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Beware the Slugs *remade*

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:17 pm

So, I really don't know if it is a good idea letting poor charries be dropped into my brain.....but..the guilt is gone. we go. Also, seeing as this was remade because I was bored and wanted a chat, it’s just going to be started immediately. If you want to join, you can join in at any time, just drop your character in one of the mentioned places after creating a sheet and we’ll make it work! After all, this is my mind, there’s no need to worry about having someone to interact with your charries!

Welcome to my brain!
Upon waking your charries may find themselves in one of two places you can start. Each has their own people to meet and dangers to face.

The desert:

Yeah, its exactly what it says it is, a desert. The temps are really hot here, even hotter than your normal desert, so I would advise your charrie to do there best to stay out of the sun when it comes up. The good thing is that even though most of the desert is unexplored, there is an oasis somewhere among the sand. A good idea would be to locate Cecilia or Tristin and convince them to show you the way, although if you're feeling lucky, you could search for yourself. Small villages dot the desert but I would avoid those, they aren't too welcoming of strangers. Be careful of the man eating demon fluffy’s that roam the area.

The deserted hospital:

There is a good reason it is deserted. It found its way into my mind when I was reading a book series called Animorphs. This hospital has many things from the series in it, including the slugs. Mind controlling, body snatching slugs to be exact. So be careful. Oh, you may find Bryce hanging around here, he enjoys hearing the screaming when peoples bodies are taken over. Oh, there are also the horkbor, evil aliens that work for the slugs. Horkbor are all body snatched, and these body's are covered in blade, and are about seven feet, sometimes eight feet tall. I advise getting away from the hospital as soon as possible.

Okay, now that you've woken up here's some useful information.

The transportation:
To get from place to place in my brain is rather easy. Find an emotion and they shall lead the way, the problem is that most of them aren't very helpful. So, I would find a charrie, and have them find the emotions. Only emotions can travel freely so need them. Otherwise, if by some miracle you  make it to the doors, you’ll probably end up somewhere worse than where you already were.

The places
There are many places in my mind, not just the two where you have the chance of waking up.

The prison:

Well, most of you guys should of heard of the prison from Out of the Shadows.  It consists of miles and miles of confusing tunnels full of prison cells and torture rooms that happens to be completely underground. The only rooms in this place that aren't meant for pain are the guard’s bedrooms, the offices, the mess hall, the medical bay, and the laboratories(to a point). The halls are patrolled by trained guards and brightly lit. The characters you might run into here are: Seth, Mirissa, Daniella, Arial, and all the other prison involved Dod characters.

Surrounding the prison is a large and thick forest that contains the rebel camp, the Shia camp, and the capital city. I’ll describe these later as needed. Basically the forest is a condensed version of Dod’s world.

The city:

This place is made up just like a huge city, only divided into four sections. In the west is Angela's part of the city, here you will find vampires and Soulless (really really bad vampires). Uh, most of the time it is dark here so the Soulless don't burn up.
The east is The shifters area. Lana and Catalina live here, so does Bryce but he isn't home very often. Most of the people here are shapeshifters or angels, most of the angels are fallen.
The north is where TDL lives....most avoid this place, including me. She keeps it in tiptop condition, none of the buildings are run down or even missing a chip of paint.
The south is where My Just CC charries roam, if you are looking for one of them this is the place to look. There really isn't anything else about this place.

Another thing to know about the city, however, is that almost any characters can turn up here, seeing as it’s the main place that most of the mind doors go to. Even when being escorted by an emotion you’ll probably end up here without meaning too.

The townish thing

The place where the golden wings clan characters live. You guys have had a pretty good description of this town.

I’m forgetting something but I’ll edit it in when reminded.


Just to name a few that you might come across, of course there are tons more than this.

Daniella - short blonde girl with very curly hair. works in the prison. you all know her.

Mirissa. - Fiery tempered red head. She is blind in the light and can control the shadows. Also lives in the prison but she is one other prisoners.

Bryce -uh, no real description on what he looks like except tall, dark hair and sapphire blue eyes. He is a fallen angel and has a sword on him at all times. Can use magic, hates humans and kills them for sport.

TDL - tall, elegant and creepy. She can control minds and loves to cause pain.

Angela - half anima, good vampires, and half soulless. Quiet and fair tempered, tends to hide in the dark as light hurts her skin

Tristin - 7 year old boy who can control and talk to flames.

Cecilia - Cares for Tristin, a sorceress with no control of her magic.

Danae - also a short blonde girl, could be mistaken as Daniella’s twin. you all know her too.

Corian - Uh… I can’t really describe her but you can find her anywhere and anybody

Slugs -dangerous, you already know why.
Horkbor, - once again dangerous.
Black hole -its what takes away may Muse....avoid at all costs for it sucks in everything it sees.
Soulless - mindless blood suckers. Love to kill.
Demon fluffys. - huge dinosaurs. Hehe, carnivorous. Can be found in the desert.
Zemmas - giant man eating jelly like catapillars
Crazy werewolves - do you really need a description?
Chimeras- um... hard to explain. I'll describe if they show up. They're in the city


Happy: Pink colored girl with a general happy go lucky attitude. Hangs around the desert.

Evulz - loves to see pain, red colored guy who hangs around the hospital.

Logic - little kid...isn't seen much. She's green and hangs around The prison.

Insanity - Um, enough said. She's purple and hangs around.d where ever she wants.

Anger - once again, enough said, gold, hangs around the city.

Sadness - Wherever she wants, is silver.

Umm, I might add more later. Here's the sheet.

Small Bio if desired:
Powers if any:
Do I know you from somewhere?

Last edited by Bells on Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:15 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:16 pm

Name: Phrygia
Age: ...... In the millions.
Gender: Female
Phrygia's a little on the short side with very very pale skin, very long, slightly wavy white hair, and pale ice blue eyes that turn silver and occasionally reflect storms or blizzards if she's angry. She wears simple clothing (just average loose cloth shirt/pants or skirt, typically) in varying shades of pale blue, white, or silver/grey, although tends to be barefoot. She has a large pair of dragonfly wings sprouting from her back. Its not unusual to see frost or snow on her lashes, hair, and clothing, and her body temperature is VERY cold (like, if a normal human hugs her too long, frostbite will occur type of cold).
Small Bio if desired: The physical embodiment of Winter. She's been around as long as the Earth has been, at least.
Powers if any: She can create and control snow/ice/frost.... blizzards..... stuff associated with the season she represents
Do I know you from somewhere?: Uhm.... probably not? If so I've just forgotten xD

Name: Kyrian
Age: 20-ish
Gender: Male
Appearance: A smidge on the tall side, would probably be taller if not for some degree of malnutrition as a child, fit with a fair amount of lean muscle. Fair skinned, shaggy white-blonde hair, blue eyes.
Small Bio if desired: Meh, you know him.
Powers if any: Semi-trained assassin.
Do I know you from somewhere?: Yupp. Felt like throwing in a familiar face.

Phrygia: What the heck was I doing here? The whole area was HOT! And.... sand, everywhere. Like a beach, but way way way too hot. Hotter than any Earth-place I'd been to. This.... wasn't good. Already my powers felt far weaker than they should, suffering in the oppressive heat. If I stayed in this too long, I'd likely go comatose. I had no idea which way was the way out of the heat, but..... staying here wasn't an option, so I went with my gut, picked a direction, and started flying that way, hoping to find somewhere colder.

Kyrian: WHAT THE F***K?! ...... This was not any ruined building in the city I knew. So where the hell was I? Not home, but.... I'd been home a minute ago, right? How did I get here? I wandered through the empty building, staring around. There was no one around, and I couldn't tell what kind of building this was from the inside. Any signs or papers or things were incomprehensible, my limited reading skills not really sufficient to make sense of a lot of it. But that wasn't my main concern - the quicker I could get out of this building and figure out where the hell I was and how to get home, the better.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:28 pm


I'd stopped beneath a rock to get out of the sun when I spotted something rare, a person out during the middle of the day. Either a) they were stupid, or b) they were really, really stupid.
"Um... hey, person," I called out, waving my hand back and forth. "You should get out of the sun, it's kinda bad ta be there."


"HEYHEYHEYHEY, PERSON, ARE YOU NEW HERE?" the purple haired girl called out as she peeked her head around a corner. "Cause I haven't seen you before. Maybe you should check to see if you're new, cause being new is bad if you're new here."

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:37 pm

Phrygia: HEY! WHAT? There was a person here! And it was talking to me! "Well, I know THAT. But its kinda too hot for me here even in the shade. So I need to find a way to get somewhere colder. Where is this? And where can I find somewhere colder?" I asked, hoping he'd know. Locals were great. They knew lots of things. If he didn't know, maybe I'd just keep going the way I was going until I got out or found someone who did.

Kyrian: Greeeeeeeeat. Now there was some freaky.... thing yelling at me. That was not a person. It was PURPLE. But it spoke English.... "Yeah, I'm new here.... or, I think so anyways. Where is here? Why's being new bad?"

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:50 pm


I frowned, considering that for a moment. The only person I could think of to help her would be Happy, but Happy was annoying to deal with. Her constant chattering one was one thing, but when you added in the fact that no matter what was going on, Happy stayed happy, she honestly got a little creepy as well.
"Well, I could try and help you," I told her. "I can handle this heat pretty well, so if you pass out I'll just drag you."
That said, I walked out from underneath my rock so that I stood closer to the girl.
"I'm Tristan, I wouldn't really tell you that normally but it doesn't matter here. The worst you'll run across are the Demon Fluffy's," I told her. "'cause the soldiers and bandits hate the heat."


Insanity frowned, running around the corner so that she could stare at him.
"EASY, easy, to know why it's bad," she informed him. "'cause new people get taken over by the slugs. 'especially new people who don't know why it's bad to be new. Evulz also is bad to new people. So don't stay a new person, 'kay?"
She stopped for a moment as something occurred to her. Turning to a window she pointed at the glass with a grin.
"If you jump out there you'll be okay! I don't see any scary knife people!"

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:09 pm

Phrygia: I had no idea what 'demon fluffies' were, but they sounded bad. Bad things in hot places were bad.... badder than bad, because hot places and I couldn't do as much to protect myself. "I'm Phrygia~ Its nice to meet you. But you probably couldn't drag me. That would really hurt my wings, or my face. And also I'm way too cold for humans to hold onto most times, even when I'm weak from the heat." I said, frowning. "Help would be good, though."

Kyrian: ..... It wanted me to jump out a WINDOW? I moved over to the window, looking down. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No. I could deal with a second floor window in a pinch if I REALLY had to, but I could not drop from this height without pretty much guaranteeing serious injury. I had no idea what she was going on about , with slugs and knife people and 'evulz', whatever that was, but obviously this place wasn't safe. "I can't jump out of here. Its too high up. I need to get lower to the ground." I said. "Stairs. Where are they?"

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:31 pm


"Oh..." I said, studying her for a moment. "Well, do you want me to just leave you there, then?"
There was a bit of sarcasm in my voice, but I really couldn't help it. I mean, any normal person would die in this heat, and from the way she looked and whatnot, she didn't seem really normal. Although... the fact that she would be too cold to touch was bad. I mean, I could handle heat, but cold I couldn't handle, at all.
"Anyways, either way, we better start walking. Follow me~"
As I spoke I started walking, keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't collapse.

Insanity crossed her arms and tilted her head back, smoke seeming to come out of her from somewhere as she put the question to deep thought.
"Stairs!" she declared suddenly. "I know where those are! Mhm! Follow me!"
Not waiting for a response, she turned around and darted down the hall. Just as she'd turned around the corner that she'd come from, however, she paused and tilted her head back. In front of her stood a seven foot tall creature covered in sharp blades.
"Oh! Hello, scary blade man!" she greeted. "I found a new person. It'd be bad if you cut him up."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:44 pm

Phrygia: I nodded, following along. "Thank you..... I'm glad someone actually knows where they're going here." I said. I was extremely grateful that this person was being helpful. Being stuck here would be bad. I just hoped I could find somewhere colder soon. I was already starting to feel sick....

Kyrian: The purple thing disappeared, and I moved after it, only to very promptly discover what she meant by knife people. That.... it was HUGE. AND COVERED IN BLADES. I had no idea what the hell it was, only that it was definitely terrifying, and almost certainly a threat. A string of curses left my mouth and I turned tail, sprinting away from the thing as fast as I could, keeping my eyes open for stairs. I needed a way to get lower so I could get out of here....

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:53 pm


We hadn't gone too far before I spotted something pink in the distance. Pausing for a moment, I frowned. There were two options here, we were lucky and ran into Happy earlier than expected, or the second option was that we ran into a demon fluffy and we were dead.
"Um..." I began, then shook my head a little. I guess there was no helping it, we might as well keep walking and see what it was. Maybe if it was a demon fluffy I'd be able to set it on fire. "Nevermind."
As we walked closer, I managed to identify it and relaxed a little. It was a pink girl, meaning it was Happy.
"She's the one you need."

Insanity frowned a little when she saw the guy take off, seeing as she'd already told the blade guy that it'd be bad to cut up the new guy. However, she realized then that the blade guy didn't seemed interested in listening to her. Nodding to herself, she took off after Kyrian, easily catching up despite the fact she should have been too small to do so.
"I could take you to a door," she offered suddenly. "Then we could go to a place without blade people. Although it could be the place with teeth people instead."

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:50 pm

Phrygia: There was other stuff living here! "Is she? Fantastic! Thanks for helping me!" I said, moving over to the pink girl. "Hello! He says that you know how to get me somewhere colder?" I questioned. I really hoped that the nice guy was right and I'd be able to get out of here....

Kyrian: The purple thing hadn't abandoned me. That.... was honestly a surprise. And it was offering me a way out. I didn't entirely trust it, but it was better to trade immediate danger for possibly no danger. "YES. Just... JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE." I said. I had no chance against that thing back there. I needed a way out, FAST, before it caught up to me.

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:57 pm

Happy stared at the girl in front of her for a moment before offering a large grin.
"I know a good place!" she declared. "It just started existing yesterday. It's real cold," she paused for a moment, considering something. "But we'll have to go through the doors, so we might end up in the city, but the city isn't as hot as here!"
"I think this is my cue to leave," Tristan said when Happy had finished speaking. "Good luck with everything from here on out."

Insanity clapped her hands as she kept up with him.
"Yay! I like going other places that don't have blade guys," she declared. "There's a door on the next floor down~ It's purple cause it's mine. Do you like purple?"

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:27 pm

Phrygia: "Anywhere cooler will do for the moment, really." I said, relieved. I turned back to the boy who'd brought me here, smiling. "Thank you so much! Don't get eaten by the demon fluffies, whatever those are. If you ever need a favour, well.... I don't have too much jurisdiction in hot places, but the jerk who does can relax messages to me and I'll see what I can do."

Kyrian: "Yeah, yeah, sure, I love purple." I said. Whatever would keep this thing happy.....

Not slowing down to give the blade thing an opportunity to catch up, I dashed down the first set of stairs I found and began searching for the purple door. Most doors are not purple. This meant that the purple door should be fantastically conspicuous.... now where the heck WAS it?!

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:51 pm

"Will do," Tristan replied, giving her a goodbye wave before turning away to head back to where he'd been going in the first place.
Happy grinned at the new person brightly.
"Okay, well I'll show you to where the doors are here!" she said, then spun around thoughtfully. "Well, I'm not quite sure where I left them to be honest, but it's alright, I think I might have an idea!"
And with that, she headed to the small oasis she could make out a short distance away.
"Follow me!"

We're not finding it, Insanity thought to herself as she stared at the doors the new guy passed.
Sprinting ahead of him, she glanced down a few halls and gleefully pointed at one of the doors she spotted.
"There! That one! That's the green door! Isn't it pretty!"
Luckily, next to the door she'd distracted herself with, there was a purple one.

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:13 pm

Phrygia: It wasn't exactly reassuring that the pink girl didn't seem to bee 100% certain of where she needed to go, but I followed anyways since I had no better options. Doing anything right now was better than doing nothing. I didn't have the energy to fly so just plodded along like a human after the pink girl, hoping she knew what she was doing.

Kyrian: GREEN?! GREEN?! I DID NOT NEED GREEN. I was REALLY certain she'd said we were looking for purple. But who the hell knew with this thing? It didn't seem to make sense most of the time. I ran down the hall it was pointing to anyways, and there was a green door AND a purple one. "Green, or purple? You said purple, are you SURE?" I demanded. If this thing was screwing me over and sent me through the wrong door I would NOT be happy.

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:18 pm

Once they had reached the Oasis, Happy looked around and spotted the pink door standing in the middle of a little pond.
"There!" she declared cheerily. "That's my door!"
Then she simply walked over the water as if it were solid ground and opened the door.
"Come on in!"

Insanity tilted her head as she thought for a moment, ignoring that every second she wasted was another moment that the 'blade guy' got closer.
"Purple!" she declared after a moment. "Cause I'm purple!"
She then opened the door and pointed into the black area beyond it.
"Jump in!"

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Ravyn Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:49 pm

Phrygia: A door in the middle of a body of water? Unusual. It was a good thing I had wings. Mustering up whatever energy I had left, I flew over the water and through the door, hoping there was a colder place on the other side.

Kyrian: That didn't look safe. But that blade thing DEFINITELY wasn't safe. At least with this, there was a chance that I would wind up somewhere decent. Mind made up and not about to hang around to die, I obeyed the purple thing and jumped in.

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Beware the Slugs *remade*  Empty Re: Beware the Slugs *remade*

Post by Bells Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:21 pm

As soon as Happy saw that her person had entered the doorway, she quickly went about looking around the large black area for another pink door. After all, she would never dare touch the other colored doors, the other emotions would very upset if she did. The area that they'd ended up in actually just looked like a large black void, with doors of multiple colors just floating in the air, much like they themselves were doing.
"There!" she declared, finding a pink one. "Let's go in there!"
Without waiting for a response, she happily walked over and tugged the door open. Surely there couldn't be anything bad on the other side, after all, it was her door.

"Pick a door, pick a door~" Insanity said gleefully as she swung the one they had just entered shut in the face of the blade man. "Any door, as long as it's purple!"

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