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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:28 pm

I stand, my arms crossed still, inspecting the switch out. Eh, fine, I'll give him a chance at another nickname... Though I didn't expect much difference with him...
"Without weapons the first time?" I propose, not moving to take my katana off my back before he revealed some hidden knives that I knew where there. The benefits of reading over an author's shoulder...

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:02 pm


"Fine, I don't care." I said, eyeing his katana. If he pulled any tricks I could too. Hopefully he'd stick to his word. I took up a fighting stance. "You can start," I smirked.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:25 pm

Meh-hehehe - NO. NOT HAPPENING.
Fucking sassy bastard, that's his nickname...
I unbuckle my katana from me, take it off my back though not letting go of it. "Yeah?" I say, just holding it at my side. Not taking my eyes off him, my face fixed, as I raise an eyebrow.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:46 pm


Fine. Weapons then. I pulled out a gun, just a simple hand gun but it was light. "Yes. You go first." I smirked, pulling the safety off.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:01 pm

"Oooooooooohh....a /gun/....Were you attracted by the shiny or something?" I ask with a slight sneer back. "Hey authors, this won't go anywhere if he doesn't follow me. The /INSTRUCTOR/," I say a little louder to the one way window. "FIX IT..."

Ah dang, he was sooo using this on me later.... But he was right. It'd be easier with hand to hand first.
Buttons, buttons, buttons.... A few clicks and weapons go POOF. /Only/ hand to hand, so spells, gadgets, and any other tricks disappear too.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:00 pm


Crap...the gun was gone but so was his katana. "You're the one who pulled out the freakin' katana, /brat/." I spat, glaring at him. Instructor, pfft....I could care less.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 4:34 pm

"To put toss it away, asshole. I said 'first fight without weapons?' to which you REPLIED YES TO. What are you, deaf?" I snap back, pulling up my hood and crossing my arms.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:24 pm


There was no way in hell I was going to let him have his weapon out without me having mine. Pfft..I wasn't an idiot. "Fine. I was /wrong/, happy?" I said, glaring down at him. Little punk...

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:38 pm

I smirk. "It's a /practice/, stupid. Did your post it not say that?" I gesture to his little square of yellow paper sneering.
Whatever, let's just do this...
Taking careful, calculated steps to turn my side to him so anything thrown would have a less likely chance of hitting, my boots making the gravel beneath them scratch against the projected pavement. Unraveling my arms and fisting my hands, one arm in front with my fist to my face for defense and the other to my side for attacks. Though nothing done would be so obvious. Balancing on the front of my feet for quick movements.
Didn't know this opponent like I had known Pacifist. But then I didn't know most of the people I usually fought on the streets of Gotham. I knew he supposedly knew his stuff though. Might as well act serious about this then...
"Your move, Cox."

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:13 pm


I took up a fighting stance and threw a fake out punch toward his head before quickly pulling it back, I swung my leg around and locked the top of my foot behind his ankle. I yanked hard, hoping he'd fall.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:40 pm

I slide my foot out before his can catch me, dodging to his left quicker than him thanks to my size. Within the defensive move, I spin, disguising an attack as I go to kick him. Even if he dodges it would get some space between us, time to plan an attack, time to study his stance and weaknesses...

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:43 pm


I missed. I freakin' missed. I dodged his kick, sliding out of the way. There was enough distance between us and I went back to my fighting stance, keePing one hand up and the other in a defense. "Your move."

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:49 pm

I smirk sightly, returning to my stance as well. "Alright," I say lightly, but don't do anything for a moment. Until suddenly running forwards, punching out with my right to distract his defensive hand, but then suddenly stopping, switching my footing slightly to change the momentum, coming up instead with a surprise left hook up aiming for his chin.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:03 pm


His fist made contact with my jaw, I stumbled backward and regained my footing enough so I didn't fall. My jaw hurt, and a trickle of blood ran down the corner of my mouth. I turned and spat out the blod, wiping my lips to get it off. I was ticked, I took up a fighting stance and glared at him before running forward and swinging my fist to make contact with his ear.

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Post by Black&White Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:11 pm

Too obvious, too much time between my hit and his attempted. By the time he goes to hit I'm back in stance, ducking under his swinging arm. I just sneer at him, putting my foot by his so that his own momentum might trip him up. If not I'm already moving forward for a jab to his side, just below his ribs.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:31 pm


I avoided the trip but felt the brat make contact with my ribs. Grimacing, I swung my foot, hoping to at least kick or trip him. I wanted to wipe that stupid little sneer of his face..

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:45 pm

My other arm was still up, ready to defend. The kick has me staggering, makes my forearm hurt and probably left a bit of a bruise, but nothing i haven't had before. I catch my balance again, vaulting back for space so he couldn't use the moment to his advantage. "You fight like a gangster, not a soldier," I tease, my smirk staying. Again, to my stance, bouncing on my feet slightly and snickering a little. "This all you can do?"

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:34 pm


I growled and glared at him, ressuming my fighting stance. "You act like a brat, a spoiled little brat," I spat, putting my fists up and keeping my feet balanced.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:14 pm

"Well, if we're throwing around insults, you act like a tantrum throwing brat." I grin at him, just knowing it annoyed him. People like him were easy to annoy. "You want to call it quits and draw to the spoiled brat or continue and get beaten by him?"

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:44 pm


I bit my tongue, thinking of what I could do to the little twit. I began to walk around him so he wouldn't be able to look at me all the time, he'd have to turn around alot to follow me. When I saw the right time, just before he could turn I wrapped my fingers around his scrawny little neck.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:55 pm

Stupid... I circle with him, not staying in the same place but keeping the distance between us. "This will get you no where, I hope you know. I'm not clueless on fighting, unlike you." Just keep annoying the bastard. Too easy.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:59 pm


This is why weapons were easier. Hand to hand combat wasn't my strong point...apparently it was for this little punk. I stopped, looking him over for a minute. He had to have some weakness....heh....he liked insults...and if they didn't bother...someone. "Alright," I shrugged.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:12 pm

"Jeez, you give up early..." I mutter, pausing a moment. And then again, running forward without any warning. This was boring, might as well just end it...
Jumping to close the distance, aiming a kick for his stomach, smirking all the while.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:14 pm


OHHELLNO. I dodged rolled out of the way, coming on my feet again. "I never gave up," I smirked at him.

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Practice Chat - Page 2 Empty Re: Practice Chat

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:21 pm

I twist around and land in a crouch, jumping up to continue the attack with a quick series of punches for the head. Right, not give up...just dodge every little thing... Switching my aim to surprise him, suddenly ducking down for a hit to the stomach again.

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