. Will hold conversations with him
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: on her 16th birthday she snuck out to see her best friend. She went to his house and realized that he had moved away. The trama of not having anyone who cared about her caused her to go crazy enough that she hallucinated about him still being there.
Misc. other: started cutting herself to deal with emotional pain she was in.

Character sheet:
Name: April White
Previous chats?: I don't think so..
Age: 15
Appearance: white blonde, shoulder Length wavy hair. Pale blue eyes and pale skin. Light pink lips.
Disability: mute.
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: um...depends if she is aloud to have her power in this chat or not
Misc. other:

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:45 pm

Name: Cricket
Previous chats?: CC!!!!!, DDS, various ME chats, ton of places.
Age: 14
Appearance: Must I say? Shaggy black hair that hangs in his eyes, slender and shorter than most people he comes across, amber eyes, ect ect
Disability: deaf
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: Gunfire next to his ear. KABLOOM. *nothingness*
Misc. other:
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:47 pm

Name: October Develyn Ryans Tyler Aldric AKA Wolf
Previous chats?: Walk Through Hell, DDS, CC Jr
Age: 20
Appearance: tallish, around 5'6''. fair skin, lightly freckled across her nose. Dark blue eyes, sort of steel-ly. Dark brown, almost black, slightly wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders in layers. She wears a light white dress that goes to just above the knee and a guy's forest green sweatshirt with tan fuzz inside.
wolf - jet black fur, icy blue eyes. sort of built like a fox and a wolf combined. long and sleek, but slightly muscled and powerful
Disability: severely depressed, to the point of suicide contemplation
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: Alex, husband and soul mate, dies somehow and she's a newly descovered dreamweaver so she cant control her powers well. Gave up Maka and Luke in a moment of clarity to Marley, which didn't help the situation.
Misc. other: erm. werewolf/dreamweaver. mother of Luke and Maka. Mother was Grace Draumur, the mother of Adrian (ende's charrie), who remarried Matthew Ryans (her father) - a wolf with a power block ability. Parents died protecting her from Dorian Aldric Sr (father of Alex and Dorian) and gave her up for adoption, where she was taken in by the Tylers. Six years old, her father's power block wore out for her wolf side and she killed Maine and Paul Tyler, running away to live as a wolf for three years.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:35 am


I stared blankly at the registration forms. Uhm. What did they say? I didn't know anyone who could tell me either. And...anyway, I was alone. In some kind with a desk. It was all..clean. Like...It smelled clean.

And the nice lady who'd shown up at the monorail stop hadn't looked like a psychopath.

Oh right. The papers. I looked at the lady at the desk. Maybe she could help with this. "uhm..." I raised my hand, remembering that one time when I went to school.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I can't...I can't read..." I informed her nervously. I felt kind of odd because I was like...15 feet away from her and saying that. I should have moved up to the desk.

I didn't know how to make my chair roll like that nice non-psychopathic lady had done. So...I just...stayed where I was.

"Ah...Come on over and I'll help you get all checked in." She was so nice. Everyone had been so nice so far. It was like...The polar opposite of Auda.

"How?" I asked, feeling like an idiot.

"You've never been in--" She seemed surprised, and then made another face. "Uhm...Where did you transfer from?" She asked, coming around from behind her desk, and sitting down in a chair next to me.

"Auda...Uhm...My house..." I don't know why I felt like I ought to mention my house specifically, but...I did.

She made a face in response to that, and we took like 45 minutes filling out paperwork. There were wierd questions like...'Name of Pediatrician' and 'current medications' on there. I wasn't sure what pediatrician was...and got told that Caffiene wasn't a medication.

"And by the way...The brakes are here..." She mentioned as she pulled two levers on the side of my chair. We were going to my room...Where I Right.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:08 am

I walked in slowly behind my father. This was where he was sending me? Some wack job place? He had to be of his cruel twisted jokes. 

When I would walk to slow, my father would reach back and grab my sore wrist. He tugged forwards, the jerky movement sending a wave of pain through me. But it did get me to move faster.

We arived in the lobby. He started filling out paper work, and I stood in q corner with my hood pulled up to cover my face. Kyle stood next to me, a worried look on his face.

"I dont like the look of this place," he admitted softly. "it won't be good for you."

"I know, Kyle, but at least it's an escape from my father." I reminded him softly. He nodded to that as my father continued on paperwork for me.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:18 am


I wasn't really sure how it happened... I hadn't even known where I was for most of it--a combination of the blindness and the bloodloss. But however it happened, here I was, my legs, bad arm, and eye-sockets patched up and mending.

I couldn't remember her name at the moment...which was unfortunate considering all she'd done for me thus far. I'd tried to protest; I hadn't wanted to trouble her. She hadn't wanted to hear any of it. Why is it that people never seem to listen when I deny their help...?

She left a short while ago. I thanked her profusely, of course. So now it was just me and the secretary filling out the paperwork--and when I say that, I mean that I was dictating everything to her. Since...well.

When we finished with that, I was guided...somewhere. I hated this... I had no idea where anything was. It felt like I was in the middle of a void that stretched on forever, a void that consisted of only me and the guide.


...I was never going to see again.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:20 am


I think . . . they called it paperwork. Something I'd heard of but never seen, like that pot of gold at the end of a rainbow . . . except there was no gold. Just thinly sliced wood with ink on it. I looked over to Crick, who was staring at the paper as well, in his own little world. I whistled to him, as if suddenly he might change his mind and decide to hear again. Nothing.

"May I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Ah...aye..." I said hesitantly, holding up the papers. She nodded, and I trailed up to the desk. "I, ah...I can't read." Cue sheepish smile.

"Oh. Well let me help you with that." She said, and I set the papers in front of her. "Name?"


"Last name?"

"None," I said. She looked at me a moment before taking a pen out of a cup. "Oh, ah, wait. It's not for me . . . ah. It's for 'im, I'm ah . . . I'm 'ere for 'im." I looked around for Cricket, who I discovered was right behind me. "Ah . . . 'e can't read, either, and . . . 'e can't 'ear. Cricket White's 'is name."

I heard the pen scratch against the paper, making little swoopy lines. Filling out the rest of the blank spaces was tedious.

"Birth date?"

"Well, if 'e's fourteen . . . I'm assuming fourteen years ago?"

"Social security number?"

"Well, ah . . . I kinda like th' number three."


" . . . that's English, right?"

"Is he on any medication?"

"" I winced, hoping I hadn't answered that question wrong, too. I didn't study for this.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:44 am


We pulled up in front of a room with a number on it. I couldn't tell you what number it was...but...I knew it was a number. The lady who had driven me back here opened a the door, walked in, walked back out, and closed it again.

"What...Uhm...Is everything...ok?" I asked hesitantly.

"That room is undergoing scheduled maintenence...We'll just put another bed in next door for now..." She explained to me calmly.

And then I was rolling in reverse. That was kind of freaky. She stopped again, and this time excecuted some kind of complex reversing manouvere to get me through the door and into the room in a maneagable way. There were two beds in there at the moment, and she'd mentioned pulling in another one. It would fit, no problem...although...getting around the rooms on wheels with a third bed was going to be a challenge...

Curtains could be pulled on either side of each bed, but...I didn't know why they were there. "If you need anything, there's a button right here...Just...push it and someone will come." She told me, pointing to a button resting on the bed.

"Ok." I said, just kind of...overwhelmed by the clean...and the...tree outside the window...I didn't even notice the little yellow plastic bracelet she slipped on my wrist until after she'd left the room.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:58 am


This was it. They were going to lead him away. Oh bother, that sounded like a prison sentence, get a grip . . . and we couldn't talk, well, not normally. So as a goodbye, we were just sort of staring at each other.

I tried to overexaggerate what I was saying, hand gestures and all, so maybe he could read my lips. "I'll miss you. Good. Bye." I smiled sadly and waved.

He smiled sadly and waved back, and then opened his mouth to say something. He seemed to chew on his words a bit before talking. It sounded slower than usual, and unsure, but at least it was there. ". . . Don't . . . ah, get into too much trouble. I will break out o' 'ere . . . t' bail you out."

And that was the end of it.


Ever heard the saying that you don't know what you've got til it's gone? . . . Aye.

I felt blind. I'd never realised how much I relied on hearing. Music, whistling, talking, walking . . . my ears were my eyes and everything else. Now that Finn was gone, too . . . it was a whole different world, believe me. Now I was being lead to a room. The halls were too bright, too clean. But I couldn't cover it up with my hair. I would run into something . . . but it was just so bright. I couldn't hear my footsteps, or sounds bouncing off the walls, just nothingness. This wasn't the same silence as when you're the only one awake in a house and all you can hear is your own breathing. No. This was dead silence. I hated it. Oi my my, I hated it to hell, and now I would live with it.

And ah, here was my room. Pale walls, a couple beds. It was brighter than noontime in there. But wait, there was someone else in that room. I hesitated a moment before speaking. Or at least . . . I think I was speaking. I hoped I sounded normal. All I knew was that my lips were moving in a familiar fashion. "T.Mor?"

Oi my my.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:09 am


I heard the sound of a door opening. My guide walked me in and stuck something in my hand.

"There you are," she said. "If you need anything, have one of your roommates push the call button."

"Er, thanks," I said awkwardly. I heard her depart, the door closing behind her.

The thing she'd placed in my hand... I didn't have to see to know what it was; the weight and balance were enough. It was a cane.

I threw it down in frustration and disgust.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:18 am


I could have watched that tree all day. Like...seriously. It was so...soothing...or something. Colourful. And then more people came in the room. I turned at the first opening of the door. Cricket? What was Cricket doing here? "Cricket? What are you doing here?...And..." Wait...I could see his eyes. That...that was odd. "You have eyes..."Not what I meant to say. But...uhm...

The door opened again, and Peter was in the room as well. He threw a white stick at the floor. "Erm...Peter?" I asked. I had a not so vague idea about why Peter was here..."Uhm...It's T.Mor..." I told him.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:25 am


I just smiled a little, trying to watch his mouth move and make eye contact at the same time. Then he looked somewhere else. I followed his gaze over my shoulder. Oh . . . "...Peter." I found that if I touched the base of my throat, I could tell if I was actually talking or not.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:30 am


Cricket and T.Mor? What were they doing here?

"Er...hi..." I said awkwardly. I probably would've greeted them more enthusiastically if I weren't so confused.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:35 am


"Hi..." Well...I kind of...knew why Peter would be here...But Cricket...No idea. "Erm...Cricket...Why are you here?" I asked. "I mean...If I'm allowed to ask...I mean..." Yeah. I was articulate today.

My back hurt.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:44 am


Peter's lips stopped moving. I looked back over to T.Mor in his chair . . . it looked like he'd been talking to me for a small while, the way he was watching me expectantly.

Oh bother.

"Ah . . ." I wasn't sure if I said it or thought it. I think I said it. Oi my my . . . I wouldn't hear anyone's voice again.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:02 am


Well...That...That wasn't an answer. It was just a noise. I didn't know if I should repeat the question or not...Maybe he hadn't heard me. I mean...I wasn't entirely sure why he was here yet. "Why are you here?" I repeated.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:08 am


C'mon, read lips, read lips . . . who was I kidding? When I looked at people I looked at eyes, not lips . . . I tried anyway, feeling the base of my throat. "I, ah . . . I can't, um."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:10 am


That...Wasn't really an answer...At all... "Uhm...What do you mean 'you can't'?" I asked. He sounded kind of...odd...Like...His phrasing was different or something.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:12 am


"Er, yeah, what's wrong, Cricket?" I asked. "And, uh, same to you, T.Mor..."

What had happened to them after...that time? Where had they gone, and why were they here now?
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:17 am


I hesitated. I didn't know why it was so hard for me to say . . . other than the obvious reason. I'd rather they didn't know anything was wrong. But going on like this wouldn't work. I tapped my ear before bringing my hand to my throat again. "I can't 'ear, mate."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:22 am


"Oh." I said all...shocked. That kind of explained why I could see his eyes. "That...really sucks Cricket..."

Oh. Right. Me...Uhm. Peter had asked about me. "Uh...Er..." I wanted to bring my knees to my chest. Of course...that...that was impossible. "I At... Work. Erm." I stated. "I'm not...I'm not walking again...we don't think..." Me, Riddle and Ana had reached that conclusion about a week ago.

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:25 am


...Oh... That...that was... I didn't know how to respond to that...

"That's horrible..." I managed softly.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:37 am


And once again, I was lost in the conversation. It was like looking at a photo of someone. They're there, but you just can't . . . talk. I really wanted to talk. I needed to hear a human voice that wasn't my own thoughts. What if one day I forgot what people sounded like? And music . . . oi my my, I would miss music.

I gathered from T.Mor's expression that he was explaining how he ended up . . . well. That was horrible . . . he was my friend, and I was glad he was around, but not around here . . . in a chair. "I'm so sorry," I thought I said.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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