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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:24 pm

The future of misfits and there families.

Fred now runs an orphanage besides being a musican and one that's quite acomplished, normal children and children with unique talents can get the chance to have a home. Others have gone onto other paths in carrers but pitch in with the orphanage.

The orphanage it's self makes me think of the one in Meet the Robinsons, it's in the city and is a tall brick structure.


Joanne "Johnny" White

Remingtion White

Owen (F!Nashville) Grey

Lily Murphey

Noah Murphey

Cinaed "Huck"

Fay Murphey

Aaron (F!Fred) Murphey


Helena (F!Autumn) Grant

Reese Brown

Gavin (F!Ben) Delso

Eric (F!Johnny) Brown



Last edited by gh3325 on Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:16 pm; edited 5 times in total

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:19 am

Fay sighed as she went through the empty rooms, which there weren't many of, and made the beds so they were ready for new comers. It was the same old routine, but she wouldn't give it up for anything. She had a house, and a garden, and many many children to look after besides her own. When Noah was five, Fred was finally able to make it so they no longer had to run. She remembered the day as clearly as if it had been yesterday.
She blinked and looked up as she heard Noah running through the halls, followed by Lily. She gave a bright smile. She had thought Noah would be her only child, until Fred surprised her by giving her another when Noah was ten. Six years had passed, and Noah was now almost grown and Lily was quickly catching up. Fay gave a sigh and shook her head before she turned back to the beds, pulling herself from her reminiscing.


Noah hid ran into the kitchen, a big grin on his face. "I win!" He said, turning to look at Lily. She was his sister, and though being a big brother sometimes meant wearing a hat with flowers to a tea party, Noah did his best to keep her entertained. It was his job in the orphanage outside of his usual chores. Of course, there were times when he would attempt to ditch Lily, after all no brother is perfect, but he usually ended up falling for her lip quivering pout.


Reese sighed as she stared at the stick, then tossed it in the waste bin, blinking back tears. Negative. Eric and her had been trying for years now to have a family of their own, but for some reason, Reese would not conceive. She wanted so desperately for children of her own, and each time she saw the little blue minus sign on the test, her heart seemed to shatter. She wiped away her tears, though they were quickly replaced by more, and went out to her large green house. It seemed to be the only place she could find comfort with Eric usually gone to the orphanage.


"REM!" Johnny shouted as she ran through the hall and towards their room. "REM! REM!" She had a panicked look in her eye, her heart racing. She'd just seen the man that came for the big kids leave, and she hoped he hadn't taken her brother with him. She was only six years old, and Rem was her only thing left from when they had been taken from their parents and put in the orphanage. She couldn't loose him. "REM!" She dashed into their room, searching frantically, her bat man cape on with the hood a tad askew.


Gwen sighed as she watched the black car leave with the man in the suit. One day, that would be her riding away instead of Mindy. Where would she go? No body wanted a shy, ginger headed fifteen year old girl. She was to old. People wanted babies, or at least someone younger. She stared at her knees which were pulled to her chest, her long hair falling and hiding her face. Fred wouldn't let anything bad happen to her right?...Right?


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:35 am

Lily skidded down the hallway after Noah, it wasn't fair that he was so much bigger. She plowed right into him, grinning and adjusting her hat. "No fair!"

Fred poked his head in the doorway, grinning slightly. He snuck up behind her and tackle hugged her to him. "Hello Spark," he whispered in her ear.


Rem looked up, he had been hiding in their room for a bit. He dashed out into the hall, panicking at hearing Rem's frantic cries. He saw her running towards him, and quickly scooped her up. "What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!"


Johnny saw a figure in the green house and made his way over. "Reese?" He called, looking for her. Once he spotted her, he quickly went over and hugged her. "What's wrong?"

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 12:46 pm

Noah chuckled and lifted her up into the air, throwing her over his shoulder as he tickled her sides. "Better watch out or I'll blow on your tummy," he threatened playfully. His eyes were bright as he set her back down. "Cookies Miss Lilly?"


Fay jumped with a squeak, falling back on one of the beds. "Fred!" she squeaked, though giggled happily. "What are you doing?" She laughed as she looked at him, hugging him back. "Did you finish with the paper work early?"


"Rem!" Johnny said in a relieved voice, hugging his neck tightly. "Th-the man in the suit with the black car was here and and I couldn't find you and I thought he took you and-" She trailed off, trying to catch her breath as her hood fell off. "D-don't scare me!" She pouted, lip quivering as she hugged him tight.


Reese jumped slightly, pulling her hand away from a flower she'd been helping grow. She looked over at him and gave a slight smile. "N-nothing...just...negative.." she said softly, letting her head rest against his chest. "Again.."


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:47 pm

Johnny held her close to him, kissing her cheek. He knew how bad she wanted a child and he longed for one himself. "I'm sorry," he said, holding her close.


Fred grinned, hugging her back and looked up at the ceiling before looking back at her and nodding. "Yup, I finished earlier. Mr. Evans came and took the twins....the ones that had turned eighteen a few months ago...?" He said with a sigh, his grin disappearing.


Rem gently rubbed her back, clinging to her slightly. "It's okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I was in our room." He said, trying his best to comfort her.


Lily giggled at the tickles, "S-stop!! N-no fair!!" When he put her down, her eyes got wide at the offer of cookies and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes please!" she chirped.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:15 pm

Reese sighed and buried her face into his chest, breath catching just slightly. "What is wrong with me?....W-why can't we have children?" Her voice was filled with unsung tears.


Johnny clung to Rem and frowned. "You skipped tea," she muttered, burying her face in his neck. Her cheeks were wet with tears, which she smeared all over him by accident.


"Oh..." Fay said with a slight frown. She cuddled him slightly and took a deep breath. "I hope they can get them into a good school and that everything will be ok...I always hate when he comes because I don't know what's going to happen to them..."


Noah passed her a few cookies, chuckling. "I wonder where Rem and Johnny are at," he mused. "I bet they're saving the world somewhere close by." He wiggled his brow at her.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:08 pm

Eric (johnny so I don't get confused) hugged her tightly to him, "Nothing's wrong with you, Reese. Maybe God has another plan for us......maybe we should adopt."


Rem held her tightly, lifting her chin up and whiping her tears away. "I'm sorry," He said, kissing her forehead. He hated to see her cry....

Fred nodded, "Sometimes I wish I could adopt them all....but I can't. I worry about them when they're forced to leave."

Lily nodded, "Of course! Should we go help, Noah??"

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:19 pm

Johnny stared at him with her bright hazel eyes, her brow scrunched, and her cheeks lightly stained by the tears. Her dark brown hair was a wild mess thanks the to the batman hat that had fallen off, and her face was smudged with dirt. " won't let the man take you right?...He took Cindy and Jacob today..George says that he takes them and eats them ._. I don't want you to get eated...."


Reese gave a small nod, clinging to Eric. "Perhaps," she murmured quietly. She wasn't opposed to the idea, but it wasn't the same as having a child of her own. The flower she'd been working on, seemed to accumulate water droplets on its petals that slowly rolled off as if it was crying, and the other plants were soon to follow.


Fay sighed and gave a small nod. "So do I," she murmured softly. She then glanced around to make sure none of the children were spying on them. She then turned back to Fred and gave him a soft kiss. "You're getting a bit hairy," she muttered as she brushed the scruff on his chin.


"I think it would be a good idea," Noah said with a serious nod. "Who knows what they're up against. They probably need back up." He waited, knowing it wouldn't take long and she'd be off like a bullet.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:14 pm

Fred chuckled, rubbing his chin. "Yeah, I am. I suppose I should shave soon before I look like a grizzly bear or something." He said, giving her another gentle kiss.



Eric kissed her gently, "I know you want a child that's truly ours."

"I don't want to get eated either," he said softly.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:15 pm

Fay kissed him back for a moment before she pulled away with a sigh. "You shouldn't be tempting me like this," she teased in a serious voice. She sat up, not caring to remove his arms from around her, just caring to be sitting up so she could be the responsible one.


Noah's eyes widened at what Lily said and it took all he had to not bust out laughing. He knew he should probably correct it, or at least figure out where she learned that word, but it was to funny hearing it from her and he didn't want to ruin the comedy of it. So instead he just gave a bit of a chuckle and nodded. "No we don't," he agreed, still chuckling as he followed her to find Rem.

Johnny stared at him before she reached up and messed with his hair, giving a toothless grin. She'd just lost her first tooth that morning, and it was one of her front teeth on the top.

Reese kissed him back, giving a small nod. She didn't say anything though, light tears streaking down her cheeks like the water that streaked down the leaves and petals of the plants around her.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:56 am

Eric wiped her tears away, holding her close and gently rubbing her back.
Fred gave a slight pout, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Why do you have to be the responsible one?" he teased.
Lily clung to Noah's leg tightly. "Piggy back ride?" she pleaded.
Rem grinned at seeing the tooth missing. "Did you put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy?" he asked, planning to slip a dollar under it from what he had earned from his job. It helped having Lily around. That way when he did a few odd jobs, Johnny would have someone to play with or a 'side-kip' as she called it.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:31 am

Reese tried to stop the tears, but only seemed to fail miserably. "There's got to be something wrong with me....or maybe..maybe God's mad at me..." she reasoned quietly, trying to make sense of it all.


Fay looked over at Fred and grinned, a slight seductive look in her eye. "Because if I wasn't, we wouldn't get the time to ourselves at night that we do," she said with a wink. "Besides, we've got kids everywhere, we have to be a good example."


Noah looked down at Lily and sighed. "Not right now Lily, you're getting to big." He gave her an apologetic look and ran a hand through his hair, accidentally brushing it away from the red scar that ran down the back of his jaw, half his ear, and just part of his neck. "Maybe later."


Johnny nodded vigorously. "Yes! Of course! Gwen says that the toof fairy is really nice and sometimes she leaves cookies instead of moneys...I told her candies would be better than cookies because cookies you only have one," she said as she held up a stubby finger. "But if you get candies you get lots!"


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Wed Jun 20, 2012 5:38 pm

Eric picked her up and held her in his lap, holding her close. "No, no God's not mad at you. Sometime's he's got other plans for us. And also, it could be me. There is to parts to having a baby...." He said quietly.


Fred grinned, looking up at her."I would miss that," he said, untangling his arms from her and pulling himself up into a sitting position. "I'm afraid I'm getting old," he groaned, a hand on his back.

Gwen said, at these words, Rem got a goofy grin. He could do candies and he found it ironic that the tooth fairy would give sweets. Gwen always seemed to know what to say to his sister and for a few moments, he was lost in his deliriously happy thoughts.
Lily's brow furrowed at seeing the scar. It made her sad and she knew Noah didn't like it, she wished she could make it better for him. She motioned for him to bend down and reached up.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:15 am

Fay grinned and watched him. "Not me, I'm still young and spry, you cradle robber you," she teased and stood, running a hand through her long brown hair.


Johnny continued to ramble, not noticing he wasn't exactly paying attention. "Hi Gwen!" she said, waving frantically as the red head came down the hall towards them.
"Hey," she said with a smile, though it was a shy one, and waved back.


Noah watched Lily with a skeptical eye before crouching down at her level. "What is it?"


Reese took a deep breath, giving a slight nod though obviously not really believing that it would be God's will that they couldn't have children, or that he was the one that had something wrong with him. Eric was to perfect to have anything wrong with him. The tears still fell as she cuddled against him though they were slow but still fat.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:46 am

Rem snapped out of it, his cheeks flushing red as he gave a small wave. "H-hey Gwen," he said, his eyes flickering shyly between her and the floor.
Lily gently pushed the hair back, kissing the spot as if trying to make the booboo better. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, burying her face in his neck.
Fred laughed and grinned at her. "Technically I believe you're the older one since you came from a different time, Ms. Gypsy," he teased.
Eric gently rubbed her back and wiped her tears away, "There's nothing wrong with you, Reese. You're perfect just the way you are."

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:04 am

"If that was trued I'd be able to give you children," Reese murmured quietly. She slipped her hand into his, her fingers intertwining with his. "I love you..."


Gwen smiled at Rem as Johnny rushed over to her and gave her a hug. "Hey are you doing?" She asked as she hugged Johnny.


Noah winced just slightly, the area still sensitive to touch. It always would be. Even with his hair, the slight brush of it made him feel as if needles were being shot through his skin, but he always tended to ignore it. It hid the scar, and that's what mattered. He wrapped his arms around Lily and lifted her up, carrying her down the hall as he hugged her.


Fay got a look of mock hurt on her face and turned away from him as she she stood. "I am not that old," she protested.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:22 am

Autumn took Huck's hand once making it up the steps, she knew he didn't like a lot of people but she knew he liked babies and there were plenty here. Spotting Noah and Lily, she waved. "Noah! Lily!"

Lily looked up, squirming with excite. "Auntie Autumn! Uncle Huck!"

Fred frowned, feeling bad and believing she was upset. He wrapped his arms around her from behind. "No, no you're not. I was just kidding, sorry." He said, kissing her cheek.
Rem blinked, "Oh um uh, me? Nothin' really, Johnny just told me she lost her first tooth."
"I love you too, and you're perfect to me," Eric said, kissing her hand. "You're perfect, you truly are."

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:46 am

Noah chuckled and let Lily go so she could tackle the relatives. He stood and shoved his hands into his pockets, grinning. "Hey, long time no see."

Huck grinned, looking around the place. He'd gotten better at understanding and showing emotion since he met Autumn, and at the moment looked genuinely happy. "Hello, Noah."

Fay looked over at him with a raised brow before kissing him deeply in an almost teasing way. "You better be," she muttered when she pulled away from the kiss.


Gwen grinned and gave a small nod. "She showed it to me this morning," she said with a wink in Johnny's direction. Johnny bounced happily, her tear stained face bright with the happiness of basking in attention.


Reese watched him, then snuggled closer. She didn't answer, not really agreeing with him, but she didn't feel in the mood to argue. "When do you have to leave?" She asked, knowing he had a gig soon.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:17 pm

Lily rushed up to Uncle Huck, tackle hugging him as much as a six year old can.

Autumn chuckled, grinning at Huck before turning back to Noah. "What? Are you too big for a hug now?" She teased, motioning for him to give her one.

Fred blinked, his eyes widing slightly in surprise. "You faker," he teased back, stealing another kiss.

"Yeah, she said you told her the tooth fairy likes to give candy." Rem chuckled, grinning a bit.

Eric frowned, not wanting to leave her but knowing he had to go. "Not till nine," he said, holding her tightly.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:56 pm

Huck chuckled and caught Lily, lifting her up into the air. "Hello little one," he said as he brought her back down and to his chest, holding her close. "How are you?"

Noah blushed slightly, rolling his eyes a bit as he went over to Autumn and gave her a hug. "No, but you are," he teased, her stomach keeping him from giving a proper hug.


Fay grinned, kissing him back as she turned in his arms so she was facing him, her arms snaking around his neck. "Ya but I'm a pretty good one," she murmured into the kiss.

Gwen grinned and gave a light laugh that almost sounded like bells. "I told her cookies, she told me candy would be better."

Reese gave a small nod and took a deep breath. "Do you want me to make you some dinner then?" She asked, still cuddled against him.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:50 pm

"Good~ How're you, Uncle Huck?" Lily asked, grinning up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug.

Now it was Autumn's turn to blush as she awkwardly hugged him back. "Very funny, you try walking around with this." She said, motioning to her huge stomach. The baby turned unhappily, kicking around because Noah was squishing it.

Fred chuckled, kissing her again. "Yes, yes you are," He said between kisses.

Rem's heart beat faster at the sound of her laugh, he loved that laugh. It's so pretty, He thought to himself silently. "Heh, she told me you told her candy."
"How about I make dinner?" Eric offered, kissing her gently. "I'll make your favorite."

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:41 am

Huck chuckled and rubbed her back gently. "I'm good, better now that you're here," he said with a teasing wink.

Noah rubbed her tummy as he took a step back. "Hey, that's all on you Auntie. All on you."

Fay smiled happily as she kissed him back, small happy noises escaping her every now and then. "Do you have a gig tonight?" she murmured around the kisses.

Gwen gave a small shrug and looked down at Johnny, giving her a wink. "Maybe she just heard me wrong." Johnny grinned widely and giggled hiding behind Rem's leg.

Reese kissed him back and gave a small nod. "Alright," she said after a moment. "I know what we're doing after dinner though," she said with a mischievous grin.


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:21 pm

Lily giggled happily and clung to Huck. "Will you come play tea party?"

Autumn chuckled, "I suppose so yes.....only two more months though....that's a plus...."

Fred gave a slight nod. "Yes," he breathed between kisses.
Rem chuckled, scooping Johnny out from behind him and tickling her. "You're silly," he chuckled.
Eric grinned back, holding her close. "Oh really? I can't argue with that..." he chuckled.

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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:57 pm

Huck glanced at Autumn before looking back at Lily and grinning. "Of course," he said with a small nod, setting her down. "Lead the way!"

Noah sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know how you put up with it....I'm never having kids," he muttered, still rubbing her tummy.

"When?" Fay asked, still kissing him. Hardly ever did they get moments like these. Usually by the time they were alone at night they were both passed out on the bed.

Gwen smiled as she watched the two, her bright eyes twinkling.

Johnny squealed and squirmed as she laughed, trying to get away. "Help! Help!" She screamed between giggles. "My side kip is attaping me!"

Reese smiled and gave a small nod as she kissed just below his chin. "But I have to get my dinner first."


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The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh) Empty Re: The Orphanage (Shilo and Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:23 am

Lily took Huck's hand, tugging him excitedly to her room where there was a little table and tea set with a few stuffed animals gathered.

Autumn chuckled, shaking her head. "I said the same thing when I was your age when I saw your mother carrying you in her tummy."

"Nine," Fred said, distracted by the kisses. He pulled her closer and continued to kiss her, only pulling back for necessary breathing.
"Muwahahaha, I'm afraid I've got you, lil sis." Rem laughed, contining to tickle her.

"Yes, that first. Now would you like any sides or dessert with your dinner."

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