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The One That Got Away...

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:20 pm

Ian was nearly inches away from the restaurant when his phone began to ring. He looked at it and saw it was a message from his brother, Eric, saying he was at the local library. He cursed under his breath and ran back to his car, driving to the library. When he got there he believed it was deserted, he couldn't see his brother anywhere. He then saw a young woman (Mia) with pretty red hair and a strange shade of grey-blue eyes. He basically gawked at her with his mouth dropped. She looked very beautiful, and he was drawn to her. Of course he didn't want to be, because of Veronica, but either way he believed he had to talk to her. Just because she may have seen Eric. "Excuse me," he called out to her, suddenly noticing her strange expression. "...are you alright?"

Susan began to curl up into a ball as she bit back tears from her eyes. But she soon heard footsteps from afar, so she quickly dusted herself off and got up. But by then she saw a figure, a male figure (Cole), she believed she was hallucinating...but she thought it was Riki. "Riki?" she held back her voice, but then spoke louder, "Riki!"

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:48 am

Mia's mind kept traveling to James and she was truly starting to hurt. Her eyes immediately darted up to the person (Ian) who was speaking and she forced a smile. "I'm absolutely fine, thank you for asking. Can I help you with anything, sir?" she asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

Cole heard a name being called and his brow furrowed. The voice sounded like Elizabeth's and he turned slowly, hoping that maybe he would see her ghost or something, but instead it was some chick (Susan) standing there. "I don't know who this Riki is, but he ain't me," he said dryly.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:06 am

Ian looked at the girl (Mia) for a long time, before shaking his head and remembered what he was supposed to ask her. "Um, did you just see a man come by here? His name's Eric. He's about my age, short brown hair, same color of eyes I have..." he was scrambling to figure out how to describe his brother to her, but he was more interested in what was wrong with the girl (Mia) oddly.

Susan's eyes saddened, from the fact that it wasn't Riki and by the man's (Cole's) coldness. "I-I'm sorry," she replied, her fist clenching so she could stop herself from sobbing. "I thought you were my Riki..." My Riki's gone, she thought, all gone.

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Age : 30
Location : Somewhere over the rainbow

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:01 am

Mia stared at the man (Ian), wondering why he was just looking at her. He seemed strange to her... She thought about his question and realized that she hadn't seen the guy that he was describing. "No, I haven't seen anyone like that. Sorry, sir."

Cole noticed the girl's (Susan's) sad eyes and his face softened. Once he heard her speak, his eyes and face softened even more. He could tell that she was hurting over someone and he realized that she may have been in a situation similar to his. "Excuse my rudeness," he whispered. "It's just that I'm stressed. I didn't mean to be so cold."
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Age : 27

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:22 pm

Ian shook his head and muttered a breath, he looked up at the girl (Mia) and did a double take. For a second he thought he saw...Veronica? "...My name's Ian," he said, trying to shake his mind off of his lost love. "I don't think I've seen you from here..." Normally Ian knew anyone just by seeing them, because he lived in this town all of his life. Then again, he had been gone for quite some time at boot camp. "Are you new around here?"

Susan looked down and let out a choked laugh. "It's alright." She tried to calm herself, she was in public and in front of a stranger. So she did her best to keep her composure, even if it faltered at some points. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm...Susan." She could feel tears forming, she clenched her fists tighter. "I'm sorry, I was just visiting my Riki. It's his birthday today..."

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:36 pm

Mia watched Ian carefully, kind of surprised by the fact that in a way he reminded her of James and it caused her breath to hitch in her throat. She swallowed back the lump and the tears. "I'm Mia. I'm not exactly new here, I've lived here about two years now." Since he died, she thought. "I haven't seen you around either and I've gotten to know a lot of people here. Are you new or visiting or something?"

Cole watched Susan with saddened eyes, realizing that she probably had been in a similar situation to his own. He took a deep breath. "Pleasure to meet you Susan. And if you don't mind my asking, who's Riki?" he asked gently. At that moment, he wouldn't have minded a good drink or some weed or something. Or at least something stronger than a cigarette.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Alice Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:20 pm

(Can I join? if its not already to late...)

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:03 pm

((SORRY I HAVE BEEN GONE GUYS! And sure, Alice! You can join! I'll reply later tomorrow, kay!))

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Alice Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:29 pm

( Thanks :3 ya I have been away to. Im trying to get on more now since I am not as busy :3)

Name: William
Age: 21
Occupation (optional): Store cashier at Wal Mart.
Bio (please state how they're love one passed away at least): His love was Mandy. She was his soul mate and everything about her made him want better things. He stopped using drugs and drinking because it had upset her when she found out. They were to be married at just 18 but then... that terrible accident happened. She was walking home one day and a tuck driver had alittle too much to drink. he didnt see poor Mandy and well.... he ran over her and the doctors pronouced her dead at the sceane. William has never been the same.
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Name: Kelsey
Age: 19
Occupation (optional): Currently has a internship at a famous fashion magazine place.
Bio (please state how they're love one passed away at least): She was in love once with a man named Tom. He was everything she could ever want and she would drop everything to be with him. He was good for her and she felt like she was on cloud nine when he was with her. His death was tragic and sad. he was driving home and he was on a bridge. a strong storm was comming and everyone was trying to et home before it struck. Tom didnt... the storm struck and the huge waves took the bridge with it with tom on it. Kelsey remands a quite and shy girl who doesnt really want to talk.
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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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The One That Got Away... - Page 2 Empty Re: The One That Got Away...

Post by Team Sherlock Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:31 am

Name: Eleni
Age: 19
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Occupation (optional): She works as an assistant in a vet's office.
Bio (please state how they're love one passed away at least): She grew up with her parents who were rich although she never fit their perfect dream of a daughter due to her personality. While growing up she was grounded a lot. As soon as she turned sixteen she got the right papers and went off on her own. Shortly after that her her dad murdered her mother and then committed suicide. She wasn't affected much by it, but her best friend Jacky was there for her to comfort her. he was enough to make her slightly more caring and feeling. Eventually they fell for each other and had plans for the future. But then fateful day came where they found out Jacky had cancer. The pair were left a couple months together and when Jacky passed on it tore apart Eleni, making her even colder than she had been in any point in her life. She moved to a new town, wanting to leave everything behind her.
Team Sherlock
Team Sherlock

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Join date : 2011-06-18
Age : 27

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