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The Heartless

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:51 pm


"You ran in and ran out. How's that fun?" I walk on, heading towards the doctor's finally. I didn't much care if the general came or not. I was pretty much done tonight.


"Couldn't exactly ask for a donation and whip out an IV when I didn't have one on me!" I snap at her, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "You've forgotten. Three hundred years, you can't remember what the seventh felt like." I bare my teeth at her, fangs still prominent.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:57 pm

Alexander shrugged. "Well lets see when 3 Heartbearers are in there.. im not an idiot Phobia." He growled at her. They continued their way down into the woods and stopped to what looked like a insane hospital. He chuckled. "Honey Im home."

Annie looked at Thomas and moved and stood infront of him. "Can I have answers please??" She asked in a quiet tone. Katlyn rolled her eyes. "I do and dont ask me how because its a long and sad story." She said. Jarrod shook his head. "Look.. we cant tell you..." He told Annie. "Thomas take her home or bring her with us. But if she finds out more then we are aloud to tell her... your screwed man." He said before heading out side with Katlyn at his heels.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:08 pm


You prove otherwise plenty of other times...
I follow silently, going through the double doors and walking with Alexander to see the doctor.


I press my lips to a thin line as they leave, hiding my fangs until they disappear again until turning to look at the girl. "I am...sorry," I apologize yet again. "But as Jarrod says, I am to take you home or you are to stay with me. There is only so much that will allow me to say to an outsider."

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Location : Arkham Asylum

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jun 20, 2012 4:13 pm

Alexander walked and looked around. They walked silently past all the beds filled with humans that were asleep from the medication. He chuckled and entered a small office. "Got what you needed boss." He said putting down the small tin container. "Though would you like to explain why you need a tiny little gear?" Alexander asked raising a eyebrow. The Doctor stood and looked at both of them. "Becuase my dear friends... this will help us make more Heartless faster."

Annie felt her heart drop to the bottom of her stomach. "I forgive you..." SHe said after a long while. "I have to stay dont I?" She asked with a sigh. She already knew she had to because of her hearing things. She shook her head. "I... um...." She looked at his eyes again. Her hand itched to draw them.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:49 pm


Still, I stand and stay quiet. The doctor was the only one deserving of my respect, I believed. I finally catch site of the little...gear... Curious.


"No. You'll always have a choice." One is simply...safer than the other.... I look at her intensely, showing my honesty. "Whichever you choose... I'll keep you safe until you reach your destination."

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:52 pm

The doctor looked at Phobie and smiled. "This is what I need for a machine I have been working on. It will help me block emotions more effectivly. And without us telling the soldiers what is happening they will just... feel nothing." He said with a dark chuckle.

Annie poundered this and shook her head. "Why... I mean honestly. You just.. well yeah so why care about my safty. It honestly doesnt make any sense to me..."

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:11 pm


I look back at the little part. "Why not just make the gear?" I ask. Some sort of test for us? Perhaps we were supposed to dispose of the Heartbearers...


"I owe it to you. For the lack of explanation. The bites. Being a gentleman who lied..." I list off. Really, I was much too easy to guilt. It was a horrible trait to have as a vampire...

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:15 pm

The doctor smiled. "Because little one... This gear has something that I can not make. It is made from a special material that I can not obtain."

Annie smiled sligthly. "Not the worst that has happened.. actaully thats a lie.. that is the worst. But your lucky I am forgiving." She said sittong on the bed. "So... I would rather you take me somewhere instead of me going home if that would be ok."

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:20 pm


I stand on my toes again, looking at it. Didn't seem so special, especially if whoever made it just left it in some shed. I frown slightly, rocking back onto my heels. "Looks pretty plain to me." I didn't see the reason why I had to wait to see a silly gear...


I nod slightly, studying her still. "Where then?" I ask her.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:46 pm

The doctor chuckled. His eyes shown bright. "You wouldnt understand little one." he looked at Alexander "Did the Heartbearers come...?" Alexander nodded. "Yes... one bit a girl..." The doctor raised a eyebrow. "A girl...? We need another girl... go find her. Do whatever you can to get her. I would like to use her. Do you think she is worth the trouble." Alexander shifted his weight. "Yes.. she has potential." The doctor chuckled once more. "Good now go get her."

Annie shurgged. She tilted her head and looked at his face. He had... features she hadnt seen before. She wanted to draw him but pushed the urge down. "Anywhere..." She finally said.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:08 pm


"There are also three Heartbearers near her," I say, voicing what Alexander will not. Surely there is another girl we could bring in in the vicinity... The extreme lack of logic around these parts sometimes...


I felt nervous under her study, and looked away. "Very well. We are leaving now then, to another base. I'll have to blindfold you, to prevent any more compromise of our location." I stay strictly business, swallowing the last of the lingering taste of blood down.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:08 am

The doctor looked at Phobia. a smile broke apon his lips. "My dear, that is brilliant. This means they see what we see." He started to pace. "You will need things to distract the Heartbearers." Alexander nodded. "Which means we need a fake saving of the humans...." Alexander said. He chuckled. "We could use a Heartless." The doctor nodded. "Go and get that done. When you have the girl bring her stright to me. I need her alive." Alexander bowed and turned to leave. "Come on Phobia."

Annie stood and shook her head. "I will not be blindfolded. You fed off of me. You owe me this..." She said in a small voice. She wanted to see where she was going. He could kill her if he wanted. She looked down at her feet.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:34 am


I hold back a growl of annoyance, turning on my heel and following Alexander. The vampire saw a meal out of the girl, what other meaning did you want in it? This felt like when teachers would make you read books and try and find meanings that just weren't there. It's written plainly, right there. The author didn't mean anything differently, otherwise he would have said such.


"That's against protocol. I cannot take you with me then," I tell her. Using my guilt against me... A low blow for a lady who had just said she forgave me of such actions... I sigh exasperated, running a hand through my hair. "Time is running short... The Heartless may come back to see our location..."

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:41 am

Alexander kept walking and looked at her. "You pick the poor helpless soul who gets the crap beaten out of them." He said with a smile. He ldidnt really like this part. He knew a job had to be done and they would do it.

Annie looked at him. "Please... you owe me this.." She said in a small voice. She hated doing this but she didnt know if she could trust him. Her heart sped up a bit at the name of heartless. "They dont have hearts...?" She asked. She felt faint and held the end of the bed.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:56 pm


"Jarrod, you mean? So you'll take on the assassin and the vampire yourself?" I question him skeptically. Really, lack of logic in this plan is astounding. "Alexander. Sooner or later, you'll have to face the fact that we need a few more members on your suicide maybe it will be less hopeless of a mission.... I'm not throwing my life away because of your stupidity." I cross my arms, stopping in the asylum's halls. Finally putting my foot down...dumb 'general' couldn't order me around.


I hiss annoyed at her sudden stubbornness. "I cant tell you." We were wasting time. We needed to go, and now. "Ill take you somewhere, but not blindfolded it wont be one of our bases. It wont be as safe, but its the best you're allowing me to do currently." I turn and walk out of the room, making my way through the house, pausing at the door only to see if she was optionally coming.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:56 pm

Alexander stopped and looked at her. "I see..." He said breaking the long pause. He waved his hand. "Fine fine... Now we have to find more people... we need that girl though Phobia. Lets hurry and pick out a few of the more.. trained Heartless shall we..?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Annie sighed and thought about not going. She soon was down the stairs looking at him. "Okay..." She said with a small sigh. "I will come... just... no blindfolds..." She still didnt know if she oculd trust him but... somehow she was going with this guy to a place she had never been before.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:53 pm


I nod, though don't say anything. About bloody time he listens to me, otherwise we'd be running into another senseless battle...


"I'm faster than you. May I carry you?" I ask her. I glance at her clothes. If she'd be traveling, she'd have to get used to wearing men's fashions for easy escapes... I might need Katlyn to talk her into that one, however...

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:58 pm

Alexander walked through a dark hallway which lead to the training area. Many of the Heartless where training and Alexander watched. He looked at Phobia. "Take your pick."

Annie looked at him and nodded after a long pause. "Yes.." She said tilting her head at him. He was acting strange.. at least to her. She didnt know what to make of him. he was.. diffrent.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:13 am


I glance around the training room, studying people's techniques and skills. "Emilio," I say to Alexander, my eyes on the man, who was currently sparring with a few others. Well built, he had stamina and strength. As she remembered from her training, he was a good shot and skilled with various weapons.


I carefully support her as I pick her up without much trouble. The recent feeding was adding to my strength currently, as well as my speed. Quickly, I made my way around town to the most inconspicuous place I could think of taking her, being sure to keep my trail as unnoticeable as possible. I set her down at the entrance of a large inn. They would hardly think of us hiding somewhere populated, I theorized.

"Stay close, and don't look at anyone," I murmur to her, taking her hand and quickly going inside. I nod to the man at the bar before going up the stairs to the hallway of rooms, going to mine in the middle of the hall and unlocking the door, bringing her in and closing the door behind me. The lock clicked automatically. It was a simple room with a small bathroom to the corner. The bed was basically the only thing gracing the room, besides a small dresser with an oil lamp on it and wash basin. To the left there was a little lounge area with a small couch and arm chair standing around a coffee table. I let go of her hand and navigate through the darkness with ease, lighting the lamp to give the room a warm light.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:28 am

Alexander studied Emilio. Soon enough he gave a quick nod. "Yes.. I see." He whistled and the room stopped and looked at him. "I need to see Emilio." He said in a deep voice.

Annie just stood in the room. She went through the trip in her mind. THe journey had been a complete blur, though she had kept her eyes closed for most of the ride. She kept her head down as he told her not to look at anyone. Her hand still burned with the sinsation of his hand. She quickly wiped it on her dress and looked at him.
"How many times have you been here?" She asked wit ha confused tone. The bar tender had seemed like he knew Thomas. "I... I dont understand..." She whispered.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Black&White Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:59 am


A hush descends for a moment, those I was sparring with stopped as i was called forward by the general. I walk forward, sheathing my sword at my hip before stopping in front of he and Phobia. The little girl looked at me with an edge to her gaze. "Yes, sir?" I ask him, standing at attention.


"I've paid my rent for a few days in advance. Though I move around a bit..." I explain, glancing around my room. "...I do not mean any implications by this... I believe it to be the safest point currently."

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

Post by Alice Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:16 pm

Alexander's smile grew. "You are going to help us catch a girl. Now then.. who else will volenteer to do this mission? We need a heck of alot of people." he said. Alexander's eyes scanned the trainning center.

Annie nodded and moved and sat on the bed. Her body felt tease and sleep was out of the question. She noticed she had no shoes on. She sighed and went to the wash basin and found water in the jug. She poured it out and sat on the floor. She cleaned her feet and went to the bathroom and poured the water down the shower drain. She set the water jug down and looked in the mirror. She looked like a wreck. She sighed with frustration and pulled a brush out of a draw. She started to comb her hair.

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The Heartless - Page 3 Empty Re: The Heartless

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