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The Heartless

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The Heartless Empty The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:13 pm

In the time of the Victorian Era came about a new spieces of humans. A man named Ergo Walman a half breed of vampire and human figured a way with a mixture of anatomy and a figure of magic that he could make a person 'heartless'. This means the person barley any emotions at all. He placed a set of emotions that he wanted for a army.
These so said emotions are killing with no regret and having little emotions to anything. Ergo has made a team and called them The Heartless. But what he doesnt know there is another group called the Heartbearers. They are trying to stop Ergo Walman at what ever cost they can.
Are you a Heartless or a Heartbearer?
You may have half breeds or even full breeds meaning you can have a vampire be a Heartbearer.
Only humans are Heartless
You can have your charrie be neither and make the desion later
keep it pg 13 Very Happy
Thats it im guessing :3


Charrie Sheet:

Last edited by Alice on Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:26 pm

Name: Alexander
Age: 17
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: Heartless
Species: Human
Background: Has been a Heartless for about 2 years now. Is a General in the Heartless army.
The Heartless Blonde-emerald

Name: Katlyn (Kate)
Age: 16
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: Heartbearer
Species: Vampire
Background: is a assissin. She is felxable and is quiet.... interesting. She likes to keep to herself.
Looks: The Heartless Brunettes%20black%20rock%20shooter%20bra%20long%20hair%20armor%20red%20eyes%20artwork%20black%20gold%20saw%20orange%20eyes%20anime%20g_wallpaperswa.com_44

Name: Antoniete (Annie)
Age: 16
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: none
Species: human
Background: kind of shy. lives in a weird school for crazy kids.
The Heartless Tumblr_liv96j8Erf1qb3w3fo1_500

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:52 pm

Can I join?

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Join date : 2012-06-09

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:16 pm

Yes :3 anyone can join no need to ask me

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Age : 27
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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:23 pm

Smile Cool.

Name: Lilith
Age: 17
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: none
Species: human
Background: TBD
The Heartless Beautiful-black-hair-blue-eyes-brown-hair-brunette-273299

Name: Blake
Age: 19
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: none
Species: human
Background: TBD
The Heartless Beautful-black-hair-boy-cute-cute-boy-284630

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:42 pm

Name: Chelsea Turrow, though she prefers Phobia
Age: 8
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: Heartless
Species: human
Background: abused by parents, taken by child services and put in an orphanage, ran away and became Heartless just this year. Renamed herself Phobia, because she equates Chelsea to her weaker human past self
The Heartless Hood11

Name: Thomas Ervington
Age: 20
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: Heartbreaker
Species: vampire
Background: turned seven years ago, so really 27. still struggles with his bloodlust at times.
The Heartless 2012wa10

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:30 pm

thank you guys for joining! We will start! well meaning.. I will start! Very Happy

Alexander stood on top of a industry building. He watched as the last of the workers left. He smirked at the thought of them. They lived such petty lives. He saw the last leave and he opened a window ever so slightly. He jumped down and landed silently on the floor. His heart was pounding and it made his vision sharper. He knew what he was there for but he needed to find it.

Katlyn sat at a table full of people. She was currently living in a farmer's house because she had just got off a mission. She sighed. The food never satified her. Only blood would. Her mind kept buzzing over the Heartbearers. She knew they needed something to help Dr. Walman with a more smooth operation... but she didnt know what.

Antoniete sat in a dark wooded area. Her slim coal pencil in hand and some parchemnt. She closed her eyes and tried to see something. Anything for her to draw. Her mind was frozen as was her heart. Soon the sound of the pencil scratching at the paper filled her ears. She sighed. It was her only escape.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:47 pm


I watched blankly as the general went into the factory, the darkness below smothering the little the open window allowed in after a few feet it seemed. The windows were dark beyond that, dirtied beyond belief to prevent any rays from the sun in. My eyes scanned the area one last time before I follow suit, only the mission at hand on my mind.
People underestimated me because of my age, of my size. It proved to be a mistake for them always. The steel tomahawk ax on my back ensured it. "Are you ever going to debrief me on what we're looking for?" I mumble to him under my breath.

The sound of the pencil simply added to the music of her heart. It was tantalizing, indeed, though I made a point of...trying not to kill anymore. It always gave more problems than a full stomach would give good.
"A woman all on her own in the forest?" I question as I walk up to her. "What encouraged such a decision?"

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:56 pm

Alexander stood and shook his head. "I was told not to. Not unless is was nessecary." He green eyes searched the room for anyone who would harm him. He let him self relax slightly. "I do not think there is a Heartbearer here.." He took a step towards a large iron like door.

Annie looked up at him and felt fear enter her body. "um..." She couldnt speak. HEr entire body felt... on edge. She stood ever so slightly. Her dress hanging losely around her figure. She took a step back. "I... dont know..." Her hand brushed the tree behind her.

Katlyn felt something.. something inside her told her to leave the house. She stood and excused herself from the table. She went to her room and looked out. Her brother stood a tree and chuckled. He waved for her to leave the house and follow him. She sighed and changed into a slim fitting outfit and left. "WHat is is Jarrod?" Jarrod smiled. "The General is in the factory with his little pet." A cold smile came across Katyln's lips. "Then we should meet him shouldnt we?" He chuckled and took off running with Katyln at his heels.

( GAH! Forgot to make a charrie thingy for Jarrod -__-

Name: Jarrod
Age: 19
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: Heartbearer
Species: hf breed of human and vampire
Background: sad to say he wont tell me O__o
Looks: The Heartless Ben_barnes_actor_boy_young_person_black_white_hair_wet_look_18686_preview

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:08 pm


Exactly how am I supposed to know what to look for? Ugh, this was horribly annoying... I cross my arms and follow him, my violet eyes taking in the large iron door. Well, not any old nothing was usually hidden behind such contraptions. It must be important, whatever we were looking for. "So...then we find it, and I'll see it, and I'll know what it was anyway," I say. It didn't matter to me that he was 'general'. Positions like that were silly to me. Childish things to fight over who can be best. "Heartbearers are going to be here soon; it'll be better with two pairs of eyes looking instead of one."


I hold my hands up to show I didn't mean any harm. " 'ey, 'ey... Can't some guys be gentlemen? I'd have hated for someone who meant you ill to have come before me," I say with a good natured smile. I've also learned having them panicked first off wasn't good. They would struggle, and then a fang might accidentally slash an artery... And then she'd be as good as dead. Didn't want that to happen for such a lovely girl.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:16 pm

Alexander looked at her and stopped. "Look just stay here. I need to go in alone. Its... not for children your age." He chuckled and winked. He pushed open the door and stepped inside.

Katlyn and Jarrod watched the sceene take place. Katlyn rolled her eyes at Alexander's arrogance. She watched as he left and soon all that was left was the little girl. She looked at Jarrod who gave a nodded. Katlyn jumped down and landed on her feet. Jarrod on the other hand... landed on his butt. Katyln facepalmed before looking at the girl.

Annie's eyes met his for a second. Her entire body still felt on edge. She kept her gaurd up. "What is a man like you doing out here?" SHe asked with a slight tone. She felt her hands tremble. She had heard of the dissaperances of the people her age. Was he the one who caused them?

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:35 pm


Push my buttons... Shut up. I was plenty old enough, at least with skills and know how. Inside I was exactly like him. No feelings. Stupid, stupid...Why was he even general?!
And then heartbearers. They could make noise out of nothing, I swear. I glance back at them blankly, but don't make a move to attack or defend. Curtly, I frown before following suit and running through the door, slamming it shut the best I could behind me. Lock...had to be a lock on this stupid door...


"I patrol, looking for...the lesser men among us who like to hide around here." I reach in my pocket and pull out my police badge I had gotten seven years prior, before I was changed, and show it to her. "I don't mean any harm, see?"

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:44 pm

Katlyn took off running and hit the door wit hher foot. It moved slightly. She forced her weight on it and soon it was opening.

Alexander turned aorund and glared at Phobia. "REally? You couldnt have just taken care of them?!" He asked rage pulsing. He went over and grabbed Katlyn's foot and flung her down the hallway. "I will take care of this one you take care of the other." He said before running after Katlyn.

Jarrod stood as he watched his sister go through the door. He crouched and sighe.d THis was going to get very very ugly.

Annie glanced at the badge. She let out a deep breath. "Im sorry... I just.. ave heard about the kiddnappings... sorry." SHe said again. She looked down at her piece of paper. It held a picture of a faceless man. She sighed in frustration.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:56 pm


"Sorry, I'm eight! It makes two on one a little difficult!" I growl at Alex, pulling my ax off my back and walking back out. My violet eyes are narrowed at Jarrod, though they still held no emotion. Just blank. They've always been blank.
Loosely, I hold my weapon at my side with a hand. It was light, or as light as it could be for my physique, though it still had force behind it. And force made damage. I bring it across my body and slash up at him once near enough.


There was the little nagging that I should be somewhere else, doing my heartbearer job. I stop a scowl from coming onto my face, instead smiling lightly and putting my badge back. "No problems, miss. How about we get you back to town?" My hand stays in my pocket, however, taking my chloroform damp rag instead. End this quickly, knock her out, put her in the farmhouse, and join the others. Lovely plan.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:02 pm

Jarrod moved out of the way of the ax. He backflipped over a table. He landed on his feet. He searched the room for something he could use. He sighed and smirked at the girl. "What are you...? 7 maybe 6? Jesus you kids are younge." He said with a laugh. He found a fire poker and held it out to her. "Wont kill you just knock you out."

Annie shrugged. "I need to stay out here..." SHe whispered. She started to walk off. "Good night mister." She said with a small smile. SHe grabbed her paper and her pencil before taking a stroll through the wide woods.

Katlyn ran as fast as she could. She reached for her revolver. SHe hid in a dark corner waiting as silently as she could. Alex ran past her and she aimed but he wasnt there. Alexander came up behind her and flipped her to the ground. He chuckled. "Your suppose to be a assassin." He rolled his eyes.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:17 pm


"Don't patronize me," I snap at him. "You won't get near me." From my belt, I pull out a dagger. I stand with the table between us, waiting for him to make a move.


I allow the scowl to show, crossing the distance between the two of us inhumanly fast and quiet before clamping the rag over her nose and mouth. "You'll make this quick if you do not struggle. But I promise you with my life no harm will come to you." I honestly didn't like having to do this...

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:32 pm

Jarrod moved under the table and took her legs out from under her. He made the swift move to keep her on the ground. He stood over her and made a slash across her face. He chuckled. "Sure sure." He raised the fire poker again.

Annie felt pure panic hit her. SHe knew not to breath. In mid breath she held it. She kicked his shins and hit him in the gut. She wouldnt be taken away... not ever. Not by a man who lied to her.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:17 pm


I blocked the initial slash with my dagger, glaring at him as he goes for a second strike. Having lost my ax in the fall, I didn't have many options. Well, there was always one possible attack... "Yes. Sure." I wind back and aim to kick him nicely in the groin.


...Really, really hated it... I hold firm, largely ignoring the hits as much as possible. Vampirism already gave me added strength, hunger giving me even more of an edge. Her heart was fast in my ears; it made my fangs come, but I wouldn't. Not this way.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:42 am


I kept my eyes downcast as I walked, hoping nobody would notice the fact that I was out walking alone for the small fact of the chance that they may know my family. If they knew my family it would mean trouble for me and adding disgrace to my name. I’m sure the hour was getting later and that it probably wasn’t the safest thing for me to be walking out here alone wither, but I wasn’t quite sure I cared. Life was by far too dull with just talk of marriage and gossip. I honestly wouldn’t mind a little excitement.


I walked along the side of the road, my eyes downcast. Work had just ended and I wanted to be home so I could relax. The day had been longer and harder than normal, making me slower than usual on my walks home. I sighed, wishing my legs would taking me faster, but they didn’t listen to my wish and continued to move at their slow pace.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:59 pm

( Sharpie- I can make a charrie for Blake if you want ^_^ or I think my friend Ravyn might join and AleJ... but in the mean time I can)

Jarrod felt the pain slide up his body and he fell to the floor. A flow of profanitys flew from his mouth. He took the fire poker and aimed for her legs.

Anni kept fighting. Her lungs burned for the sweet relif of air. She moved her head out of the way of the rag and took a deep breath and held it again. Her mind became foggy somepoint but she kept fighting. She wouldnt be taken to were her friends had all gone.

Katlyn glared at Alexander and flipped him over. She stood and sprinted through another passage way. She sprinted until finally she saw the door. She kicked it open and went inside. It was nothing but a tool shed. She was puzzled for a second before she quickly hid as she saw Alexander come in. He chuckled and held a long blade in his hands. "Come out where ever you are kitty." He chuckled. For a long enough time, Katlyn didnt move. She saw him relax the tiniest bit before going over and grabbing something in a small tin box. Katlyn's curiousty grew. Soon Alexander was sprinting down the hallway into where Phobia was. "lets go!" He yelled and took off running out into the woods that surrounded the place.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:07 pm

(Okay, it's up to you really. ^.^)

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:32 pm

( tis fine wif me!)

Age: 16
Heartless/Heartbearer/none: none
Species: human
Background: works in a factory trying to feed her little sister.
Looks: The Heartless 1319471998845692

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:22 pm

(Nice character. Smile)

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:29 pm


Adien watched th eworkers shuffle on. Her eyes difteed over them and she hid well in the woods. She couldnt help but smile at their pity faces. They seemed..... upset for some reason.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:40 pm


I'm up myself by the time he gets over cursing. He takes a swing for my legs, but I nimbly jump back, tossing my dagger up as well. One turn roughly every seven and a half feet...though the calculations were like a second instinct by this point. I grab the blade from the air, and in a smooth and practiced move wind back to throw it at him.
Alexander bursts back out, and I vaguely hear his voice to leave. The knife is flying by that point, in the space between myself and its target. I don't see if it ever hits its mark, instead taking off after Alex, picking up my fallen ax from the ground as I go.
"I was winning..." I pout at him, returning the blade to my back as we run.


Damn it, this was taking too long. My eyes flash dangerously and my thirst is nearly breaking my will. I clamp the rag back over her mouth and nose, using more force than was necessary, before biting her shoulder through her thin dress. The aim was not to feed, but to make her gasp from the pain. Inhale the chemical and then take her somewhere safe, where the Heartless wouldn't take her into their league.

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The Heartless Empty Re: The Heartless

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