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Super High *re-remade*

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:47 pm

For over a hundred years two major schools have stood side by side in the center of Metropolis. The first is SH High, known to the normals as Solar Heights High-school. In reality it is a school for super heroes, where they are trained to one day fight evil.

The second is SV High, known to the normals as Scott Valley High-school. This is a school for the villains, where they are taught the art of crime and how to take down their enemies.

At SV there is a certain requirement to graduate, you have to pull off one big crime. It doesn't matter what it is as long as its big and you aren't caught. For a few years now no one has graduated, instead they've been kicked out because the heroes managed to stop them each time, so the villains have failed their final exam, and there are no retakes.

This year there are several new students who are determined to make the cut. They will graduate, no one is going to stop them. It's time for the final exam. Be ready to fight.

School, SV or SH:

Last edited by Bells on Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:49 pm

Name: Cole Moor
Age: 17
Gender: Male
School: SH
Power: Pryro-kensis(sp) which means he can start fires with his mind and raise the temperature to suit his mood. Obviously he can't be burnt. If you've ever seen Firestarter then you know what I'm talking about, he's like Charlie.
Appearance: His hair is a very light shade of blond that isn't very long at all. He's got brown eyes and a light layer of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He's very lightly tanned and sorta muscular, not the weight-lifting type, just a bit athletic looking.

Name: Marie Donalds
Age: 16
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SH
Power: Superhuman Agility and Superhuman Speed. (Thought they fit together nicely) She's super-fast(duh) and has the ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.
Appearance: Her hair is brown and normally pulled back in a pony tail to the base of her neck. Her eyes are a dark blue tone and she's got a sporty tan. She's around 5'2" and very athletically built. Normally wears a skirt, leggings, and matching shirt/tank-top.

Name: Angela(Angel) Marks
Age: 18
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: She has the ability to control men with her voice. If you want to know more, ask, I'm too lazy to add to this at this time.
Appearance: She's got black hair with red undertones that runs all the way to mid back. She's very pale and slender as if she hasn't had to do much for herself. Her eyes are a light hazel color.

Name: Jon Moor
Age: 17
Gender: male
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: Air & wind manipulation: Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind.
Appearance: He's, much like his twin brother, blond with brown eyes. He's a bit less muscular and without the freckles. Slightly tan and a bit lanky.

Last edited by Bells on Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Echo Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:11 pm

Name: Rae
Age: 17
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SH
Power: Aura sight and control
Appearance: She stands at 5'4", and has a slender build. She's got chin-length black hair, fair skin, and white-blue eyes; she's blind. She wears a teal t-shirt, jeans, black All-Stars, and dark sunglasses. She also carries one of those red and white canes.
Winter Dragon

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:33 pm

((So, this is a school. People can join whenever they would like, I just am impatient to start. So... lets go!))

"Hey, hey Cole."
"I already know what you're going to say."
"Guess what, guess what, guess what!"
"I said I already know what you're going to say."
"I'm cheer captain~"
Cole sighed, although it was a good natured sigh. As he did, however, the glanced towards the crowd of students milling around the yard of the school. He could pick out a few familiar faces, and quite a few that he didn't recognize.
"Hey Cole?"
"Are you in the normal tract of school, yet?"
Cole's eyes snapped to her and he stopped walking towards the school.
"I guess that's a no..." Marie said, giving him an apologetic smile. "I was just curious. I... I'm going to head to class now."
That said, Marie walked past him towards the school. Cole's hands tightened into fists at his side, but he didn't say anything, simply following her into the school.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:57 pm

Name: Meredeth
Age: 17
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SH
Power: like night crawler. Teleportation shit. Im really tired guys.
Appearance: Tan skin, slender frame, blue eyes and white hair. wears baggy hoodies and colorful jeans.

Name: Ronan
Age: 18
Gender: Male
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: like gambit. Hypnotic Charm and kinetic/potential energy shit.

yay for more crap descriptions. hope you are happy bells.

Last edited by Momo13 on Thu Mar 06, 2014 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Echo Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:58 pm


I walked into the building, moving my cane left and right in front of me. It was just for show, really, at least at the moment. There were so many people around, I could see almost everything clearly. Well, everything I needed to see, anyway. I spotted some people I recognized, but as always, I didn't smile at them or wave to them. My ability to see was on a strict need-to-know basis, and I liked to keep it that way. If anyone really wanted to greet me, they'd do it.

((Great first post woo >.>))
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:25 pm

Moments after Cole had stepped into the school building he stopped cold, realizing that he had no clue what his first class of the day was going to be. Digging his schedule out of pocket, he began scanning it with his eyes, not completely watching where he was going as he started walking again. As a result, he received a few complaints as he bumped into people, but he mainly ignored him as he started towards his first class: "Team Building".

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:27 pm

Meredeth (so many Es)

It felt great to be on school grounds. Meredeth smiled to herself and looked around, her bag slung over one shoulder and her hand holding the strap. She saw Cole disappear into the building and took off running to try to catch up with him. Every few steps she would teleport a head a few meters until she was finally right behind him. She bounded in front of him and smiled.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:08 pm

Cole barely stopped himself from walking straight into her. Startled as he was, he looked up, dropping the hand with his schedule down to his side.
"Hello, Mere," he greeted. "It's been awhile."
Cole wasn't exactly the type to go places during summer and mostly stayed holed up in his house if he had the choice.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:25 pm


"Quite awhile. I missed you this summer. No one to hang out with. Ended up watching about 20000 hours of Netflix. Quite unhealthy if you ask me." She had a tendency to ramble sometimes. "What have you been up to?" Her hands slid into her pockets and she turned so she could walk beside him.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Regret Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:02 pm

Name: Ana Kasparov
Age: 19
Gender: Female
School, SV or SH: SV
Power: Very tough, incredibly fast and agile, can jump forty metres from standing and survive any fall. Can also summon an apparently infinite number of guns, which tend to be black with chrome fittings and dragon heads on the muzzles.
Appearance: Tall, about 5'7", and quite slim and angular. She is as pale as paper, with black hair that has probably been dyed even darker than its natural black in a fashionably ragged cut. She has pale blue-grey eyes and short lashes. In her normal form she wears loose black jeans and a tatty black leather jacket. Under the jacket she wears a black t-shirt. On the front of the t-shirt is a white rectangle. Silhouetted over the white rectangle is a pile of what looks suspiciously like bodies with a human figure standing on top, about the same size and shape as Ana. The figure is holding a rifle in the air, also silhouetted black. Underneath the picture are letters in blocky red font spelling out "R E J E C T     F A L S E     I D O L S." She also carries a large, battered grey messenger bag with a family crest on it featuring a skull and a rose, and the words underneath "Nil Mortifi Sine Lucre." It's actually the crest of the Ankh-Morpork Assassin's Guild, rather than anything with any real, deep significance. In her messenger bag she carries usual school rubbish as well as a shit-ton of R E J E C T     F A L S E     I D O L S posters and blu-tack to hold them up. She's also wearing a small, silver signet ring.

In her form as the Lady of Restitution, she wears light, stylised samurai armour including an open-faced helmet with a large chromed crest. Two banners extend up from her back, both flying the same flag. The flags are white with the same black silhouette and red text as her shirt.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:00 pm


"I spent most of my time inside when I wasn't helping out my dad," I told her, running through the most prominent events of the summer in my mind. "Figured I was better off training for the school year than splashing around in some pool."


As I approached the school building, I could feel eyes on me. Glancing around, I spotted a boy who happened to be eagerly waving his arm back and forth. Frowning for a minute, I attempted to pull his name to the front of my mind. Failing, I walked over to where he stood. It couldn't have been someone I'd used my ability on, after all, when the power wore off those people tended to resent me.
"Angel!" the boy greeted. "You said we could go to class together, remember?"
I frowned, then gave a small nod as I remembered finally who he was. The kid with the best grades in Breaking-and-Entering.
"Right, you were going to let me copy the notes you took in class," I said, adding on my own little piece of information. He frowned for a moment, then shrugged it off.


"You won't get higher scores for coming in before class to set up," the teacher reminded me once again.
I rolled my eyes as I finished placing the last picture on the bulletin board. It wasn't like I was here to help him. I was here to get a peak at the heroes that were known from the other school. I guess you could almost even say that I was curious to see if his face was one of them. Unsurprisingly, I'd found it rather quickly.
"I know."
The teacher was silent for a moment, just watching me as I stepped away from the board.
"This years hero's seem interesting," the teacher said finally. "Your class has it cut out for them. You better not fail like last years."
I simply nodded, my hands curling into fists at my side.
"I'm going to head to my first class," I muttered, starting towards the door as soon as I had my things in my hands. "And... I have no plans of allowing that to happen."
The last few words I spoke were quieter, not exactly meaning to be heard. However, as the door into the student council room swung shut behind me, I could feel the teacher's eyes burning into my back. Perhaps it was best to keep my words to myself when standing in a school full of super-powered villains.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:07 pm


"I spent some time practicing. I can now teleport while running. Very useful. I hope it will come in handy in battles. Are you worried? Im worried to graduate this year. It's nerve racking!" She stopped herself from babbling on and on and forced herself to take a breath before shoving her hands into her pockets.


Ronan observed Jon as he came out of the room. "Whatcha up to?" He asked politely, trying to be somewhat kind and civil towards his class mate. His hands held his camera in front of him and he was always watching the people around him. Every now and then, he would raise he camera and snap a picture of an unsuspecting student, usually receiving a glare from them in return.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:32 pm

((I just randomly switched into first?))

Cole gave her a wry smile.
"Worried? Me?" He asked, a bit of sarcasm in his tone. "Why would I, the amazing Cole, be frightened over graduation. I mean, I'm only the best fire superhero ever."
Best meaning worst, he thought to himself.

Jon paused, startled but doing his best not to show it.
"Planning the annihilation of the free world," he replied with a straight face. "Why, you here to interview me before the big event?"

((Sorry for the shortness, I'm at the contest but I wanted to reply.))

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:57 pm


"Hey, at least you can do something with your power! If i get scared I start blinking all over the room. Its embarrassing. And will probably get me killed one day." She smiled over at him, and shoved his shoulder gently. "You'll be a great hero, Cole. I know it."

"Can I quote you on that?" Ronan grinned at the other boy, walking along beside him. "Kidding. Mostly. Gotta have a back up job if this villain thing doesnt work out." Although, no one really know, he took pictures of others so he could take notes on everyone he knew, get to know their ins and outs over time.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:12 pm

Cole rolled his eyes and raised a hand to give her a soft shove back.
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," he replied.
A moment later he dropped his eyes back to his schedule, frowning as he did.
"We should probably get to class," he told her reluctantly. "I think classes are supposed to start sometime soon, and I'd rather not be late on my first day. The teachers will have enough reason to hate me as it is, without me being tardy."

Jon glanced at him, a slightly annoyed expression on his face.
"A backup?" he questioned. "You don't honestly think that you'll be able to settle down with a normal job if you fail here, do you? Who would want to be employed at some boring office whenever they've already had experience at this sort of thing? Most who fail here go on to be hired on to someone who graduated."
After voicing his opinion, Jon turned his eyes away, running through where he needed to be in his mind.
"What's your first class?" he asked, trying to make up for the rude words he'd just spoken. It'd be a bad idea to make an enemy on the first day of the year. They may be villains, but that didn't mean they couldn't be friendly.

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:10 pm


"Right. Lead the way. What do we have first anyone?" She assumed that she had class with him, and hadn't bothered to look at her schedule yet. "We do have class together, right?"

"Who said journalism was normal? Most of those people are just down right criminal sometimes." He snapped another picture and winked at a few girls, only to get scoffs and hair flicks in return. "Wow. Cold."

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:15 pm

Cole rolled his eyes, glancing at the doors that they passed, looking for the room number of his first class.
"How am I supposed to know? I haven't exactly been handed your schedule," he replied.
When he spotted his class, he paused, glancing at her.
"Well, this is mine. Is it yours?"

Jon pursed his lips, slightly annoyed over his question being ignored.
"Yeah, I guess that's true. The class? I don't have to be polite, you know."

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Momo13 Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:22 pm


"Making me look at my schedule." The girl sighed, pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of her back pocket. "Yeah, I'm here. Wonderful ol' teambuilding. God I hate this class." With a groan she shoved the piece of paper back into her pocket and rolled her eyes.
"Well, at least I can pester you."

"What are you going to do to me if I dont tell you?" This guy didn't exactly scare him. He probably should, but he didn't. "Not like I really have to tell you. I dont really have to tell you anything, do I?"

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:48 pm

Jon raised a brow at the question. What was he going to do?
"Why would I bother doing anything?" he questioned. "I wasn't the one who started talking to you in the first place, you started talking to me. If you don't respond I'll just walk to class and leave you here. If you respond we might have a class and I might talk a bit longer. It's that simple."

"You and me both," Cole muttered under his breath when she mentioned hating the class. "And you're right, it might be as boring if you're there."
Pulling open the door, he glanced around the classroom. Only a few people had arrived inside, most sticking into the halls to get those last few minutes talking to their friends. Pursing his lips, he shoved his hands, along with his schedule, into his pocket and lead the way to where the teacher stood in the front of the classroom. She glanced up from her desk when he approached, a slightly annoyed look appearing on her face when she realized who he was.
"Oh... it's you two.. just take a seat anywhere. I'll adjust the seating once class begins and I assign the teams."

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

Post by Echo Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:06 pm


I wasn't looking forward to this. I never cared for teambuilding exercises. In my experience, everyone tended to get in the way of everyone else, and it all ended up being a big mess. I just hoped I was put on a team with people who were agreeable and competent. That would at least make this bearable.

((Such a great post yay >.> ))
Winter Dragon

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Super High *re-remade*  Empty Re: Super High *re-remade*

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