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Storytelling Empty Storytelling

Post by Spiral Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:31 pm

This is a post based of my story *looks back and sees Kid pointing a gun at me* that I am posting by my own free will.

Ok this is how the world works:
1.) There are five areas of the world total; Plains, Mountains, Forest, Desert, and Ocean. Each part of these areas have there own season. Example: There is a Winter Forest at the far North and South, a Tropical forest at the center and...New Englandy forest everywhere else.
1a.) Think of this as a mid-evil world

2.) There are demons in this world, and they are usually based off animals because I have no creativity. All Demons have a human form but they most demons run on instinct so they kill first and ask questions never. There are demons that can talk to you but if you are human or a half demon, your a walking sandwich to them.

3.) Humans- In this world but physically speaking they are weaker than demons. And because we KNOW that the human species..."dance"... with EVERYTHING there are half breads, however they aren't accepted into either Demon or Human society so they usually A) Die young or B) Get strong and MAKE people accept them. There are more than just A & B i just don't feel like writing more options.

4.) Swords- this is a big part of Storytelling. Swords are with the child as they are born, you could call them solidified life-force if you like, and each person's sword give them a power. If you don't have a sword Congratulations! Your basically useless, well your bait in some person's eyes. You can melt the sword down to form something different, such as a spear or a piece of armor. A sword that doesn't have an owner is a nothingness white. When you grab a sword you, it is consumed by color and you get a new power! HURRAY! But you can't just keep using powers like your the next coming of Jesus or something. You have a limited power bar and if your power bar runs out you can still use the power....except it will kill you. If you want to get into details, broadswords or Katanas, your preference.

5.) Tattoos- Once you pick up a sword a tattoo appears on your right wrist. The more you use your power the more the tattoo grows slowly consuming your body. Now this is where the species kind of differ in the powers and tattoos.
-Human- When your tattoo consumes your body before your 18, you die and your body roams the earth as a ghoul, or gluttony if you like, a mindless killing machine that will just keep killing and eating and killing. Now when your above the age of 18 you can fight off the tattoo's corruption and stay alive, but if you can't you get turned into a ghoul AND i give you a special name because you just failed at life, literally.
-Demons- When your tattoo consumes your body you have a more difficult time fighting off the corruption but if you succeed you turn into a Devil, DAMNIT THERE IS A DIFFERENCE! If you don't fight off the corruption you become a ghoul and I give your ghoul a cute anime Lolita name.
-Half-breads or "mutts"- If you beat off the corruption you turn into a half-devil. If you don't your tattoo recedes and you start becoming suicidal and possible homicidal.

6.) Devils- A devil is when a demon fights a tattoo and wins! You lose your animal characteristics and gain bat-like wings, sharp claws, horns, and a natural power to manipulate humans. Devils also achieve eternal youth when they complete the transformation, so don't be fooled by a little 10 year old girl...she could be your grandmother....if your grandfather was pedo-bear that is...Most devils are at the head of a human village or city and are almost always in human form. Most Devils can only increase their powers by killing other devils and consuming their blade(s), so if a human war is going on its because a Devil has found another Devil and if getting power hungry.

7.) Angels- Yes there are angels but they aren't , They are cold blooded killing machines. Or if you want to look at it like this, their the reset button for the gods. Currently there are some rogue angels in the desert and they only come out at night. You can kill one if you have two or three powerful allies but Angels are rarely far from each other, so if you find yourself confronted by one...

8.) Other notable monsters- Ogres are a very deadly foe. Standing about 10ft tall, they have no mystic power whatsoever and a 5 year old can out smart them. BUT they have the physical strength of a full bodied tattooed demon and skin as hard as iron. Their chest, arms, and head are large and muscular but their legs are small and malformed, so they move using there knuckles, like an ape! except bigger....and meaner...and...mentally incapable of anything like eating a banana...


i'll probably edit this post to add more stuff that Kid will say "Dude! What the fuck? your forgot this that and another thing! AND THE KITCHEN SINK!"...fucking sinks....

Last edited by Spiral159 on Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:53 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Spiral Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:45 am

Name: Ross Spiral
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Average Height, medium length dark blue hair, wears black pants and a white shirt, carries one sword and has a faint purple glow around him.
Power/Species: Corrupted Human
Personality: Kind yet cold
Bio:(Optional) Was taken as a child by a being named Corruption. Freed himself stealing a piece of his soul. He now looks for his twin sister who has also freed herself stealing the rest of Corruption's soul but was driven kind of mad and unpredictable by it.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Echo Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:08 pm

Name: Saerath (Saer)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Tallish; willowy form; pin-straight, black hair that hangs to lower back--side bangs combed to her left; red eyes; uber uber pale skin; wears dark colors
Power/Species: Raven demon with a small bit of human in her
Personality: You'll find out Razz
Bio:(Optional) Um...I'll get back to you
Other:(Optional) She has two swords--one normal sword (a katana) and one gauntlet. The sword gives her water control and the gauntlet gives her short range teleportation (think Blink spell...or Nightcrawler from the X-Men).

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Invisimort Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:39 pm

Name: Teirah
Appearance: Slender and rather petit in build. The hair: Is actually rather rigid, and each strand is actually quite wide in diameter. It does stand straight up. It is black at the roots and fades to a bony white at the tips. Otherwise, she is pale with brown eyes.
Power/Species: Porcupine demon.
Personality: Rather...dare I say...Prickly? Somewhat... abrasive...Thorny.
Other:(Optional)ELEMENTAL TRANSMUTATION FOR THE WIN. ...It's kinda like alchemy...

Last edited by Invisimort on Wed Aug 31, 2011 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Kid.Icarus Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:59 pm

Name: Ares
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: On the Taller side, but not very tall. Thin build, but not weak. Black, shaggy, feather-like hair. Pale Gray-Blue eyes. Olive Skin.
Power/Species: Mostly Crow Demon, with some human.
Personality: Meh.. we'll see
Bio: Not much.. dead brother.
Other: Has a broken White blade strapped to his back, it's his brother's old sword. He has twin shortswords, which can Manipulate memories. He also has Arm and Shin guards, which control the wind.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Bells Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:17 am

Eh, I would have rather made the charrie when you were online but Its so much easier to do on the computer so...I'll see what I can do.

Name: Myra Torre
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: She is around 5'1" and has a pretty small build. Her hair a rusty red color and her eyes an amber color. Pale and delicate looking.
Power/Species: Um uh....Timber-wolf demon.
Personality: Um, we'll see.
Bio: same, idk
Other: Myra has four daggers in place of her sword, her power is immortality.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Spiral Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:39 pm

You have all entered the forest for some reason or another (bounty hunting, food, sword hunting, maybe you're just a dick who wants to fuck with other people) and you have found surprisingly little wild life. You found it strange to begin with but come night time it didn't really matter, because something was out there and it was coming after you. You try to run (or fly if you're a real try-hard who thinks "ha ha fuck off I have wingz bitches" *loop da loop*) but it caught up and knocked you out cold. When you awake you find yourself in a large cave decorated with half-eating corpses everywhere, especially in a large pile directed to your right, and the smell of rotting flesh and death. This must be the lair of that thing that was chasing me! Sweet Jesus! You're not a complete idiot! You see [Ross] a little ahead of you, indicating to 'get the fuck out' before something to your right wakes up. If you want to have this character chat die soon (I know I do) please hang around and get totally owned by whatever knocked you out to begin with. If you think "I just dedicated 15minutes trying to convince Spiral to start this damned chat, I ain't dying!" I would suggest you start moving ASAP.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Invisimort Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:50 pm


I came to in some...Cave.


JUST WHAT I NEEDED TODAY, OF ALL DAYS. I mean, really. I was just going out on weekly food expedition, and then...wham-o. Unconscious. So now I was hungry...AND IN A CAVE.

Whoop-de- freaking -do.

When I decided it might be a good idea to stand up, some dude was making the universal "get the crap out of here if you value your life" signal. Or he was asking for directions to the nearest bathroom. Whatever. I wanted out of here. I started walking towards him, noticing a bunch of...bodies.

Lovely. Someone had a...really really questionable interior decorator. ...Probably whoever hijacked my food mission. The psycho.

"I'm guessing we're getting out of here...ASAP?" I asked the guy. We better had be. I did not want to become one with the architecture.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:16 pm

Name: Kitai
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Wild blonde hair that's always unkept, bright blue eyes and light, ratty clothes.
Power/Species: tiger half-breed
Personality: I'm not sure yet. I know that she's pretty quiet, and afraid people will hurt her for being a half-breed.
Bio:(Optional) Well, she's a half-breed, so she's not really accepted by anybody. Learned to fend for herself.
Other:(Optional)Her sword is a rapier.


I woke up, in some sort of cave.


I was just hunting, and tried to attack a big...something. Maybe that wasn't smart, cause now I was in some sort of freakish cave filled with dead people.

This day just got interesting. Some random guy was giving me and some other alive people a "get your butt outta here or you'll die" signal. Well no freaking duh.

I passed the others quietly and headed to find a way out of this place.

No way was I going to be some demon's lunch. Not today.
Purple Dragon
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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Bells Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:35 pm


I opened my eyes and blinked for a moment, confused at the fact I was staring at the ceiling of some cave. This wasn't....oh crap. I remembered now. Quickly scrambling to my feet I glanced around and saw some dude gesturing what probably meant get out of here. Not wanting to figure out whatever it was that brought me here I darted in the direction of the guy and some people who seemed to also have just woken up.

"Um, we /are leaving here right?" I asked, fully planning on leaving on my own if they weren't. I wasn't planning.g on sticking around here.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Kid.Icarus Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:59 pm

I woke up, my head hurt, it was cold and dark. Maybe I should open my eyes, opening my eyes seemed like a good idea, so I did that.

A cave, a really bad smelling cave. I sat up and looked around, there were dead bodies… that explained the smell. And there were people too, a guy near the entrance was making some kind of signal. He was either telling us to ‘get the fuck out, before we were eaten’ or he was asking for more potato salad.

I hadn’t invited him for dinner, so I assumed the former.

I got up and walked over, “Hey, I’m assuming you know the way out, because if not, we’re all royally Fucked.”

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Echo Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:15 pm


Well. Great lot of good flying did me.

You'd think, "I have wings! You can't catch me, fools!" But no. Apparently.


So I was a forest one minute and here the next. A cave filled with blood and death...and hideous rot. I looked around, seeing some guy giving the universal "Move your arse!" sign. A sign which I decided to follow. Because really...I was not staying in a cave filled with blood and death. Not while it was occupied by something else, anyway.
Winter Dragon

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Sweet Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:32 pm

Woah...I wanna join....

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Spiral Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:35 pm

I ignored the idiotic man who came running with the group of ladies. "Yes we are leaving this place fast. You should all get a metal or something, because you all got caught by a very old ogre." I said in a whisper as I started leading them away from the cave's entrance "You should be thanking that pile of half eaten men there. They thought fifty armed men could kill Render, but because of their ignorance you were caught as a snack in the morning. One of you has a god looking out for them."
When I got the group to the tree line I stopped to look back at the cave. "Weird though, Render usually wakes up to eat a midnight..." A loud roar rung out of the cave followed by one of the half eaten corpses that flew pass the group and exploding on a nearby tree. "...Well on the bright side I am right still." I said as Render came out of the cavern, he is an abnormally large ogre with scars and broken swords all over his arms and torso. "Run but don't separate!" I yelled as I started sprinting away from Render, heading deeper into the forest hoping that Render was paranoid to leave his pile of food behind.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Bells Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:18 pm


I didn't hesitate, immediately taking off deeper I to the forest as soon as I caught sight of the ogre. I may be immortal but I'm not stupid. I could just imagine getting killed again and again till I stayed dead.

Shuddering at the thought I glanced over my shoulder towards the cave and barely kept myself from tripping over a tree root. Right, focus. No use knowing where the monster is if I fall and let myself get caught. Determined not to get captured by the ogre once again I pressed forward, being a little more careful on where I was going.

Last edited by Bells on Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Sweet Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:22 pm

Do I do one boy and one girl?

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:43 am


I would have been fine heading out by myself, but this guy seemed to know what he was doing.

An ogre? That's what that was? We were up against an old, fat, ugly, completely dumb creature who could tear each of us apart as easily as one might tear into a cake.

I gritted my teeth and followed the guy into the forest, hoping he knew where he was going, and hating to have to run from a fight.

I glanced back, half-wondering if the other people were running also, yet also wondering who would end up on Render's table...if ogres were smart enough to even have a table. I didn't plan on sticking around to find out.

Purple Dragon
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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Sweet Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:06 pm

Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: Small and petite little blond headed chick with an elf like face. Looks like she's going to rip out one of your ribs, but she's actually super nice (for some freaking reason)
Power/Species: human
Personality: That sickening niceness and selflessness that no one likes until you want to take advantage of it


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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Kid.Icarus Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:36 pm

An Ogre. A Really Big Ogre. A Really Big and Severely Pissed Off Ogre. Wonderful.
What did the man say? Run. Yea, running seemed like a good idea, So I decided to do that. I did that, I ran.
I followed the guy, and I hoped nobody would get eaten by the ogre, well, at least none of the others.
I honestly didn't care if some random idiot tried to pick a fight with an ogre, a really big, severely Pissed Off ogre... that was a fight no normal person could win.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Sweet Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:44 pm

How do I jump in? Swinging my feet in a tree?

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Invisimort Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:28 pm



Secondly...That hatred was kind of dwarfed a bit by the fact that I was being chased by some ogre dude who didn't seem to be able to ever finish a corpse whole.

I followed that guy who told us to follow him, mentally really, really ticked that I was running.


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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Spiral Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:57 pm

As I ran deeper into the forest I know that we are getting safer. Render doesn't travel that far from his home and there is a local town close by so we should be... As I looked back I saw the people I led out of Render's cave being followed silently by a thick fog. "'Nay, its called the Forest of Shadows? Why can't we just walk through?' I say 'What is the worst that could possible happen?' i proclaim! I should just sit and die for my ignorance!" I mutter to myself as I slow down and wait for the rest to catch up. I wait till they are all caught up before i begin, "Well as my friend says 'we are out of the frying pan and heading right into the fire!'. Up ahead is a little town where humans have fortified with large wooden walls, you might be able to find rest there." I announced to the group "As for me, I intend to greet death in that fog so best of luck to you ladies and you....sir..." I started walking towards the fog, where she is most defiantly waiting for someone to come.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:31 am


I watched the stranger head into the fog, wondering why he was doing that.

Whatever. Not my problem.
"Well, don't just stand there." I said to the others. "Dunno about you but I'm heading in." I slipped past them and started walking towards the town, hoping to get something to eat since my hunt was so rudely interrupted.

As I walked, I cleaned off my sharp rapier, glancing back once in a while to see who would follow, and wondering why in the world that one guy thought "Hey! Mysterious deadly fog! What do you do after seeing mysterious deadly fog? Well, I go into it of course!"

This day is weird...
Purple Dragon
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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:27 pm

I don't think that guy likes me very much, not really sure why, but considering he just walked into a mysterious fog, talking about greeting death, I doubt I'd get the chance to ask.
Though death seemed like a welcoming host, having just escaped her once, I didn't much feel like tempting her again so soon. Plus, I had to make sure these girls got away safely... yeah, that seemed like a good enough excuse... I went with that.

One of the girls went on ahead, the blonde one, I turned to the other three, "Yeah, we should probably get into town, quick."
I went ahead a bit, but looked back to make sure the others were coming.

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Storytelling Empty Re: Storytelling

Post by Spiral Sat Sep 10, 2011 12:35 pm

Age:12(don't creep)
Appearance:Long silvery hair, multicolored sword, and clothes that you would think a boy her age would wear
Power/Species:Half Angel Half Devil, power? Oh you'll see
Personality:IT'S A TRAP
Bio:(Optional)Creation #1 brought to you by Dick Corp. Dick Corp, causing funerals since the beginning of time.

Appearance:Long Black hair, both arms bandaged, and wears a sundress all dirty, and bloodied
Power/Species:Devil/Angel - Cut Control, Immortality (only for her), Hyper Intuition, and illusions
Personality:Does anything Sylia asks, not a fighter
Bio:(Optional)Creation #2

Appearance:Jeans and a shirt
Power/Species:human - Blood guardian
Personality: i'll get back to you on that
Bio:(Optional) Came to this world via unknown means and is wtfing
Other:(Optional) Rena's Partner

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