the Character Chat Revolution
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Mutated    Empty Mutated

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:03 am

Mutated    Gene-mutation

Mutation. You’ve heard of it in comic books, maybe even in the science magazine that nerds read in their spare time. But did you ever stop to think it was real and not just some speculation? Now when I say mutation, I don’t mean that your eyes are different colors, or maybe you have a sixth toe. No. When I say mutation I’m talking altering your genetics to create power, to be able to do things you never thought possible. I didn’t think it was possible, I didn’t believe in that kind of stuff. Not until now.
~ Lexa Kingsman

Some were born with this...this gift. Others were made. Because of this difference they are being hunted. Humans are to afraid of their "deformity." It's not right. It's unnatural. It's a mutation. In a futuristic world where you are left to your own devices, you must keep hidden, find some way to stay in the norm. There are small groups here and there that stick together, but you must not be found out. Stay hidden, stay safe.


Character Skeleton:


Setting: You are in a futuristic world where flying cars are common and holographs replace paper. Fasers are now the replacements for guns but almost nothing is covered in chrome. The world still looks the same, there are still sewers, there are still brick roads and paved roads. There's still garbage everywhere, and the world is at war with itself. The government is corrupt and needs a scape goat to get the focus off of itself. That's why they're after you. They blame you for the state of the world. It use to be safe for your kind, but it's not any more. It's like the Red Scare on grand scale.

~If you want to be a group leader, PM me and I may forge you a group. Depends on how many groups there are. These groups are like secret covens, or gangs, of mutants, each stick to their own. Blood wars can and most likely will break out between them.
~ Non-Mutants are allowed in the chat
~Don't get butt hurt
~Don't post 1 liners. We're getting out of that habit.
~ NO txt tlk!
~Any issues, talk to me
~Have fun


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:25 am

Name: Alexandria (Lexa) Kingsman
Age: 19
Looks: Mutated    2jbv2ac stands roughly around 5'5 dresses in a tank, military issued cargo pants, and black combat boots. She carries a weapon on her at all times and this weapon varies depending on her mood.
Mutation: She can make herself grow or shrink and has a high pitched sonic scream
Bio: Lexa was created, a test subject for some company that was trying to activate mutated cells. They figured that if they could activate them, then they could figure out how to deactivate them. But rather than ask for volunteers, they kidnapped their test subjects. Lexa was kidnapped at age 13, escaped at 17, and has been on the run since. She claims the South East part of the city as her territory and is loyal only to her coven which is led by Carson.

Name: Carson Lennock
Age: 21
Looks: Mutated    Anime_10
Mutation: Carson controls fire and can make fire
Bio: Carson was born different and new it from the moment he got mad at his mom and set her on fire when he was 6. He didn't mean to, it was an accident, but once something has happened, it can't be undone. His father came in and was furious and out of fear, Carson lit his father on fire as well and ran. Whether or not they lived, he has no idea. He is the leader of the coven towards the South East of town that labels themselves as The Caydrn. Each member of the Caydrn gets a tribal tattoo on their chest that's done by their personal tat artist, Tatts.

Name: Grayven Harting Aka Tatts
Age: 20
Looks: Mutated    Anime-Guy-anime-guys-20980907-700-963
Mutation: Needles come from his skin
Bio: Tatts was one of those experiments that never gets mentioned to anyone. He was a government funded experiment, taken off the streets after his mother abandoned him when he accidentally shot her with a bone needle at the age of 8. When the government picked him up, they stuffed him with some sort of metal, making his bone needles, now legit. He was kept in a power cell until he was 19, then he finally broke out. When he did, he stumbled on Carson who paid him to do a tat job on him and Lexa. Ever since Tatts has been trailing along with them. Tatts actually hates Carson with a passion, but has a strong loyalty and begrudgingly would call him an "ally." He refuses to use the word friend when it comes to Carson.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:19 pm

Name: Diamond
Age: 19
Looks:Mutated    Anime_girl_punk
Mutation: Her skin is as hard as diamonds, its a closely kept secret that she can also heal people.
Bio: Diamond grew up on the streets, she's not quite sure how old she was when she escaped the foster home she'd been dropped in. All she knows is that she ran, and that she's never regretted it. She found Jeremy and Tanna when she was eight. People tend to avoid her, seeing as Jeremy took her in like a little sister. He tends to keep a close eye on anyone who comes near her, thinking that she's a bit too innocent for her own good.

Name: Tanna Jones
Age: 21
Looks:Mutated    Anime-Girl%20Rock
Mutation: She can become invisible, passing though objects kinda like a ghost.
Bio: Her and her brother were experiments, taken from their parents for a simple payment. They grew up in the lab, experimented on till they escaped when they were ten. They ran into Diamond a year later and took her in as one of them. Since then they've just roamed, not really having a place of their own.

Name: Jeremy Jones
Age: 21
Looks:Mutated    Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSpvOzcHmINz5O4gsCAt_a8EIVE7d74yWOV9u5ObmeAx6XzHHKg8A
Mutation: He can control the weather, but its tied into his emotions, making it hard for him when he's angry. Lightning is the easiest for him.
Bio: The same as his sister. BTW, they're twins.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:38 pm

Lexa walked through the streets, taking care to keep from being spotted. Had it been anyone else, they would have been alright to be seen, but not Lexa. She was an escaped experiment, she was wanted, she was hunted. She glanced around as she came to the end of an alley way, her hair falling into her eyes. She uttered a few curses beneath her breath before shoving the hair from her face. She needed food. The coven needed food. She dashed across the barren street, quickly making it to the alley on the opposite side. The markets were close, she could smell them.

Tatts was lounging about as usual, chilling in his bag. He always found a bag that contained something soft, and used it as a chair. It was equvilant to a bean bag, but sometimes it carried a rancid smell. Fortunately for him, he'd gotten use to it. Out of sheer boredom, he lifted his finger, a needle slowly sliding out and into the sun light which he was basking in. He then began to inspect it, trying to figure out what the metal was exactly.

Carson was back at the coven base, barking orders at anyone and everyone that ever crossed his path. Carson wasn't one for kindness, that's why he usually kept Lexa around. She kept him in place most of the time. She was like his sister.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:11 pm

Jeremy sighed, glancing back at Diamond before walking out of the alley they'd chosen for the night. Tanna followed him, her thoughts running along the same path.
"That girls going to get into some trouble one of these times." He grumbled, spinning around to face Tanna. "This time she managed to bring down not one, but two search groups onto us."
Tanna sighed, crossing her arms and tossing a causal look over her shoulder. "She doesn't mean it Jeremy, she's just a bit more trustin' then you and I. I don't see how she's managed to stay like that, but she has. It's not a bad thing."
"It is when it causes so much trouble." He growled, running a hand through his hair before sighing a little. "Just, try to keep out of trouble for a few hours 'kay? I've got to find us something, or we'll be in trouble soon enough."
Tanna nodded, glancing back at where Diamond was sleeping once again. "Alright, be careful Jere."
Nodding he turned, heading into the crowd warily. He knew it wasn't safe, but going any longer without finding them something to eat would be worse.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:47 pm

Lexa dodged around the outskirts of the market, snatching whatever she could get. She had a small stash going in the alley, stuck in a gunney sack. She kept an eye out for anyone who might catch her or try to steal her food. She wasn't about to get robbed today.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:35 pm

(May I join?)

Name:James SilverTounge
Mutated    11111110
Mutation:Can feel when someone that's wanting to cause him harm is near, which makes him very good at avoiding his enemies.
Bio:His father abandoned him when he was twelve. His mother died when he was born and he faild to protect his sister, who's now dead. He lives on the streets, a angry glint in his eye, but he never allows himself to be seen...less he wants to be seen for a fight.

(I'll create more tommorow if it's fine if I join. =))

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:51 pm

(Of course it's fine James ^.^)


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:11 pm

Jeremy carefully made his way towards the part of town where he knew he'd be able to find something. He tended to take from houses more often then stores, they didn't expect it as much. Scanning his eyes over the positional places. He caught sight of a girl out of the corner of his eyes, but quickly dismissed her, focusing instead on making sure he himself remained unseen.

Diamond woke up not long after Jeremy left, covering her mouth to conceal a chuckle at Tanna who'd fallen asleep right beside her. Pursing her lips for a moment she carefully pulled away from her, and started down the street. She didn't get the chance to be on her own often, why not take advantage of it.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:43 pm

Tatts continued to inspect one of his many needles, a sad look falling on his face, almost mournful. He hated being what he was, he seriously did. He'd give anything to be normal, but he couldn't. It was hard, especially when he got excited, to even act like a normal. Whenever he got excited, his needles would pop out everywhere, making him look like a human pincushion.

Lexa continued to grab food, making herself tiny for the things that were closer to the market rather than the stands that were farther back and closer to the alley.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:55 pm

Jeremy frowned, eyeing the new security systems with annoyance. That's what you got with the people who weren't like those around him. The one's who were still well off. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair before turning back towards the market. Upon reaching them he frowned a little, making the sky slowly darken, by covering the sun with clouds, before slipping closer to attempt swiping a few items.

Diamond sighed, peering down random alleys before settling her eyes hungrily upon a vendor's both. Her stomach growled, and she glanced around warily before making her way towards it. Jeremy stole food all the time, surely it couldn't be /that/ hard....

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:56 pm

(I'm feeling to lazy and I'm on my laptop...I'll create more when I get on my computer later. and Thanks!)

James crouched in an alley, his head between his knees and his hands over his head. He was leaned back against the alley wall and he was trying to get past another one of his memories. The memorie of his sister's death was posioning his mind, and clawed at his heart as though a monster rested in his ribs, tearing at his heart. He felt no others that wanted to harm him at the moment and he allowed himself to swim in his grief. His face and body was dirty with sweat and blood from having been fighting. He didnt' have a place to stay and was always on the run. His silver hair was now shoulder lentgh, and his eyes were gold, like honey. He was lean, but his muscles were finely defined. He was shritless, his last shirt having been torn to shreds from his last fight. His stomach snarled, demanding he feed himself soon.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:03 pm

Lexa grabbed a few more things before dashing off with her gunny sack, not even looking back. She dashed down an alleyway and froze seeing a boy with white hair sitting there, covered in blood. Her heart raced as she tried to figure out what to do. He wasn't one of them was he? One of the normals. Or one of Gearson's gang?

Tatts looked up, seeing a girl coming down his alley. He paused before he stuck his foot out to trip her. She looked new. To new. There was no way she was going to get food without getting caught.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:07 pm

Diamond barely noticed him, too focused on the idea of food. Her feet catching on his, she tripped, sprawling out on the ground. Dazed for a moment she just sat there, before jumping to her feet and spinning around. Forcing away a bit of fear she instead pushed a glare onto her face, even if it wasn't a very convincing one. "What was that for?!?!"

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:07 pm

Azriel's eyes snapped open and he instantly shifted into a more protective crouch. "Who're you?" His voice came out soft and silky, like honey, and just as sweet, but it sent chills down his enemies spines. He was itching for a figth, but not with her. His right hand lightly rested upon the dagger seathed on his hip.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:12 pm

"Lexa," she said in a strong voice, her eyes narrowing on him. "Don't threaten me, move your hand from that dagger." She put a hand on her hip, her attitude kicking in. When her attitude took over, she honestly didn't care who the guy was or what he was.

Tatts helped her up and gave a small grin. "You're gonna get caught if you go in there." He said simply.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Bells Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:16 pm

Diamond shook her head, trying to form what she thought was a tough look while putting a certain distance between them. "No I wouldn't," She grumbled, also attempting to sound like she didn't agree with him. "I can take care of myself."

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:19 pm

James gave a dry, dark laugh. "I wouldn't threaten me right now, besides, death would be a blessing right now." He slowly, and painfully stood up, but leaned back against the alley wall for support. He was dangerously low on energy and his stomach felt like it was eating itself from the inside out. "I've nothing to live for." Wounds upon his back and chest reopend as his standing reopend them, slowly oozing down his chest. His golden eyes flashed in defiance though and he let his hand stay on the seath with his dagger he'd gotten from his sister. Her mutation had been able to create weapons out of anything, and he now treasured it. It was a part of her he'd never let go.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:49 pm

"Sure you wouldn't," Tatts said as he watched her carefully. "Look. Tell you what. You sit and watch my bag, and I'll go nick somethin for the both of us. Deal?"

Lexa stared at him and rolled her eyes. "Alright tough guy....who's coven you with?" She kept her hand on her hip, acting as though she wasn't intimidated when in all reality she was frightened beyond belief.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:52 pm

"None right now. I haven't contacted either. I've been on the run. Not enough time." His face was pale from the pain he was causing himself, but he hid the pain well in his honey gold eyes. "Which is closest? Which are you in?" His stomach growled and he became impatient, wanting to go ahead and get a meal from the market, but was also curios whos turf he was on.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:57 pm

"I'm with Carson," Lexa said as she eyed him. She glanced around and her eyes narrowed. "I can give you shelter, food, and medical care....but so help me if you bring any harm to my coven I'll tear your ass apart myself." She pointed at him, her eyes flashing darkly, dead serious.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:01 pm

He smirked at her. "I'd love to see you try." His voice came out in a soft taunting purr. He'd taken taekwondo before his life spiraled out of control and he was exceptionitly good. Not to mention his strentgh. "I don't sense any danger from you. I'll trust you. For now." He took a deep breath and stood on his own, with difficultie, but he was to stubborn to submit to his pain and tiredness. He fingered the dagger's hilt out of habit and looked around him, tasting the air for anyone wanting to cause him harm, and relaxed slightly, his muscles looseing as he was cearting no danger was near.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:06 pm

Lexa sighed and walked over to him, having him put his arm around her shoulder. She then grew to a height that would take pressure off his wounds, and began to lead him towards the coven's hide out, the gunny sack still slung over her shoulder. "Carson's gonna kill me for this," she muttered to herself.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Rebel Wolf Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:11 pm

James ached terribly and was impressed slightly at her ability. Little sounds of pain wanted to escape his throat, but he didn't let them, keeping the same stubborne expresion. He thought he heard her say something, but instead answered, "Thank you." Yes he had a terrible life, that didn't mean he didn't have manners.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

Posts : 3564
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Guest Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:14 pm

"You're welcome," Lexa said after a moment, her features and countenance softening. "What the hell did you get yourself into?" She asked as she stopped and set him against the wall, tearing the bottom of her tank to to wrap the worst of his wounds before starting out again.


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Mutated    Empty Re: Mutated

Post by Sponsored content

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