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The Academy Is...

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The Academy Is... Empty The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:42 pm

Deep in the country, a new school has been opened. A school for the "gifted" kids, the kids with powers. They face the obvious trials of high school, like crushes, dating, lost identity, and serious betrayal. But, because of the slightly unheard of organization that the school is, they are also subject to murderers ransacking the school, fires burning rampant, brimming memories from fights past, and much more.


My charries:

Name: Drew Cohen
Age: Looks about 17, but is really immortal and a lot older then that.
Gender: Male
~hair: Black skater cut tends to fall into his eyes.
~eyes: sparkling blue-green eyes.
~build: tall and broad shoulders. Lean, slightly defined muscles.
~skin: olive tone skin.
~other: wears a leather jacket most of the time.
Powers/species: Reality Bender (oh, how I longed to use this again…) make illusions in peoples minds, is ageless, can heal some minor injuries really fast and some major ones over a couple nights, can freeze time for brief periods, and a couple other things that I cant remember.
He CANNOT: read or control minds or emotions, teleport, move things with his mind, heal others.
Personality: you’ll see once I remember…
Other: protective of his close friends. Won’t hurt anyone unless he absolutely needs to.

Name: Anastasia Kollan
Age: 16
Gender: female
~hair: Dark auburn red hair
~eyes: vivid green eyes with grey hints
~build: above average height. Looks slightly athletic.
~skin: pale-olive tone with freckles going around her nose.
~other: wears the elbow high sleeves with thumb holes. Hides her self inflicted scars on her wrists from a couple years back.
Powers/species: can cause people pain when she touches them and absorbs some of their power/energy for a couple minutes. Can also hear the surface thoughts of people around her.
Personality: shy and closed off. Hates hurting people.
Other: Is scared that she will kill someone with her powers so she doesn’t use them often.


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Join date : 2010-10-08

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:14 pm

Name: Kalkaia Pierce
Age: 17
Gender: Male
~hair: Raven black, skater-ish cut
~eyes: Dee, bright green
~build: Tall and lean, hard muscles, strong
~skin: Coppery tan
~other: n/a
Powers/species: Fear Being- He creates immense, uncombatable fear in peoples heads. It's actually psychosymatic.
Personality: Sarcastic, egotistical, kind to friends, extremely pigheaded
Other: He isn't actually as mean as he acts, he just puts on shows. He's not that into dating, but if he likes a girl, she'll know it.

Name: Arlo Windsor
Age: Um... Ageless, but he looks 17-18
Gender: Male
~hair: Deep blonde, golden hair
~eyes: They change between deep gold and a silvery white.
~build: Tall and lean, built for speed and agility
~skin: Lightly, and I mean LIGHTLY, tanned.
~other: n/a
Powers/species: Angel, he can infiltrate minds and create mental sheilds. Mental powers don't effect him
Personality: Sweet and quiet, good, determined
Other: In certain light, some people think they can see a tarnished halo over his head.

Name: Arcadian Nash
Age: 16
Gender: Female
~hair: Long, wavy blonde hair, normally down
~eyes: Bright blue, long and dark lashes
~build: Medium height, slightly curvy
~skin: Fair skin, almost always has a blush on her cheeks, but sometimes it's just sunburn.
~other: High cheekbones and full lips. The stereotypical American girl...
Powers/species: Shadow manipulator, basically what it sounds like.
Personality: Honest and skeptical of nearly everything, she's also cautious.
Other: Not a whole lot...

Name: Lucia Blackwell
Age: 16
Gender: Female
~hair: Sort of a face framing cut, dark chestnut brown, side-swept bangs.
~eyes: Unwavering, stoney grey eyes, fringed with lots of lashes
~build: Small and petite
~skin: Pale, no freckles
~other: nose stud and full lips.
Powers/species: Soul stealer, but it's unintentional. She can see into people's souls and steal them if she wants, but she normally doesn't.
Personality: Slightly rebellious and stubborn, she's also a loyal friend, even under hard circumstances.
Other: She's sort of Arlo's best friend...

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:31 pm

Anastasia walked around the campus, looking around as she walked. She started walking backwards as she looked around campus and ended up running into Arlo and bracing her hand against his arm to steady herself. This was a mistake on her part because her fingers brush against his skin and she felt a strong surge of his powers.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:45 pm

Arlo felt the twinge of her powers surge through him, but didn't feel the pain that should have come with it. It was all a mental thing, like what Kalkaia did. Something that wouldn't effect him. Otherwise, he didn't have a power, really. Except for the mind reading and blocks, which he had up now.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:50 pm

"I am so sorry...I didnt see you there. You ok?" Anastasia asked frantically, taking a step away from him. "I...I'm sorry." She hated her powers and that she hurt people with them. But did she actually hurt him?

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:52 pm

Arlo cocked an eyebrow up at the girl with a worried smile. "Sorry for what? Tripping into me? That was just an honest mistake," he said, shrugging it off.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:58 pm

Drew walked around the lake and sat down, dipping his feet in and relaxing. He was ready for another interesting year.

Anastasia blinked a couple times. "I...I didnt hurt you when i touched you?" She asked carefully. Thats what she was apologizing for. Not for running into him.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:00 pm

Arlo shook his head. "Nope, not even a little," he chuckled. "Is that why you were being all worried?" He asked.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:04 pm

Anastasia nodded slowly and relaxed some. "Yeah, it was." She admitted shyly. "Ready for another year here?" She had been living here for the past two years, after almost killing her 'normal' sister.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:12 pm

Arlo nudged her with his shoulder. "Takes a whole lot to hurt me," he said with a half grin. "And I'm definitely ready for another year here," he said, grinning. He had cme here on hs own accord. The thrills of human life weren't enough for him.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:17 pm

Anastasia took a step back from him as he nudged her, still nervous that she will hurt him. "Did you hear about the new kid that came? That Drew kid...rumor is that he is...interesting." To say the least.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:24 pm

Lucia leaned against her locker, her hands busy finishing a rubix cube... Again. She shoved the plastic toy into her locker and sighed. It was already boring. She really wished something interesting would happen today.

Arlo nodded. "Yeah, I've heard, but I don't see anything that interesting," he said, sounding a little bit bored about the topic.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:45 pm

"Dont find him interesting? I think you are the first person so far out of the whole school who hasnt." Anastasia laughed lightly. This guy was a legend. A reality bender. IT was like Harry Potter going to their school, only way cooler.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:50 pm

(You make him sound like something to be worshipped... Of course my characters aren't going to be impressed by him.)

Arlo shrugged. "Well, just sounds like another kid who thinks that they're all that," he said, scrunching his nose. "That was like all of us at first... But, I'm sure everyones opinions will shrink soon enough," he said.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:00 pm

(thats only anastasia's way of thinking. The teachers will treat him as a normal student.)

"True." Anastasia nodded. "What are you exited for this year?" She asked him, putting her hands into her pockets.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:04 pm

Arlo pursed his lips and shrugged. "Everything," he said. "I've missed the drama." It was true. Everything was so orderly and nice in the council.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:06 pm

Anastasia nodded and looked at the school building. "I want to be able to learn how to control these stupid powers of mine." She muttered softly. "I hope that this year will help." Its what she looked foreward to all summer.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:12 pm

Arlo smiled. "I've been working all summer long on harnessing mine," he said. He was really good, but still pretty far from having them mastered. Maybe another year and a half and he would have them mastered.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:15 pm

"I just want to stop hurting people when i touch them." Anastasia sighed. That was her main goal. To be able to hold someones hand and not nearly kill them.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:20 pm

"You can touch me," Arlo said. He realized how that might have sounded. "I-I mean... You're able to touch me without hurting or killing me," he smiled a little awkwardly.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:22 pm

Anastasia blushed at his akward phrasing and forced a light hearted laugh. "Yeah, but thats only because you're powers block it." SHe pointed out.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Avery Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:24 pm

"Exactly," Arlo said, with one nod. He rolled his back and yawned a little. The council wasn't very approving of him being here, especially because he was only half an angel.

Last edited by Avery on Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Momo13 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:25 pm

"I want to have enough control to stop hurting anyone who i touch...if thats even possible with my powers," sighed Anastasia. For all she knew, it may not be possible for her. But that wouldnt stop her from trying.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Kara Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:04 pm

Name: Leada Sampson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
~hair: Dark brown with light blonde highlights. It's wavy and goes to the middle of her back.
~eyes: Blue eyes, but her left one has an obvious fleck of green in it.
~build: She's of normal hight and skinny. She has slightly toned muscles in her arms and tummy from running so much.
~skin: Tanned.
~other: You'll never catch Leda without her necklace. It has a heart shaped locket, a key, a peanut charm, and a quarter hanging on it.
Powers/species: She can control the Water element, but only slightly. She's hoping that she can get stronger and do more than just make it rain.
Personality: She keeps to herself a lot of the time, but she'll always stand up for what she believes in. And no matter how she comes across, she is not shy.
Other: Leada had a twin (which is why her eyes are like they are. That happens with twins sometimes.) when she was younger. On their tenth birthday though, they were in a boating accident. Their mother was only able to get to Leada in time, but by the time she got to her sister, it was already too late.


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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Academy Is... Empty Re: The Academy Is...

Post by Kara Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:52 pm

Leada was breathing hard, her chest tight and burning. She ran around the perimeter of the lake, her music blaring in her ears.

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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