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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:51 pm

M.V.: I tapped my fingers on the table calmly "Yes she is, Aiden. How could she have survived such an experience? The baby ripped her stomach to shreds."


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:54 pm

Aiden: "I sat there for half an hour sewing her back up. She was alive when I left that room. Alive, Dammit!" I snapped, glaring at this jackass in front of me.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:58 pm

M.V.: "Really, then why did you leave her?" I asked, just trying to mess with him.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:16 am

Rose: Aiden glared, and I filled in the blank. "You dragged him out." I said quietly.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:12 pm

M.V.:"Oh, that's right. Then I guess it's my duty to inform you that her heart stopped beating after you left," I nodded amusedly.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:48 pm

Aiden: I punched him in the face, and he fell to te ground. I pounced on top of him and punched him many times, so many I lost count.

Rose: when Aiden started punching MV in the face, I jumped and grabbed him, trying to stop him. He threw me off, and I landed against a wall. I pulled myself back up, and lunged at him again. This time, he yanked me off and threw me harder. I hit my head on the wall, and I felt blood trickle down the back of my head, and I started seeing double.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:56 pm

M.V.: A few cronies, buff ones, came in and pulled the boy off of me. I grabbed a handkerchief and dabbed at my bloody nose. They took the girl into the medical room and fixed up her head. I wondered if the blonde really believed that the girl was dead. When they came back I said. "Now, I have a proposition for you."


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:00 pm

Rose is a brunette.

Rose: my head hurt, but I had seen Tara, attached to a heart monitor. That was still beeping. Ill tell Aiden later. "Proposition?" I asked, perplexed.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:03 pm

He was talking about Aiden.

M.V.: "Yes. As you know, the baby is very powerful - she can control three elements. But we are looking to have a whole generation of powerful babies, all four elements present. The only way we can have the fourth element is for Rose to have a child as well." I waited for them to process that.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:09 pm

Rose: "HELL NO!" I snapped. "No way in hell will I have a kid for you. You can dream on all you want, but I will NOT have a kid for you" I folded my arms and crossed my legs stubbornly.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:10 pm

lol xD.

M.V.: "You don't have any choice. If you and Aiden refuse to have sex - oh wait, I didn't tell you that part did you?" A creepy grin spread across my face. "Aiden is the only eligible father." I looked over to see the boy's reaction.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:18 pm

Aiden: my head snapped up. "No. I'm doing that to Rose or Tara. I'm not going to get Rose pregnant. Tara is the only girl I'm ever having sex with again" I said evenly.

Rose: "And after Tara's kid, you don't deserve another kid. You can take that idea and shove it up your fat ass." I said to MV. No no no no no no no no no no no no. But I had a feeling that he was going to win this fight. And instead of Tara on the table, dying, it would be me.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:21 pm

M.V.: "Then we'll simply take your sperm and implant it in Rose. And don't worry, Rose dear, you won't die. The only reason we let Tara die is because she is disposable," I only said this to mess with Aiden again. They were all equally valuable. "You however, Rose, are something extraordinary."

(possibly the first hint of Rose crossing over to the dark side. If that ever happens)


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:26 pm

Rose: "Extraordinary?" I scoffed. "Ha! You flatter me. But I'm not falling for it. I'm a hopeless nobody. And you're not putting anything in me, even if it belongs to Aiden. I am off limits." I snapped.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:29 pm

M.V.: "It's not your choice. Now you shall go back to your room - I have some business with the newborn to take care of. To start with, the Organization must name it." I cackled as they took away the two.

Tara: I was flying, why was I flying? Was I going to Heaven? I didn't deserve to go there, but I was dead after all, wasn't I? I was soaring up, up, up. And look! There was Aiden. I reached out to try and catch his hand, he was sitting up in the clouds, but then I was dragged, down, down, down and I screamed. The Earth opened up below me, a dark abyss, and I was sucked under. Suffocated, dirt filling my lungs, skeletons the only thing I could make out in the darkness.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:40 pm

Aiden: they took us back to the cell. They were going to name my baby. That was mine and Tara's job. Not the Organization's. It was my kid, not theirs. I should be naming it. Tara should be alive. Everything was wrong. And Rose was going to die too, just because the Organization took her too. And I had hurt Rose, bby throwing her against a wall. "I'm sorry I'm doing this to you."

Rose: Aiden looked upset. "Look, its not your fault. You werent yourself, and I tried to be noble and stop you. It was my stupidity. But hey, guess what." He looked at me, waiting. "When they took me out to fix my head, Tara was in the room with me. Alive." I smiled,
and he looked relieved. "She's not awake though. But she is breathing, and her heart is beating." We sat in awkward silence until MV came in with two men.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:44 pm

M.V.: They brought in the girl, and tied her to a metal bed, similar to Tara's. I handed them a vial, sperm we had gotten when they were all knocked out the first time we kidnapped them. The surgeon, lucky for Rose a woman, carefully inserted it into Rose. The deed was done, and I cackled. The Rose girl had struggled, but we had won.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:51 pm

Rose: they had done it. I was pregnant, and I was going to get fat then die. They had said I was extraordinary, but it was a lie. They said I wasn't going to die. But that was a lie. They threw me back in the cell, and I started crying.

Aiden: After half an hour of sitting and waiting, Rose was thrown in. She pulled herself to a wall and started crying. I crawled over, and hugged her. Her violet eyes looked up at me, glistening with tears, but she moaned "I'm going to die. No matter what they say, I'm going to die in 9 days." I didn't respond, and let her cry. There was no air element back up this time. This was it for her.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:54 pm

Unless water kicks in *hint hint*. We probably shouldn't let our main chartacters die. Now, I guess I'll do another dream of Tara's, though the last one was admittedly sucky.

Tara: My baby. What was she doing down there, at the bottom of the ocean?! How could she breathe?! Oh yeah, water power. I dreamily swam to the bottom to meet her, and a smile spread over her little angelic face. When I picked her up, though, her face had changed to that of M.V.'s and I shrieked and dropped her, as the water turned dark and drowned me.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:06 pm

Ya. They're epic. But they don't know about the water thing.

Rose: I sat quietly wondering how the baby was going to kill me. Would it rip me to shreds like Tara's did? It wouldn't pop out of thin air. It made me wonder what fire and water births were like. How deadly they were. I put my hand to my already growing stomach. It was a long day. Tara was unconcious, Aiden was barely himself, and I was pregnant. I wonder how Tara would react about this. She might be glad that we didn't have sex. But she wouldn't be happy. I fell asleep, wondering how this big I would be in the morning.

Shall we skip to day 9 already? Rose's pregnancy is probably going to be uneventful.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:13 pm

Yeah, let's skip.

M.V.: I made a personal appearance, though I brought guards with me, to fetch the parents on the day of the birth. There was a joyful smile on my face as we brought them to a room identical to the one Tara was still lying in a coma in. I stepped behind the glass wall to watch.

I say it does come by water, though, just so Rose doesn't die. Or somehow the burns aren't bad enough to kill her, though I doubt that'd be possible.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:21 pm

I agree.
Rose:they strapped me to a table, water came out of me, and I felt a pang in my stomach. The pangs were infrequent for awhile, then they were more continuous. A man kept a hand on my stomach and looked at his watch. It appeared the baby would be born by water. The man made a signal, and then told me it was time to push.

Aiden: I grabbed Rose's hand and she cried out as she made the first push.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:28 pm

M.V.: Soon the baby was born, and I was disappointed to see it was born by water. It had brown hair like Rose, but Aiden's eyes. I smirked. Tara would recognize those eyes right away. The baby coughed, and a dribble of fire came out instead of spit, but somehow didn't harm the baby itself. Interesting. I had them take away Rose and Aiden and we set the baby near the other one. We still hadn't named the first one, and I had decided that we wouldn't. We referred to the babies as One and Two.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:38 pm

Rose: They put me and Aiden back in the cell. I was panting from a combination of pushing and the contractions, which I had identified the pangs as. I leaned against a wall. "It was a girl, did you see that?" I asked Aiden.

Aiden: I crawled over to Rose and hugged her. "Yeah. But you were great. Didn't cut off circulation to my hand like Tara did. In fact, i don't think you squeezed my hand at all. That was touugh, you doing that all by yourself." She gripped my shirt and started crying. I let her be.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

Post by Guest Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:49 pm

Tara: I stirred, confused at first when I woke up. I was in that room - the birth room. Why was I here? This wasn't Heaven, and it wasn't bad enough to be Hell, either. Where was Aiden? Where was Rose? Where was my child?! Where was anyone? There was a pain in my stomach, it was all stitched up. Why would they have stitched me up if they wanted me to die? Maybe Aiden or Rose did it. I hoped it was Aiden...

M.V.: A henchman came in to inform me that Tara was awake from her coma. That wasn't nearly long enough of a coma to please me, I frowned. But then a plan came to mind, and I stood. I grabbed both babies and walked into Tara's room with a smile on my face. "Well, hello, have a nice rest?"

Tara: I frowned at the fact that there were two children. "Did I have twins?" I ignored his question. The children didn't look identical, but they both had Aiden's eyes.

M.V.: I chuckled "Oh no no, this one is yours," I held out the blonde baby, then the brunette "And this one is Rose's and Aiden's.

Tara: I was in silent shock. WHAT?! Rose and,no, no this had to be...but then Luke's words came back to me 'Would he have stayed with you this long if not for the kidnapping?' "How long was I asleep?"

M.V.: "About two weeks."

Tara: He had left me in two weeks?! I wasn't sad, I was angry. But none of it made sense, or did it? Rose had always been upset by Aiden and I's mushiness, had that really been jealousy? Had she been waiting for me to die just so she could move in on him?

M.V.: "Well, these two babies need their naps, but you should head back to your room," I smiled amusedly and two guards led her back.

Tara: I entered the concrete room to see Aiden and Rose on the floor, Rose all over him - crying into his shirt. If only looks could kill.


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Kidnapped  - Page 9 Empty Re: Kidnapped

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