the Character Chat Revolution
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The Box Chat.

Jacky K.
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The Box Chat. Empty The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Based off chatbox CCing.

This is pretty much a big conference of paranormal people.

You may only join if you have box chatted before. Someone must vouch for you saying that you have before.
You may only use characters you have dragged into the chatbox. When someone vouches for you, they must comfirm these characters.
Any relationships your characters have had in their original chats are severed in here. New relationships and stuff, unless it was in the box. Ex: my character Rose despises Endellion's character Dorian with a passion. Get it?



Name: Rose Swan
Age: Looks about 17
Appearance: The Box Chat. Wavy%2Bhair
Species: Demon
Personality: Sadistic, egotistic, crazy, energetic, but bubbly when she's not pissed.
Other: Has devil wings, tiny horns hidden by hair, and her personality resembles that of a black kitten: cute, energetic, but unlucky and dangerous.


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Banshee Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:35 pm

Book Title: Seer

Name: Elizabeth Thomas
Physical Description: Curly brown hair, blue green eyes, fair skin
Abilitys: Seer (which means she can see, talk to, and touch the dead)
Personalitly: Kind, headstrong, determined, gentil
Bio or Extra info: She's torn between Ezra and Andrew. Friend of Rose, Alex, and Marly.

Name: Andrew Johnson
Physical Description: Blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin
Abilitys: Ghost
Personalitly: Stubborn, hot headed, sarcastic, kind to Liz
Bio or Extra info: He died April 14, 1912. Loves Liz and hates Ezra, even though they're related. Friend of Marly. Aquantince/Torture Victim of Rose.

Name: Ezra Cox
Physical Description: Black hair, dark eyes
Abilitys: Seer (see above)
Personalitly: pessimistic, hot headed, sarcastic, stubborn, kind to Liz
Bio or Extra info: Loves Liz and hates Andrew but helps him because of his love for Liz. Friend of Rose and Marly. Well...more Rose. XD

Last edited by gh3325 on Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 27
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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Jacky K. Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:45 pm

Name: Cricket
Age: 14
Appearance: Slender and slightly short for his age, jet black hair that hangs in his face, goldish eyes that are almost light enough to be called yellow.
Species: human
Personality: quirky
Other: He's afraid of Wisp and Ayakashi. Friend of Marley.

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:50 pm

Dorian: Do I HAVE to be in thi...

Dorian "Gray" Aldric
Jet black hair, silver eyes. Muscled, medium height
Assassin, twin to Alex and brother to Marley.
Cold, calculating, and cruel, Dorian is the perfect assassin. He's skilled with knives and guns alike, and savors the feeling of a kill. Basically, don't get on his bad side. Unless you're me, then you can do this *flicks Dorian*... I feel like I just tempted death right there. *cough* moving on...

Alex Aldric
Same as Dorian
Same, except no longer an assassin. Engaged to to Wolf, and a father of two
Used to be an assassin like Dorian, but has seen the metaphorical light when he met Wolf. He was never quite as bad as Dorian, anyway. And he reacts better when flicked *flicks Alex* NOW I was just risking a punch in the face, but not a whole lot more

Marley Aldric
Very short, (4'5" for pity sakes) hazel eyes, dark blonde hair
Oh geez... what IS there to say about Marley that I can fit into one paragraph?! Thief. Hates McDonalds. Loves the Beatles. Makes too sugary lemonade. Can't dance to save her life, but a pretty good singer. Has a darker side that should never be poked too much at. A sarcastic little... moving on

Spades (Ace or Queen)
16 or 22
Curly Carmel colored hair, pale, green eyes. Intricate black tattoos on arms, and scars on her back from multiple beatings by her old boss.
Deathly afraid of fire... and...*Cough* Wait, do I describe Ember or Elizabeth (Multiple personalities much?) here? Oh, both, okay. Elizabeth: Conflicted, but a pretty nice chick if you don't PO her too much. Ember: ...Don't poke her with a 10 foot stick.

Speedy...or Red Arrow...or Arsenal. I agree with NW, just pick a name and stick with it, boy!
17 or 23 or... idk how old he was as Arsenal
He's the one in the front. Feel free to blame everything he does on his red hair, BW and I sure do
Oh Speedy... happy and kinda irritating on the outside (and admittibly, a BIT of a player sometimes >.> he likes girls a lot, what can I say?), a recovering druggie who never tells anybody what's wrong on the inside. That is all... oh, and if you ever for some strange reason want to see how fast he can run, mention 'PMS'

Deacon or Deadshot
18 or 24
Um... brown hair and brown eyes, I think xxD
He hates Speedy for reasons unknown at this point, (Maybe he's just tired of that good 'ol Roy Harper 'charm') and he's a total... beeeep. Like, beeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep.

Very smart, the youngest in the next gen YJ. A pretty nice guy, actually

Okay, that's... a lot. I'll add Reese, Jude, ect only if Spire comes.

Last edited by endellion on Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:53 pm

Name: Robin/Nightwing aka Richard Grayson
Age: 17 or 23
Appearance: robin --> nightwing -->
Species: human
Personality: hm. this is hard... supportive and caring. As Ende and Spades would say: noble. To sum up: An hero.
History: parents murdered when he was eight, i believe. Adopted ward of Bruce Wayne. In YJ for a while until Bruce fired him from being Robin then he struck it out on his own with Spades as Nightwing. Engaged to Spades

Name: Arrowette aka Cissie King-Jones
Age: 16 or 22
Species: human
Personality: bubbly and sassy, but sort of a tom boy at the same time
History: Sort of forced into heroism by her mother, the original Arrowette. Father figure died when she was younger (though her mother claims her real father is Green Arrow), taken away from her mother by Child Services. Stayed at an all girl's academy, joined YJ until her old counselor was murdered and she went after the killers herself. Was in a relationship with Roy, friends with all the YJ people.

Name: Harley Quinn
Age: 25-30 ish (?)
Species: human
Personality: oh boy... Fangirl/want-to-be girlfriend of the Joker, and crazy enough to be so
History: Used to work at Arkham Asylum until she met the Joker and fell in love, helped him escape, and now masquerades with him causing all sorts of evil to go down.

Name: Wolf aka October Tyler
Age: 19
Species: werewolf
Personality: not afraid to speak her mind. Perhaps hard to people who don't know her, but friendly and caring when you do
History: First Turned when she was six without a bite, killed her parents, lived as a wolf for three years unable to change back. Learned most of what she knows from television. Engaged to Alex, mother of two. Not a big fan of Dorian but, heck, they're about to become family.

Name: Ami/Ayakashi
Age: looks 18, in fact 2
Species: biological weapon
Personality: Ayakashi is crazy, idontgiveafuckwhatyouthink. As Cricket would say, creepy. A bit sadistic thrown in. Ami is quiet and shy-ish. very controlled, but gets confused easily because of her age.
History: A biological weapon of Area 51 until she escaped as Ayakashi. Retreated to the Institution where they used her naivness to study her and accidently make more superpowered teens. Got into a 'relationship' with a worker, couldn't handle the emotions, and developed Ami to cope. Both of them have telekinesis. Friend/Idontknowwhat of Cricket's.

Name: Wisp
Age: looks 14, in fact 1.
Species: biological weapon
Personality: submissive when it comes to a higher power, playful and a bit of Ayakashi only somewhat toned down at times. Idontknowwhat of Cricket's.

Last edited by Black&White on Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:41 pm; edited 7 times in total

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Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Jacky K. Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:54 pm

Aw! Bye ende! And hah...liked the Dorian bit.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Banshee Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:01 pm

Jacky K. wrote:Aw! Bye ende! And hah...liked the Dorian bit.


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:13 pm

hehe. This should be fun. XD


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Banshee Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:34 pm

Rosalie Swan wrote:hehe. This should be fun. XD
I know
XD Did u read what i put about andrew?

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:41 pm

Marley: "Ende, those bios of us SUCK"
Alex: "I have to agree with Marley on this one..."
Marley: "Seriously."

Sorry, sorry, I was on my phone and-

Speedy: "No exuses... wait, I'm not even ON there?!"
Spades: "..."
Deacon: *flicks Speedy*
Speedy: "You little..."



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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:44 pm

xD does that mean i should add Cissie?
Cissie: Quite possible. Roy might go druggie without me and -
Right! *headpalm* Silly ginger...
Cissie: *giggles* You said it.

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:45 pm

yay! I'm everyone's friend!! Very Happy

Rose: "More like I am!"
But I made you.
Rose: "Shut up! As long as I get to beat the crap outta Dorian, I'm happy."
Be nice, Rose....


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:00 pm

Updated! And yea, BW. Silly ginger


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:04 pm

oh wow. I seem pathetic with my one character. Maybe I can drag in Pepe or something...


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:06 pm

aww, i like Robin's red outfit better...

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:07 pm

Me too! But I couldn't find one... I'll look again *trudges off*


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:07 pm

Name: Kayla "Kay" Brown
Age: 15
Appearance: Straight, blonde hair to her shoulders, and brown, thick-lashed eyes
Species: human
Personality: Spunky, spastic, outgoing, impulsive, friendly, a little slow

Name: Julia Cartwell
Age: 17
Appearance: Dark, almost black, hair and blue eyes. Short, around 5'1", and paleish
Species: human
Personality: Moody, needy, a little clingy, sometimes very innocent-seeming, thoughtful

Name: Chelsea Andrews
Age: 14
Appearance: Strawberry blonde, wavy hair (it's almost like she was a redhead but the color drained out), and super light eyes. Very, very pale, as there's no blood in her to give her color.
Species: Immortal
Personality: Quiet, not a very happy person, helpful, a bit lonely

Name: Alice Phillips
Age: 15 (?)
Appearance: Blonde, loose curls, and blue eyes.
Species: human
Personality: Polite and charming, but is manipulative below the surface

hmm who else?

Last edited by !nspired on Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:26 pm; edited 2 times in total


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:08 pm

you did bring in Chelsea yesterday ^^^


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:09 pm

Right! *goes to add*


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:09 pm

And Raina...though I'm not sure if that'd be confusing, since she's Julia's future kid...


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:13 pm

[quote="endellion"]Me too! But I couldn't find one... I'll look again *trudges off*[/quote]

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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:14 pm

Found one!

Tim Drake is the one who... actually, if I have to point OUT who Tim Drake is, then you have bigger issues at hand, my friends


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:14 pm

..... okay, i might feel REALLY stupid for this, but who is Tim Drake? Flash?


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:16 pm

I feel like Pavo with all these characters xD

Jude Silver
Black hair, deep blue eyes.
Irritable, but trustworthy. Getting on his bad side is not so great of an idea, though, cause he can hold his own in a fist fight. Juggles knives as a hobby. Oh, and the co-leader of America. You know, whatever.

Dark blonde hair, brown eyes (I think xD)
Very trusting, kind of a push over *cough* teddybear *cough cough* but you know, you gotta love the little guy, he's pretty protective of Kayla


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The Box Chat. Empty Re: The Box Chat.

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:16 pm



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