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Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Fri May 03, 2013 1:46 am

Ello dear~~~
SO this chat is based in the 50's where every greaser smoked cigarettes and everyone wanted a piece of grease lightening xDD. So for this chat imma have it be the last days of school where everyone has planned a huge trip to the beach meaning beach houses and such. There will be locals in the beach town and also lets not forget abotu the school kids! There will be some greasers and some prep kids so that there is a conflict! We can have greasers fall for preps and vice versa (:

Grade in high school:

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Fri May 03, 2013 2:14 am

Name: Derik
Age: 18
Grade in high school: Senior this next comming school year
Greaser/Prep: Greaser
Background: he works at his dad's machanic shop in hopes of getting the family buissness one day. He is the leader of his gang and hates preps cause they like to flaunt their money to them. In his mind preps do not know how to work for money because it has been handed to them on a silver platter.
Looks/Description: Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Tumblr_lkqqw3c8yq1qi8rmjo1_500

Name: Jessica
Age: 16
Grade in high school: Junior. Is really smart but doesnt let people know
Greaser/Prep: Greaser
Background: she is the sort of brains of the operations of the gang. She is a tough girl with a quick tongue. She likes greaser boys and cant stand preps cause she thinks the same thing as Derik. She really doesnt care all that much for anyone who gets in her way or tries to screw things up with her and the gang. She doesnt take any crap and is very witty and smart though the smart thing she keeps on the down low.
Looks/Description: Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Tumblr_m7wgx0op1Z1r91t3po1_500

Name: Charlie
Age: 18
Grade in high school: Senior
Greaser/Prep: Prep
Background: has a rich daddy and mommy. He isnt very snobbish and is really kind but is the quite sorts and just kinda goes with the crowd sometimes because he cant really think sometimes. he is very smart and tereats people very well. with him doing that, some people question his being apart of the prep group but some agree with him. A tear has begun in the prep kids group
Looks/Description: Summer Love (S.A & Alice) F47218d2cefbd74584054de5729ca7d8

Name: Annabella (goes by Bell)
Age: 17
Grade in high school: Junior next year
Greaser/Prep: Prep
Background: she is Charlie's cousin and kinda has a low tolerance for people. She has been hurt by way to many people and learned to shut up and fake a smile. Her family is literally falling apart at the seems and yet no one really knows what is going on. So she puts up and shuts up and fakes a smile.
Looks/Description: Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Tumblr_lnf98zd5y31qaeoko

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Fri May 03, 2013 10:59 am

Name: Adele
Age: 17
Grade in high school: Upcoming Senior
Greaser/Prep: Prep
Background: Comes from a rich family but she wants to make a name for herself, not to live off of her family’s money.
Looks/Description: Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Original,blonde,hair,blue,eyes,orange,lips,pig,tails,red,shirt-291d52d6d2af0007c272932dce38be92_h_large
(She also has a tattoo she keeps hidden. Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Tumblr_med8sgeUcr1rd1um0o1_500

Name: Daniel
Age: 17
Grade in high school: Junior
Greaser/Prep: Prep
Background: He really only joined the Preps to belong somewhere. He usually doesn't agree with their ideas and is one of the few that wants to disband the group.
Looks/Description: Brown hair, blue eyes.

Name: Roseanne (Goes by Rose)
Age: 18
Grade in high school: Senior
Greaser/Prep: Greaser
Background: N/A
Looks/Description: Black hair, bright green eyes. Rose tattoos with thorns up and down her arms.

Name: Mark
Age: 18
Grade in high school: Senior
Greaser/Prep: Greaser
Background: He’s a runaway, taking care of himself. He couldn't handle his living situation and just decided to leave.
Looks/Description: Dark hair, hazel eyes. Really a tough looking dude.

So, deary, you're going to start us off right? Smile

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Sun May 05, 2013 10:34 am

uummm I can if you want (: just let me wait till I come back from work or let me ply to our other chat then ill type up the first post.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun May 05, 2013 11:00 am

All righty. Sounds good to me.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Wed May 08, 2013 7:05 pm

'Stupid school... doesn't even matter to me...' thought Derik as he leaned back against a wall with a cigarette hanging between his lips. He closed his eyes and sighed. School was a waste of time for him. All he wanted to do was work in the shop with his old an and earn his living there... not be in school dealing with the stupid preps.
Jessica sat next to him her eyes searching the entire place asstudents came in. Some talking about boys and sex others talking about the football game that happened on friday. Jessica could'nt help but roll her eyes. People are stupid and pathedic in her mind. All they cared about was being in love and dreaming about geting married and that made her sick.
Annabelle and Charlie walked side by side and people stared. Bell had her hair up in nice bun and a red headband to go along with it. Her eyes shinned with their own kind of lovleyness. Charlie looked handsome as usual in his dar purple polo and dark blue jeans. His eyes sparkled and twinkled with their nice glimmer. Both looked perfect as expected but something seemed hidden in their eyes that most people wouldn't couldn't see because outside looks destracted them from what was going on behind the perfect look.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed May 08, 2013 7:29 pm

Adele just about stormed out of the school. She was having an argument with one of her 'fellow' Preps. This one being James, the school's top football player.
"C'mon, baby, we'll go out tonight, have some fun." He was going on about the idea and she knew exactly what he meant by his words.
"Listen, I don't want to go anywhere with you." She retorted, starting to turn away.
"Fine, I'll go find another girl, you ungrateful bi-"
She spun on her heel, giving him a look that stopped his sentence, and she slapped him across the face, then leaving him there just fuming. She rounded the corner, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and lighting it. She didn't even notice she wasn't alone (with Derik).

Daniel had come in with his regular group, though he wasn't exactly paying attention to what they were talking about. He gave a slight nod or a sound of agreement when necessary. He was too busy, too distracted. One of them asked, "Hey, Daniel, don't you want to meet a girl, get married?" He shook his head slightly, "Nah, not married. Not so soon outta school, y'know?"

Roseanne shrugged on her leather jacket after she got out of her car and entered the school, already hearing the whispers from some of the students. She know what they thought, she heard it plenty times before. It didn't matter too much, she supposed. All she had to do was survive senior year.

Mark was a lone wolf hanging outside the school, occasionally looking at passersby. One caught his eye. A girl with darkish hair and eyes. Though she was a Prep. No way would he get along with any Prep.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Fri May 10, 2013 12:38 am

Deriks eyes landed on Adele and he raised an eyebrow. 'What is that doing with a cigarette...?' he thought to himself. He glared at her for a good moment beffore sliding down and sitting with Jessica glaring at the ground.
"What's wrong with you huh...?" She asked her eyes landing on him giving a slight eyebrow raise.
"Nothing of importance." He grumbled hugging his knees tighter to himself.
Jesssica rolled ehr eyes and looked at Daniel, who was walking their way. She rolled her eyes.
'He is an idiot... though marriage sucks.' she thought and pulled out a cigarette and let it hang between her soft red lips. 'Not like I care though.' she thought lighting the cigarette and taking a deep and long drag letting the smoke seep into her lungs.
'All men are the same. All want one thing and that's it... and once they get that one thing they leave and never come back.' she thought. Her mind went to a man she fell for awhile back and who left her right after. It stung mre then she would let herself believe. Her liquid brown eyes again found Daniel and they sort of lingered. He wasn;t her type at all... why was she even wasting her time looking at him..? She moved her eyes to stare at her beat up converse and she sighed.
'My day is going to be a long one.' she thought pulling the cigarette out of her lips and finally letting the smoke curl from her lips and watched it cling to the air as it drifted up high above her head as if it held all her thoughts and she was letting them go.
Bell fixed her bun as Charlie looked around his eyes landing on Roseanne. He sighed and rubbed his face. He thought she was beautiful and a nice girl but many people thought she was nothing but a skank and a whore. Though people also thought that about Jessica and it bothered him how people could label someone by rumors or just bytheir looks. He looked at Bell and stared at her. Her beauty was sort of overwhelming and she walked with such grace. He could see why some girls were jealous and talked about her. She was a thing of beauty and power though she was a semi gentle spirit. She only spoke when she felt it was needed and people listened to every word. He ran his fingers though his hair as they walked to art class.
'Curious...' ,he thought, 'I wonder what they think of me...?' He walked into art with Bell and took his seat thinking aobut his own question like he had done many times before.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun May 12, 2013 12:06 pm

Adele momentarily noticed his threatening stare, but was honestly too pissed to care as she sat on the opposite side of the wall, Why should she care about what anyone thought? All the kids here were shallow.

Daniel felt as if someone was looking at him, and glanced over to see Jessica. He was a little surprised by the expression in her eyes for that brief moment.

Roseanne sighed softly, making her way towards her art class. She could only wonder what would be thought about that. What is a greaser like her doing in a class like that? While in some situations she looked tough, others her tender side showed through, like while she was working on an art piece. She could let her emotions just flow onto the canvas, without judgment.

Mark gave a sigh, finishing his cigarette and then tossing it on the ground, stamping it out with the heel of his boot. He had to go to his autos class, that being near the art department. He rolled his eyes as he made his way over there. Whoever thought of putting the tech department near the prissy, self-important artists was beyond him. He made it to his class, rolling up his sleeves and starting to work on the engine of one of the teacher's cars donated, a 1950 Ford Thunderbird. Having a car like this would be pretty nice. He thought but knew he would never be able to afford it.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Sun May 12, 2013 6:57 pm

Jessica stared at Daniel not looking away when he looked at her. She gave him a small nod then looked forward at the prep girl who sat in front of them. She rolled her eyes nd lookeddown at her feet. 'Stupid preps' she mummbled.

Derik watched Adele for a long moment before sighing and closing his eyes. He didnt care she was there and really didn't bother him. Though he knew for a fact that Jessica would have some type of issue with it. He rubbed his face and shoved himself up. "I;m going to class..." He said turning and walking into the auto shop.

Charlie worked on his sketch and sighed. Nothing seemed to make sense to him anymore. Sketching was his way of breaking out of the high arc that society had put him on and helped him escape. But this time.. he felt like he couldn't move... couldn't breathe.
'What is wrong..?' he thought rubbing the back of his neck staring at a blank page. 'nothing is working...'

Bell sighed and stood. She looked over at Charlie's blank sheet and shook herhead. She knew her cousin was having some difficulties and well.. sometimes it didn't make sense why. She went to the window and looked out. She saw Mark going to the auto club and she again shook her head. Auto club was for greasers.. and art was for preps.. she knew that. The boundary though seemed stupied and pety in her opinion. She looked at Roseanne and made a mental note.
She didnt show any fear of being in there with preps nor hatred... it was a good thing in her eyes.
She turned again to face the window watching Mark work.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun May 12, 2013 7:29 pm

Adele ignored the surroundings around her, only concentrating on calming down. It just pissed her off how she was treated without any respect by her 'friends'. She was beginning to see she had no one to turn to.

Daniel gave a momentary small smile of acknowledgement though he had to return to his group's conversation. "C'mon Dan, we'll be late." One of them said as he was practically dragged off.

Roseanne glanced up from her work, only seeing when Bell turned away from her. She bit the inside of her cheek, starting to get frustrated that she could start the piece but couldn't actually develop it. She rested her chin in the palm of her head, hoping for some inspiration.

Mark was wiping the grease from his hands with a rag when Derik came into class. "Hey." He greeted simply.


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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Sun May 12, 2013 10:24 pm

Jessica watched Daniel being dragged of and again she felt alone. She hugged her knees tighter and looked at Adele. "What is your problem..?" She asked with a bit of a snarky tone.

Bell turned and looked at her again. She took in a deep breth before going over to her. "SOemthing wrong..?" She aked wit hher eyebrow raised. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited.

Derik looked at him and gave a small nod. "Sup..?" He asked going to his station.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Mon May 13, 2013 7:07 am

Adele glanced over at Jessica, her lips pursing before she muttered frustratedly, "The jocks who think they own everyone." She rolled her eyes before taking the last drag off her cigarette. "It pisses me off how they think they're superior."

Roseanne was a little surprised she came over and almost couldn't think of much to say. "This." She announced simply, tapping the eraser end of her pencil on the paper.

Mark shrugged, "Not much, the usual. How 'bout you?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Mon May 13, 2013 9:21 am

Jessica rolled her eyes and gave a sharp laugh. "YOu think you have it bad.." She said smirking at her. "Trying being me and you get them on you all the time." She said standing up. "Now stop with the pity party and getto class." Jesssica said rolling her eyes. She went off to walk.. a walk would be nice.. not to be all cooped up in a class room.

Bell raised an eyebrow and sat down ignoring the stares from everyone besides Charlie who just worked. "Can't find anything to draw..?" She asked. She always had that problem no matter what. Sometimes she couldn't pull anything from her head and it sucked.

Charlie worked and worked till he finally feltthe stillness in the air. He raised his head up to see Bell sitting there talking to a greaser. He sighed and shrugged it off. It didn't really bother him that she was doing so. He thouht the boundaries weren't the best.

Derik shrugged off his leather jacket and looked at him. "Nothing... Have to deal with Jess sometimes..." He said running his fingers through his hair. "That feels like work." he said chuckling.


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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Mon May 13, 2013 1:41 pm

Adele was a little surprised by the girl's outburst but shrugged it off easily as she stood. She could understand the sentiment. She headed off to English.

Roseanne half-smirked, "Somewhat, yeah. I kind of have an idea but I'm not sure how to start it." She was a bit astonished Bell was even talking to her, let alone sit next to her.

Mark chuckled as well, "Yeah, I think I know how that is...why, has she been a little grumpier than normal?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Tue May 14, 2013 12:44 pm

Jessica walked around and around until the bell rang for classes to get out. She hugged her stomach as she walked. Her mind glashed to diffrent people here and there but other then nothing much happened in her mind.

Bell raised an eyebrow. "Need some help..?" She asked. She ignored all of the staring and Charlie sighed. He stood up and moved sitting next to Bell and started to work on his own creations ignoring people around here.

Deirk chuckled and shrugged lighting a cigarette he put in his mouth. "She just feels a little weird... on all of the crap that has happened." Jessica's mother had just died of cancer and it hurt her bad. Deirk had to be there for her and it made him really tired and irretable.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue May 14, 2013 1:22 pm

Roseanne blinked, not really processing the girl's offer and a second later she did, her smile widening just a little bit. "Sure, yeah, that'd be appreciated." She retorted when Charlie joined them as well.

Mark nodded slightly, "Yeah, i only heard a little about her situation." He remarked, "But is she like...okay though? Even with all that?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Tue May 14, 2013 2:19 pm

Deirk shook his head. "She isnt..." he gave him a small smile. "It would be nice if she had someone.. to actually care..." HE said rubbing his face and got to work.

Charlie looked at her and gve a smal smile. "Roseanna." He said simply before turning back to his drawing. Bell raised an eyebrow and looked at him then at her. "Well you could draw Charlie." She said grinning.

Jessica sat down under a tree holding her knees. Her mind became deep with thoughts of her family and such. Her mother was the last one in her family who actually cared about her.. and now she was gone.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue May 14, 2013 3:35 pm

Roseanne smirked, her cheeks almost heating up but said instead, "Well, if he wouldn't mind..."

Mark half-frowned, dropping the conversation and started to work on his own task.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Tue May 14, 2013 8:12 pm

Charlie sighed and looked at his cousin wiht a small irriteded look before looking at Roseanne. "It would be my pleasure." He said with a small sigh.
Bell leaned back and gave a small smile.

Deirk heard the bell ring and he sighed and looked at him. "Off we go." He said throwing his jacket over his left shoulder.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue May 14, 2013 8:47 pm

Roseanne gave a small smile of her own before bringing her sketch book in front of her, laying it on her crossed legs as she started drawing his visage.

Mark grabbed his jacket, shrugging it on. "So, where're you headed?" He asked half-curiously.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Tue May 14, 2013 8:58 pm

Charlie sat there and was a perfect model. he didnt move or used any facial expression. He sat there and didnt move.
Bell stood and left them and walked outside holding herself.

Deirk sighed and shrugged. "Maybe t go find Jess... she didnt go to class I figure." he said rubbing his face. "She doesn't really like going to class..."

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue May 14, 2013 9:19 pm

Roseanne momentarily glanced up when Bell left, but didn't think much of it. She gave a small smile when she finished. It was probably the best piece she had ever done, really. She turned her sketchbook around, handing it to Charlie. "Well, how'd I do?"

"Yeah, true." Mark agreed before saying, "I'll catch you later, man."

Adele had suffered so far through out the day. Like she figured she was reprimanded by her peers for this morning, but she didn't care. She walked outside, watching her feet as she walked and accidentally bumped into someone. She looked up, and gave an apologetic smile. "Oh, hey Bell."

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by Alice Tue May 14, 2013 10:44 pm

Bell jumped and saw Adele. She sighed a sigh of relif and hugged her. "Hey..." She said giving a small smile. She felt sort of sick to be honest but she didnt say anything about it.

Deirk looked at him." You might wanna go talk to jess..." He said watching him. He knew jess had a semi crush on Mark but she would never say that to him. He smirked a bit and walked off in a diffrent direction.

Charlie took it and looked at it. "You might need to darken some line." He said looking at the drawing tilting his head a bit.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Wed May 15, 2013 1:44 pm

Adele gave a small smile, though it faded slightly when she noticed something different in her friend's eyes. "Something up?" She questioned simply.

Mark was caught a bit off guard but figured that wouldn't be a bad idea. He eventually found her after a small while. "Hey Jess." He greeted, sitting down next to her.

Roseanne took the sketch back, doing as he suggested and had to admit to herself it did look better with that improvement.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Summer Love (S.A & Alice) Empty Re: Summer Love (S.A & Alice)

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