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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Wed May 11, 2016 11:37 am

Amina pointedly ignored Grayson as Serpent went about showing them around. He would occasionally say a full sentence but for the most part he would just point at something and say what it was before moving on. She honestly couldn't decide if it was the best or worst tour she'd had in her life.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Wed May 11, 2016 11:42 am

Michi nodded as Serpent showed them around. Her watch beeped and she stepped back from the group to check the alarm. "Shit.... Gotta head home before the 'rents freak. See you lot around I guess. Friday can tell you how to get in contract with me if you need." She waved off at the others before jogging away from them.

Kyle seemed to watch her as she went off, head tipping to the side.

"She seems interesting, wouldn't you say?" he said to the others.

"You seem interested, I'd say." Grayson responded, going to nudge his shoulder with a friendly fist bump, someone shocked when his hand passed through his body. "Anyway, anyone wanna get something to eat? Im starving. we could order pizza or something."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:08 am

Amina pursed her lips, not looking at all fond of the idea of hanging out with them anylonger. At the same time, if she went home early, she would be requested to report to her father about this meeting... something she wasn't looking forward to as lying to her father was one skill she didn't have. So when he asked if she'd been polite and well behaved...

Her mind flicked back to her sending Grayson to the ground.

"Pizza doesn't sound horrible," Amina muttered. "I haven't had it for a few years."

While she'd seen it in movies and had it once or twice when her father took her out of the country, it wasn't something she'd had a dozen times over the years. It was much more socially acceptable to have other food when dining with monarchs and the like.

Serpent, as one might expect, stayed silent. In her opinion, the way he was watching the direction Michi had gone pretty much summed up his opinion on the matter. He looked like he was about to leave as well.

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:47 pm

Grayson clapped his hands together. "Pizza it is! Barton and I know this great place not too far away from here. Or we could order in."

"Ordering in might be best. Dont know about you, but we dont look like the most normal group of kids," Kyle laughed softly, shaking his head slowly.


Michi walked back to her place and pulled her phone out of her pocket to check for any new messages. Still nothing from Ben. She huffed softly and changed her course to go to his place instead. She knocked on the door a few times and waited, leaning against the wall by the door.

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:35 am

"You don't," Amina retorted. "I look perfectly normal."

Well, as long as one ignored her obviously foreign accent, she did. Still, she didn't relish the idea of going out in public, let alone going out in public with these three... Er, two, she corrected herself as Serpent started walking away from the group without another word.

"I'm going to assume that to mean he doesn't want pizza..."


"I'm getting it, I'm getting it!"

Seconds after the rather loud call could be heard through the door, the speaker in question tugged the door open. At the sight of Michi standing there, he blinked in surprise.

"Eh? Michi?" he questioned. "What're you... oh, was that thing today?"

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:11 am

Grayson laughed and shook his head.

“I don’t know about you, but I look painfully normal.”

Kyle rolled his eyes slowly and glanced over as the other one left.

“Fine, lets go out then,” a mischievous smile grew on his face. “We can see what trouble we can stir up.”

“Don’t you play for the good guys?”

“Good is a loose term.”

Michi snorted and nodded before pushing off the wall. “Yes, it was. And you missed it, mister.” she poked his chest with a finger. “Did’ja forget…or are you just not interested?”

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:32 pm

"If you cause trouble, I won't be involved," Amina informed him, narrowing her eyes as she did. "I'll say I don't know you."

Still, going to pizza sounded more interesting than sitting alone in her room.


Ben put his hands up in the air, an innocent expression appearing on his face.

"I forgot, honest. I mean, I'm not interested what with the whole teamwork not being my best quality, but I really did forget," he replied. He then put one hand down so he could gesture at himself with his thumb. "I sorta failed art... soooo, I've got a tutor bullying me right now."

He paused, glancing over his shoulder before a wicked grin crossed his face and he seized one of Michi's hands.

"Hey, wanna go bowling?"

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:52 pm

"Then you'll just miss out on all the fun. C'mon Birdy, where's this place you and Hawks go to?" Kyle clapped his hands together and continued to grin. Grayson found a smile growing on his own face at Kyle's reaction and started towards the elevator.

"'Bout two blocks away. Fairly short walk."


It took a few moments for Michi to process everything eh had just said. "You are failing art....and you want to go bowling." She laughed and nodded a few times, glancing down at their hands as he grabbed onto hers. "Fine, alright, lets go bowling. But I'm dragging you to the next meeting. I wont survive on my own, Benny."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:39 am

Amina trailed behind them, linking her hands behind her back as she did. Her eyes flickered to her plain dress with a thoughtful expression. Would she be overdressed for a pizza shop? In the more recent movies she'd watched, girls her age tended to be wearing tee-shirts and jeans. She would have to invest in those as soon as she found a shop. Shaking her head to cast out such thoughts-- as she doubted they'd go over well if she voiced them-- she glanced at her teammates.

"... I prefer vegetables on my pizza," she commented, figuring they might as well hash this out on the walk. "And anchovies."


"Mhm, we'll see how that goes," he replied with a grin. "Keep making these things early afternoon and I'll probably miss. You know how I love my late night parties."

Sure, it really wasn't that early in the day at all, but he really did love late nights-- especially ones that involved alcohol and cute classmates.

"Usual alley," he added as he began pulling her away from the house, ignoring the sputtering of his tutor as they realized what he was doing. The door fell shut behind him, cutting off the noise for now. Still, he grinned at her and picked up the pace. "C'mon, let's run. Wouldn't want to get caught~!"

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:14 am

"Who likes anchovies on a pizza?" Kyle's nose scrunched up in disgust at the idea.

"Like you weren't planning on ordering an entire pizza yourself," Grayson snorted.

"How'dja know?" Kyle scoffed back. He pressed the button for the elevator and crossed his arms over his chest as they waited for it to appear.

"Call it a lucky guess."


Michi laughed as he dragged her down the street away from his house.

"One of these days you're gonna drag me along with you to one of these mythical parties." She commented as they ran, a grin filling her face. "Stark can cover for me with the 'rents."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:24 am

"I had them the first time I had pizza, and I enjoyed it," Amina retorted. "I am from a different culture. It makes sense that my opinion on food differs from yours."

Still, she frowned thoughtfully at this bit of news. So, when she'd been assured that it was perfectly normal by her escorts at the time, they'd lied? She shook her head. She supposed that it made sense-- it wasn't as if people hired to escort her when she was on a diplomatic trip always told her the truth. That is the one thing she could be grateful about when it came to the situation surrounding the team-- her father had deemed it more safe to keep her position a secrete. At least there'd be no political moves on the United State's part this time around, as they were barely aware of her presence in the the country at all.


"Alright," Ben agreed. "You can be the designated driver."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:33 pm


The elevator came quickly enough and the time in the small space was only a bit awkward. Kyle moved fairly far back into the space, pressing himself into the corner. Grayson leaned by the wall by the numbers. He pressed the ground floor button and waited.

"I'm not a fan of anchovies on pizza but dont mind the veggies. We can split one half and half if you want, Princess." Grayson offered, leaning against the wall as the elevator moved.



"What, you want me to suit up or something and fly us there? I'm not sure if Stark would approve of that use of my suit." She could barely keep a straight face as she talked, her nose scrunching up as she began to laugh through the last few words. "Who am I kidding, he'd get a ball from it."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:15 pm

Amina eyed him for a moment before settling in the front corner of the elevator-- just inside the door-- and crossing her arms.

"If you quit calling me Princess, you have a deal," she announced. "Again, my name is Amina."


"Exactly," Ben replied. "Plus, Stark loves me. And if I'm being honest, I get wasted at these things so I'd be as likely to us falling to our deaths as swing us across the city. Really, you being the designated driver is safest for the both of us."

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Momo13 Fri May 05, 2017 2:40 am


The archer nodded and laughed. "You crack a hard deal, Amina, but I think I can work with that." That was, at least, until he found something else to call her. He caught an eyeroll from Kyle and arched an eyebrow back at him, but nothing was said between them.



"But if I'm designated driver I cant really have my own fun," She pointed out with a slight laugh. "And what good would that be, really?"

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Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...) - Page 2 Empty Re: Young Avengers (If you can't figure out who this is...)

Post by Bells Fri May 05, 2017 3:21 am

She gave him a dubious look-- as he'd agreed entirely too easily for her to completely believe him-- before turning her eyes to the floor count above the elevator door.

"Then it is agreed," she said.


Ben made a point of putting a finger beneath his chin and turning a rather musing expression.

"True, true," he said. "All good points... perhaps we should just call a cab. No badass superhero solutions, just regular kids out on the town ones."

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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