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Villain Group Therapy

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by nameless Sun Aug 12, 2012 6:32 pm


I looked at the crazy author who came in. I rolled my eyes and looked at the therapist. A small smirk played on my lips. " I am Chester and I... am a bad guy." I said my smirk growing. There was no way in hell I was going to say anything bout myself. There was again no way in hell reason for me to start tellin theres... creepers bout me. Though... I guess... I as one of them to... meh.. who needs them... not me.


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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Echo Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:56 pm


A bad guy. How terrifying. I mentally rolled my eyes.

Agreed. I'm simply shaking.

"I guess that means I'm next." Might as well get this over with... "My name is Na'arsif Waizen. I was raised bilingually, I enjoy painting, and my current main goal in life is to find the filth who burned me and brutally slaughter him." I sat back in my seat.
Winter Dragon

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:06 pm

Mr. Cox

I glance of at Na'arsif, "Interesting, I wish to find my son and brutally slaughter him as well."

"Well, at least you have something in common," Dr. Stroker sighs.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Alice Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:17 pm


I watched everyone in the room. My eyes scanned over and I couldnt help but chuckle. We all looked... sad.. maybe some of us had a right to be. I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms over my chest. All I wanted to do was to get the heck out of there.
I started to whistle because I had nothing better to do.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:28 am


There was a brief exchange of words on murdering offspring which, quite honestly was probably the only thing to do with offspring that made any sense. However this was abruptly cut off by a shrill and hideous noise that I had already experienced before, and wouldn't be tolerating in death. "Whoever is making that shrill and hideous noise had best stop immediately, before I decide that it's a good idea to test out my skills with improvisational weaponry." I seethed. Seriously. Was it too much to ask for a bit of room that didn't sound like some variety of drunken tinnitus had taken up residency there?

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:26 am

Dr. Stoker

"Chester...could you please stop whistling? It'd be greatly appreciated," I say, glancing at Mr. Face. I didn't need the use of improv. weapons, in fact that was one of the last things I needed.

"Alright, all of you have faced issues. I'd like to take this time to have you each tell what those issues were. What problems arose?"

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:52 pm


"I personally would like to inquire as to why you think it's a good idea for us to share anything with one another, and what you hope to achieve by trying to force us to communicate with one another, especially regarding something as personal as failure." I asked, having no reason to actively want to share anything with anyone. I'd never done that while alive, and I certainly wouldn't be doing any of it posthumously if I could help it.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:03 pm

Dr. Stroker

"Because, Mr. Face, it will help you all find some common ground. Accepting failure is the first step to admiting you're wrong and fixing the problem at hand."

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:29 pm


"I don't know what I'm suppoused to do with this so called... common ground. And what would I have to be wrong about? I wasn't wrong. I just had... a temporary lapse in custodial efficiency." Basically, I'd been killed due to laziness on the parts of others. If others had actually gotten rid of the people in question, then this situation wouldn't actually be happening, and I would have been completely successful. "Other people failed, because other people are useless. Thus, I am not certain how exactly you expect me to relate to other people here, and see it of any use."

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sat Nov 10, 2012 8:59 pm

Mr. Cox

"See? Mr. Face has a point. If there is no blame to be fall on us, then how is it our fault? My failure was due to incompetent fools, who could not follow simple instructions." I say, crossing my arms and looking at her.

Dr. Stroker

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, that was on part of your behalf?"

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:34 pm


"No. Of course not. They had their orders, and they were idiots about executing them. I am in no way at fault for the stupid actions of my employees." I replied, not bothering to hold back a bit of irritation from my voice.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:44 am

Dr. Stoker

"You did hire them though. And why didn't they follow out the orders?"

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:52 am


"They were under the impression that they did. They were simply ineffective. Employees lack ingenuity and foresight." I explained shortly. Honestly, there was no reason to be looking into this more. Employees were fundamentally flawed. That was that.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:05 am

Dr. Stoker

"Well what were their orders? What did you tell them to do and what didn't they do?"

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:14 pm


"I said "kill them". They responded by throwing the offending idiots off a train. Without checking with me on things like probability." I stated, completely irritated at the implication that I had perhaps done something incorrectly. That was not the case at all, and if she continued in this vein for terribly long, I was concerned that perhaps I would have to come up with improvisational weaponry.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:39 pm

Dr. Stoker

I clearly wasn't going to get anything done that way with Mr. Face.

"How about you, Mr. Cox? Was it your fault?"

"No," he answers, glaring at me. "Like Mr. Face, I gave orders, they did not follow them."

"What were the orders?"

"To kill."

"Do you find nothing wrong with killing? What gave either of you judiciary action over the fact they lived or died? Did you even take them into consideration?" I ask, addressing both Mr. Cox and Mr. Face.

"No, why should I?" Mr. Cox answers, his lips pursed into a frown.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:44 pm


"I am the dictator of a city state. If residents within the city state were behaving in ways that were illegal, which these people were, I am completely within my own jurisdiction to have them summarily murdered. They were aware of these consequences prior to participating in illegalities, and proceeded anyway. I am not at fault for any loss of life that may occur as a result of inability to follow the legal system. If they had wanted to live, they would not have acted out in the way that they did." I stated simply.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:57 pm

Dr. Stoker

"And what was their crime?" I ask, " how terrible was it?"


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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:08 pm


"Aiding and abetting a known criminal, minor theft of property, forfeiting of job with implication of treason, evading arrest, escape into an anarchist zone, co-conspiring with terrorists...Really the list goes on." I informed her. I wasn't wrong here. They had broken laws. A good many laws.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:19 pm

Dr. Stoker

I glance at my clip board, at the information the authors has given me. "...It says here you sacrificed children to the Internet...for immortality."

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:15 pm


"Yes, and?" I queried simply, uncertain what exactly the point to that was.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Banshee Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:36 am

Dr. Stoker

"You killed innocent children to feed your own, selfish need. do you see where it got you? No immortality and hundreds of innocent children killed."

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:15 pm


"I don't see your point. The problem is that I was not expeditious enough in my acquisitions nor concise enough in my coding to get what I wanted years ago." I wondered briefly what exactly she was hoping to achieve here. Because honestly, I didn't know or understand what was going on in this conversation. I was perfectly aware of the things I'd done.

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Regret Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:43 am

I sauntered into the room, apologising quietly to the therapist, only to be confronted by, ah... me from a couple of years ago.
"Get out," I muttered. Young me glared at me, but left like the little bitch he is. Ventrix followed me in, looking a little uncomfortable at seeing more than one of me. I'd had to allow him to take his lieutenants in with him in return for getting him in for therapy at all.

I sat down, Giref standing behind me and to the left. I considered this entire exercise to be a waste of time, but when an author commands you to go, you go.
"Sorry to interrupt," I said. "I apologise for my lateness."

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Villain Group Therapy - Page 2 Empty Re: Villain Group Therapy

Post by Invisimort Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:54 am


I turned my head towards the new comers, and wondered if derailing the conversation to the functions of time in a metaphysical construction of a universe would be successful or not. Because to be quite honest, I found it more interesting that past and present authors existed at the same time than I did the fact that someone was trying to call me out for killing my own civilians. "Not a problem. We weren't discussing anything important anyway." I told him, smiling.

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