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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:18 am

First off, just wanted to say that I'm new to this website so I apologize in advance if I do anything wrong. This is the first thread I've created and I'm not exactly sure how this works yet- just going by what I've seen in the other threads. I assume that since this is under mature, it means that there are really no limits to what we post and that everything is welcome. If I'm wrong, do speak up so that I don't make an idiot of myself.

Now that I got that off my chest, I suppose I should post my idea below:
Setting: Figure sometime before medieval where there were clans of people (not Indians, but groups of people under one family name, not necessarily all related) that live in large villages in different areas of the woods/forest. The majority of the villages do not socialize with the other villages, due to the fact that they do not know the whereabouts of the other villages so everyone is very secluded. The technology is not very advanced and the clothing attire seems to be:
-long cotton dresses for women
-pants and T-shirts for men
-in the winter time, both genders do where fur garments

Plot: With a new leader rising to power, rules are about to change in the small village of Ontonyo. A male or female from each family over the age of 21 has been requested to leave the village in search of some stupid fantasy that the new leader claims is real. When the young adults leave the village weaponless and scared, they realize that they've been locked out of the village and can only return once they bring back some sort of good news. From there, they travel throughout the forests, quickly making their way in fear that winter is approaching all too quickly. Once they reach the caves that lie high in the mountains, what they discover shocks them.

I figured that there could be a huge dragon's nest and the story would be about how they learn to domesticate the dragons and learn to ride them- eventually leading to their take over of the village.

Skeleton, just to get things started clearly:
Age( must be over 21)
Appearance(can be picture, though I would prefer something written)
Status in village( hunter, harvester, etc. just ask):

That's pretty much it. I would like the skeletons to be somewhat detailed, just for this one. If you have any suggestions, pointers, corrections, feel free to post them as well.

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Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 31
Location : Wonderland

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:33 am

((Figured I would state that I have a soccer game at 12:00 so I won't be on until after it is finished, but after that, I should be back. I would prefer no one started without me, but do as you please!))

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Age : 31
Location : Wonderland

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:51 pm

Hello! Are you one we invited from Figment? As admin, I'd like to welcome you. Any questions, I'd be glad to answer them.

Name: Diana Williams
age: 23
Appearance: short, curly, very light blonde hair. Very fair skin, pale wide green eyes. About 5'4". A dark gray cloak. Shes adjusted to wearing men's clothes for the comfort. Carries a daggar on her belt, a traveler's duffle bag on her back.
persona: shy and quiet. Blushes at the smallest thing she does wrong, or what she thinks would be wrong. Uses the daggar more for survival; doesn't know how to fight.
history/bio: daughter of the village healer. She has expert knowledge of herbs and natural medicines.
status: healers' apprentice

Name: Zepour
Age: 25
Appearance: dark red hair, brown eyes. Very angular face, usually has a fierce look to him. Around 6'. Bow and arrow with pack on his back. Short sword at his hip. Darker clothes to blend in. Heavy cloak.
persona: serious and hard at first. He lightens up more when he gets to know people better.
history/bio: farmer's oldest son. A hunter when needed for his family.
status: hunter

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:15 pm

((Ah yes, that would be me! I have a funny feeling I might learn to like this website a bit more than Figment depending on the feedback I can get from this thread. I did have a few questions, of course, but I will only ask if you don't mind answering. Smile

-I'll be posting my characters shortly. ))

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Age : 31
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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:21 pm

Of course. You can ask here or PM me. The link to such is below my picture to the left.

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:32 pm

Name: Lucian Black
Age( must be over 21): 26
Appearance(can be picture, though I would prefer something written): Has rather long dirty blonde hair that he prefers to keep tied back, though he debates constantly whether to cut it all off or not, square chin, bright blue eyes that hide behind his long lashes, decent sized- height wise and body wise- due to his job as being leader of the hunter, he's constantly practicing and keeping in good shape, tanned skin with a ton of freckles
Persona: take things seriously, but can be a sweetheart. He tends to keep to himself in order to avoid distractions.
History/Bio: Son of leader of village, not very complicated
Status in village( hunter, harvester, etc. just ask): Leader of the Hunt

Name:Gwen Polcovk
Age( must be over 21): 24
Appearance(can be picture, though I would prefer something written): has long, wavy brown hair that trails down far along her slender back and terminates at her hips- tends to keep it braided, hazel eyes though some would say green, fair skin at white as snow, a rather slender body- however, she has an above average sized chest and a curvy behind.
Persona: Always kind and sweet, though she can be rebellious
History/Bio: Daughter of an average day villager
Status in village( hunter, harvester, etc. just ask): Tends to the fire and cooks most of the time- like her mother

Posts : 9
Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 31
Location : Wonderland

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:49 pm

((This is very frustrating! Can someone else please join? I don't mind starting with just me and someone else, but that makes it less fun !!))

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Age : 31
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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:53 pm

Im not sure anyone else is on currently. We can start, and if others want to ask they ask to pop in. Smile

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:56 pm

Alrighty, sounds good to me. Does it matter how long I post or no?

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Age : 31
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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:59 pm

First post usually goes to the thread maker, to set the scene they want the chat to start in. However long you'd like, we like to encourage writing as you would an actual story as practice.
I have to go for a half hour. Ill post when I get back.

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:10 pm

((Okay, will do! Very Happy ))

Lucian sat on the a hard wooden bench not too far from the center of the gathering hall. His bright blue eyes were half closed as he tried to stay away through another town meeting for all those over a certain age. With his head cradled in his hands, a loud sigh seeped from between his lips, causing some unwanted attention.
"Everyone take a seat," a loud voice called from the front of the hall, who Lucian was able to identify as the village leader. He wore a long fur coat and had a rather large sword belted onto his hip. Strands of long blonde hair fell into his face, blocking his vision for a brief moment. Once the majority of the village young adults had gathered in the room, the leader began to speak, announcing something about a hunt that everyone needed to participate in- nothing that interested him.

Gwen sat quietly in the front of the hall, her hazel eyes starring blankly ahead. Her long brown hair was not pulled back and braided, hence the reason was her bangs were falling in her face and she looked very disheveled. Being apart of the village meeting did not interest her the slightest bit, but she knew that she had to attend. The village was small as is so without her presence, the hall might possibly feel empty. With a loud sigh, she sat up straight and tall, ready to take in whatever the quest was that the village leader was mapping out for everyone.

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Join date : 2012-04-21
Age : 31
Location : Wonderland

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Regret Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:55 pm

Name: Falkirk
Age: 21
Appearance: Tall and angular, but also somewhat handsome. His hair reaches down to just above his shoulders. He is somewhat tanned, but doesn't have freckles.
Persona: Calm and even-handed, but occasionally thrown into berserk rage.
History/Bio: Cast out of the village for a latent genetic condition that gives him completely white eyes.He is considered a monster and a witch.
Status in village: Outcast.

Name: Utoeya
Age: 22
Appearance: She is as tall and strong as some of the larger men of the village, with the stature of a blacksmith's apprentice. Her skin and hair are pale, although she is very slightly tanned. Her eyes are permanently hidden behind a set of bandages, but she moves as though she can see.
Persona: Appears tough and sour, but is actually a nice person behind the tough exterior. She maintains a very calculating awareness of herself and her surroundings, and while she genuinely values her friends, she always looks at the bigger picture, and isn't afraid of death or violence in the course of her objectives.
History: Brought to the village by an ambassador from a far northern tribe at the age of fifteen, she lives with a foster family who are slightly scared of her. They are not particularly upset to see her go.
Status: Warrior and guest.

Last edited by Regret on Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:56 pm

((Wow, that's a great character you got there! Feel free to jump in Smile ))

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Regret Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:02 pm

((Sorry, I made some slight modifications and threw in my second character.))

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by HopelesslyDevotedToYou Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:07 pm

((Either way, still amazing! Love them both.))

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:09 pm

(okay, back!)

Zepour sat next to Lucian as the leader talked. Him being the leader of the hunting group, Zepour knew him better than most of the others. He had good skills, and all in all Zepour trusted him most out of the group. Once in a while, he would glance over at Lucian during this speech - an announcement for a mission that was seemingly impossible. If they had to do this, Zepour would be most comfortable with him. They worked well together during hunts. Seeing as how it was so close to winter, it would be common sense to work together on this task to survive.

...This was utter ridiculousness. He couldn't expect everyone to jump at the chance to to an impossible task... Diana stared at the leader, completely taken aback at what they were asking them to do. She had her studies with her mother still. She couldn't take time off for this... Though it didn't seem to be an option. The leader was making them do this, come hell or high waters. Or winter. Did he want to kill all of them? How might they possibly survive this? She glanced around at the gathered team who would be departing. She supposed...if anyone was to survive the season out in the wild...most of these people would. Not her, certainly. Not on her own...

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Regret Sun Apr 22, 2012 5:22 pm

Utoeya hunkered down on a chair and pointed her head in the direction of the chief. Exactly how she knew where he was was anyone's guess. Her white-blonde hair was held in a thick plait that ran down her back, and her large hands rested on her knees. This... hunt... seemed like a waste of time, but she wasn't about to let some pathetic southern warriors upstage her. Whatever happened, she would be at the forefront, tracking whatever it was that needed tracking.

((Falkirk will be introduced soon.))

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Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:10 pm

((May I join this?))


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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

Post by Karma =) Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:04 am

Name: Sage
Age( must be over 21): 24
Appearance(can be picture, though I would prefer something written): Long black hair with bright blue green eyes. She is small though packs quiet a punch.She normally has her hair in a pony tail since she hunts. Her skin is tan from being outside all the time.
Persona: She can be quiet though when she interacts she can have an attitude.
History/Bio: Her father is the leader hunter of the tribe and her mother is a healer.
Status in village( hunter, harvester, etc. just ask): Her parents want her as a healer but she sneaks out to hunt with her dad.

Name: Alaric
Age( must be over 21): 26
Appearance(can be picture, though I would prefer something written): Light brown hair, when in the sun has a red tint to it. He is tan and almost six foot tall. His hair hangs kinda low in his eye. He is always moving it out of his eyes. His eyes are golden brown.
Persona: He is shy and doesn't get out much. He will mainly just stay on the farm all day. The only time he leaves is when he needs to seel his crops.
History/Bio: His mother died giving birth to him. His father raised him till he was killed by a wild animal that snuck onto their land. Ever since then he has been taking care of himself.
Status in village( hunter, harvester, etc. just ask): He is a farmer.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)  Empty Re: The Dragon Riders (Fantasy/Mature)

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