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Villain Group Therapy

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:23 am

Okay so...I saw this trailer for a movie and came up with the idea of having a villian intervention. The idea came from a Pixar movie trailer for Wreck It Ralph. A place where evil doers can vent about their fustraition about people and the failures they may have experienced. We'll have a therapist handy to help our villians along the process.

Author's are welcome to sit in on the session. Villian's should be from the point in which they've lost everything, whether it be from - failure to dominate the world or kill off their nemisis- all topics are welcome. Refreshments are in the corner and there is room for all. Please take a seat so that way we can begin.

(Also, if your villian is prone to violent tendancies or may cause harm to themselves, please provide a straight jacket, we are not responsible for any bodly injuries)

Wreck it Ralph Trailer

[u][b]Character Sheet:[/b][/u]
[u]--Typical Clothing:[/u] (Optional but definitely suggested)
[u]--Other:[/u] (Optional)[/b]
[b][u]What Are You Looking To Accomplish Out Of This Session?[/u][/b]

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Regret Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:47 am

Name: That Bloody Dog
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Species: Canis lupus familiaris
--Eyes: Black
--Hair: Black
--Skin: Pink
--Height: 12"
--Build: Small and lithe
--Typical Clothing: None
--Other: Terrier

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Echo Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:34 pm

Name: Na'arsif Waizen (why-zen)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Vreshnik
--Eyes: Amber
--Fur: Not super bright blue, but still kind of a vivid blue
--Height: Slightly taller than a rather tall human
--Build: Not exactly stocky, but still a bit powerful
--Typical Clothing: Wind type Sybek attire
--Other: His left side of his lower face/neck/shoulder area is badly scarred from a burn
What Are You Looking To Accomplish Out Of This Session? Rant like tomorrow isn't a thing

((Just want to state that this isn't going to be the point where he really loses. Story reasons))

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:12 pm

Name: David Andreas Cox
Age: 50s
Gender: male
Species: Human With Abilities (Seer)....uh >.> let's not get him ranting on that loss of power...
--Eyes: Blue-gray
--Hair: short raven black hair that's graying
--Skin: caucasion, sort of has an unhealty white tinge to it probably now
--Height: 6'3
--Build: muscular but still lean
--Typical Clothing: (Optional but definitely suggested): He likes suits, 'nough said.
--Other: (Optional)
What Are You Looking To Accomplish Out Of This Session? Is World domination still possible?

Last edited by gh3325 on Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:28 am; edited 2 times in total

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:36 pm


"Get up."

That's the first thing I say to the man hunched over in the corner of the padded room. He doesn't answer me though, just ignores me and curls up tighter.

"I said, get up." I repeat, nudging him.

"Do not touch me!" He hisses, glaring at me and uncurling. I chuck a bag at him.

"Found one of your old suits. Get changed."

With that I leave the room, letting him get changed. When he's done, I open the door again. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" He asks, straightening his tie.

"It's a surprise. Now move."

Thank goodness I'm his author, that's a thing I'd never thought I'd say. The doctors were unsure of letting him go, but he's less violent today. All I have to do is say the word, they can't stop me, I created them too.


I open the door to the meeting room, holding it open for him. He warily eyes it, uncertain what's waiting inside.

"Just go in."

He does and I follow behind, ushering him in like an adult would a small child.

A therapist greets us, her red hair up. She can't be too old, probably early thirties. "Good morning, I'm Dr. Stoker. Please, take a seat."


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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Fri Jul 20, 2012 6:58 pm

Name: Chester
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Well... you see thats hard to answer... because he is human.. sort of... buhe has black blood and he doesnt breathe... and he can evaporate... so um.. lets go with undecided..
Apperance: Eyes - Chesire Cat color (From Alice in Wonderland with Jonny Depp) He has long white hair that touchs his shoulders. He has pale skin. He is bout 6'3 and is boney. He has sharp fetures which stick out.
Typical Clothing: Black jean pants And a hoodie which covers his hair and his eyes.
What Are You Looking To Accomplish Out Of This Session? ................... keep him from skinning people and eating them and just.. being a crepper..... though... I highly doubt its posible to break him of the habit.

Last edited by Alice on Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Echo Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:06 pm


"Yo, pack up, you're going somewhere."

"He got away." Na'arsif sits by the machine, teeth gritted.

"I'm aware," I state from my place in the doorway. The light coming from behind isn't nearly enough to illuminate the room, but that doesn't matter to me.

"He got. Away."

"So you've said," I reply, walking a few feet into the room. "Come on, time to go."

"How could he have escaped?!" He slams a fist on the metal surface.

"How? Simple. You left him alone. Now come on, you have somewhere to be. Don't make me drag you."

He growls, then reluctantly straightens up.

"Thank you," I say, heading out ahead. He follows and slams the door behind him; having no current use, the near pitch-black room with an energy machine, a chair, and some slightly burned ropes temporarily vanishes.

Before very long at all, we come upon a door.

"This is it," I say. "I'm not gonna degrade you by walking you in. Hope you work out some problems. Later."

I don't have to see if he's entered. He knows better than to go against an author. Satisfied, I leave.
Winter Dragon

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:09 pm


I ran and jumped on a huge bed. "GET UP!" A noise grumpled from underneithe the pile of blankets. I kept jumping up and down.
"Come on man! Just get up and will stop!" Right when I said that I was on the floor with a avalanche of pillows and blankets. "God your annoying." The grumble said. I stooup and looked at Chester's snow white hair. I giggled. "Come on pack up. Your leaving to go to therapy!!" Chester rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah.. Im so looking orward to that... he grumbled. I sighed frustrated and grabbed his ankle and pulled him out of bed. "There now you can get up!" I said before leaving his room.
After a few minutes, Chester came down with his dufle bag packed. I smiled and got off his kitchen counter. "Time to go!!!" I said with a giggle and we headed out the door.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:08 pm

Character Sheet:
--Skin:Pale as a sheet of paper.
--Height:8 feet
--Build:Kinda lanky, but not starving.
--Typical Clothing: Armani business suits.
--Other: Tall, faceless, antagonisty...I thiiiink I have it all.
What Are You Looking To Accomplish Out Of This Session?Reincarnation. Immortality. No biggie, right?

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:11 am


So that awkward moment when you have to go and re-partition the entire Audian Basement Server, just to get someone out of the lowest depths of the basement and send them to therapy because they just don't even want to stay dead. You'd think that he'd have figured out by now that the entire point of the Basement was to rot in perpetual suffering for all eternity.

When I walked into his meta space--which, if you were curious consisted of constantly undulating walls of indecipherable substance, a ridiculously high ceiling, and an absolute moratorium on bagels with lox, along with an abundance of other things-- I found him sitting uneasily on the floor, trying to make circuit boards out of sinew and bits of human flesh.

...That's... that's determination right there.

"...So... how's that whole...reincarnation thing coming for ya?" I asked, looking over his shoulder at what he was doing.

"SHUT UP. YOU TRY SUSTAINING POWER FOR THIS THING WHEN---" I was immediately deluged with angry shouting, and have no qualms about asserting that I would have probably been dead right there if this wasn't the Basement, and I wasn't an author.

"BRO--- I'MMA LET YOU FINISH, BUT FIRST... HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND FOR A BIT?" I yelled back at him, not nearly as... well... Mr.Face-y, but certainly posessing a fair bit of intimidation factor.

"THE NERVE OF YOU TO---...Wait a moment, what...?" He asked me, put down the small bit of flesh he was currently manipulating, and turned around to unlook at me.

"You heard me."

"...You're getting me out of here? For...for what reason?" He asked, losing the anger and picking up more an air of cautious curiousity.

"Therapy. My amusement. You know nothing of whim, but...yeah. Basically." I stated.

"... ...Therapy? Waste my afterlife, why don't you." He replied snidely. Well. This was going to be fun.

"...Bro, it will change your server status for a while. Don't hate. I'm going in and putting in a partition for you. Because I WANT you to do this." I informed him. "So...pick up your intestine circuit boards... and come on."

"...You are aware that you had me at the word 'partition'?" He stated, standing up and wobbling for a moment. The geometry was really... really bad.

"Yeaaaaahhh... I know what you like." I replied with a grin, and walked him out of the place. Basement cat threw me a long glare as we went, but I glared back, and we were allowed passage up the stairs on the magical invisible escalators.

I walked him all the way to the outside of the door, and turned to look up at him. "Do you want me to walk you in there, or can I trust you to not run off somewhere to rip apart some poor soul and his hard drive in attempt to solidify your existence here?" I asked.

"Don't insult me like that. I'm perfectly capable of restraining myself. What kind of barbarian do you take me for?" He asked, and went through the door.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:20 pm


I ducked out and went to stand with my fellow authors. "hey Visi! Hi Winter! Well, should we sit in a room of villians who hate our guts or sit behind the safety and comfort of the two way mirror? Or there's always the option of going to lunch?" I joked.

Mr. Cox

I unhappily took a seat in the corner, and watched the therapist greet the others. The tall man looked familiar, he also enjoyed screams. Mr.Face...I think his name was.

I glanced around the room. I had better things to do then therapy like to find William and strangle him and his little girlfriend. At least this wasn't that goodness foresaken Asylum room.


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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:27 pm

I pushed Chester through the door and laughed when he fell on his face. I looked around the room and couldnt help but smile. "Dear god... Mr. Cox.... Mr. Face... And some person I never met." I smiled and glanced at Chester who was standing up. Heh.. oh he was going to have a fun time here. I looked over at the authors. "Oh hey there." I said with a smile.


Alright lets get one thing stright... I hate people. I hate my author.. I hate people in general. They were annoying and had nothing worth to me. So I kill them. I brushed off my shirt and looked around the room. There was an old guy in a suit. I smirked slightly. He looked harmless. Good maybe I could kill everyone in here and leave without having to do the therapy.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:19 pm


When I entered the room, I was able to distinguish three other people in the room. Shortly after my arrival, another entered by falling flat on his face. So, what I knew thus far about the room was this: There was one person standing. Two were sitting, one was face down on the floor. There were several empty chairs in the room from what I gathered, and thankfully the walls, ceilings, and floors appeared to be in complete compliance with Euclid's interpretation of geometry, which was a relief after my experience in the Basement. ...Quite frankly, the Basement was quite good at pinpointing exactly the most intolerable things to you and forcing them brutally upon you. Like transient gravity, complete shut off from technology, and most worryingly, abominations of geometry. Everywhere.

It was hideous... I could never see what I was doing due to the undulating walls. Things on a single plane would resonate against each other as if they were five walls, and corners would act like two dimensional constructs instead of three... and, really it was just unbearable.

Uncertain as to how exactly I ought to proceed now that I was here, I took a seat, avoiding the perceived locations of the others. Hopefully everyone would have the decency here to not mention anything about my anatomical incongruities, but I couldn't count on it. I could never count on that. Humanity has never ceased to amaze me with it's lack of common courtesy.

Perhaps I could force myself to tolerate their obnoxious ignorance if I was able to attain a reasonably sized computer with a shrinebox, to hack into my own mainframe and conduct some kind of sacrifice to get my life back onto the correct server, and out of this partition. ...Yes. That would be the plan. Refrain from disemboweling anyone, and receive a computer with several terabytes of workable memory, hack the OS, and get my life back.


"Man, I don't care. If I went in there though, I'd probably get mistaken as an antagonist myself... and then there would be some kind of passive aggressive power battle going on between me and Mr.Face the whole time. Lunch actually sounds more enticing. Like... seriously man. I could SO eat." I informed Gh. I wedged my hands into my pockets. I liked having my hands in my pockets. Pockets were warm.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Echo Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:02 pm


This was ridiculous... I had better things to be doing! Like hunting down that filthy son of a bitch and making SURE I killed him properly this time... I couldn't believe I'd let this happen... It wasn't fair! It wasn't any goddamn fair! How hard is it to murder one human? One?!

Cool it, my soul told me. You're going to make a tornado in here if you keep that up. Relax and take a deep breath.


I sighed. I just had to get through this... Then I could go track that bastard down. He couldn't have gotten far...
Winter Dragon

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Mon Jul 23, 2012 7:41 pm

Mr. Cox

"Hello, my name is Doctor Stoker, I'd appreciate it if everyone could please take their seat so that way we can get started. Once everyone has taken their seat, everyone will introduce themselves." IThe therapist says.

It's not really a request, by her tone I can tell it's a polite demand and that there won't be further options.

Just. Freaking. Lovely.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:17 pm

I glanced round the room. Oh fantastic.... the therapist was a woman. I sighed and sat down.. away from everyone. I glanced around at the people beside me and I couldnt help but chuckle a tiny bit. The old man looked.. weird there was a guy with no face.. alright... interesting.

I looked at Visi and laughed a bit. "Ah Mr. Face... does it shock me that he is in therapy... not one bit." I leaned against the wall and looked at my feet. Alright. bright red Toms were blinding.. thats fantastic!

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:06 pm


Considering that I was already seated, I suppoused that she'd been waiting for someone else to sit down, and indeed... I heard someone else take a seat in the room. I figured that the woman speaking was probably going to be trying to get us to achieve something through therapeutic means, and that she would be the one I would have to speak with about the acquisition of the hard drive.

I waited patiently for the woman to continue with her list of commands, not quite sure what to expect. It wasn't like I was a protagonist with stupid empathetic problems... I seriously doubted as to whether I could actually be helped in any way by therapy to begin with.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:01 pm

Doctor Stoker

"Now, I want you all to introduce yourselves to one another. Say your full name and something about you, perhaps something you enjoy, a favorite color, or your age will do if you can't think of anything. Perhaps you could start us off, Mr. Face?" I ask, glancing at my clipboard. Character sheets were a blessing with identification.....

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:23 pm


...This whole ordeal was suddenly bringing me back to my despicable time in the Audian public school system. Say something of some significance in front of the class, why don't you? You certainly aren't being paraded in front of the class as some kind of genetic freakshow... No, what would make you think that?

I suppoused that I would just have to handle the whole situation like I did maths class. Speak when spoken to, and sleep through the rest of it. Perhaps occasionally offer up some incisive criticism, or instigate a moment of rebellion... Though I had to keep in mind that I had to be decent enough to warrant getting some computer time if it was available.

After a moment, I went ahead and did as I had been instructed. "I am Mr.Face, and in my spare time I enjoy meticulously removing tendons from victims' arms, piano, and computer programming. I don't perceive colour, and one should never ask a man's age, Doctor... I thought that they would have taught you that at whatever institution of higher learning you happened to attend. You could offend someone." I finished with a hint of condescension in my voice and a slight grin. It was only after the fact that I considered that I might be in a situation in which I could be penalised for confessing to such acts of brutality.

...However, really, What did I care? I was doomed as it was, to an eternity in a basement. Might as well confess to everything, if only to enjoy a final uncomfortable audience. I would play this like a game, perhaps.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:19 am


I looked at the dude with no face. REally man.... a guy with no face....? His name was Mr. Face... THIS MADE NO SENSE TO ME! I folded my arms across my chest and scoffed a bit. There was no way in hell I was going to stand and freaking give my full name.... no way IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard of what Mr. Face said and a small slow grin broke on my face. Alright.... so mabe this guy wasn't so bad.

I mean he got to kill people and yes of course I was interested. I wouldered what he could teach me.....

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:27 am

Mr. Cox

I grin at Mr. Face's remark, ah a clever man. Maybe this session would not be so terrible after all....

The therapist sighs, "My apologizes, Mr. Face. I did not mean to offend you. Now....Mr. Cox, care to share your name?"

"No, not particuarly...but I suppose I have no choice, do I now?" I reply, giving a polite smile. This woman was going to be fun to annoy. "My name is David Andreas Cox and as for what I enjoy, torturing, maiming, and the like. Screams are pleasant as look like an easy screamer, Doctor."

Her eyes widen slightly, but she remains placid in apperance. Thats a good enough reaction for now....shows she has fear.

She turns to the young man next to the blue fox. "And your name?"


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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:44 pm


"Oh, did I imply that I was offended?" I asked, smiling. "No, no, it was merely a precaution. One could offend someone asking questions like that... It would be such a shame to hear that you'd accidentally overstepped your bounds and had something... happen..." I raised a brow muscle there and allowed the silence to go on for a moment, continuing to smile. "I simply thought it would be prudent to alert you to that particular set of... manners." I waited until Mr. Cox had spoken before delivering my response to the Doctor, not wanting to be rude by cutting someone off. I then contemplated what the man who'd just spoken had actually said as an introduction.

We'd had brief business negotiations together, Mr.Cox and I. It hadn't gone well, if I did recall. ...Ah well. I wasn't here to find new business associates.

I felt that there was probably something to be said for his lack of subtlety, but as I was behaving myself, I decided not to remark on the near threat he'd dealt to the woman in charge. She undoubtedly could handle the situation...Clearly if she couldn't she wouldn't be in a room with what sounded as though it was shaping up to be a menagerie of highly misanthropic individuals of questionable moral constitution.

I briefly wondered what it would look like if one happened to be more predisposed toward screaming in a torture chamber. Not something I could ever actually know, really, but I didn't think that one could feasibly ascertain such a thing simply by looking at someone. I mean, certainly, I could hear her breath catch in the back of her throat when he implied that, but most people would so something of the like when they were confronted by such a statement.

I suppoused that eventually I would probably decide whether I wanted to work with the woman in charge against the rest of the miscreants here to gain a position of privilege, or whether I would take up a position against her to get what I wanted. I made the decision to remain neutral for now, and simply feel the place out for a while.

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:55 am


I looked at the therapist. I wasnt exactly sure if she was talking to me so I just kept my mouth closed. I looked at the old guy. Cox huh....? Heh I was guessing that was the guy my author wanted and still wants to hit with a shovel. I chuckled a tiny bit at Mr. Face.

What could I say the guy amused me. I stared at Mr.Cox for a moment and tilt my head to the side. Someone must have roughed him up pretty bad....

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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:45 pm

Doctor Stoker

"Care to say your full name and share something about you, Chester?" I asked again politely, in case of confusion.


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Villain Group Therapy Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Regret Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:24 am


I barge through the door with my usual respect and adherence to courtesy: i.e. About three quarters of a second after they it should have been applied.
"Sorry, sorry," I gesture to the small mangy dog at the end of the string. "He was being difficult and I'm going to have to translate for him."

That Bloody Dog:

Fools, all of them. I shall say something to put them all in their places.
"Yip yip yip!"

Last edited by Regret on Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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