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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:44 pm

Well hello there beautiful Kat of mine! Alright sooo I an just gunna put up a charrie sheet and we can improve from there if you would like. Of course.. I will have maybe like 2 humans and 2 vampires cuz... I dont know XDD

ALRIGHT Charrie sheet... AWAY!!

Powers (If they gotz any):
Bio: (vampires how they changed and what not)

I think thats it XDD Anything you want to add go ahead ^^ <3

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:59 am

Name: Alyssa
Age: 18
Gender: female
Vampire/human: vampire
Looks: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice
Powers (If they gotz any): understands any lanugause and can tlak in any language and can also see auras.
Bio: she was changed by a man who promised her the world. He changed her.. left her. End of story

Name: Laura
Age: 16
Gender: female
Vampire/human: human
Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Name: Alexander
Age: 17
Gender: male
Vampire/human: vampire
Looks: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice
Powers (If they gotz any): sense feelings and is a lie detector
Bio: I think his sister changed him.. yeah im pretty sure.. i dont know much about him xD

Name: Kriek
Age: 18
Gender: male
Vampire/human: human
Looks: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:59 pm

Name: Audrey
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Vampire/human: human
Looks:Silent Night~ Kat and Alice W207446849
Powers (If they gotz any):(Can our humans have powers? I was thinking of making her emphatic)

Name: Brannon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Vampire/human: Human
Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Hot+boy+hawt+2

Name: Raymond
Age: appears 18
Gender: Male
Vampire/human: Vampire
Looks:Silent Night~ Kat and Alice 4446883-teenage-boy-lying-on-bed
Powers (If they gotz any): He's got a connection to the earth, can make it tremble and such but its too much for him to move completely. This is why he tends to hang around deserty areas, he can move the sand.
Bio: Right, so he's really old. He lived back around civil war times working in the south. One day a girl visited his master and saw him working. She offered him a way out of all of it and he took it. After he was turned he spent a lot of time working behind the scenes as things happened. Eventually he tired of peoples prejudices and just disappeared for awhile. He picked up a new name in more modern times to fit in better.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:01 pm

soooo for a long moment I thought and I was like what the heck, why not make it an uneven number of people. This way there's potential dramas in the way of a triangle or something. I was also thinking perhaps we could have the setting in a deserty area, high school perhaps? Maybe the last week of school before summer. That could be fun...*shrugs*

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:10 pm

Audrey --

There were twenty-seven chairs in this room, sixty-two ceiling tiles, and two doors. I knew because I'd counted them before. One by one until every single thing in the room was catorgorized in my head. My desk that I'd choosen the first day of school was approximately twelve steps from the door. Number of steps to the front of the room? Unsure.
"Hey, Audrey, over here."
Snapping my head up I glanced around, eyes settling on Brannon towards the front of the room. He lips were twisted up in a bit of a cruel smirk as he patted the seat next to him. Shaking my head I took the last two simple simple steps to my chair and sat my bag down just so on the edge of my desk. Not bag, no, that would be the wrong word. Tote, that's better, a simple black one with twelve exact circles on the front.
Twelve's a good number. I like it.
The clock doesn't say twelve though, it says that the day has only begun. It has twelve numbers though so I can't exactly hate the clock. Its not its fault I hate the day. May eleventh. That's a bad number.
Chewing on my lip I end up taking my pencil and tapping each of the wooden lines on my desk, counting them as I had done everyday since the school year began.

Raymond --
(Will post for him soon)

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:43 am


I looked aorund the school and sighed. My head was pounding with the weight of what felt like a ton of bricks. I shook my head and walked into class. Alyssa was sitting in the back acting like she was so cool. I rolled my eyes in her direction and sat down next to a guy. I didnt really focus too much on him... I just kinda... picked a seat. I glanced over at him and just kinda.. well.. stared at him. His skin.. was... beautiful and his eyes.... I looked away. Bad Laura... Bad... I sighed and took out a piece of paper. I needed something to do.
I heard Alyssa let out a smirking laugh at me. She knew I was amazed by the guy next to me.... I had been all year. His name was Brannon and I dont know why.. but.. i just.. well.. melted whenever i saw him. I grippped my pencil and just stared at the paper. Class needed to start... and soon.


I couldny help but laugh at Laura. For the enitre year she had been crushing on Brannon and yet she still hadnt made a move. No matter how many times I have told her to she never did... I sighed and looked at my bag. It was a short bag that could never hold school books. I smirked. This last week would get interesting. Humans always got exceted before the last day of school. I had been around long enough to have my hand in most of it. Like I said... interesting week ahead.

I sat by a tree and shrugged off going to class. I didnt really need to go. It was the last week of school and everything.. well eerything was slow. I pulled out a cigarette and lit up. I took a long drag and thought about the past year. Interesting enough, I didnt regret.. anything at all. I smiled. Now I needed to do the senior prank.

Finally... the last week of school. After all my years of living well... not really living but you get my point... I mean this year had dragged on. The girls were.. well.. typical human chicks. They sucked basically. I sighed and walked into class. I hoped this week would be better then the others.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:19 pm

Raymond --

School, such a waste for all of them if you ask me. All year you hear students whining about how they hate it and how they wish it were over already. The last week seemed to arise out of the blue for me, as if it were only the second day of school than the number it was. It's a shame, in my opinion. There's such a vast well of knowledge open to these people, but yet they seem to just ignore it and rush through in an effort to make it out of here.

It's a waste.

Sighing a little I paused by the door to my classroom, considering abandoning it in favor of something more appealing. I had to need to involve myself in the final ties of the humans. Besides that, they would be finishing up all the technicalities of graduation. I really have no interest in adding another diploma to the growing collection. I could just leave the school and go do something more... productive. Yet, I really do love it here. Sighing once more I pulled open the door and slipped into my seat, not really paying attention to the girl next to me as class began. I hadn't even bothered to learn her name over the course of time here.

The bell rang as I dragged one heavy textbook out of my bag in hopes that we'd actually do something productive today. Highly doubtful.


Three minutes later the bell rang. Before it did three more people walked into class. As they did I hunkered down in my seat, training my eyes on the notebook I'd pulled out of my bag. I carefully managed to lose count of the number of lines on my desk, deciding that I would return to that soon, else I would go crazy. One hundred and thirty-two.

Half of that would be sixty-six. Half of that thirty-three. And-

"Miss Kells," the teacher said quietly causing me to glance up.

She didn't say anything else, just simply pointed towards the whiteboard. I nodded, blushing a little as I started to do the simple math problems she'd put on the right side, out of the way of the English work. Ms. Larson had to be my favorite teacher no question. She made things easier...

Brennon --

Rolling my eyes a little at the freakish girl I turned my attention to a much closer one. Letting my eyes flicker over Laura as I had done often this year I felt a smirk tug onto my lips as I let my eyes catch hers. Honestly, girl's were hopelessly easy to drag along. Perhaps with this being the end of the school year though.... I should give her a 'chance'.

"Hey," I muttered, leaning back in my chair. "I was wondering, you have any lunch plans?"

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:57 pm


My heart stopped. I couldnt Breathe. I counted to three and took in a deep breath. I knew he was a player. But... I had been crushing on him.. all year. "Depends..." I finally said. I smiled alittle bi. Alyssa couldnt sit there and tell me that I wasnt playing hard to get. I lokked over at him. I smirked slightly.

I smiled at Larua. Alright so e girl wasnt completely hopeless. I leaned back and scanned around the room. I smirked at th girl the teacher called on. 'Sucker' I thought.

I lokked at the girl and smiled a tiny bit. I couldnt help it. It would be interesting to see her answer. I mean... well hoping she got it right would be alittle far fetched.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:58 pm

Brennon --

I grinned, watching her reaction with a bit of amusement.
"Well, me and a friend or two were going to go down to the Olive after third period for lunch. Figured you could join us, I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask you for weeks. This is the last week of school, don't have any more time to waste now do I?"
As I spoke I kept a careful eye trained on the teacher behind her, making sure our conversation wasn't noticed.

Audrey --

Numbers were easy. People didn't understand that. They thought that because I didn't often speak and fell behind on all my other classes that I didn't understand as much as they did. I understood numbers though, it was like a second skin to me.
"Thirty-nine x over y-8 cubed."

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:11 pm

I looked at him. My eyes widened at him. My mouth felt dry but I knew I shouldnt believe him. Alyssa's words kept ringing in my head. "Men are pigs and all they want to do is screw with shy girls like you and screw you up." I sighed and looked at him. "Sure.... Ill go to lunch with you..." I said with a small smile.

I watched the girl. I chuckled a bit. I had to give it to her. She had figured things out.

I snuck into class and sat next to Alyssa. I looked at her and she smirked. "Alittle late arent we Alx...?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I chuckled and shrugged. "Better to be late then never." Alyssa smiled and leaned back into her chair. I looked at the girl who answered the math question. I smirked. She was good.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:34 pm

Brennon --

"Wonderful!" I chuckled, glancing towards the teacher once more. "Meet me after fourth hour then. Do we have the same class? I can't seem to recall."
My eyes flickered to the other girl, Laura's friend and the boy that sat next to her. Seemed everyone was here today.

Audrey --

"Very good Miss Kells. That is correct. I'd you cannot tell, today we will be going over..."
I quickly began to zone out, unable to focus on the application o numbers that I'd already memorized. Instead I found myself counting the people in the room and ducking my head as Ray gave me a curious look.
"Twenty-seven." I muttered to him and he gave a knowing smile.
"Focus, Audrey. Only a week longer."
"Seven days."

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:41 pm


I saw him look at Alyssa. I sighed. "Yeah we do.... We the morning together...." I said with a sort of shaking voice. I looked at him one mre time. I knew he was lieing but it still hurt. Alyssa already had more guys then I will ever get. This frustrated me but I couldnt do anything about it. I glanced at my paper and sghed yet again. I forgot to write down the nits and I doubt Alyssa wrote down hers.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:19 am


I nodded a little, leaning back in my chair and tapping a pencil on my desk.
"Meet you after the class then, we can carpool if you'd like. Save's gas."
As I spoke I let my eyes drop to my notebook, that didn't have a word on it. Oh well, another undocumented day of class.
"It's so nice of you to agree to come."

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:00 am

And yet again I still didnt believe a word that came out of his mouth. I looked at him slightly. "Oh...? And why is that?" aked in a not so confidence voice. I started to randomly doodle in my emptynotebook. Class would get out in 20 minutes or so. My eyes flickered over to him. "And... um yea carpool is fine." I sad flattly.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:26 am

Brennon --

I gave her an easy smile, finding a simple answer to give her for that.

"As I said, I've been waiting a long time to find the will to ask you. By agreeing to come you kept my heart from being ripped from my chest in a moment of typical teenage angst. For that, I thank you."

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:40 am


I shot him a weird look. "A what...?" Did he just go all weird on me? Yes I think he did. I shok my head and went over what he said. "That... um.. good...?" I said confused.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:57 am

Brennon --

I laughed, shaking my head. She was acting as if I'd truely meant those words.
"It was a joke, a teasing one. Didn't you catch that?"

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:51 am


I glared at him. "No need to be a jerk." I mummbled. Okay so.. maybe he wasnt all what I wanted. I sighed frustrated again. "I can take a joke.. just not one that involves feelings." I said flatly.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:11 am

Brennon --

"No, no," I assured her, placing an abashed look on my face. "The wording was a joke, the meaning was true. I wasn't messing with your feelings, Holden, simply joking with my words. I have to, feelings are hard for boys to express, didn't you know that?"

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:36 pm

Alice wrote:Laura~

I glared at him. "No need to be a jerk." I mummbled. Okay so.. maybe he wasnt all what I wanted. I sighed frustrated again. "I can take a joke.. just not one that involves feelings." I said flatly.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Alice Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:37 pm

( Ment Laura sorry XDD Brain went all weird )


I held back and eye roll but nodded. "Okay..." I said looking at him. "So... erhm.. who else is comming?" I asked with slight curiousity.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:59 am

Brennon --

"Well, I believe that everyone was inviting someone, so I only know of those in the main group that are coming." I said, shrugging a little then turning just slightly in my chair to focus my eyes on her. "I assume you know who the rest of my friends are, right?"

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by nameless Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:56 am


I shrugged. I didnt really care who is friends where. I only cared bout him but that feeling... was going away. I shook my head. " No dont..." I said alittle harshly. He was calling me a fangirl of his... nd I didnt like it.


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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by Bells Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:09 pm


I raised my brow a little at the tone in her voice, slightly surprised by it. Everyone new who my friends were, we were the main crowd. You know, those who everyone wanted to be. Most of us were the basketball players, a few football mixed in. I don't quite understand how she got off acting like it was a huge thing for me to question if she knew who they were.
"Ah, well, that's different." I whispered when the teacher finally began to catch onto our conversation. "Time for conversation looks like its over though..."
And with that I launched into a wonderful explination of reals and unreals.

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Silent Night~ Kat and Alice Empty Re: Silent Night~ Kat and Alice

Post by nameless Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:57 am


I watched him for a few seconds before looking up at the coard. My head felt... alittle better I took n a deep breath and let it out when the bell rang. I quickly stood and packed up my stuff and I knew the girl was following me to my next class. I let out a small sigh and walked into art. I was good in this class. I knew how to draw and paint... my parents taught me. I sat down at my seat with the chck next to me. I sighed and pulled out my sketchbook. I needed to draw out random things. First up... Brennons face.


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