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Across These Sands Lies Freedom

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:39 pm

Falia: I looked around at all the tents hmm not exactly what I expected but this was the key to her freedom and I want it so I would swallow my attitude and try to be nice to Slade. Akira looked over the place to but with different eyes she is trying to sense for danger. "You don't always have to watch out for me." She gives me a look that says yeah right. I turn my attention back to Slade,"Hello its nice to meet you."
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:42 pm

Slade: I smiled a bit, maintaining a calm exterior while inwardly analyzing the newcomer. She seemed safe enough...... "So, your name is Falia? Its nice to meet you. My name's Slade. I run this place. You're intersted in staying....?" i questioned, making sure i has my facts stright, carefully watching for reactions and listening, ready to analyze whatever she said next. Over the years id become good at reading people.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:26 pm

Falia: I swallowed back my rude comment on how Thora already stated that and instead managed a smile, "Yes I would like to stay here I don't really have a place to go back to." I frowned at what I said I would never see my home again. Not all of it was bad I had my sister who looked up to me and of course my only friend but I left them alone because of my selfishness. Guilt begins to rise up and I have to hold Akira to bring myself back to the present. "Sorry," I mumble knowing I probally looked like I was having a heart attack.
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:34 pm

Slade: I frowned a bit as she started looking a little off, relieved when she seemed to return to the here-and-now. "Well, we're typically the home for the homeless, so welcome to the Ceeran tribe." i said. "Its perfectly okay to space out a bit..... you arent sick or anything though, are you? If so, we have people here who can patch you up....." i said, concerned.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:48 pm

Falia: I waved him off,"No, I'm fine just..... it doesn't matter I'm gonna go now" I turn around to leave. Man I feel embarressed for spacing out like that and alomst having brake down, I have to pull myself together. I turn to Akira, "Well I guess this is our home now." Akira nodded she never cared for our home back there but I know she would miss it. Though she would never live some place I wasn't if one left we both did. Before I could walk out the tent I turned around, "Umm where will I be living?"
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Age : 29

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:53 pm

Slade: I pondered this for a moment before answering. "I'll have someone set up a tent for you tomorrow, but for now you can stay with Thora. I know she seems grumpy at first, but she warms up to people quickly. She just likes security, you know? We cant always trust people who come around here. It nothing personal." i said. Id also have to make sure she was introduced to everyone..... newcomers could be difficult to bring in, but i had high hopes that Falia would fit in.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:18 pm

Falia: I give him a genuine smile, "Thanks, this is the first time I have" I walk out of the tent to see Thora standing there. "I guess we will be bunking together for the day." I still didn't really trust anyone here but they didn't seem bad. Maybe I was just be to hard on them I should at least try to get to know them before I judge.
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:31 pm

Thora: I blinked in surprise at the sudden information. "Really? Hmmph. Okay then. I suppose i should show you where my tent is, if you're going to be staying there." i said thoughtfully, turning my mismatched gaze off towards the other rows of tents. They were big, proper living tents like all nomads used, basically a big easy-to-move cloth suburb or something. "You'll need to meet everyone and learn your way around soon..... anyways, my tent is over here." i said, striding off towards home.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:21 pm

Falia: I turn and follow her, "So what is there to do around here?" If only I had a hobby but sadly the only thing I ever thought about back home was escaping and of course my sister. What if I asked her if she ever seen my sister but then again I barly even remember her i was too young I only get glimpes sometimes of a round face with hazel eyes like my fathers. I sigh no she is most likly dead.
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:41 pm

Thora: I shrugged. "Not much, really. Most of what we do is work, survival crap, basically. There isnt a lot of free time, and usually its spent resting because there's so little of it. Its not exactly an easy life, but its the price we pay for our freedom." i said. Finally i arrived at the right tent. "This is home...." i said, heading inside the tent.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:50 pm

Falia: Wow was this what I signed up for when I came here. Akira decided to answer me,"There is always a price to pay and I would say this is not a bad price for your freedom." I grudgenly agreed with her and followed Thora. Entering I looked around and didn't find much two place to sleep, a place for a fire, and a couple weapons. "You don't really keep much do you?" I ask Thora.
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Ravyn Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:39 am

Thora: I shrugged. "Not really, i guess. I mean, i like my tent to be really tidy, so i dont have a lot of junk laying around.... i do have my personal possessions, but i keep them out of the way." i replied.

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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Karma =) Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:52 pm

Falia: I nod not reallying knowing what to say. I go over and sit on the bed without anything on it assuming this will be the bed I will sleep on. I sigh, Great I never thought about bringing clothes with me or anything. "Do you happen to know where I can find some clothes?"
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Across These Sands Lies Freedom - Page 2 Empty Re: Across These Sands Lies Freedom

Post by Bells Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:14 pm

Bells wrote:Moriko -

My eyes watched the sky above me for a moment before dropping them back to the desert before me, good weather meant a good day normally. Well, except when it wasn't. Sighing I slipped out from under the little rock enclave I'd managed to find the night before and began walking again, I wasn't sure where I was going just that I was going to find them. If I found the Ceeran camp I was sure everything else would work itself out. Well, most likely it would. If it didn't...heh...I would figure that out later.


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