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The Abandoned Toy Chest

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:15 pm

You know all those wonderfully brilliant characters you made, whose chats died?
Have you wondered where they all go? What happened to them and their stories?
Well, now you can finally see!

The Abandoned Toy Chest welcomes any charries that have been unsuccessful in the C.C. biz.
All characters, big or small!
With special abilities or not!
Old or young!
Villains or heroes!
Drunks or goody-two-shoes!

The only guideline: Absolutely NO power-playing/god-modding!

If you don't know what that means:


John: What a great first date this was, with Jane! We were sitting watching tv, taking things slow.


Jane: Suddenly, after a few commercials, John got down on one knee and proposed to me!

^See? The character of John did not belong to dumbledore2000, so they should not have wrote about John's actions. Because it's very rude and undermining and just plain annoying!
That was an extreme case, but I think you'll get the gist.

Picture (if you want):

Note: Everytime you add a new charrie, please add them to this page. That way others can use it for reference if there are lots of charries running around!


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:18 pm

*runs to find charries*
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:20 pm

Name: Dustin
Age: 10
What are you?: cute little street urchin
Appearence: shaggy blonde hair, slightly tattered clothes, always wears a paperboy hat that usually covers his eyes.
Note: He's cute, but very clever and sly. He's also very curious. He has a tendency to eavesdrop and spill out secrets to the rest of his little urchin buddies.

Name: Canary (her nickname)
Age: 13
What are you?: Pawn shop owner's daughter.
Appearence: Dirty blonde hair pulled back into a long braid, blue eyes, slender and graceful when she moves.
Note: She's sweet but knows how to stick up for herself. She keeps shop for her greedy father. She's nicknamed Canary because she can whistle like one.

I'm going to use the young versions in this one. to find more...
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:23 pm

Name: Calanthia Holmes
Age: 14
Appearence(Human): soft, mousy-brown hair that she keeps loose about her shoulders, large dark brown eyes, small feet, a little bit short. Innocent looking.
Appearence(Animal): Small, light brown-white soft fur, large eyes (well, for a rat)

Name: Russel Gilbert
Age: 16
Appearence(Human): black hair, looks quick and slinky like an alley cat, mischeivous smile, blue eyes
Appearence(Animal): sleek black fur, beady eyes, mouth almost looks like its grinning.
Note: He's a mischeivous, sly little rat. Literally.

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:27 pm

Name: Alice Phillips
Gender: female
Age: 16 (?)
Personality: Sarcastic, charming, a hopeless romantic.
Looks: Blonde ringlets and bright, blue eyes. Slender and proportionate.
Picture (if you want):
Background: Grew up in a rich family, with endless amounts of suitors. But she only wants one guy, and she knows she shouldn't - he's pyscho. Yet she loves him in a twisted sort of way.
Other: Has a twin named Violet, but Violet isn't an abandoned charrie as much as Alice is (lol).

Name: Iliana
Gender: female
Age: 17
Personality: Bitter, careful, a little OCD-seeming, tom boy.
Looks: Wavy blonde hair, a very straight greek-looking nose, and green eyes.
Picture (if you want):
Background: Her parents work for the FBI, and no one knows but her best friend, Jude.
Other: Isn't a people person, doesn't have many friends.

Name: Jared
Gender: male
Age: 15
Personality: Snarky, obnoxious, outgoing, loud.
Looks: Dark hair and tan skin, with brown eyes. High-ish cheekbones for a guy.
Picture (if you want):
Background: Used to have a gorgeous, popular girlfriend named Ashley, but she ditched him when she found out he was gay. And she ruined his life by spreading it around school.
Other: Gay

Name: Aubree
Gender: female
Age: ?
Personality: Bubbly, silly, a little immature
Looks: Warm brown hair, with side bangs, and liquid gold eyes.
Picture (if you want):
Background: *goes to find name for power*

Last edited by !nspired on Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:27 am; edited 2 times in total


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:29 pm

Name: Dorian 'Gray' Aldric
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: Dangerous, but restrained. A professional assassin to the core, doesn't seem to feel much emotion other then anger, and occationaly condescending amusement.
Looks: Jet black hair, silvery gray eyes. Semi muscular.
Background: Complicated... really complicated
Other: A habui (I'll explain later) weapon of choice is his pistol

Name: Alex Aldric
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality: A milder personality then Dorian's, but he enjoys killing as well. Basically does what Dorian tells him to do, but he might start developing his own personality, all he needs is a little push...
Looks: Same as Dorian's, they're twins
Picture (if you want):
Background: Same as Dorian's
Other: Habui

Name: Marley Aldric
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Personality: Outwardly, happy, funny, clever, and loves the Beatles with a passon. Great people person. But her inside might be a little darker, and she might have more secrets then anybody would expect...
Looks: Long brown hair, hazel eyes. Very short, and slim
Picture (if you want):
Background: Complicated
Other: Half sister to Dorian and Alex. Also a habui

Name: Simon Acton
Gender: Male
Age: 18 (?)
Personality: Charming, chivalrous. Or so everybody thinks
Looks: (forgot Razz so...) Short dirty blond hair, sharp green eyes
Picture (if you want):
Background: Serial killer, becomes obsessed with a girl and then kills her
Other: Spire's boyfriend

Name: Nellie
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Firey, a little uncontrolable, stubborn
Looks: Short red hair, grey eyes. Slim build
Picture (if you want):
Background: Street rat with her twin, Esther
Other: Has half of a heart shaped locket

Name: Esther
Gender: female
Age: 16
Personality: Quiet, but has a steady determination. Engaged to a jerk
Looks: Same as Nellie's
Picture (if you want):
Background: Same
Other: same

Name: Andrew Kase
Age: 17
Psychic Ability: Can lucid dream on will (exists in real life) astral project (doesn't exist) share dreams (doesn't exist) and some other cool stuff. Okay, doesn't make sense yet, but it will I swear. I'm just a lucid dreaming nerd
Appearance: Dirty blond hair, very light silver eyes
Other (if wanted):

Last edited by endellion on Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:30 pm

haha, my characters sound really boring now, but I SWEAR they're not


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:30 pm

Spire's boyfriend? lol.


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:30 pm

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:32 pm

xD yeah, I just had to put that.


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:33 pm

I have so many more that I could add. but I don't want millions.


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:37 pm

Me neither... dang, now I really want to put in Onyx... gah *resists* She the mute girl who has to write in her notepad to communicate Wanna start? Very Happy


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:38 pm

I didn't really pick a setting, soo...where should they be?
Maybe the Abandoned Toy Chest a mansion to them.
But it's kinda a doll house to us.
Does that make sense?
since their "toys"? Doll house? See?


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:40 pm

Dude, that's cool. One big mansion. Ironically, that's where A Walk Through Hell started off


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:41 pm

Ooh, I like that. It's awesome. Ooh! We should be allowed to break the fourth wall with them every now and then!
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:43 pm

Like we do in a Walk Through Hell?

In Walk Through, we have a Writer's Lounge where the Writers live and write


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:44 pm

I know, though I didn't mean to copy, sorry. Razz

I'll start in a second.

Each of them can have their own room.

First floor set up like this:

Dining room STAIRS ball
Kitchen LOBBY room

Second floor:

Library HALL living room/entertainment room

Third floor:

everyone's rooms

Fourth floor:

All glass, one big room. Can be used for art, practicing dance, etc.

Sound good?


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:44 pm

writer's lounge...? what?


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:46 pm

It's complicated, basically there is this large building where we write, eat cookies, talk, ect, and we write ourselves into it. Sometimes the characters even visit. And let's start!


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:51 pm

Okay. I guess they'll just be arriving or something? And Alice will still be British, though we might have to modernize the Victorian people...IDK it'll be tough how this works out, them all being from different eras.

Alice: Our family car pulled up to the mansion. It was so beautiful and white, not unlike my own. I wondered if Mother and Father had requested it be designed so I'd be comfortable. They'd be the types to do something like that, since they were so worried about me. Me and my broken heart. But I told them I was feeling better, Violet even believed me. I dragged my suitcase to the door and walked inside when I saw it was unlocked.

Iliana: The helicopter landed in the backyard of this new place, and I got out. "Bye mom, dad!" They didn't think people would question the helicopter...sometimes they were so dense. The helicopter blew my hair around, and I waved to it as they were lifted back into the sky.

Gabe: My mom fussed over me before letting me stumble out of the car. I wiped the lipstick from my cheek in disgust. She hoped this would be a "new beginning" for me. One where people might not judge me for being gay? I seriously doubted it.


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:58 pm

My arm was looped around Esther's, the flier to the house clenched tightly in my other fist. This was a beginning, a chance. Free room and board, plus I'm getting her away from Jace... for now... we arrived, and she looked at me nervously "Chill, Esther. This is going to be great"

I grabbed my tool kit, and looped one end of the rope around my waist. Then I tossed the other to a point on the roof. Perfect. This was risky in the day time, but I was literally starving, and feeling stupid. So I carefully scaled the side of the house, inching the window open at the top and pushing the screen cover out


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:59 pm

Dustin ran through the halls, gaping at the elaborate...everything. He tugged Canary by the hand. "C'mon, c'mon, I wanna see my room!"

Canary chuckled and tugged out of his grasp. "Wait, Dustin, I want to see who else is here..."

Dustin frowned and stuck his tongue out. "You're no fun."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Jacky K. Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:01 pm

Dustin dashed to a random room and swung the door open. "Woah..." a slow grin spread on his face. The place was huge. Then his smile dissapeared as he saw some girl in the window. "Who're you?!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

Posts : 9632
Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:02 pm

Iliana: There was a sign near the entryway, we were all - everyone in the mansion - supposed to have lunch together. That ought to be interesting! I climbed the stairs to the third floor, where the bedrooms were supposedly. I looked for mine, which was marked with a silver plate that had my name on it. Cool. I walked inside, and it was just like mine at home. Hmmm...


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:03 pm

Alice: I took off my heels halfway up to the third floor. Why were the bedrooms so high up?! I pushed open the door to my room. Looked like mine at home, but Violet wouldn't be here. So it was only half my room at home. How very curious.


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The Abandoned Toy Chest Empty Re: The Abandoned Toy Chest

Post by Sponsored content

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