the Character Chat Revolution
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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:28 pm

So, this is the "fresh page" for the dead Character Chat!!!!!!!! chat. Here ya go! New story, starting over.

Attention: this chat is mainly for those who were in the Character Chat!!!!!!! chat: Black&White, Jacky K, Winter Dragon, Toxic Miracle, Endellion, and BeautifulOutcast4212. If you really REALLY really wanna join, ask...but just know that this was intended for those people. We would love to chat with you in other chats, however Very Happy


So, uh...we're just kinda winging this one. So far we've got that they find themselves on an island...yeah...we'll work details out soon.

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Echo Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:34 pm

Lmao Jacky xD

Name: Peter
Age: 16
Gender: Guy
Appearance: You know this Razz
Other: He's a bonder, yadda yadda

Name: Senet
Age: 17
Gender: Guy
Appearance: You know zees Razz
Other: He's a French bonder, yadda yadda

Name: Leslie...just go with that
Age: She looks 16, but she's really 525
Gender: Gal
Appearance: Fiery red hair, thick bangs, fair skin, green eyes, average height, lean build, wears white t-shirt, jeans, and gray sneakers
Other: Shouldn't come up unless anyone else here is immortal
Winter Dragon

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:03 pm

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Age: 14
Gender: female
Appearance: I'm pretty sure we all know this
Other: Likewise with this. She's sort of a chat hog

Marley: "Hey!"


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:07 pm

Name: Cricket
Age: 14
Gender: If you don't know this at this point, you shouldn't be in this chat...
Appearence: Same applies here.
Other: See above.

Name: Finn
Age: 14-16
Gender: *facepalm*
Appearence: Seriously, all you really need to look at is the name...
Other: One word. Amnesia. If you don't remember this much, you have it.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:08 pm

I like how so far, we're all too lazy to make legit character sheets xDDD


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:30 pm

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Echo Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:43 pm

Hehe. I sorta did one for Leslie since not everybody here is too familiar with her, but it wasn't nearly as detailed as I usually make them Razz
Winter Dragon

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:12 pm

hmmmmm....making going to see who fits in best...

Name: October AKA Wolf
Age: 19
Gender: F
human - tallish, around 5'6''. fair skin, lightly freckled across her nose. Dark blue eyes, sort of steel-ly. Dark brown, almost black, slightly wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders in layers. She wears a light white dress that goes to just above the knee and a guy's forest green sweatshirt with tan fuzz inside.
wolf - jet black fur, icy blue eyes. sort of built like a fox and a wolf combined. long and sleek, but slightly muscled and powerful. when her instinct is in control her eyes change to yellow.
Other: if you couldnt tell, werewolf. first changed when she was six without a bite, lived as a wolf for three years and has struggled with a bad blood lust ever since. though she tries to fight her wolf's instinct, she sometimes fails. She's very cautious around people for this reason, quiet so as not to draw attention but not shy. It takes a lot to anger her but when she does its not pretty.
Theme song:

Name: Faylinn Courier
Age: eh...15
Gender: F
Appearance: shorter, 5'4'' er so. light olive skin, clouded eyes (cuz she's blind). Curly amber hair that end at her shoulder blades. bangs.
Other: simplifying her down a bit for this one for those that have chatted with her before. Sort of another two in one deal. She's got a ghost pal that she can hear and see, named Isabella. She's a black cat with bright green eyes, but with a thorned tail like a rose. Sort of Fay's mother figure. Fay was found on her own, no past records on her whatsoever. runs from whoever shelters her the next day. very mysterious... 0.0 She draws though (somehow) cryptic images that she can't identify where they come from. childish in nature, keeps to herself. Doesn't talk much to those she doesn't know, and even if she does know you she won't talk much anyway. Mostly communicates by writing messages in her ever present sketchbook. Win a smile out of her and you know she likes you.
Theme Song:

ah theme i love finding you in my free time...

Last edited by Black&White on Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:43 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:00 am

Name: Finch
Gender: M
Appearance: tiny, reddish blonde hair, always has a smudge of dirt on his face. Bright, intelligent, brown eyes, unyielding loyalty to Milo who is like a big brother to him. As his name suggests he has bird like features (light limbed blahblah) and he loves being in high places
hes a little underdeveloped as a charrie, so we'll see how things go.

Name: Milo
Age: 18
Gender: M
Appearance: not even going to bother.
Other: Urban Jungle Cyborg Rebel Leader. Yep.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:54 pm

A white-haired teenage boy lay knocked out in the sand, soaked to the skin and covered in sand. The waves lapped at his feet as a shadow covered his face. A tiny silhouette bent over him and flicked his forehead. "Yo! Mi!" he called, his young voice ringing out clearly through the murky place that was Milo's consciousness. The older boy put his hand on the others face, his palm completely covering his small face, and pushed him away. Finch laughed and kicked sand into Milo's face "Wake up stupid!" Milo spat and sputtered as he rolled up onto his feet, managing to grab Finch by the scruff in the same motion. They both looked sternly at each other for a moment longer before bursting into fits of laughter. After looking around Milo sobered up. "Where are we?"

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:16 pm

I mumble in my sleep, dreams plaguing me. A cold sweat breaks out over me and I shiver despite the heat of the sun above me, the refreshing waters lapping at my side until a stronger wave comes and soaks me. I gasp awake, eyes the yellow of the wolf. Throat's so dry, hunger apparent to me. The wolf rising for a second then disappearing again, my eyes turning back to steal blue. I'm looking out at water, the smell pungent to my nose. Beneath me is...sand... A beach? The...the ocean... How did I...get to the ocean...I should be back in the forest...

I don't like walking in sand. I don't like /sand/ in general. It gets everywhere. /Everywhere/. And that's not fun for a blind girl... Not fun at all.
"Come on, child. Keep up." Isabella walks in front of me, her thorned tail swaying as she saunters. It looks so /easy/ for a ghost.
"Where are we going, exactly?" I murmur. I don't want to walk anymore. Walking is pointless if you don't have a destination. And I lost my sketchbook in the water. My expression turns sad a moment as Isabella turns back to me, pausing at my look. If a cat could look concerned, she probably would right now.
"To the shade. You're starting to redden," she says softly, switching directions. I follow her until the intensity of the sun is suddenly blocked and she circles around a spot. I sit on...the log she pointed out before she circles around again and jumps up beside me. "We'll rest a while, alright?"
I give a small smile. "Thank you, Isabella," i whisper, wishing I could touch her. Though those thorns don't look too pleasing to do so.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:38 pm

The Bell Tower must have been flooding again. I didn't remember falling asleep with my feet's never something pleasant to wake up to. I groaned, opening my eyes...sand? "Igh." I rolled over and sat up, brushing the stuff off my face. What? When'd we get on a beach? Tide was coming in, creeping up past my ankles. I pushed myself to my feet, glancing around. Oi look...a black dot. "Crick?" I stumbled over. "Crick! Ah...when'd we get 'ere?"

"WHY is it so BRIGHT?" Cricket was lying on his back, looking

"It's called th' 'aven't seen it in a while." I held out a hand to help him up. "C'mon, let's see if we can figure out why we're 'ere."

He stood and shook his head like a dog, sending sand flying. "A'right. So...why're we on a beach?"

I was used to that. It took Cricket at least an hour after he woke up to start listening.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Echo Tue Jul 19, 2011 12:32 am


It was that weird point between sleeping and awake where you're half-dreaming, half-taking in the outside world. I felt some gentle warmth rising up around me, coating my back and sides briefly before pulling away. And again...and back.

It wasn't until the waves had pushed ashore several more times before I realized that I was surrounded by water.

My eyelids shot open, and I scampered backwards away from the water's edge. I pulled my knees up to my chest, staring for a moment at the hideous stuff that kept trying to chase me further up the beach. Because this was a beach, after least, I thought it was. I looked up and down the shoreline for confirmation. Beige sand, seashells...

"Senet!" I called, getting to my feet and running over to him. The sand was packed and solid here since I was so close to the water. Ugh...the water. I reached Senet and knelt by his side. Aiolï was still here, so he was still energy seemed in visible injuries... "Senet?" I asked, shaking his shoulder lightly.

"...Ah?" he murmured, blinking his blue eyes open. "Qu'est-ce qu'il--"

"I don't know," I answered. "We're on a beach...somewhere. I don't see the rest of the team. Are you alright?"

Senet rose, shaking sand out of his hair.

"Ouais, I'm fine," he replied. The two of us got up. "Oh, you'hre all wet!"

"Don't remind me," I grumbled. "So, our first order of business is to find out where we are. Let's start walking."
Winter Dragon

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:14 pm


I just sort of accepted that this was some wierd dream. I wasn't quite awake yet . . . and it was hot . . . and there was sand all over me. If I'd had a choice I would have dropped back down and fallen asleep. But instead, I just followed Finn numbly.

"Wait . . . you see that?"

"See what?"

"Someone's way over there, I think . . . See that figure?"

I squinted. "Ah. Aye. Figure. Lovely. Can I go back t' sleep now?"

" 'EY!" Finn called, waving a hand.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:18 pm

A call, far off. "Who is it?"
Isabella's leaning past me to see. Blackness for all but a cat with green eyes, floating next to me. It's weird to see nothing of the world but for that. "Two boys. They look to be in the same predicament as we are."
"Lovely..." I murmur. People involved talking without my notebook. I didn't like talking to people.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:31 pm


I brushed the sand off my face and combed the beach over, looking for anything that could be useful. That would range from other people's prints to salvageable pieces of driftwood. Nothing, nothing, nothing. "C'mon Finch." I said my voice raspy from all the sea-water I had probably swallowed. "Lets see whats on this island."

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:41 pm

Can i join Please?


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:42 pm

The constant sound of the waves drones anything else out, sort of giving me a headache. I take a breath, moving along the treeline to get some shelter from the sun. Still, the humidity is pressing, tiring me out, half the reason I don't shift. A black fur coat wouldn't help anything...

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Guest Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:45 pm

(( Can i join please?)


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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:51 pm

mmmm, its up to all of us


I push vine out of my way as I head into the thick of the jungle. We needed to get to high ground. From there it would be easier to see the shape of the island, and possibly make-out a spot on the beach that would serve as a good camp. Sweat dripped into my eyes as we pushed forward. I felt like I was pulling every breath in through a thick wool blanket. Suddenly my ears pricked up at a small sound to my right. Crouching to the ground I pulled Finch down along with me, putting a finger to my lips and motioning to the area the noise had come from. We waited patiently for a moment before a girl stepped out in front of us, about 10 feet away. We're not alone then. I thought before getting to my feet. "Hey!"

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:02 pm


We'd love to let you join, but this is more of an old-timer's chat. If you feel that you can write productive, interesting posts (no one-liners), have good character development, and the works, you can join. If you feel that you need a bit more practice, then we'd love to chat with you in other open chats Smile But originally, this chat was created for the chatters who were in the original CC!!!!! chat.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:03 pm

I'm not used to being surprised. Ever. The sound of waves is playing with my hearing though. But so close? My teeth sharpen behind my lips, ready in case of attack. But they're just humans... I force my wolf down again, stopping and looking into the trees where they were.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:13 pm


I forced down a sudden spark of suspicion that had risen within me. Not really understanding why I pushed Finch behind my back and took a step forward with my hands in clear sight. She looked a bit tense and I didn't want to scare her off. "Did you wake up mysteriously on the beach wondering where the hell you were as well?" I asked glad to hear the steady banter-ish tone my voice always took instead of the salt roughened one that had previously escaped my lips.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:24 pm

"Yes," I answer evenly. Now that they're here I can notice their sounds. The beat of their heart and the ragged breathing from the humid air. How did I get from the woods in north eastern america to tropical deserted island? Seems these two have a similar question in their heads.

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Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr. Empty Re: Character Chat!!!!!!!!! Jr.

Post by Toxic Miracle Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:39 pm


Name: Sparrow Young
Age: 17 3/4?
Gender: Purple.
Appearence: AWESOME. Or badass. Whatever you prefer.
Other: Stuborn little bitch with a bad attitude and a cursing problem. w00t.

Name: Angel Torque
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearence: I'm just a dude. Its whatever.
Other: Razz

Last edited by Toxic Miracle on Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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