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How Evil Are You?

Ale J.
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How Evil Are You? Empty How Evil Are You?

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:29 am

Airing at 8pm AST, we, the producers at SnuffTV are pleased to present another winning hit from the makers of THE NIGHTMORNING VIOLENCE SHOW.

How Evil Are You?

Join our host, Adrianna (better known as The Dark Lady), and our four judges: Mr.Face, Jacob, [E!Marley's name], and Aria as they search, using both qualitative and quantitative means, for the most evil antagonist that got through the part of auditions where all those creepy lying protagonists who happen to be morally ambiguous make fools of themselves.

Brought to you by:

Audian Tax Rectangles, the good people of Dramatic Death Scenes, Green Punch Inc., And villians like you.

There will be several sections on which the contestants will be judged:
Banter and Monologing skills
Methodology- there willl be a list of questions issued to answer for this.
Torture -there will be an improvised tool section.
Protagonist handling skills -both offensive and defensive actions will be evaluated.
Speed test- Speed body count

Points System:
There will be a points system invoked that operates on a scale of minimums. If you do not achieve the minimum amount of points by the end of the round, you will be extermin--eliminated.
The minimum point count: 25. Anything above that and you are through to the next round. If nobody achieves the minimum points, it will be re-evaluated on a curve.
Once the contestants have been narrowed the points system will change to a "whoever has the least amount of points leaves" sort of thing.
There will also be opportunities to achieve bonus points, which will be further specified as necessary.


Each round, the protagonist in question will increase in difficulty as measured in three different areas of protagonist-ness:

And as such, it will be increasingly difficult to meet the minimum point count.

*Point systems and eliminations are subject to change depending on how many contestants there are.*

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Echo Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:04 am



[b]Part of a group?[/b] (Y/N)
[b]If so, with whom?[/b]

[b]Villainous Motive(s):[/b]

[b]What caused this (these) motive(s)?[/b]


[b]Other:[/b] (optional)
Winter Dragon

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Ale J. Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:13 am

Name: Ethan Vayestra
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Sorcerer

Part of a group? (Y/N) Yes
If so, with whom? Milena Vayestra

Villainous Motive(s): To kill, torture, and hurt as many people as he can.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? His father drilled it into his mind that killing was good, and then he began to look up to his father. When his dad was killed, he went on killing rampage, his sister eventually put some sense into his mind to go after the killer. The killer had also kidnapped their younger half brother. Ever since, Ethan kills with no mercy, just like that killer did with his father.

Qualifications: Ethan killed so many people in his rampage and after it, he became known to humans as 'The Shadow Killer', for killing so many people and never being seen. He has powers, he is able to do many different things with them. Just like spells, his powers have to be learned, but unlike spells, he has to use a hand movement to get them to work. If a sorcerer uses their magic too much, they tend to go kind of crazy.

Name: Milena Vayestra
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Sorcerer

Part of a group? (Y/N) Yes
If so, with whom? Ethan

Villainous Motive(s): Mainly the same as Ethan's, but she has one more than him. Kill Alyson.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? The first ones are mainly the same as Ethan's also, but the second was caused by her mother when she went to a witch and asked for a future reading. She was told that someone, a sorcerer, who was twice as powerful as any sorcerer living would kill her daughter. She told Milena about this, and she got scared. Once she found out that person ment to kill her was Alyson, she vowed to kill her before Alyson killed her.

Qualifications: Milena has been training with her brother for years now, trying to master killing and torture. She is very competitive with him, always trying to be better than him.

Name: Darren White
Species: Dark Angel

Part of a group? (Y/N) No
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): He's a dark angel and can only think of making people miserable. Killing is also very easy for him.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? He's a Dark Angel...they are sent here to kill, make disasters happen, and basically break as many people as they can. It's just his kind that makes him like that.

Qualifications: He has the natural instincts to torture and kill, make people miserable, and bring hate to the world. Also, he once forced Jamie to kill her own mother, trained her as well, and is now working with people to take over the immortal world.

(I will add two more tomorrow...but right now I am having trouble creating coherent thoughts, so yeah...tomorrow, after sleep!)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Regret Tue Oct 25, 2011 4:54 am

Name: Feyla Van Druizen aka Mercator.
Age: 21.
Gender: Female.
Species: Human.

Part of a group? No.

If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): Ironically her motive is to destroy evil altogether, wherever it may be found and no matter the form. She has become so obsessed with this objective that even the other Zealots (who, as the name may suggest, are not exactly tolerant themselves) see here as a dangerous radical.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Her parents were sacrificed by cultists in front of her eyes. While she is sane on the whole, it did damage her mind, which is understandable. Once she came out of her catatonia she swore eternal vengeance on those who had done this. It is impossible to tell whether she is still trying to avenge their deaths or whether she is now just killing because she has known little else since she was a child.

Qualifications: Feyla has been trained to use a glaive and move in heavy plate armour since she was a young child. She is faster and more dextrous in her armour than a lot of people are out of it. Most Zealots do have some small latent magical talent, and Feyla is no exception. However, her magic is not particularly powerful, nor is it her primary weapon. After becoming semi-independent from the Zealots she has honed her skills at... Extracting confessions. Let's just leave it at that.

Other: I'm not certain what's meant to go here. So...

Last edited by Regret on Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Banshee Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:12 pm

Name: Benvenuto Cox
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Seer
Part of a group? (Y/N) The Cause
If so, with whom? Demetrius Cox, Adelio Cox, Ezra Cox, Mr. David Cox, Gabriel Cox, and some others

Villainous Motive(s): The Cause which involves taking over the world.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? He was born into the Cox Clan and thus was trained so. You do or die.

Qualifications: Trained to use guns and various other weapons, which is required. Learned hand to hand combat and has a talent for poison and potion making. He's quick with knives and excells at torturing.

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:50 pm

Name: Axis
Age: 19
Gender: M
Species: Erm...let's just say...a zombie.

Part of a group? Y
If so, with whom? Emmalee and Grey (siblings)

Villainous Motive(s): Uhm...not so much villainous,'s WHAT HE IS. The basic need to kill and devour.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Years of horrendous corrption and the basic breaking-remolding process.

Qualifications: Cannot be yielded by the mere use of weapons and physical confrontation. (You'd have to...REALLY gut wrench him...) Is adept in the use of his wicked chains. Surprisingly fast, too.


Name: Emmalee
Age: 17
Gender: F
Species: Human

Part of a group? Y
If so, with whom? Grey and Axis (siblings)

Villainous Motive(s): It kind of depends on what kind of situation she's in if she's a villain or victim. You'll see.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? She's...traumatized. Tortured. Almost eaten by Axis.

Qualifications: For a human, she can withstand more than you'd think. A tough bee-ach. She's got a sharp tongue and quick fists, prone to knocking people out. Watch yourself. She's not afraid of some blood, either. Seen enough of it to last a life time, and will use...creative methods to do what needs done.

Other: Due to said tortured refered to above, she is paralyzed from her abdomen down. Uses a manual wheelchair to maneuver herself. She wears black, fingerless gloves to protect her hands from developing callouses.


Name: Grey
Age: 19
Gender: M
Species: Fire wielder/ part angel

Part of a group? Y
If so, with whom? Emmalee and Axis (siblings)

Villainous Motive(s): Depends. He's got an epic personality disorder. Is 'clinically' mentally unstable. One moment be all calm and light your arse on fire and gouge your eyeballs from your head...

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Years of horrendous corrption and the basic breaking-remolding process. On a lesser scale than Axis, but still...

Qualifications: Can be EXTREMELY violent and hot-headed...and with his fire ability, yeah... Is also an impressive fighter, having taught Em how to defend herself and having all the dirty tricks to boot.

Last edited by .Fragile_Wishes. on Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Jacky K. Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:55 pm

Name: * goes nothing!* Skelet. That's what they call him, anyway...he has a real name, but I haven't figured it out yet, and it probably hasn't been used in years.
Age: late 20's ish?
Gender: dude Cool
Species: 100% human. No powers to speak of.

Part of a group? (Y/N) Yuppers!
If so, with whom? He's the leader of a gang in Luna, called the Watchers.

Villainous Motive(s): He just loves to feel power, and will manipulate and kill and put people down blindly to get there.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Dunno. Perhaps he was put down as a kid, and sprung into being power hungry? Perhaps he was just so used to the competition in Luna, that that's the only way he knows? Honestly, I haven't figured it out yet.

Qualifications: So far he's one of the most respected gangsters in Luna, because he's managed to work his way to the top by cheating, killing, manipulating, and just playing the game smart rather than playing the game according to unwritten codes and honor. I repeat: cheating. He hates playing by anybody else's rules . . . but I'm going to restrain this a bit for the convenience of the show, more than likely. He's not quite as powerful without his posse around, but he's not afraid to do what must be done to win.

Other: (optional). Erm...yeah, I'm still working on this guy. Disclaimer: his character may flex a bit due to character development. I'll try not to throw any curveballs for the convenience and fairness of the show.

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Alice Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:04 pm

Name: Alice Bride
Age: 19
Gender: female
Species: Vampire

Part of a group? Yes
If so, with whom? Shadow and Victoria (Shadow is her adopted brother)

Villainous Motive(s): She believes that only people of her kind should be alive and that no one else should be. So if your anything that isnt a vampire.... your screwed.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Alice was never a very... how do I say nice person. She never really had anything that turned her into the killer she is today. Her entire exsitance (she believes) is to rid the people of the world. Her master taught her that. He told her that only vampires were the only ones to live. So she believes that and will stop anyone who gets in her path. She will... kill them with a slight kick in the ribs if she has to.

Qualifications: Is viloent and doesnt care. She will destroy anything that gets inside of her way. My advice stay as far away from her as you can... she will ,I repeat, she will kill you. She was trained to fight very well and she is a vampire. Speed is something that she is very good at and her own mind can trick people. She has control over minds and can read them.

Name: Shadow
Age: 115 looks 21
Gender: male
Species: shadow
Part of a group? Y
If so, with whom? Alice and Victoria

Villainous Motive(s): Wants control over the world. He is blood thirsty and think humans or anything close should be put to death. He is part shadow and he can use the shadows to play tricks which he will do. The reason why he wants to do this is because he wants to be the only person in the world. He always has had this mindset from the very begining. Nothing big happened to make him think this or even to make him feel it. He just wants power... and lots of it.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? A mind set of his... which is his entire mind set. He will not change his ways for anyone not even Alice. The reason why he wants to do this is because he wants to be the only person in the world. He always has had this mindset from the very begining. Nothing big happened to make him think this or even to make him feel it. He just wants power... and lots of it.

Qualifications: Is a shadow jumper. He can use shadows to his advantage and he is part shadow. He can hide himself and everyone else he wants behind a wall of darkness. He can fight but not as well as Alice.

Name: Victoria Blackwood
Gender: female
Species: Vampire/Demon

Part of a group? Y
If so, with whom? Alice and Shadow

Villainous Motive(s): Is crazy... is really really crazy. She doesnt think when she is after someone. Just random things will set her off, like a bull when it charges at the color red. She will bite you and make sure that you die a slow and painful death.

What caused this (these) motive(s)?
She learned from Alice that the vampires should be the only ones to live. She agrees with that the only except is Shadow. The only reason why Shadow is not dead where he stands is because Alice thinks he could be of use to them. He agrees but still is blood thirsty. Victroia is like a puppet to Alice but she goes with it. She would rather be the co-ruler to Alice then to be alice's enemy.

Qualifications: Is a fighter, she was trained by Alice and can pick up moves quickly. Something unique about her is anything that is used against her she will adapt to. She can learn how to read peoples minds and is in the processs of doing so. She has a fire ability and will use it at any given time. She is also fast so watch your back.

Last edited by X_xFallen Angelx_X on Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:56 pm

Name: Inque
Age: 8
Gender: F
Species: Human...ish... >.< see below

Part of a group? no
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): A bad past and a dislike for weak-nessism.... And being compared to others.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? ...just bein an all around creeper... and affiliations with the Joker. Simple amusement, or showing the differences between herself and others. Having no real personal relationships with anyone. Her powers - she can read the phobias of others and draw to life illusions of them - can't really control it

Qualifications: DID I MENTION CREEP FACTOR? SORT OF HIGH OCTANE NIGHTMARE FUEL LEVELS... Messes with the mind of her target with her illusions. An evil giggle and a blank look with the only emotion present is childish amusement while messin with minds. Not very good at hand to hand at this point in her life.

Other: (optional) Evulz mostly started with her 'father'. Her mother was into... /customer services/ ifyougetmydrift...

Last edited by Black&White on Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Echo Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:13 pm

We, the producers at SnuffTV, would like to make a few announcements regarding villainous applications:

First of all, we appreciate your interest in our show, and we thank you for taking the time to sign up!

Second of all, it would seem that there was one aspect of the application that was not made very clear. When we asked if the applicant was part of a group, we were asking if they were signing up with anyone as a team. We apologize for the misunderstanding, and we ask that applicants modify their forms if need be.

Finally, we have a message for Alice: When we asked what caused the villainous motives, we wanted to know what led up to the villainous motives. Why do the applicants have these desires? What events are behind them? Please modify your applications accordingly.

Thank you again, from all of us at SnuffTV!

Watch or die.
Winter Dragon

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:07 pm

Name: Dorian Aldric
Age: 19
Gender: male
Species: habui

Part of a group? N
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): An evil nature and nurture combination if there ever was one. He was pretty much taught to be a killer by his dad, who promptly dumped him and his siblings once Marley was born, and went off to who knows where (most likely getting caught by Hunters shortly thereafter. Yay karma!). Coupled with the fact that his powers basically drive him to the point of evil/mild insanity... yeaaa

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Oops... see above
Qualifications: An assassin for most of his life, so he has skillz. Plus his powers. Plus his blood thirsty nature.

Other: (optional)

Name: Deacon
Age: Gar... er... late teens...?
Gender: male
Species: human

Part of a group? N
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): Speedy basicaallllly ruined his life... somehow... but I don't know the details...

What caused this (these) motive(s)? ...Speedy?

Qualifications: Used to be a hero, then flipped to villain. Great with guns, though... really, he's just here because BW suggested him xD he's not too evil, just annoying

Other: (optional)

Name: Ember (closest I'm coming to putting in the Joker)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Species: human

Part of a group? N
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): Just... insanity, mainly. And evulz.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? In Walk Through Hell, she's the split, evil personality of Elizabeth (Spades). Basically the part that was raised by/influenced by the Joker.

Qualifications: Um... Evil? xD She's good with her razor edged cards... and... just... basically as crazy as the Joker.

Other: (optional)


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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Ale J. Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:38 pm

Name: Cerzena
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf

Part of a group? (Y/N) Yes
If so, with whom? Elliot

Villainous Motive(s): She only kills when she has certain targets in mind, and is told to kill them. She loves to kill, though she does not get to do it often. So when she is given the chance, she takes it.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? She is the leader of The Hunters, in charge of finding prisoners, murderers, evil doers, and Sorcerers in her world. But she has an evil side that no one has ever really noticed...she loves killing a little too much.

Qualifications: Cerzena became leader of the Hunters when she was only 15, putting her above others twice her age. She can go from assassin to torturer by figuring out which way works best with the victim and how fast they are wanted dead. She can use a variety of weapons and will also have Elliot on her side.

Other: (optional) She hates vampires. I mean hates. She would love to kill Elliot, but killing people who have not committed crimes is illegal in The Paths.

Name: Elliot
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Part of a group? (Y/N) Yes
If so, with whom? Cerzena

Villainous Motive(s): He kills only when told to, and has been taught to be practically emotionless when killing. He does not like killing innocent people at all. But what Cerzena says, he must do.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? The Council and Cerzena have been training him for quite awhile now, and he proved himself when he was allowed into The Hunters. The reason he is not defiant to Cerzena is because she trained him very well. He is almost afraid of her now.

Qualifications: He is not AS good as Cerzena, but he is still pretty good. He works best with knives and daggers, but can use a few other weapons. He also is 10 times stronger and faster than a human his age.

Other: (optional)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Bells Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:11 pm

b]Name:[/b] Mr. Blake
Age: huhum....late thirties?
Gender: Male
Species: Normal Human dude.

Part of a group? Yep.
If so, with whom? Daniella Blake

Villainous Motive(s): Mostly power, there is a lot of power to be had in having hundreds of 'freaks' in a prison that he is in control of. He also just likes to see pain, and loves manipulating people. So, personal enjoyment is a motive as well.

What caused this (these) motive(s)? Probably a messed up childhood that consisted of him being treated just like he treats Dani. But that's just theory, that part of him hasn't really been explored yet.

Qualifications: Mr. Blake has a good knowledge of a variety of torture methods along with a certain air of authority, as in its pretty hard to get him worked up. He is quite good at blades, an ability he passed onto his daughter.

Other: (optional)He loves games, s((He hates losing if you couldn't guess)) Oh, and this isn't for certain yet but I think he has a bit of a resistance to mind powers.


Name: Daniella *Dani* Blake.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: A human, she has yet to discover her abilities in this version so...yeah.

Part of a group? Yep
If so, with whom? Mr. Blake

Villainous Motive(s): Well, she loves violence and games. Games meaning little activities where she is having fun and others are being injured. There is also the fear factor, if she doesn't do all this then well..>.> *glares at Mr. Blake*

What caused this (these) motive(s)? The love for violence can be traced back to the fear that is caused by the abuse she takes whenever her Dad is around. If she isn't doing her job right, or even allows herself a hint of sympathy then she gets beat, tortured, or worse.

Qualifications: Dani has been raised for this type of thing, she has been trained in most torture methods, and has made up a few of her own characteristic things cause of her love for violence. But like her Dad, she is best with a blade, her choice being one of the many daggers she always has on her.

Other: Dani can be quite meek around her Dad, but if any of you know her this isn't truly her, and if you don't know her than.. heh.. too bad I guess.. with him around you won't see the real her.

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Regret Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:55 pm

((Who else is joining?))

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:50 pm

Name: E! Aaron "Nameless" Murphey
Age: 18
Gender: male
Species: human with paranormal abilities.
Part of a group? (Y/N) no
If so, with whom?

Villainous Motive(s): Just started to use him....

What caused this (these) motive(s)?

Qualifications: He likes to torture before killing a victim, he did this to Jamie by forcing her to harm Kaya but was interrupted before the kill.

Other: (optional) He can control a person if he knows their full name.


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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Echo Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:02 pm

We, the producers at SnuffTV, would like to make another important announcement:

All posts should be in present tense. You have a choice between first and third person, however.

Repeat. All posts should be in present tense.

That is all. Thank you!

SnuffTV. Watch or die.
Winter Dragon

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Bells Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:10 pm

Attention all, the show will be starting soon.

The words echo around the room as a woman steps from the shadows, eyeing the area before she walks to the middle as if memorizing it all in a few short moments.

"This will not do," she mutters irritably, gesturing to one of the set crew. "Where are the lights? The bright colors?"

The young man blinks, unsure of exactly what to say to her.

"Um...well...I didn't...I mean...evulz...are...bright colors needed? We assumed--"

"Don't assume," she orders, clasping her hands together. "I want some bright colors. And lights, we're producing a show here. This place needs to look nice."

The set boy kinda shrugs, rolling his eyes as he walks away.

"Okay, Miss Adrianna."

She opens her mouth to reply, just as the call echoes across the set.


"Fine," Adrianna mutters, patting her hair back into place. "No bright colors right now, but they will happen."

"Four. Three. Two."


Hello and welcome to How Evil Are You! The only gameshow for the nefarious, the devious, the depraved! Please welcome our host. She's taken some time off of her control of her home world to be with us please give a warm round of applause for The Dark Lady!

The dim lights focus on her as the audience cheers. She gives a warm smile and a short wave, momentarily studying the crowd before speaking.

"Yes, yes. Welcome all to the first season of How Evil Are You? Let's say hello to our four judges." She gestures to a long table. "First of all, we have everyone's favorite face demon, Jacob! I advise that you don't look at him directly. His favorite weapon is a chair, but he is very good at improvising.

"Next is our resident lemonade-loving habui. No, not that one. Introducing E!Marley! She may be short, but she is very dangerous.

"Our third judge is quite an angel...but not the kind of angel you'd think. A mercenary with a special fondness for transmutation magic...Aria!

"Last but not least is the dictator of Auda. He has a proclivity for sesquepedalian loquaciousness and a predilection for exacto knives. Let's hear it for Mr. Face!

"Now..." She pauses for effect. "We're going to find out...How Evil Are You?"

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Echo Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:52 am

((It seems as though some people are a bit confused on what to do, which isn't really their fault; we're sort of playing this by ear. Allow me to remedy the situation.

All we can ask now is that you please bear with us as the show goes on. Thank you!))

The audience claps and shouts in approval...not just because of that red light that says "APPLAUSE" in bold lettering.

The same voice from before rings out again.

Will the contestants please enter?
Winter Dragon

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How Evil Are You? Empty Re: How Evil Are You?

Post by Ale J. Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:23 pm

I walk into the theatre, my head held high and shoulders squared as I face the audience. They cheer for us, which feels kind of off, since we are usually hated. But I accept the applause and continue walking to the other side of the circular stage. This is so different from my usual surroundings, which makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. I am not used to so many eyes staring at me. The other villains walk in behind me, but I don't dare a glance back. My brother is right behind me. He was probably enjoying this, the lights, the stage, the attention. Typical, dramatic, extremely selfish Ethan, always taking the spotlight., I will shine. I will win, and I will be praised. Not him.... He was always father's favorite, well father is dead, now. So his opinion doesn't matter anymore. I walk on and finally reach my place to stand, I turn to face my brother, who stands next to me.

Seeing that stupid smirk on my brother's face makes me angry. Now I hope they will hurry up with this, and let the fun begin.
Ale J.
Ale J.

Posts : 1498
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 26
Location : Halfway across the moon

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