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Mutant Cat Clan

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:44 am

Cats have been turning up missing every where in the world. Behind these kidnapping are an underground lab that is working behind the governments back. They're being experimented on and some are succesful. The cats have managed to escape and have formed a clan in the woods. The only problem is the predators within the woods. Will you survive the life of a mutant cat, or will you perish?

Leaders-Lead the clan and are the most powerful.

Second in command-is the second strongest.

Warriors-Runs along the territory and alerts the clan if two-legs(humans) or predators are near by.

Healers-Helps heal the clan when in fights.

Apprentices-Are kits that are six moons (six months) old and are taught by Warriors and the ranks above that like Leader and Second in command to either fight, or they can learn from a healer to heal.

Kits-The little second generation of the clan.


Power:(only one please. No god moding.)
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:51 am

Power:Can control ice.
Info:He was kidnapped from his child when he was just a kit. He misses laying on her shoulder as she'd walk through the woods. The scientists took great interest in him since he was the first to live one of their experiments. He managed to bite a human that was opening his crate and with his bite turned him to ice. He waited a second to long, shocked by what had just accored and some of the scientists had taken off towards his crate. He jumped and took off, dodging them and finnally squeezed our through a window. He then went for the woods behind his old owners house and has made a refuge for other mutant cats.
Mutant Cat Clan Thumbn30

Power:The exact opposite of IceFang. Can control fire and burns anyone he bites.
Info:Same as IceFang but he was a stray.
Mutant Cat Clan Thumbn32
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:07 pm

Name: Silverheart
Age: 3
Gender: she-cat
Power: Sees anything and everything about you by a single touch.
Rank: Healer
Info: She was taken from her folks' home when she was in the garden. They experimented on her and she escaped by using their deepest fears against them.
Mutant Cat Clan Silverslash

Name: Rainkit (Rainsky)
Age: 4 moons
Gender: She-cat
Power: Controls water
Rank: Kit
Info: Her abandoned her at birth, so the scientists decided to raise her until she was ready to be tested on. Rainkit didn't like that and flooded the building using the river nearby.
Mutant Cat Clan Cat18

(may have a third later)
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

Posts : 2109
Join date : 2011-07-17

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:11 pm

Name: Chelsa
Age: 3
Gender: she-cat
Power: fire
Rank: shadow walker
Info: Chelsa was born and raised on the streets. She was kidnapped after watching the local dogs try and catch her. She sorta has a knack for getting into trouble and likes to flaunt what she has, then deny, thus the reason the dogs were going after her. She was flaunting and they decided she needed manners. When she was caught, they experimented on her and it sorta deterred her from her personality making her more quiet. One day, she decided she couldn't take it any more and ran at the shadowed part of the cage as fast as she could, figuring she'd just break her neck and be done, but instead she went into the shadow and appeared outside. She figured that was just as good and soon found the clan. She's regained some of her spunk, but is still really cautious and hates the thought of being hurt again, so she doesn't get close to anyone.
Image: Mutant Cat Clan Birman-Cat

Name: Kiko
Age: almost 3
Gender: tom
Power: chameleon
Rank: Second in command (if that's alright)
Info: Kiko was bought from his box on the corner of the street. He thought it was cruel, being taken from his family, but later realized that was what was suppose to happen. But what he didn't know was that he was going straight to experimentation. They expirimented on him until he bit one and managed to run. He hid as best he could, but there wasn't many places to hide. At one point he was stuck in the middle of the floor, put people kept walking past. That's when he realized he could blend in with his surroundings. He managed to escape and found Icefang and has thought of him as a best mate (friend) ever since.
Image: Mutant Cat Clan Siberian_cat


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:23 pm

Hehe thanks for joining guys! Let start!

IceFang laid on a large rock near the creek, sunning himself. He cleaned his pure white fur, his green eyes closed as he enjoyed this. It was rare for him to allow himself to relax, but ever since the clan had been growing he'd have more and more help.

FireEyes ran along the border, making sure no danger was near. His stomach growled, demanding he hunt. His orange and gold eyes searched around him, his smoke grey fur ruffling in the wind.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:42 pm

Chelsa moved lazily through the shadows along the border, her eyes roaming for something to keep her mind occupied. She saw FireEyes and grinned to herself. Might as well have a bit of fun, she thought to herself. She followed him in the shadows until she was close enough, then she pounced on him, and disappeared into another shadow with a light, happy laugh.

Kiko stayed close by IceFang, his eyes searching his surroundings. He couldn't relax. He just...couldn't. The clan had been growing, but that didn't mean they were safe. If anything, they were in worse danger of being discovered.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:51 pm

IceFang yawned, revealing sharp teeth and licked his face. He looked over at Kiko. "Relax Kiko. We've got warriors out on patrol and we haven't seen anything threatening for days." His tail twitched lazily.

FireEyes hissed and glared where she'd just dissapeared. "Can't you see I'm trying to hunt?" He answered grumpily before continuing walking. His eyes showed amusement though.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:23 pm

Kiko growled and shifted his weight, still unable to get himself to relax. "Doesn't mean something won't happen," he muttered, his ears twitched and laid back. He sighed, giving up attempting to sit still and began to pace.

"Awe, did I hurt the poor putty tat's feelings?" Chelsa asked as she appeared in the shadows just a little ways ahead of him. "Poor FireEyes." She tried to pout, but her eyes held to much mischief and teasing. Her fluffy tail swayed playfully beside her.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:28 pm

FireEyes snorted and continued walking, acting as though he were ignoring her. His nose twitched as he tried to find the scent of possible prey, then stopped and froze, the hackles raising along his back and a hiss escaping him as he heard a twig break in the distance and the smell of a dog made its way to his sensitive nose.

IceFang twitched his whiskers and stood and stretched languidly before yawning and making his way to the lake. He paused at the side and waited patiently for fish to swim by.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:33 pm

Chelsa's eyes widened as she caught the scent as well and in an instant she was beside FireEyes, coming from his shadow. A low growl started in her throat and she glanced at FireEyes, waiting for her orders.

Kiko watched IceFang and sighed, shaking his head, then shaking out his fur. "I don't know how you can be so relaxed," he muttered.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:29 am

"Head back to camp. Warn IceFang and the others." He hissed before slinking into the bushes, planning on distracting the dog. He hissed and lunged at the dog, looking very lion like as he dug his teeth into the dog, causing a yelp to come from him. He then jumped off and took off into a tree, the dog barking below as blood oozed from teeth marks on his hind leg.

IceFang rolled his shoulders slightly then struck out with his paw, slapping a small fish up onto the bank. He lowered himself in front of it and used hsi paws to hold it still as he started eating it.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:48 am

Silverheart wandered the camp, trying to find a suitable place for herb storing and healing. She sniffed each cavern then finally found one that had 'shelves' and some room in case she needed to look after someone.
Silverheart then walked back out into the clearing where everyone else was; she needed to be more social. She blinked when she saw the leader eating a fish, trying not to use her power. Silverheart always felt like she was invading privacy, but it helped to understand other cats.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:26 pm

Chelsa tensed but did as he asked, disappearing into the shadows. Moments later she was running through camp, alerting everyone of the attack. She slid past Silverheart's cavern and smacked into IceFang, toppling into the lake. She popped up, gasping for breath and shaking her fur off. "D-dog, on the eastern edge, FireEyes," she coughed and spluttered.

Kiko's eyes sharpened and he looked to IceFang, tense as he waited for orders.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:35 pm

IceFang jumped to his paws, abandoning his half eaten fish. "Warriors come with me. Healers get some herbs ready." He flicked his tail and took off, his ears pinned back against his scalp and his hackles raised just a tad and his tail was held high as he ran, nothing but a white streak.

FireEyes hissed and heard others comeing, The dog stopped his barking and turned to look at his hind leg, a whine coming from him as the bite burnt as though it were on fire. His haclkes raised and his temper grew. FireEyes hissed and jumped to another branch, trying to distract him as the clan grew closer.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:01 pm

Since this chat is based off of the Warriors book series, I believe it should go into the 'Fanfiction/Character Chats Based Off Books' subsection of the category 'Character Chats Based Off Media'.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:08 pm

*shakes head* It's not. I thought of doing one off the Warrior series, but decided against it. I already had one on the site I use to go too and it wasn't as exciting as I'd wanted it. There's no scientists in the Warriors seires and these cats have powers. I just liked to call mine IceFang, because, well, he can control ice, and in the warrior series the name 'Star' was added to the leader's name, and deputy was the second in command and their were whole other ranks. I seriously didn't base this off that. The only place I could think to set the cats was in the forest...and an alley didn't sound as fun...
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:22 pm

Silverheart tensed at the mention of the dog, but hurried to, for the moment, her little cave of herbs. She had collected some recently and turns out they were for battle wounds. Silverheart ran through the different remedies in her head, hoping the injuries wouldn't be severe.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:31 am

IceFang could hear the dog barking and hissed and lunged for it's back, his claws digging in and his fangs sinking into its neck. He gave a yelp and snarled, turning this way and that to try and get him off. The wounds he inflicted started to ice over.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:42 am

Kiko ran for the dog, but stopped hearing something else in the woods. He growled and glared at the dog. He had brought someone with him, he was certain. Perhaps they could get him to retreat without bringing his companion closer to them. He slipped silently beneath the dog and began to attack it's underbelly.

Chelsa came racing back, still dripping wet. She hated her job sometimes. It was such a pain. She stared at the warriors and sighed. There were more than enough to fend off the dog. She instead went from shadow to shadow, making sure he was the only one.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:57 pm

Silverheart flicked her tail back and forth, worried for the warriors. They had such dangerous lives..... She watched little Rainkit, who had no one. Then again, none of them did... Silverheart sighed and padded to the entrance to make sure the dog didn't slip through their ranks.

Rainkit playfully batted at a butterfly, hoping to catch it. She rolled when it came closer and jumped high when it seemed out of reach. Finally she gave up and went to get a drink.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:33 pm

The howled in pain and took off, its tail between its legs as it ran back towards the two-legs homes at the edge of the woods. IceHeart chased it a few feet then stopped. He gave the direction the dog went in a distasteful look before heading back towards the others. "You guys ok?"

FireEyes nodded and sat down to start cleaning his thick smokey grey fur, his orange and red eyes closing halfway as he slicked down his fur, a slight purr coming from him, satisfied that they'd managed to protect the camp.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:34 am

Kiko watched the group as his eyes occasionally flickered around the trees. He rolled his tense shoulders, trying to think of some way he could relax. He no longer heard the other sounds that had seemed to follow the dog, but that didn't mean he wasn't still wary. "I'm going to see Silverheart," he grumbled, and set off towards camp. Perhaps the healer had something for his nerves.

Chelsa managed to make it around the whole camp and back before anyone had left. She appeared in the shadows by IceFang and made her way over to sit by FireEyes. "The perimeter is clear sir," she told IceFang, her voice quiet and more submissive than it had been when it was just her and FireEyes. In fact, her whole countenance seemed that way now. Any small flame of anything that she had been before seemed extinguished.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:51 am

Silverheart heard a pained howl and figured the dog had run away. She breathed a sigh of relief and went into her den, ready for any injuries that would come her way. Silverheart thought about her life before here and decided that this was where she belonged, caring for the members of this clan.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2012 10:59 am

Kiko reached the camp soon enough and made his way towards Silverheart's cavern. "Healer!" he called out, his voice loud and boisterous as per usual. He reached the front and poked his head in, glancing around for any sign of her.


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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Jan 28, 2012 11:39 am

Silverheart turned her head and almost bumped into him. "Kiko are you hurt?" Her voice quiet and kind as it usually was. Silverheart slipped out of the den and faced him.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Mutant Cat Clan Empty Re: Mutant Cat Clan

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