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The Heartless

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:53 pm

(You're welcome. Smile)


I continued walking, turning down a street that was near the woods. It was one of the times that I disliked living further away from work because it meant a longer walk back. i was already tired and I still had quite a ways to go. I sighed, wanting the walk to be over.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:57 pm

Alexander chuckled and kept sprinting. "Dont worry. And your aim was of a slight bit. It hit his shoulder not his heart." As they kept running Katlyn ran and found Jarrod with a knife in his shoulder. She sighed. "Your not very bright are you?" Jarrod glared biut stood. "Hurry and get them." Katyln took off running. She needed to find the others.

Anni gasped and inhaled the chemical. Darkness clouded her vision. "What did to me?" She asked and collapsed in his arms.

Adien watched a older boy. She tilt her head but kept following him. He seems interesting.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:06 pm


I shoved my hands in my pockets, wondering what I could think about to pass the time as I walked. I didn't wonder about that long though because the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. For some reason, I felt as though I was being watched or followed. I quickened my pace, not yet willing to look behind me.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:09 pm

Adien smiled a slight bit and followed silently. Her was glad she had been wearing trousers. She had no shoes on and her curly hair made her look like a wild woman. She watched him and followed. She didnt know why or what but something pulled her towards him adn she was interested.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:20 pm


The feeling of being watched or followed continued and I clenched my jaw, not liking the feeling very well. Slowly I balled my hands into fists, ready to fight if it came to that and sneaked a peak over my shoulder. I'm sure my eyes widened when I saw a woman following me and I had to admit I relaxed some. Even if she did look wild, I felt safer.

I stopped and turned to face her, my arms crossing over my chest. "So why exactly are you following me, Miss?"

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:21 pm

Adien hid and didnt answer. Her breath was caught in her throat. She couldnt move not one muscle. Her eyes watched him and she fixed her hair slightly. She still was hidden by a huge tree.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by enchanted_sharpie Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:37 pm


My jaw clenched once again when I didn't see the woman. I know that I had seen her and I figured that she must be hiding someplace. "You know, I saw you already so it is quite pointless to hide. Anyway, I'm not about to fight you or anything, I just want to know why you're following me."

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:41 pm


"Perhaps if you hadn't interrupted me..." I grumble, going for a different weapon. I slide to a halt upon the tiled floor, twisting back while going into a crouch. From my boot, I pull out my colt peacemaker and fire three shots at the pursuing girl. If that wouldn't stop her, I fire at the factory's steam heating system to send a wave of white, scalding water vapor as a makeshift wall between us.
Two shots left in my gun, I shove it back in my boot and take off after Alexander again. "And why doesn't the general kill his opponent either?" I question with a light smirk.


I pull away sharply after she collapses after ensuring the wounds would close quickly, picking her up and taking her to the farmhouse meeting house. I leave her in a windowless room, putting her into the available bed there, then lock the door and take off to follow this feeling of where the others went.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 8:22 pm

Aiden didnt move for a long while. She never let anyone know where she was. And she wasnt about to start now.

Alexander glared at her. "Shut up already. I have more important things to do then kill a stupid girl with her brother. SHe is a assassin I highly doubt the bullets will stop her for long." He said and he sprinted deep into the woods. "We need to find the others."

Katlyn saw the bullets and hit the ground. They flew over her head and she saw the water vapor. She rollled her eyes. "Little kid stuff." Jarrod had gotten the knife out of his shoulder and looked at her. "I might just kill that kid." Katlyn chuckled and shruggeed. "Youtr the idiot to underestimate her. Come on we need to find Thomas... I wonder what has kept him..."

Three hours later, Annie woke up thrashing. Her mouth felt dry and her skin felt raw. She blinked away the last of the chemical and looked around the windowless room. It was dark and scary. She huddled against the wall. WOuld she die in here? She felt around the wall. There must have been a door somewhere. But where?

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:59 pm


"I wasn't trying to kill her. Just buy us time." For all this running, I never really got tired anymore. Exhaustion was behind me. That weakness was so human... "I'll leave your opponent to you to of these days..." I continue on teasing him.


I enter the factory to find a spray of steam from a bullet hole, though there wasn't any noise to signal a continuing fight. Seems I might have been a little late...
I follow the steam line, coming to a wheel to shut off the flow. Turning it right, the hiss dies down before stopping, and I continue down the hallway until running into Katlyn and Jarrod.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:22 pm

Alexander rolled his eyes and soon stopped. He looked about him. "Looks like it sjust you and me for alittle bit." He leaned agaisnt a tree and looked at the box. He tilt his head. "I have no idea why the doctor wanted this..." He said with a kind of.. odd expression on his face.

Katlyn fell to the floor and Jarrod busted up laughing. "Nice job sis." She glared at him and looked at Thomas. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" She yelled. She was already frustrated. "Alexander and his pet was here.... You missed Katlyn being told off by the general." Jarrod laughed. "And you missed Jarrod getting his butt kicked by a little kid!" She said glaring. "So anyway... where were you?"

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:37 pm


I stand up on my toes a bit, to peek at the lid of the otherwise simple tin. "Can I know what it is yet?" I ask impatiently, falling back upon the soles of my feet to have my pigtails sway slightly.


"I...see that..." I comment off handedly, glancing back down the hallways I had come. "I was retrieving a girl from the woods. Just wandering about..." Completely oblivious to the growing army in the area that could have captured her and turned her into a Heartless. So far the Heartbearers had kept their existence secret, as the vampires have managed to do for some time now. The doctor was gaining grounds however... I didn't think it would stay secret for much longer unless we managed some heavy blow soon.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:43 pm

Alexander shook his head. "Not until the doctor looks at it." He said sighing. He looked around. "Is it just me or do you think that nobody is comming?" He chuckled a slight bit. "Nice pigtails."

Katlyn raised a eyebrow. "A girl??" She giggled slightly. "You liek her dont you?" SHe asked with a wide eyed expression. Jarrod rolled his eyes. "Sorry man you know how much of a hopeless romantic she is." Katlyn threw her brother a glare. "Hey hey Im just speaking the truth."

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:50 pm


"Maybe they all just went to the doctor's instead of here," I say, looking around the dark woods for any sign of a person. "...And I always have pigtails..." I pout at him again. How couldn't he notice that...


I look away, my eyes still having that edge to them. Vaguely, I'm aware of the pressure to signal my fangs are out and about again, but I keep my lips shut tightly. Nothing left here. I turn back down the hall, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets. "There's about three hours before she wakes up," I state, my voice hard. I try to keep my mind on something other than feeding when we get back.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:54 pm

Alexander shrugged and started to head in a random direction. "Come on little girl we have some more bussness to attend to anyway. We are running low on inforcements and we need some more humans. Its going to be a interesting night." He stopped and grabbed his coat hanging from a tree and put the box in his breast pocket. "Now where to begin?"

Katlyn raised a eyebrow. "Only 3 hours?" She asked. Jarrod looked at him. "Thats not that much time..." He said shaking his head. "What if she wakes up? Then what? We cant knock her out again! That would mess her up pretty bad..." Katlyn stopped and looked at Thomas. "WHen was the last time you fed?" She asked.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:00 am


I watch him go blankly a moment before following again at a slightly fast walk, taking the down time to reload my gun to its full six rounds. "I'll need a new dagger," I mumble, mostly to myself. Stupid Heartbearer probably claimed it for a prize...


I ignore earlier talk. I knew it to be cutting it short. If I ran in such a state, I'd be able to make it back beforehand, perhaps. "You know the stages of thirst as well as I've learned them," I tell Katlyn, her having been born a full vampire while I was merely Changed. "How long do you think?"

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:09 am

Alexander looked at her. "A new dagger? We can snatch one from a shop and take someone from there if you please." He said looking around. He couldnt help but feel like something wasnt right. "Is the town always this quiet?"

(She was changed BW :3 Its a long story Very Happy )

Katlyn rolled her eyes. "You need to feed. We went over this. If you dont you will be screwed." SHe had been changed for nearly 300 years now. "If you dont all hell will break lose and Im pretty sure you dont want that. Hurry before they find that chick you hid because trust me.. they will."

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:21 am


"At this hour?" I step from the trees, watching my steps on the cobblestone road and avoiding cracks. There used to be enjoyment from such a stupid game... I pause to look about a moment. "I dunno. We have been taking a lot of people recently. Perhaps the town issued a curfew."


I close my eyes, simply listening. Concentrating greatly on the words, making myself calm slightly. "I'll be back at the farmhouse then," I say quietly, again taking off through the woods.
It would be cut short, yes. Three hours nearly up, I enter the doorway and make my way towards the bedroom I had left her in, though quietly, almost undetectably. I hear her. Her heart isn't the speed it should be if she were unconscious. Jarrod was right though; knocking her out again wouldn't be good.
I stop before the door, pinpointing where she is within by listening. Then it would be quick. Gripping the handle a second before making my move. Crossing the room with a vampire's speed, securing her against the wall with her wrists within my hands. I wince as my fangs come, murmuring a quick apology against her neck before biting her once again and indulging my thirst.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:28 am

Alexander stood next to her. "We need to find at least one person... Do you think they have hidden people?" He asked looking down at her. "The Heartbearers could have...." He said.

Annie didnt know what was happening. Something.. or someone was bitting her. A pain like no other stung her body. She screamed and screamed. The pain was blinding. HEr entire body felt weak. She knew she had to get away. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

Katlyn heard the scream and panic hit her. "Oh no....." SHe looked at Jarrod who facepalmed. "They know where he is.. and now were she is..." They both took off running before the Heartrless found them.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:43 am


I glance over to the sound of a distant scream. Someone being taken by our allies, or an inexperienced vampire making a snack of someone. Or the Heartbearers and their vampire ranks. They let monsters into their midst to attempt to give themselves the upper hand in our fights.
I look back to Alexander, awaiting him to do something before I take action. "Thirsty vampires are a force to be reckoned with..." I warn him with a slight frown. "And we know at least two Heartbearers in the area already..." I'd rather not have to deal with a three on two... "Can't we just go to the doctor's?"


I close my eyes, largely ignoring her. It simply stirred on the bloodlust. I had been rushing. I wouldn't have made that mistake normally. Too many things popped up on the schedule however; I didn't have the chance to feed until now.
My eyes open again, I pull away and make sure to seal the wound before covering her mouth. Perhaps a bit too late...again.
"You must be quiet now," I hiss harshly in an undertone. "Those who truly wish to harm you may be attracted."

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:50 am

Alexander shook his head. "No he ordered me to bring him one more." He took off sprinting. He went to the where the sound was. He saw the farmhouse and chuckled. "Come out wherever you are vampire." He said before entering. He ran up to the room and chuckled. "Very cute." He said with a wink. "Time to die." He crouched.

Annie felt fear enter her body. Her eyes saw darkness and she didnt like it. She looked at the guy who just... feaking drank her! She tried to fight against the restraints of Thomas's hands. "LET ME GO!" She screamed.

Katlyn ran and she could smell Alex. She sighed. "They are already there." "How many?" Jarrod asked. "Alexander and his pet." Jarrod chuckled. "We can get our revange."

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:56 am


I stop outside of entering the old building, crossing my arms. I had come this far, but I wasn't an idiot. Let Alexander get himself killed by a recently fed vampire and show how incompetent of a general he was the entire time.
"Sounds rather personal, small man," I comment under my breath when I hear the other two coming closer.


I snarl at Alex. Despite the girl's struggles, I stay firm, standing with her and keeping her behind me stuck in the corner. I stood as a wall between the two of them. I could hear Katlyn and Jarrod, though with my hearing I couldn't tell how far off they were.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:01 am

Jarrod saw the girl and smirked. He was soon in her face. "Hi doll." He said before going to flip her. Katlyn rolled her eyes and made it upstairs. She shot a glare towards Thomas. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU HAD TO FEED ON HER??"

Annie was scared. She couldnt move. The word feed keep pulsing in her brain. She felt liek a mouse that was going ot be eaten by a black cat. She shuddered and looked at the man infront of her. "Why... protect me?" She whispered softly.

Alexander chuckled. "Fine." He stood up. "Keep her... but trust me. I will be back for her... and next time.. you will not get to keep her." He said with a chuckle. He winked at Aniie. "Bye baby." He took off down the stairs and looked at Phobia. "Stop messing with the guy. We will be back." He said before disappering in the woods.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:25 am


Messing with the guy, indeed. I just kept dodging his pitiful attacks. As Alexander walked back, I followed closely, not turning away from my opponent until there was a good distance between us. Turning around then, I ran after Alexander.


I give a breathy chuckle, though its nervous. Still, I stand between the girl and the rest of the room. "You said I had to. And you've had me running about with so little time to myself, there wasn't much of another option. The town is paranoid from all those the Heartless are taking."
I glance back at her little whispered question, guilt becoming plain on my face. "I promised you. Nothing would harm you. I took you for your protection, I intend to keep you safe until we either find somewhere not threatened by Heartless or there aren't any Heartless left to endanger people." I take a quick breath, glancing away before relaxing and stepping away, murmuring another apology.

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The Heartless - Page 2 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:42 pm

Alexander stopped as soon as he hit the middle of the woods. He chuckled deeply. "That got fun." He said. he looked for Phobia. They needed to get back. The doctor would be wanting his little toy thing.

Katlyn shook her head. "I didnt mean freaking drink out of her! Jesus man thats not cool! The poor thing looks scared to death!" Jarrod came up and looked at Thomas. "REally man? Dude at least close the door!"

Anni felt her heart pounding in her chest. She was scared. "I... I dont understand." She finally said. "Wh-what are Heartless things and who are you? And why did you drink my blood or whatever?" She tried to get around Thomas to look in his eyes. Thats one thing she remebered from him. his eyes held a story and she wanted to know it... or atleast.. to draw him.

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