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The Disability Chat

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:29 am


I did some kind of shrug kind of thing. Of course...Peter couldn't see that...What to say...what to say. "Uhm... Yeah..." I stated uselessly. Peter had made a pretty...accurate assessment of my situation. Horrible. "I...I don't...really...know home is going to" And I had probably lost Cricket now, if I hadn't already.

I felt like lying down. Not because I was tired, but because sitting like this was actually hurting. Fixing an injury to your spine with stitches, duct tape and a clothespin...I'm guessing was not the most...uhm...scientific way to do it. And so...I was in pain.

I wondered how I was suppoused to actually get into the bed. I guess that's what the button was for.

I unlocked my brakes, and clumsily realigned myself to get close enough to reach the button without having to move too much. After a few minutes I managed to get the button, and relocked my brakes after I pressed it.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:31 am

I was...getting help. So I could...I don't know. The future seems so far off. I can't imagine doing anything. I can't even decide if I want to sleep all day or just not and avoid my memories that want to haunt me. It got to the point where reality feels like my nightmare, and my dreams are where I want to live. Even if that ends in the same way reality did. I was...going to get better. He wouldn't want to see me this way. And our kids... They wouldn't grow up without their mother. I couldn't do that to Marley...

Slightly frantic and flustered thoughts, blazing through my head in a mere second as the nurse took me down the hall and to my room. Frail arms go around my stomach, curling in my sweatshirt to the point of my knuckles turning white. On my back is the backpack of things that managed to go through inspection, which they deemed safe enough.

We enter a room. I hear the nurse talking but I don't pay attention, and she catches onto that fact with a small look of annoyance as she leaves me. I don't care. This is the nightmare right now. My world is all in my dreams. But I can't decide if I want to sleep or avoid the memories. I just stare at the bed, the only part of my new 'home' that I take in.

Carefully, as if this reality might suddenly turn nightmarish and the floor drop from under me, I walk over and sit. My backpack slips off just as slow, staying on the corner of the bed. My life raft of safety, everything else is an angry sea. I pull my legs up and curl up, resting my head on the soft pillow that smells of detergent. Eyes open, not sleeping, but really wanting to lose myself in my dreams again. Just to see him. One last time, I keep telling myself. A million times over.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:46 pm

Mom and I walked into the rehab center. So this was the next place she was shipping me off. Since the school for troubled teens didn't work, this was her next option. 

What other choice did she have? I was her mute teenager who killed her own brother. He was the only one I would talk to willingly, and now I had no one.

I rung my drum sticks in my hand as she walked to the front desk and started to fill out my paperwork. The secretary started to talk to me, asking me questions about what happened and I just stared at her blankly. 

She sighed to me and said good-by to my mother. She led me down the hall to a room for me to stay in. 

At least this was better than being a 'survivor.'

I was led into a room, my room I guess. The nurse and I passed a white haired, scared looking girl. She didnt seem to like or dislike this situation yet. 

"Why do you think she is here?" Kyle asked me as we walked. 

I shrugged back to him and looked over to her. Her pain lips were in a firm line, not smiling yet not frowning. She looked...broken. As if something was wrong but she was trying everything in her power to hide it. Her blue eyes were sad and cold, her blond hair messy and her cheeks were faintly stained with tears.

"Insanity?" Kyle guessed.

"Maybe." the lady showing me to my room just looked at me as i spoke, but I ignored her.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:10 pm

Can I join? Just in case I can...

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Previous chats?: Uh geez... Walk Through Hell... CC... Daycare... TCR... CBR... ect. she's a chat hog. She's been in most chats
Age: 14
Appearance: Long, dirty blonde hair. Hazel eyes. Super short.
Disability: Mute, plus she has an undiagnosed emotional issue. It's something that occurs in habui very rarely, due to the emotional unbalance of their powers, when met with some overwhelming barrage of emotion. Basically, she's homicidal and depressed and all sorts of other emotions at the same time, so she'd probably go on some murder rampage then commit suicide. Good news? There are meds for it. Bad news? They take away her powers. Really bad news? ...They also take away all of her emotions.
Brief summary of aquisition of disability: She bit off her tongue when being tortured by Mr Face, plus some events that happened afterward, including the brutal death of her brother Alex
Misc. other: Eh... nothing you guys don't already know


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:27 pm

Woot! I'm not the only one insane enough to play a mute!

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:29 pm

Hehe. Sorry, I'm not like, copying, I swear. Her injury happened way back when in DDS, and I planned on using it way before I saw your charrie


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:57 pm

I glanced over my shoulder at Marley, curled up in a waiting room chair, and drugged so she wasn't a danger to herself and others, as I walked across the room to the desk. The woman behind the desk looked up at my gray, lifeless eyes
"Name please?" She asked gently, and I grimaced
"I'm here to check my sister in, actually" I explained in a voice as dead as the look in my eyes. She hesitated a moment, as if debating, then nodded
"What's her name?"
"Marley... Thomas" I lied, deciding she really didn't need any ties to the family right now, just in case... The secretary paused, entering it in some database, before handing me a stack of paper
"Fill those out and return it to the desk, please" I walked back to where Marley was, and sat in a chair next to her, silently filling out the forms. A while later I returned the completed paper, and the secretary went over them
"Oh, yes, we have medication for this patient already prepared. Do you want me to bring her to her room?" I found myself shaking my head, suddenly feeling protective. But I was too late to suddenly play the protective brother. About fourteen years too late, hmm? She gave me the room number, and I sighed, walking back to the waiting area and picking Marley up as carefully as a little porcelain doll. Then I began walking down the hall, looking for her room.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:18 pm


I watched Peter, who couldn't watch back, and T.Mor, whose lips were still moving soundlessly, and felt completely useless. If I just watched them talk, maybe it would click, and then I would hear, in my mind, but . . . all it lead to was frustration. I don't! Know what! You're saying! Was this what it was going to be like, every day, all the time? I would have much rather been blind.

At least we were together, aye? Better struggling together than alone, aye? We could get through this . . . aye? I wished someone would tell me that. Or . . . show me that. All I saw right then was T.Mor painfully reaching for a button on a bland metal bed, and I didn't want to see that. In fact, I shook my hair in my eyes, saying "Oi my my."

That . . . that didn't have the same ring to it, when all I got out of it was a vibrating feeling in my throat.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:28 pm

I found her room, and managed to open the door. There was a doctor already in there, and I stiffened. I didn't particularly trust doctors... but at this point, what other options were there? I set her on a bed, and he injected a long needle into her arm.
Quite honestly, I didn't want to think about what was in that needle, because I knew. Without another word, I turned and left my sister alone. Almost a pattern, I suppose. But why was I just starting to feel guilt? Was it because of what happened to Alex? Because I couldn't help him, either? All I could think about was him, laying in a pool of his own blood... I left the building as fast as I possibly could, as if trying to escape the memories.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:36 pm

I walked down the halls slowly, my drum sticks close to my chest. My mom had left me, alone in the world. And it was mostly my fault. I was the one who killed him. I am the reason he isn’t here any more.
Sure, if we weren’t kidnapped, it wouldn’t have happened then, but it would happen later. He would have died for me, no matter what. My own brother, died in that fight, because of me. Most of them died because of me. My brother, Brad, Kat, Gavin… I ruined so many lives. Why was I still living? Why did she alow me to live?
I found my room and walked in slowly. A doctor was already there and greeted me with a big smile.
“Hello sweetie. How are you today? What is your name?” she chirped happily to me. I glared at her and grabbed my pad of paper and wrote out:
“I’m awful. April White.” I showed her the paper and she nodded.
“By choice.” I tossed the piece of paper on a bed and sat down. My arms were braced on my knees and I looked at the ground. I missed Danny.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:52 pm

My eyes fluttered open, my mind foggy. For a long while, all I did was lay there until the aftereffects of the drugs wore off. I didn't know how I got here, or what this place was. The last thing I remembered was screaming and crying, at the same time, as my power blazed out of control... why? It didn't matter. But that world, that world of such rage and sorrow... seemed alien to me.
I sat up, deciding that the fact I seemed to have no emotion would probably be scary usually. But once again... I just didn't care. I tried to swallow, and found this exceedingly difficult due to my lack of tongue. Hm. I stood, looking around the medium sized hospital like room. There was another girl there. I looked at her for a couple of seconds, then closed my eyes. Everything was so... empty. Like the void of space. Absolutely nothing. I couldn't even recall what emotions felt like. Opening my eyes, my feet carried me out to the hall, just because they could.
Stretching felt good on my body after being drugged out for so long, so I turned down the hall and kept walking.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:12 pm


I heard Cricket's 'Oi my my'. I didn't want him to worry about me...He had his own stuff to worry about. "Cricket...I'm Fine..." I tried to be all...enunciate-y for him, so then maybe he could read my lips. "I'm fine...Really..." I repeated, trying to shove the pain in my back out of my mind.

Some guy came in in Really clean blue. "You called?" He asked the room.

I was quiet for a minute. "um. I...I need help..." I muttered. It was surprisingly difficult to say that. I mean...yeah. "I want to...I want to lie down..." I stated.

"Oh. Of course." He said lightly, as though this was completely normal. He grabbed another remote thingy, with lots of buttons on it, and the bed started to lower itself. That...That was pretty cool. I had to admit.

He walked over towards me. "Here...Let me help." He removed the thing that kept my legs from dragging on the ground, and I heard my feet hit the floor. I kind of wished I could have felt that. It was like... I could see them...I could hear them...I could touch them..But...They were like...made of plastic or something. I couldn't feel them. At all.

The guy in blue then put both his hands under my arms, and pulled me up out of my chair. I ended up clinging to his shoulders for dear life...And then I was sitting on the bed, and he was standing again. I leaned over and undid my combat boots, fighting with my feet momentarily before he helped me with that too. I pulled my legs onto my bed all by myself though. I'd had practice doing that. Like...3 days worth of practice.

He gave me back the remote, and showed me how all the buttons worked before leaving.

This was the best bed ever. It felt tonnes better on my back than that chair. Like...It was amazing. I fiddled with the buttons enough to get me into a semi- sitting position.

I smiled at Cricket. I was being reassuring. Like...I was happy with my bed...Don't happy too? I hoped...

"Uhm..." I didn't really know what to say now.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:22 pm


I heard lots of movement... The shifting of fabric, a few small grunts from T.Mor, the sound of a machine... I could get a good feel for where everything was, just reminded me of the fact that I couldn't see it happening.

No more blue skies or sunsets... No more art. No more night skies filled with stars. No more colors. No more friendly smiles.

...Just blackness.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:30 pm


It was really easy to slip into my own world like this. All I had to do was the hair thing, and everything was shut out. But see . . . then I felt guilty, shutting them out like that, and so I looked up to see T.Mor smiling at me. T.Mor, smiling. Well, that was a blessing. I smiled back. I'm fine, really.

I ambled over to the bed next to his and plopped down, half-expecting that satisfying fwump.

There was no fwump. It was the oddest sensation. I could feel the fwump, but otherwise the air was dead. I stared down at my hands, and after a moment of hesitation drummed a short beat on the mattress. Nothing. I felt my throat again. "I'll 'ave t' get used t' that." It felt like my voice was quieter than it might have been before . . . this, but if I went any louder I was afraid I would be too loud. I couldn't tell.

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Regret Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:46 pm

((Is it okay if I join this chat?))

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:50 pm


I kind of wondered 'used to what?' for a moment. and then I realised, wait. He can't hear anything. Voices..sounds...little random tapping of rain in a bucket on the floor of your room...none of that.

That must've been really freaky.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:57 pm


I sighed, staring down at the mattress for another moment before absentmindedly glancing out the door. There was someone walki-- Oi my my! I was off the bed in one swift motion and out the door.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:01 pm

Suddenly, there was this boy about my age running at me. Oh. It's Cricket. I stopped walking, and watched him run to reach me.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:04 pm


I watched Cricket run out the door, Probably having seen someone else he knew or something. I kind of wished I hadn't just gotten in bed now so that I could have at least tried to follow.

Instead, I just...sat...and wondered why there was a shrinebox stuck to the wall. "Peter...It seems like there's a shrinebox stuck to the wall..." I mentioned uncertainly, staring at it.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:06 pm

I watched as the other girl left me.
I’m alone in the universe…so alone in the universe.
The song played in my mind and caused a tear to roll down my cheek. I kept hoping Danny would come back. He has to! He always does. He always comes back to me.
But he wasn’t this time. or any other time. He was dead. And I would just have to face that fact.
Another silent sigh escaped me and I got up. I went to the door and left the room. My feet took me down a hall. Then another, and another and another. Until I was totally lost. 

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:09 pm


"Marley!" I hoped I wasn't being too loud. This whole situation was bittersweet. I lowered my voice a little, chewing on my words before continuing. She seemed distant. ". . .What're you . . . doing 'ere?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:13 pm

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I mouthed the words anyway
'Why wouldn't I be here?' Not that I was curious... but if I wasn't here, where would I be? I was just... here. Not that I knew how I got here, though.


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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:22 pm


I replayed the movement of her lips in my mind over and over, trying to puzzle it together. Oh bother, I was horrible at this. 'Because I . . .' no, that didn't fit. 'Why wouldn't I be here.' That didn't seem like something Marley would say. I tried a few other phrases and gave up. "What . . . 'appened?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Echo Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:22 pm


" there?" I asked. "I mean...I don't think we're in Auda, or anything...and where did Cricket go?"

I'd heard him spontaneously run out, though I hadn't known why.
Winter Dragon

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The Disability Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: The Disability Chat

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:26 pm


"It's like this big box with a screen...but it doesn't have a handle or any knobs...just some freaky buttons...And...You aren't suppoused to stick shrineboxes to walls...So...I dunno. I just...kinda really looks like one I guess." I answered his first question. "Cricket saw someone outside...and ran to to him or her...I couldn't really see from here..." I explained, still trying to see through the door from where I was lying on my bed.

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