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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:25 pm

Because I'm bored.

We're doing this old-school. Make a post and run with it. We don't wait for people, we don't stop, we don't care about post-length, we just go. Always open now and forever. Don't ask to join, just jump in. If you get left behind, jump back in again.

Oh, one more thing. Don't be afraid to pull the plot to you. Unless other people are complaining you take over too much, if you have an idea, go for it (unless there's a current plot going on)! You don't have to feel bad if something is centering around your character for a bit. Everyone gets their own plot at some point or other. So go ahead, give us something to do!

Alright, I think that's everything. Shall we, then?
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:45 pm

So...I had no idea where I was. That...probably wasn't a good thing. I hated this...this stupid exercise...

Ugh, remind me why I signed up for this? I thought.

Because you didn't want to stay where it was safe, my companion thought back with a snort.

Shut up. I wasn't asking you.

I know. The cat grinned at me, his gray tail swishing from side to side. I probably would've faux kicked him if it were possible to touch him. He lay down and rolled onto his back, amber eyes glinting. Don't worry, someone'll come for us soon.

They'd better, I grumbled. I sighed, crossed my arms, and leaned against the wall.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:33 pm

There's never much said between us... Just him. He likes talking. "Brighten up, lil' doll. And we're scouting, eyes up. Step one two~" Just his southern twanged words, the click of his shiny black boots, and the tear of a few stitches every now and again from his jacket a few sizes too small. I was silent. It bothered most people. The Hobo was not most people.

Didn't like him, didn't like him... I glance over at him blankly, watch him twirl Ringleader's staff in his dirty gloved hands. The fingers cut off to show the grime of his nails. Nothing about him fit with that fancy staff. "He won't be happy you took it again," I say to him.

"The man is impossible to please, so I don't bother trying," he says wistfully. "Why are you worrying about him anyways? Season's up, he doesn't need it now."

"The show must go on," I murmur under my breath, looking away.

"You been talkin with the carnies too long, little miss. Where's the fun little dancing Fool I remember?"

I whip around to glare at him, pursing my red painted lips. The bells of my fool's hat chime oh so quietly. He knew what happened. Don't ask 'what happened'. He knew all too well. My hands fist in the lace of my black tutu.

He merely looks over questioningly. "You smudged your triangles," he says, pointing to his cheek where mine were.

I let out a long sigh before walking on.

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:45 pm

Huh, those two look interesting.

I flicked my gaze briefly in the direction my cat indicated, then continued looking past so it didn't seem like I was staring. Those two were in some interesting getups...especially the girl. Looked like she was straight out of a carnival. Who knew, maybe she was. I liked the hat--I thought it was sort of funny.

Ugh, where are they? I tipped my head backwards, my wavy, blonde hair falling around my shoulders. Someone should be here by now to show me the way back.

How should I know? You know, it was kind of your fault in the first place.

Yeah, yeah, shut up.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:09 pm

"Time for some fun, Miss?" He asks, tapping my shoulder with the golden tipped end of the spotless staff.

"I don't like your fun." I wanted to be back with the animals. Where was Sampson... It shouldn't be this hard to find a white lion roaming around the city. "What happened to scouting?"

"It's a lion, it'll turn up eventually," he says, tone disapproving.

I grit my teeth. "He."

"Rightright..." Not even interested. "Thought your animals didn't run away."

"I did tell him he could roam. I didn't specify where..."

"Ringleader's ready to have your head for that little tid bit," he tells me amused.

"He's more ready to kick you out again for his staff back..."

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:18 pm

...A lion? She just...decided to let some lion roam around the city and thought that would work...? ...Wow. I...didn't even know what to think of that... If what she was saying was true, anyway.

Looks like you should keep an eye out for giant kitties.

Shut up, tiny kitty.

You know, that's the third time you've told me to shut up since we arrived. It wounds me.

How tragic.

It is. I think I might die from sorrow.

Have fun.

I will. He made a big show of turning around and sticking his nose in the air.

You're so weird.

I try.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:24 pm

"Get. Off. Of. My. Shoulders."
The white bird just ruffled his feathers, keeping his nails tucked against my bare skin without a care. At least he wasn't sitting where the strap for my dress was, that way I wouldn't end up with claw marks when I finally ended up dragging his butt off of there.
"Sterling! I said now..." I snapped, fingers itching to just reach back for an arrow to skewer him with.
He didn't seem to catch onto that though, simply whistling something in return that I had no hope in understanding, and pointing his beak ahead of us.
"Right, right, why are we here again? Can you tell me that...? Oh wait, you can't, because bird boy left his clothes behind. Smart move moron."
Whistling again he smacked me in the head with one of his wings and dug his claws in deeper.
"Why you littl-" I began, about to test out how strangling a bird works when I spotted what he meant. Other people nearby.
Alright... so... we weren't alone and it would appear that I was arguing with a bird. Marvelous. Let's all make me look crazy, or like I was a freak. Just. Freaking. Wonderful.

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:40 pm

I heard some sounds and looked over to see their cause. Some girl who had what looked like arrows, and a large, white bird on her shoulder that she seemed rather annoyed with. I averted my gaze quickly, again so it didn't seem like I was staring. It was a really cool-looking bird, though... I'd never seen one like it before. I wondered if the arrow girl was a carnie, too.

...Alright, I was getting tired of this.

Ugh, what's taking so long?

You really do say 'ugh' a lot, you know.

Yeah? Well guess what? UGH!

The cat just snorted and wrapped his tail around his paws.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:46 pm

Right, so the best thing to do at the moment? Prove I wasn't crazy. I was about to open my mouth to do so when Sterling jumped from my shoulder and flew a few feet before dropping to the ground. He then carefully walked forwards, although admittedly slow.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Of course, he didn't reply. Just paused about a foot before a girl and tilted his head, offering a small whistle.

"Ugh, stupid bird brain." I said, pulling off my bow to quickly string it and follow him.

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:53 pm

I looked down at the bird with a curious smile.

"Hello there," I said. "Sorry, I don't have any crackers or anything."

Then I noticed something.

Did that bird...have a soul...?
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:57 pm

Sterling tilted his head, whistling a bit louder and turning his head towards me. Scowling a little over the fact the idiot would give me away I held my bow in one hand, the other free to grab an arrow. I didn't move any closer to them, deciding that if something did happen to occur I would be in much better position away from a reachable distance by a close range weapon.

"He's a bit of a mooch," I said, deciding that it would be best to pretend he was only a bird. "Sorry about that."

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:01 pm

"Uh, yeah, it's fine..." I answered, trying to hide my bewilderment. "Is that bow...real...?"

It sure looked real. I wasn't sure how okay I was with that. But hey...I did have kickass powers. I...wasn't supposed to use them around Nons, but I figured it wouldn't hurt anything in, say, a potential emergency situation.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:04 pm

"Is it.. real?" I echoed, unable to hide the scorn on my face even if I'd tried. "Why the freak would I carry a fake bow? So I can beat people to death with my idiocy? No thank-you. Of course it's real."

Sterling puffed out his feathers as if echoing my statement, either that or he was irritated at my words towards her. You never knew with him.

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:07 pm

"Well, it's not like most people carry around bows," I answered, frowning. "For all I know, you could've been going to a Renaissance fair or something. Perfectly good reason to carry around a fake bow."

That white bird was still...confusing. I could've sworn that it had a soul. could a bird have a soul...? Animals didn't have them...
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:12 pm

"What is a Renaissance fair?" I asked, then shook my head. "Even then its stupid to carry a weapon you can't use. Get you into nasty situations. Maybe you'd do that, but I sure as hell wouldn't. The bow is real, and so are the arrows."

Yeah, Sterling definitely wasn't approving. This time he stretched his wings and flapped them a little, flying back up to my shoulder and digging his claws in. Surprised I glanced at him, swatting his feet.

"Stop that."

He only let out a shrill whistle in my ear, causing me to wince and glare at him.

"Thanks." I said dryly. "He also lacks manners."

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:15 pm

"A Renaissance fair is where people who are into medieval stuff and fantasy stuff gather and dress up and whatever," I answered. I was about to add that most people don't carry around weapons, but then I realized that this may be a universe where that's just what people do. In which case I'd have a bit of a problem if someone didn't come get me soon...
Winter Dragon

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Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:21 pm

"That sounds st-" I began, cutting off when Sterling dug his claws into my shoulder again. "Strange."

Taking my free hand I reached up to slip it around Sterling's feet, trying to pull him off. Of course, he didn't budge.

"Freaking bird brain.."

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:38 pm

"He seems pretty smart for a bird to me," I said.

Too smart...because animals don't have souls. Though I still wasn't sure if I was really just seeing things this time. That had to be it, right...? Yeah, it had to be. Anything else was just...silly. That's what it was.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:18 pm

And then there was a girl talking to a bird. No, not me...though I only talked to the ostriches at the tent.

Nosus stopped a few dozen steps behind me to stare, as if it was something new. A girl talking to an animal... "Nosus." He started towards them. The creeper. "Nosus! We have to look for Sampson."

"He's not gonna listen to me, why should I come along?"

That's what I had said when we left to look for him in the first place... I grumble and follow along. Sampson would more likely find us before we found him.

"Hello, Misses. Seen a white lion about?"

Because that's how you start conversations... Creeper.

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Post by Echo Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:21 pm

"Uh, can't say I have," I told the weird guy. "But if I do, I'll be sure to let you know."

Winter Dragon

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Post by Black&White Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:35 pm

I didn't care. Nosus was just being himself. I liked the bird. Pretty white. No, not stupid. I offer a hand as a step up from her shoulder, smiling slightly. "No one likes being pushed about..." I murmur, whether to the bird or to the girl I didn't know.

"Hm. Shame. He's really quite kind. Declawed and defanged, if you don't trust that." That never stopped Sampson from threatening Nosus all the time...

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Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:16 am

Sterling ruffled his feathers, letting out a pleased cooing sound before stepping off of my shoulder and onto the girl's hand. Great, the last thing he needed was encouragement, the boy's head would bloat to the size of a house.

"Can't say I have either," I grumbled to the other person, rolling my eyes at the comment. "And I"m sure its a real pussy cat."


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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:31 pm

"/He/ wont hurt you if you talk to him. No one takes the time to talk to animals anymore..." And again, I wasn't sure what I was talking about. The bird or the lion. Didn't matter to me. Gently, I pet the bird down his back, smoothing out his feathers. "What's his name?"

I had lost all interest in Nosus and therefore didn't have a care in the world as to what he was going. Probably just twirling his staff like a batton ...

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Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:21 pm

Sterling continued to coon and I sighed, deciding the fight to keep him from getting a big head wasn't worth it. I'm sure the bird brain would forget the attention being paid an within a few hours.

"Sterling, all that attention is going to go to his head, you know."

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Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:34 pm

I simply smile. He was an unusual bird... not from around here, certainly. "Would you be kind enough to help look for my friend? He got a little lost, we're looking for him but I think from the sky he'll be easier to see..." I explain to the bird quietly, studying him with my chocolate brown eyes. Just had to ask, animals understood most times. People forgot the art...

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