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Intoxication (the band)

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:34 pm

(that's fine!)
(yes, that's fine. By LAFS they're not even in school anymore. I'll try to add some stuff too. If I power play, call me out on it.)

Ryan: I glanced over at Kelsey. "How you doing, Kels?"

Evan: Meli was quiet. I'd always liked that about her. Of all the three girls, she was probably the one I liked the most. We'd had a few classes together, but we didn't talk much.

(haha a crush on Shane? cool cool. I think Evan's interested in Meli.)

Shane: I nodded at Annika. I thought that was her name, at least. "Looking through some songs," I said. "Trying to decide what to practice on first."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:37 pm

(but they're in school now...right? I mean, they'd kinda have to be.
And okay-doke, call me out if I do it, too. I don't want to be a you-know-who Razz)

Kelsey: I glanced up from what I was writing in my notebook. "Oh, I'm doing good. You?"

Meli: I tested out a few chords on my guitar, trying out the sound system in here. Ooh, it sounded really good.

(yesh, but I want the best friendship with Ryan, too. I hate when chats become just romantic-relationships. I think I've told you that, though)

Annika: "That's cool. Did you write them?" I bit my lip, watching him.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:41 pm

(Yes. For now, I think. Because they're not famous. It's their first practice.)
(lol. I will.)

Ryan: "I'm fantastic. What are you doing there?"

Evan: She sounded good. I wondered who was better, her or Shane. I glanced over at Ryan talking to Kelsey. I really didn't like Ryan for some reason.

(taking over Paul's role Razz)

(Me too. I hope that doesn't happen here. I think Annika and Ryan are meshing well.)

Shane: I nodded. "Yeah. I don't really like playing covers."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:45 pm

Kelsey: "Making notes. Like where everyone's setting up and such. I think I'll try to preset some things for our next practice, to make it easier." I tilted my notebook so Ryan could see.

(Evan doesn't like Ryan? D:)

Meli: I caught Evan looking at me out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked up he had looked away. Huh. I went back to practicing.

(OOH ^ignore my stupidness in the parenthesis up there, then x))

(Yeah, me too. Very Happy I can't really seem them together-together, though...maybe? I don't know. Love triangle? XD )

Annika: "I don't, either. I mean...I don't like singing them, I don't play an instrument, obviously." Crap. I couldn't even get one sentence right around him. I was fine around Ryan, what the heck?


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:49 pm

Ryan: "Ah," I said. "Very good idea. Thanks for doing that."


Shane: I laughed. "Vocals is an instrument."

Evan: "Are we starting?" I asked.

(I dunno. Back when he was Max...this is hard to explain. I think he'd be cool with not ending up with someone too.)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:55 pm

Kelsey: "I'm the assistant, it's kind of what I'm supposed to do. But thanks, anyway." I smiled.

Annika: "I guess you could /say/ it is."

Kelsey: "Shane can say..."

(No, lol! I meant Annika/Shane/Ryan)
(I like the Evan/Meli combo)


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:56 pm

Ryan: I shrugged. "Sure."

Shane: "Hm? Oh. Yeah. Let's get started. Mind if I play first?"

(They can play the song from the first chapter of LAFS.)

(Ohhh. What about Kelsey? D:)
(I think it could work Razz we'll see. Evan eventually gets back with someone he knew from when he was Max, though, which is why he leaves D15S)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:59 pm

(what does he mean by play first? -not good with music terms, apparently?-)

(That's true, then she'd be alone. But I'd only want her to match with someone if they seemed to go well together. Her parents would not approve of her dating a black guy, though. Just saying, they're a very racist set of parents :O but the practicing won't be a problem, since they work a lot)
(Okay-doke. But D15S isn't in this chat.. xD)


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:01 pm

(Like he shows them the song, because they can't completely read his mind. Especially since there's a vocalist.)
(True. Hm. Shane-Annika-Ryan it is for now. Kelsey could always date someone outside the band.)
(Yup. Just throwing it out there so you know a bit more about him. He's complicated. rawr.)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:04 pm

(Ohh got it, lol)

Annika: "That's fine." I shrugged, and went to sit with the others.

Meli: I nodded and took the empty seat by Evan.

Kelsey: I was excited to hear the first song they were going to try, and sat back in my seat.

(Yesh, indeed it is. Lol, I like how we're planning it ahead xD we hardly ever plan with B+D. And yesh, she could. She's kinda lonerish...she doesn't fit in with these artsy music folk, though she wishes she did. so she forces it a little)
(RAWR complicated is always fun)


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:35 pm

(haha! Well, we do plan B+D, haha. Alright, at least Kelsey's not completely lonely.)

Shane: I played the song, hoping they would like it. I still didn't have a name for it, but whatever.

Ryan: About halfway through, I figured out the chords and started trying to follow him.

Evan: I decided to let him finish the song and not join in for now.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:51 pm

(Well sometimes. And yeah. Razz)

Annika: The song seemed good so far.

Meli: I would wait, too. I didn't like becoming any sort of the focus of attention.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:53 pm

(just a tiny bit.)

Shane: When I finished, I said, "What do you think?"

Ryan: "Not bad. Sounds like a good first song for us to work on."
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:54 pm

Annika: "It sounded..." Amazing. Awesome. Super great. "Good."

Meli: "Are we going to try it now? Altogether?" I asked.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:56 pm

Shane: I nodded and passed out song sheets to everyone; I'd made copies earlier. "Let's take it from the top."

Evan: "Should I do a count in on my sticks?" I demonstrated by beating out four beats.

Shane: "Yeah, sure."

Evan: I beat my sticks together four times and hoped everyone else entered at the right time.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:57 pm

Annika: I went to the microphone and looked over the music quickly. When he counted us in I began to sing.

Meli: I tried to come in on time, I think I did okay.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:00 pm

Ryan: I did a few riffs here and there as experiments. I butchered the one from verse 1 to chorus, but I fixed it the next time around.

Evan: When we got to the bridge, I drummed with as much intensity as I possibly could.

(Is it okay if Shane sings too?)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:02 pm

Meli: It was a little hard to keep up, I wasn't a fast learner, but I tried.

(sure. I had Annika do it because we have her listed as singer, but I don't really care)


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:04 pm

(No I mean I think having a male and a female singer would be good because one could harmonize Razz especially since Shane is an awful harmonizer.)

Shane: While Meli played chords (assuming here since that's usually what backing does) I did a riff between bridge back to the chorus.

Evan: I quieted my drumming a little.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:05 pm

(lol, yeah that makes sense -nods-)

Meli: I wondered what it was like to play lead guitar. I'd rather be more in the background, anyway, though.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:06 pm

(lol I think backing is harder than leading, but that's just me.)

Shane: We got near the end. My voice shook a little on the word "me," but we eventually somehow managed to end somewhat together.

(sorry if I power played there. if you want it differently, let me know.)
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:07 pm

(exactly why she'd rather)
(how did you powerplay? :o I didn't notice anything)

Annika: I noticed Shane's voice shaking, but I wouldn't ask about it. I had a feeling he was the type that didn't like personal questions.


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:10 pm

(lol Razz)
(by saying they actually ended together.)

Ryan: "Not bad for our first rehearsal..."

Evan: I nodded.
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:15 pm

(oh, lol, that's not really powerplay)

Annika: "Not at all." I jumped down from the stage happily.

Meli: I shrugged and began putting away my guitar. It was probably almost time to leave, even though it felt like we hadn't been here long.

Kelsey: I hopped up from my seat. "Great job everyone! When's our next rehearsal?"


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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

Post by Jelsa Mepsey Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:16 pm

(making sure! xD)

Shane: I frowned. "That's all we're gonna do today? I was thinking we could maybe work on the transitions a little bit."

Evan: I shrugged.

Ryan: "We don't have to practice more yet. This was more of a test, right?"
Jelsa Mepsey
Jelsa Mepsey

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Intoxication (the band) - Page 2 Empty Re: Intoxication (the band)

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