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Mr. Saxobeat

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:54 pm

Amelia chuckled softly and nodded, her heart racing. She was happy and safe in his arms and she wouldn't prefer to be anywhere else.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:01 pm

Jacob shrugged, "What was you childhood like?" He knew it was a lame question but he asked anyway.
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:58 pm

Ash smiled and let out a small sigh. "Do you want to stay here or go out?" Right when he said that he got a text from Alice. He looked at it and let out a troubled sigh. "Would you mind comming over to a friends house with me?"

Megan shruggged. She didnt like talking about her childhood. "Ok I guess." Was all she wanted to say. She took a quit sip of coke and figited. "What about yours?"

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:12 pm

Amelia smiled slightly, ready to answer when he sighed. She had a feeling that something was up. "I don't mind, Ash. What's wrong?" she asked curiously, wondering what was wrong.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:24 pm

Ash looked at her and let out a sigh. "Alice is going through something and she wants me to come over really quick. Are you sure you dont mind?" He asked looking into her pretty eyes.

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:35 pm

"I see. I'm positive that I don't mind, Ash," Amelia said, offering him a smile.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:40 pm

Ash smiled and stood. "Alright!" He held out his hand for her to take. "REady?"

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:46 pm

Amelia took his hand, smiled, stood and nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready. Lead the way, Ash," she said, wondering what this friend of his was like.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:55 pm

Ash lead her to the car and he drove to Alice's small house. It was a fairly nice house. He knocked and Alice said "come in.." He could smell the whiskey from here. He sighed and walked. in. "Alice... you know your not suppose to do that..." Alice shrugged. "I.. dont.. care!!"

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Team Sherlock Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:05 pm

Amelia followed Ash and stared at the house for a moment. It was small, but kind of cute. Once she smelled whiskey, she raised an eyebrow the slightest bit. When they were inside, her gaze shifted all around her, taking everything in.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:24 pm

Jacob smiled, "How about we play 20 questions? I have to answer a question then you have to answer one. It can be anything." He wanted to get to know her more but he couldn't when she brushed off the questions.
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:41 pm

Megan nodded and smiled. "Alright sounds like a plan. You go first then." She said leaning back.

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:28 pm

Jacob sat back thinking, "Umm.. Okay do you have any family?" He only had a brother and a sister. His parents passed away a long time ago.
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:03 pm

Megan looked at him and took in a deep breath. "Yes.. my brother Nole. He is 17 years old. My father is rich.. he is a wealthy bissness man who doesnt want anything to do with me.." She said in a whisper. "What about you?"

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:57 pm

" I have a brother and a sister. My brother he works in texas as a car sales man. My sister she is 20 and is happily in Paris working the fashion show. My parents passed away." Jacob said remembering them. It had been a while since he saw them but they called. "What kinda job do you have?"
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:22 pm

Megan lookedd down and thought about her mother. "I teach dance." She whispered. She had been a dancer ever since she could remeber. Of course her father detested it but she didnt care. She took in a deep sigh and looked at him. "Do you have a job?"

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:08 pm

Jacob smiled he could imagine her dancing and being good at it. "Yeah I'm a artist. I paint pictures mainly landscape for right now." He remembered arguing with his brother about being an artist. His brother didn't approve he thought it was a waste of time and shouyld do something more pratical with his life. He missed his brother and hoped to see him soon. He tunred back to Megan, "Alright, Where did you grow up?"
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:13 pm

"A small town called Moko. I know its a strange name but thats what it was called. My father moved there and he met my mother. My father went there for buissness and the gypsys came through and he saw my mother. They were together for a year and then my mother left me with my father. She didnt want me to be in the gyspy land. My older brother nole was from a diffrent girl. Nole's mother is the governer's wife's child. She cheated on the poor govener with my father. She was pregnant and she gave birth but she had to go away for a year to England during the pregnancy and she gave birth to nole and sent him to my father.
Nole is the gifted child. Th e promise child as my father says. I am nothing but a joke to him." Megan said looking down. She didnt know why she just spilled that out to him but it felt good for someone to know her backstory.

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:28 pm

Jacob grabbed her face to make her look at him. "Your father is stupid. How could he call someone as nice as you a joke. You are a beautiful intelligent lady." He stepped back dropping his hand. He wanted her to know that since she didn't seem to be able to see it.
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Alice Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:42 pm

Megan looked down and shook her head. "No... no im not. My father is right. Ever since I was a little girl my father would always wish for a son. He is a dirty old man now." She said still looking down.

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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

Post by Karma =) Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:56 pm

Jacob shook his head, "No he's not. Can't you see it?" He didn't know how he could make her see that she was smart. It didn't matter what her father said he could see it and he was going to find a way to make her see it.
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Mr. Saxobeat - Page 15 Empty Re: Mr. Saxobeat

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