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Just Friends

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:37 pm


I sighed, deciding to keep my mouth shut this time as the two Fay glanced at each other and nodded slowly.

"It has been decided that you will rest, and settle in. Questions will be asked, but at a later date. Until then, you'll stay at Ailey's house. She didn't make it back in for the council meeting, so lets hope that nothing has happened to her. " He paused for a moment, a slightly worried tone to his voice.

"Liam, her soulmate will lead you there. I believe they still have open rooms from when they used to be watchers, or those who would take care of newborn fay. Many who used to come would be in shock from the form of death they'd received and needed someone to watch over them until they could take care of themselves."

With that said Lawson stepped back, gesturing to a young fay sitting who'd stepped down from the stair things. Liam I assumed, his eyes were a deep, almost blackish caramel color. Large butterfly like wings stretched out behind him, a mixture of caramel and black.

Giving us a pleasant smile he gave a small bow of the head to the two council members and motioned towards the door.

"Oh, perhaps I should mention," Lawson murmured. "Liam doesn't speak, we believe he died in some kind of torture, his tongue most likely removed. He may have it back now, but he has never used it."

Liam seemed to ignore the council members soft words, instead walking to the door and holding it for us.

"Um thanks," I muttered, turning to leave. "See ya later or something.."

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:45 pm


"Thank you," I said to the council with a nod before turning to follow Liam.

It never really struck me until that moment...but I was starting a new life. I wasn't human anymore; I was a Fay now, and so was Danae. That...was just... And who knew how long Fay lived? I wondered what this new life would be like. One thing was for certain...nothing was going to be the same.

...That council member had mentioned something like "soulmate." Seemed like a rather strange word to use in formal company.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:21 pm


Liam didn't pause, leading us straight out the door and down the lantern lit streets. There were even less fay out than before, the few who were not sparing us a second glance, just hastily making their way into nearby houses. I was about to ask Liam what that was about, when I heard it.

A small clang echoing from the direction of the gate. Once, then twice, getting louder and more insistent. A shudder crept down my spine, it only taking a second for me to guess what that probably was.

Something attacking the gate.

Suddenly Liam stopped, pointing to a medium sized cottage to our right and then hurrying in that direction. He had the door open in an instant, and gestured for us to go in.

'The gate never has broken.' He mouthed, 'But we are told to stay indoors during times like these.'

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:33 pm


I nodded and entered. I was curious as to what was causing the sound, but I knew better than to hang about outside in case I happened to find out the hard way. That...would not be a good thing. And at any rate, I was fairly certain that I'd get to know more about everything soon enough.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:05 pm


Liam stepped in after us, studying us for a moment. Then he nodded, gesturing towards the sitting area that we stood in.

'Sit," He mouthed, or at least.. once again I believe that's what he said. 'I'll prepare beds for you. We have guest room, a bed on each side of the room.'

I hesitated for a moment, then went to sit down. He watched us a moment longer, then left, walking down a hall directly back from the door.

"Well," I muttered, "This day has been.....interesting to say the least..."

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:11 pm


I could read lips; I gave Liam a nod of thanks before he left the room.

"Yeah," I answered Danae. "And to think we ended up here because we were reading poetry together...and because I'm a freak."

I was still angry as all hell at that white-haired guy... Not for killing me, though. I couldn't care less that he killed me. I was far more upset that he killed Danae for associating with me. ...That said, I also felt somewhat at fault.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:23 pm


I sighed, relaxing a little as I studied him. "You know he might have found a reason anyways, even if you weren't....different."

It was true, Dad didn't need a reason for causing pain. He'd been getting worse also, more violent for less actual causes.

"I think.." I paused, biting my lip and gathering my thoughts. "I think we'll like it here. These people..I think..if we do things right... these people seem nice. Confused about why we're here...but nice."

The longer I went the softer my voice got, my hand finding my wrist. Anything was better than what I was coming from right? I mean.. it was my dad who'd killed us. My Dad!

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:35 pm


"Yeah...I think we will," I agreed. Then I saw her hand reach her wrist. Softly, and as reassuringly as I could manage, I said, "Don't be upset, Danae. Things will be good from here on out."

After all, it was her dad who killed her. Her own father!

((4000th post! WHOOT!))
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:55 pm


I nodded slowly, forcing myself to place my hand in my lap, away from my wrist.

"Perhaps you're right." I murmured, glancing up at him from my hands. "Surely it can't get worse. Not than what we've already had."

I hoped that we were right. Maybe we were, there wasn't nothing saying we couldn't be. Perhaps I could hope, but then again.. maybe not. Hoping has never done me any good before, only left me worse off than I had already been.

I barely noticed Liam come back in and gesture for us to follow him back down the hallway. Following him down the dark hall, I couldn't help but consider the fact that before, I'd been alone. I.. wasn't so alone now. Perhaps.. perhaps I could..hope. Things would..get better now...

'Rest now,' Laim mouthed. 'Tomorrow will be better, the suns will be back, along with the life of the village. You'll see, you won't even recognize the place you've seen tonight. But for now, sleep well.'

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:51 pm


"Thank you for all this," I said to Liam.

Rest...that sounded good about now. My wings still had a dull ache from today's race against the starlighter, but I was also pretty tired in general. Tomorrow would be a new day, though...and maybe we'd finally get the full story explained to us.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:10 am


Liam gave Peter a short nod, standing there for only a moment longer before turning with an uneasy look out the window on the wall across from the door. Glancing out myself I noted the dark, deserted streets. Shivering I turned away, instead placing my attention on the bed beside me. Rest, nothing could sound better than that at the moment. I barely noticed Liam leaving as I sat down, pulling back the covers and glancing up at Peter.


The words had no sooner left my mouth, my head touching the pillow, than I was swept away into the darkness of dreamless sleep.

I couldn't have told you how long I slept, time passing me by without notice. When I finally did open my eyes the first thing I noticed was the sun leaking in through the windows. Transfixed by the sight I couldn't help but think of Liam's statement the night before. That we wouldn't recognize this place when the suns came back, and he was right.

The street was full of people, crowded from side to side with laughing, smiling Fay. Everyone had wings, and I don't believe any had skin without the runes. They all seemed to be having a wonderful time, not an angry, or even just sad face in the crowds.

Amazed I crept closer to the window, drawn towards this scene. Not only was there people on the streets, but there were stalls. Fay selling fruit, some kind of cooked meat, jewelry, clothing, flowers the size of me, all these different things, some of which I'd never seen before. Leaning on the window sill, I leaned out, breathing in the scent of baked goods.

Maybe we're right. Maybe things are different here, in this new light....

I could almost believe it.

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:51 pm


It wasn't often that I got to sleep on a bed that was actually a bed. You kind of made your bed out of whatever on missions. Anything soft. I was used to waking up smelling like leaves and moss (and with plenty of the stuff in my hair and clothes), so this was a nice departure from that.

Being a light sleeper, I woke up as soon as Danae started moving around. Being an early-riser, I'd actually woken up previously before deciding to go back to sleep since no one else had been awake at the time.

"Good morning," I said to Danae. "How's it look out there?"
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:22 pm


I grinned, stepping away from the window and gesturing towards the streets.

"Look for yourself, its hard to believe thaw the same place we saw last night."

As I spoke my eyes caught a small stack sitting on a table next to the doorway of the room. Walking over there I realized that it was two small stacks of clothing. Looking them over quickly I scowled, grabbing the shirt and pants, and turning back towards Peter. Of course he got pants, he was a /guy/. And unless I was mistaken, I was meant to wear the baby blue dress sitting next to where his clothing had been.

"Here, I think these are for you." I muttered, tossing them at him.

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:28 pm


I caught the clothes and scrutinized them. ...Interesting... And hey, they didn't look utterly ridiculous. That was good.

"Thanks," I said. "Um...I'll just leave while you're...yeah."

I got up and headed out the door of the bedroom.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:37 pm


Scowling I quickly slipped off the clothes I was wearing and pulled on the dress. Sure, it fit nice, perfectly actually. was a dress, sleeveless and bright colored. My scars showed, every single one on my arms, even the second brand I'd kept from showing anyone.

Taking a deep breath I stepped out of the room, peeking down the hall before hurrying to the entry room. My eyes were once again drawn to the window, mesmerized by all the people.


Watching the boy exit the room he'd quickly stepped forward to show the way to a bathroom where he could change.

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:52 pm


I quickly changed, exited the bathroom, and looked for Liam.

"Thanks for the clothes," I said. "And...well, everything. But, um, would Ailey happen to have a light jacket or shawl that Danae could borrow?" I'd seen the sleeves of the dress (or lack thereof), and I knew that Danae hated showing her arms.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:40 am

Liam nodded, gesturing for Peter to follow him as he walked back down the hall, turning into a door jut like the one leading into the guest bedroom. Crossing the room, stepping around the bed in the center, Liam reached a closet built into the opposite wall and pulled back on the covering flower petal to reveal all the clothing. He quickly ran his fingers through the pieces before pulling out a blue jacket, just a few shaded darker than the dress he'd given Danae. Offering it to Peter he gave a soft smile, gesturing to it with the free hand d mouthing,
"Ailey made it."


I glanced around self consiosly before leaning out the widow, taking in the market scene with a smile. It was just, so..lively. So many people, all happy. I felt almost overwhelmed.

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:15 pm


"Thanks," I said to Liam before heading out of this room and back into the guest room. "Danae?" I asked. "There's a jacket for you here."
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:31 pm


Clamping my hand over the brand on my upper arm I turned around and quickly took the jacket from him.

"Thanks," I muttered, slipping it on and flashing him a smile. "This dress is a little too open for my tastes."

My eyes went back to the window and I thought quietly for a moment before looking back to him. "How about we go exploring?"

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Sat Nov 26, 2011 12:19 am


"Sure," I replied. Hey, we were going to be living here now, right? Might as well get to know the place. I headed for the door.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:06 pm


Stepping outside the door I couldn't help but notice that it seemed even more unreal from out here. For me, the girl who'd never been outside the prison since she was six, this was overwhelming. The scents were the first thing, the smell of fresh flowers, of bread, meats, and so many other things that I couldn't even attempt to describe.

Then came the sound, a constant buzz of voices, the sounds of carts being rolled down the stone streets, people calling out to attract attention to their stands. Even more overwhelming, the sight of it all. So many colors I couldn't hope to name them all, just...everything was so..amazing and confusing at the same time.

Excitement found its way to my eyes, my wings fluttering behind me. Grabbing Peter's arm I tugged a little, pointing towards a stand that had lots of Fay gathered around. A jingly music was in the background, the type of noise that makes you want to get up and dance. One fay stood in the middle of the group, in his hand a wooden 'x' with strings falling down to a figure, almost like a little man. The fay tilted the 'x', moving the figure along with it.

"What is that?" I asked amazed, my wings fluttering faster to make me hover a bit over the crowd in order to see it better.

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:12 pm


"It's a marionette," I said. "A kind of puppet."

Kind of funny, the things she knew versus the things she didn't. How much of the outside world she'd never seen before. Well, she was certainly going to see it now. There was nothing to hold her, or anyone else, back in this new world. They Fay were free to do practically anything they wanted. And while this may not have been new to me, it was an entirely different experience for Danae. I hoped she'd enjoy it...though I figured she would.
Winter Dragon

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:48 pm


My eyes widened slightly, watching the man for a moment longer before something else caught my eye and I grabbed Peter's arm and tugged him in another direction. We only stood there for a moment before I saw something else, and after that something else. It went on and on, with me starting to realize just how little I really knew about the world.

Finally we ended up at a stall that had flowers, I say had because I'd already learned that things weren't exactly sold. People traded, some things were even free. The flowers were free, and I was sorely tempted to get one, when I spotted them.

Logan and Rhiannon, standing on the other end of the stall, holding hands with a soft glow. Logan murmured something in her ear and Rhiannon smiled, just before spotting us. A grin touched her lips as she waved, tugging Logan over to where we stood.

"Well hello there, are you enjoying yourself yet?"

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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Echo Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:55 pm


"Er, yeah, thanks," I said awkwardly. Social situations were...not my forte.

Their lights were glowing. Just like how our lights glowed. I was reminded of how Rhiannon's light didn't flare up when she hugged us. Danae had posited the theory that lights were a sign of friendship, but...Rhiannon seemed to act like we were friends already. Maybe it was only very strong friendships, then? Of course, Rhiannon and Logan seemed like more than simply friends.
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Just Friends - Page 4 Empty Re: Just Friends

Post by Bells Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:13 am


Rhiannon smiled, glancing between us quickly before the smile turned into a thoughtful frown.

"I assume that you were given a place to stay, but nothing more." She paused for a moment and I went to reply but she cut me off as she continued to speak. "Of course that's all you've been provided. We'll have to fix that wont we Logan?"

Without pause she released Logan's hand, studying us but a second before stepping forward with a smile.

"Yes yes, this will never to. Logan, you show Peter around, find him everything that is needed for now, and I'll do the same for Danae." Her brilliant smile turned from us to Logan and back again. "Yes? A good idea? Wonderful, I thinking so too."

Without giving anyone a chance to answer she quickly began herding me towards a stall that seemed to be selling girls clothing.

"Um, see you later then.." I called out over my shoulder to Peter.

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