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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:27 pm



heh heh LOVE CHU X]

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:33 pm

Okay, because im massively lazy and my hands are CRAP, imma just copy their original formats onto here.....

Name- Zane
Age- Looks about 19-ish, stopped counting long ago
Gender- Male
Species- Vampire
Personality- Cold, manipulative, twisted. Likes to play with people.
Image- Couldnt find one so i'll just describe him: Tall, very pale, short black hair, cold blue-grey eyes, has some muscular definition, a few scars on his back/chest.

Name- Phoenix
Age- 18
Gender- Female
Species- Werewolf
Personality- Fiery, stubborn, obstinate, headstrong. Tough, hardworking.
Image- Umm.... none that i can find im no good w/ pics. She's average height, fair skinned, has a slender, very feminine build, nice curves. Bright blazing green eyes, long wavy dark red-brown (auburn...?) hair..

Name: Seth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hair: Shaggy long-ish emo cut black
Eyes: Bright silver-gray
Skin: Pale
Height/Build: Tall-ish, has some muscular definition but isnt freakishly ripped or anything.
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: Black metal snakebites, black metal barbell in his left eyebrow.
Personality: Quiet, occasionally a bit too trusting. Kind when he can afford to be, is often hurt because of it.
Background (optional): Grew up with his single abusive father, left as soon as he was able. Keeps his head down, lives in a small apartment in an abandoned building, and only does what he absolutely has to to scrape by.
Other: Nope


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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:44 pm

Name: Alice
Age: 18
other: nnnoopppee
Perosnality: loud crazy and yet very effective.
Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Female_emo_hair_003

Name: Victoria
Age: 18
Other: Vampire
Personality: Strong and quiet. Will fight and gets angry... very very angery
Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Name: Ben
Age: 19
Other: Vampire
Personality: Strong and funny. Easy going and loves to just hangout
Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Emo-Boy-Cute-Hair-Emo-hairstyles-for-boys

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:37 pm

Right.... what's our setting? Just.... random totally average modern city or something....?

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:12 pm

Ya that could work Smile We could have Alice victoria and Ben at a resturaunt and stuff X)

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:14 pm

Perhaps. I dunno, i was thinkign of just dumping them in the middle of a random city and giving them each an envelope with a key in it for their respective houses and just seeing what happens from there. Having them all in a restaurant could be wierd..... it woould be, like, a triple date or something...... and Seth is still having terrible "ohmygodimgonnabeahorriblefatherijustknowit" panic attacks.....

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:16 pm

hhahahahaa that works Smile You post first?

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:22 pm

Sure :3

Seth: I woke up in a park in the middle of a city, and.... wait. Nothing was on fire, and there were places selling things and no drug dealers or weapons laying around and there were lots of people and and and and....... THIS WAS NOT HOME..... AND IT WAS WIERD AND SCARY. Where was i?! Then i noticed something in my hand. An envelope. It had my name on it. I opened it and inside was an address and a key. Wierd..... I glanced aroound looking for familiar faces, finally spotting Phoenix and Zane yelling at each other a short ways across the park. They also appeared to ahve envelopes. I wandered over. "Hey, do either of you two know what's going on.....?" i asked. But..... it seemed they hadnt heard me. They were too busy arguing at a rediculous volume. About what, i had no idea. So i just sort of stood there awkwardly, hoping id be noticed.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:28 pm

Alice woke up in a random alie way. She was freezing and she didnt understand. She sat up and rubbed her head and looked for someone that could help her. She saw Victoria who was passed out in a trash can and Ben was pulling her out. "Finally your awake... I need you to help me." Alice nodded and helped him get Victoria out and Alice stepped back and looked at them. "Where are we?" Ben shruged and Victoria moaned but she didnt wake up.
Alice looked down at the ground and found 3 envolpes. SHe opened hers and found a key. "What the.... Well thats interesting." She said smiling. "Guess we better walk around and find something that will help us." Ben nodded and they walked to the park trying to find someone to help them.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:32 pm

Seth: Id been looking arund, wondering if i could find anyone else other than Phoenix and Zane, who wouldnt stop yelling, when i saw Alice, Ben, and Victoria. Victoria didnt seem to be looking so good. "Hey guys!" i yelled across to them, massively relieved to see all of them, Alice because id been scared she was alone now that id somehow disappeared, but also because Ben and Victoria would probably be able to get Zane and Phoenix to quit yelling.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:34 pm

Alice looked up and saw Seth. She ran to him and tackled him. "OH MY GOD! I thought that I wouldnt see you again!!" She cried holding him. Ben held Victoria and walked over to Alice and Seth. "Sup man..." He turned and rolled his eyes and Zane and Phoenix. "Isnt there one person who is happy to see me?!?!?!"

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:39 pm

Seth: I let out a small 'oof' as i was tackled. "Careful! You have to take it easy with the baby, y'know." i said, but i was smiling good naturedly. I hugged her close. "Im glad you're here..... i was worried that i wouldnt be able to get back to you."

Phoenix: Zane and i had been yelling, when a familiar voice reached my ears. I stopped yelling and turned, immediately spotting Ben and grinning. "You're here! I thought i was ll alone with this lunkhead." i said, glaring at Zane. "I may not go insane now!" i said happily, walking over. Zane had acutally managed to pale slightly and looked concerned. "What's wrong with Victoria?!" he asked, worried.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:44 pm

Alice blushed and said "Aw..." She looked up at him and said "Well know that we know we both are here..." She smiled and kissed him. Her fingers ended up in his hair.

Ben smiled and winked at her. Ben looked at Zane and said "I have no idea... all I know that we woke up in a alieway and Vcitroia is passed out." Vicotria moaned and truend but fell out of Ben's arms and hit the floor. Ben sighed and shook his head.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:52 pm

Zane: I was massively worried that Victoria was sick again, and crossed the distance to her, scooping her up. "Right..... well, we should try and find somewhere we can put her." i said. "Maybe try going to one of these addresses....... Did you guys get envelopes like this too?" i asked.

Phoenix: I half-tackled Ben in a hug, massively relieved to have him here in this really wierd crowded world full of strangers. This place set me on edge..... i was nervous and edgy here, but Ben's presence calmed me down a bit. I really wanted to go home......

Seth: I smiled into the kiss a little, kissing her back happily. It occurred to me that this place, while wierd, seemed, well...... SAFE. And a lot nicer than home. Maybe..... maybe we'd be able to have a really nice wedding and raise our baby in a safe world now. I hoped so....

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:03 pm

Ben smiled and hugged Phoenix back. A smile from her was all he needed. "We are safe." He laughed and kissed the top of her head.

Victoria opened up her eyes. "What... happened?" SHe moaned and noticed she was on the floor. She looked up and saw Zane. Her heart started to spead and she blushed a deep color.

Alice pulled back and nodded to Zane's question. "Yes... we did." SHe pulled out the letters and said "I dont get what we are suppose to do..." SHe said sheepishly.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:47 pm

(Zane picked Victoria up....)

Phoenix: "I dont like it here.... its so crowded. It makes me nervous...." i mumbled, my voice muffled because my face was currently buried in his shoulder. Id never been to a city before, never seen buildings this big, never seen so many people in one place. I felt small and trapped. But Ben seemed to be okay..... maybe i was just overreacting.

Seth: "Me neither..." i said, studying the contents of the envelope. "Mayb---OW!" i cried as something hit the back of my head. It was a note tied to a rock. I took the note off the rock and read it aloud. It said....:

Dear figments of our imagination....

You are all morons. Inside your envelopes are the addresses of your new places of residence, or, if that's too complicated for your tiny minds, 'your new homes'. If you actually decide to surprise me and be observant, some of your addresses may or may not be the same.... figure it out. Good luck trying to figure the rest of this out. You'll probably need it. Idiots.

P.S.: I threw this rock sort of hard...... if Seth has a concussion, feel free to take him to the hospital. Not that im about to tell you where that is, muahahaha......

~Sincerely, Ravyn

I finished reading the letter and looked up. "I hate my author....." i muttered, rubbing the back of my head.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:11 pm

(( aahhhh))

Alice, Ben, and Victoria looked at him and sighed. "Ravyn is just mean..." Alice said looking up to the sky and putting out her tongue. She laughed and Ben smiled. "Well who is living with who??" Alice looked inside her envolope and said "Um.... I dont know." Alice said with a shrug.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:58 pm

Seth: I pulled out a piece of paper with an address on it, showing it to the rest of the group. "Anyone match?" i asked. I noticed Zane and Phoenix doing the same, attempting to find out if they were rooming with anyone.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:09 pm

Alice found out that her and Seth shared a room. She smiled and kissed him. Victoria found out that she shared with Phoenix and she smiled at Phoenix. "Well i guess we are sharing a room."she didnt even look at Zane or she would kiss him even more. Ben sighed and said "Well Zane we are sharing whatever it is..."

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:25 pm

Zane: I shrugged. "Sounds good." I said. I had nothing against Ben. Thsi wouldnt be so bad.

Phoenix: I didnt know Victoria very well, but i hoped it wouldnt be too hard sharing a house or room or apartment or whatever it was with her. well, we'd soon find out.... hopefully this would work out.

Seth: I grinned. "Awesome!" i said. I was massively glad Alice and i were sharing a place. If we werent, i would be worrying the entire time i was gone.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:32 pm

Alice laughed and smiled. "I think we have houses." Alice said looking behind her at all of the houses. "Or at least I hope we have a house." Ben and Victoria smiled at each other and victoria's gazed looked over at Zane and her heart was pounding. She wanted to throw her arms around him and kiss him but she wanted to so bad.

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:35 pm

Seth: "I would be surprised if we didnt.... there's no shortage of houses around here. Ive always thought about living in a big house......" i said thoguhtfully. "Should we split off and go find our respective houses?"

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:41 pm

Alice nodded and took Seth's hand and ran. Her laugh rang through out the silent town and she loved it. The wind took her black and red hair and flew it behind her. She felt like she was in the air and soon they were on the front step of thier new home. "Our first big home"

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Ravyn Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:54 pm

Seth: I didnt object to being pulled along, keeping pace with Alice, laughing breathlessly.When i saw the house, i could hardly believe it. Id never seen a place so nice before. I hugged Alice from behind happily, grinning as i kissed her temple. "Its perfect....." i said. This was a big step up from my old apartment.

Zane: I wanted to stay with Victoria, but kne it was a good idea to get home. "We should be off." i told Ben. Victoria and Phoenix should probably be getting home too....

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Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X) Empty Re: Drama dramma and more drama (RAVYN AND X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X)

Post by Alice Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:48 pm

Alice smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I cant believe that the baby will be living her." She smiled her heart racing alittle. Her hand laid down on her stomach and she laughed a small laugh.

VIcotria looked down at her feet. She wanted to throw her arms around Zane and hold him and kiss him but she knew that she couldnt. She sighed and looked at Ben who nodded with him. "But we should escort these ladies to thier house."

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