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Post by Echo Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:38 pm

I still didn't trust that bird. That bird had a soul, I knew it did. Why it had one, I had no frickin' clue. Maybe it was a new sentient race from some other distant universe...?


That would be so amazing.

...And I would be credited for discovering it!
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:43 pm

Sterling ruffled his feathers, letting out a very, very loud whistle and nodding. Without even looking at me he leapt from her hand and took off into the air.

"See if I go looking for you when you get lost!" I called out after him, tightening my grip on my bow.

Some friend just leaving me with strangers like that. I swear the idiot didn't' think sometimes...

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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:40 pm

Nosus gives a little whistle, crossing his arms. "Still has the way with the beasties..."
"Never lost it. I just said that he could roam," I murmur to him, glaring back.

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Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:53 pm

"How exactly did you lose a lion?" I asked the girl. "Talking to it like you just did him? " I paused thinking of what she'd just said. "Telling it that it could roam? While your at it, what's your name?"

Might as well put all the questions out there and see what happened.

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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:16 pm

"Yes," I answer bluntly to her questions of Sampson.
Meanwhile, Nosus just loves being in the limelight. "Well, little missy. M'name's Nosus. This little doll is Fool."
I stay silent in the introductions, fidgeting with the long sleeves of my red and white stripped shirt.

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Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:20 pm

"Fool?" I asked with a snort. "Not a very nice name. Is it your born one?"
I wasn't quite sure what I thought about being called little missy, after all, there wasn't much respect in those words. I'd deal with that if it happened again, though. Until then... I'd stay silent about it.

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Post by Echo Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:24 pm

I just hung back in the meantime. They could talk all they wanted. I was dying to know about the bird, but it wasn't like it was something I could ask. I was pretty sure these people weren't soulbonders.

...Speaking of soulbonders...I was getting pretty pissed.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:30 pm

"Don't remember," I state bluntly again. "Just part of the act..."
"That's right. From the Big Tent, Cirque de Peccata." He's twirling the staff again. "Fancy little operation, I'm proud to say. I just so happen to be the - "
"Hobo." I frown at him. "He likes taking things. Ringleader's staff is high on his list of prizes..."

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Post by Echo Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:00 pm

"Peccata means sin, right?" I interjected before thinking about it. I'd taken Italian for some years, most of which I still remembered. I hadn't really wanted to be part of the conversation, though...
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:29 pm

I nod. "Sin, yes..." I study the quiet girl. "...Ringleader isn't very good with languages..."
Nosus has a chuckle at that. Anything to insult Ringleader...

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Post by Echo Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:34 pm


Good to know that I hadn't forgotten.

Maybe I should take up Italian again, I mused. Once all this training is over, anyway.

Think you'll have the time? my cat asked.

I dunno... Well, if I get the time, that's what I'll do.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:30 am

Sighing a little I turned myself from the conversation, scanning the sky with my eyes. Sterling had better get back here, Mei would kill me if I lost him or something. Well, that's assuming she noticed being all busy and what not as she is. Then suddenly, I spotted him. Allowing a small grin I raised a hand that he landed on, not looking at me though. Instead he was turned towards Fool, giving a loud whistle.

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Post by Purple Dragon Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:02 pm

Oi. What the 'ell is this place?

I walk into the area, my boots making soft little patter sounds with each step, the gold-filled pouch attached to my belt jingling. I look around, slipping a hand underneath my old leather hat to scratch my head, the fingers of my other hand curled around a rum bottle.

Why, this place is mighty unusual. It ain't a port or the sea, places I mostly go. I don't see any Brits 'round, but the people....... why the people dress like that?
...Aye, but quite my luck to wander in here while there are ladies about. Even if they look ridiculous. And...Is that a bird? My, my. A white bird! Mighty strange place, mighty strange.

I march up to the group of people, taking a hearty gulp of my rum and tipping my hat to each lady.

"Why 'ello, strangers," I chirp with a grin. Might as well make conversation, aye? They might have somethin' worth stealin'... Or not. Either way, 'tis better than sitting 'round with nothin' to do.

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Post by Black&White Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:22 am

Pirate man appeared, but I didn't care. I offered my hand to the bird to land on, walking away a bit.
"Followin your new pal there, girl?" Nosus asked, which I ignored. Annoying man. I wanted nothing to do with him, he was just along for the ride in looking for Sampson. He didn't care.
"Go have your own fun," I murmur back at him, going down the street the bird had flown from.

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Post by Bells Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:18 pm

Sterling flew the short distance from my hand to hers and I didn't hesitate to take off after Fool when she began walking off. No way was I leaving him alone with some strange girl who just left big animals wondering around.
Sterling had settled confortably and just continued letting out small whistles as he tilted his head at her. It didn't take a genius to figure out he must have found the animal.
"I wouldn't trust him to remember where exactly he saw it," I said, still holding my bow. "He hasn't got the best memory."

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Post by Black&White Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:26 pm

"You have very little faith in your friend, huh?" I ask her, walking down the street with the bird upon my hand. My eyes stay forward as i smooth out the white feathers. I glance down at him, smiling slightly at his chirps and coos.

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Post by Echo Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:18 pm

With nothing else to do, I followed them.

"Hope you don't mind," I said with a bit of a frown, "but I'm not staying anywhere near Creepy-Ass Pirate Guy alone." Or the other guy, but I didn't want to offend Fool here. And as for the supposed pirate...I wasn't even going to question the actual costume at this point.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:03 pm

"No I don't," I said, aiming it at both of them.
I didn't mind the girl coming along and I didn't have any faith in Sterling's memory. What. so. ever. Having faith in that could get you killed I'm sure.
"He's gotten lost more times then I can count so..."
As I said that Sterling fluffed out his feathers with an annoyed squawk.
"Oh shut it," I muttered. "You know its true."
Sterling simply kept his feathers fluffed out even though he'd relaxed slightly under Fool's attention with the petting and all that.

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Post by Black&White Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:49 pm

"Why d'you stay with such a mean spirited girl?" I ask him. "Could just fly away, hm? I wish I could. Get away from Nosus and Ringleader..." I stop when the street splits, left or straight, looking at the bird expectantly.

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Post by Bells Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:36 am

Sterling whistles at something she says, tilting his head a little. I watch as he straightens out when she stops and looks both ways. He fluffs his feathers a bit and I'm about to announce that he's forgotten like I said he would when he whistles and looks to the left.

Alright. The dumb bird brain got this one.

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Post by Black&White Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:24 am

I proceed left, glancing back at the silent girl who's been following us. Keeping to her own and yet involving herself in my troubles... Curious. And not one for conversation, which was fine. I usually surounded myself with the poor ghosts of the circus, and I mostly ignored their babble anyway. Actual silence was nice.
You're staring now...
So? She wants to be involved, she should get involved and stop having conversations with herself.

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Post by Echo Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:13 pm

Fool was sort of staring at me now... It was getting pretty unsettling.

"Er, can I help you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:29 pm

"You're the one following... If you want to be involved, you should get involved and stop talking with yourself," I tell her, still looking at her. I blink a few times, giving a half smile.

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Post by Echo Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:31 pm

"I already said I just didn't want to stay near that creeper dressed as a pirate alone," I told her. "And what do you mean talking with myself?"

I...I hadn't been doing that out loud, had I? I could've sworn I was keeping all my responses in my head...
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:27 pm

I just smile, looking back at the bird. "I dunno..." I glance up a moment, seeing the nice patio entrance to the city park. Nosus and I had checked that before... White lions had a way with hiding, huh. "In there?" I ask him, pausing at the opposite side of the street.

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