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The Facility

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:59 pm

((I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KILLED HER!!! GOD.... So, now Moira and Brandon and searching for a way to bring her back, or for revenge on Kyle?))


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:10 pm

Jesse looked down and glanced at the headstone, watching it for a long moment. "Jesse," he finally murmered, pulling his knees to his chest slowly as if he was just readjusting himself into a more comfortable position. In all reality it was to give him a slight bit of comfort. He wasn't sure what to say next and wasn't exactly sure whether or not he wanted to even talk. But...if the girl, Kirsty...wanted to talk...then he could at least try...right?


A few days had passed since the boy had found Kylia in the hallway and helped her back to her nest. Her wings were looking a bit better, at least they were now put back where they were supposed to be. She was still missing large pieces in her wings though, which made her sad. For harpies, their wings were the most important things. It was what made you attractive, not your body. Kylia sat in a corner in one of the halls, making sure to keep out of sight as she wrapped her broken wings around herself and cried silently. She'd be lucky if she ever flied again.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:27 pm

Kristy gave a hesitant smile, her eyes curios but shy. "I.." She glanced at the headstone and bit her lip. "You must have been close." Her eyes scanned the stone and she froze, reading the name again to double check. couldn't be. Shaking her head a little she pushed the thought from her head and focused on the boy. Her sister couldn't be here. Couldn't be dead. It wasn't possible.

Dante wondered the halls, her hands stuck deep in his pockets as he considered his options. He could try his last plan again, it had almost worked before that big ice storm had acted up. Sighing he shook his head then glared at the strand of hair that fell in his face. Letting out a puff of air he watched it blow out of his way and smirked a little before going back to his thoughts. Escape. That was what he was always planning. A way out of this miserable hole.

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:13 pm

Kylia sat in her corner silently crying. In an attempt to comfort herself, she began to sing softly thinking she was alone. Her voice carried through the halls, soft and graceful.

"I was so unique
Now I feel skin deep
Count on the make-up
to cover it all

Crying myself to sleep
'cause I can not keep their attention
Thought I could be strong,
but it's killing me

Can someone hear my cry?
I'm dying for new life

I wanna be beautiful,
make you stand in awe
look inside my heart
and be amazed

I want to hear you say,
who I am is quite enough
Just wanna be worthy of love
and beautiful... "


Jesse took a deep breath and gave a small nod. "I loved her," he murmered, his eyes falling back onto the letters so intricatly carved into the stone. "She killed herself...I was trying to find a way to save her...ghosts controlled her when she wasn't in the light....I left her for five minutes...." He felt his heart tear once again as he kept back the tears and any other emotion that might leak through his stone dead pressance.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:13 am

Dante froze, a soft voice caring his attention and leading him towards the doors tat were only feet away. His eyes strained up into the rafters the moment he stepped inside the room, searching for the one who made such a beautiful noise. In his mind a thought strained to be heard, one that whispered perhaps the voice was the same as he'd heard before, that it was the girl, but he pushed it aside and walked further into the room. That voice.....

Kristy bit her lip, one of her hands moving up to brush her hair away from hee face as she considered her next words carefully. "I had a sister. She tried to jump off a bridge one day, she said that the ghosts told her to. I stopped her and told our parents. She was sent away." She didn't know how the words were spose to help him but she had known she need to say them. She bit her lip a little harder and watched him with hesitant eyes, hoping she hadn't said the wrong thing.

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:20 am

Jesse watched the stone, quiet as he took in her words. It was amazing that he took them in at all. "Kalya tried to jump off a bridge before she came here," he murmered. He didn't know where that was suppose to go, but at least he had some connection with this girl. Kristy.

Kylia continued to sing, curled up in the corner on the floor. The words brought a bittersweet sorrow to her heart. She did want to be beautiful. She didn't feel beautiful with her wings so torn, so battered. She felt as ugly as they looked. She wanted to be loved...but Brandon hadn't even given her a second thought since they had slept together. She felt utterly alone.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:31 am

Kristy hesitated, wrapping her arms around herself a little tighter and staring at the stone, a lump starting to form in her throat. "My brother tried to kill himself too. Tried burning the house down when no one was home. I guess we're a messed up lot. " she couldn't help but say the name in her mind. Kalya. It couldn't be her. No her.....

Dante searched desprately for a way to get up, to find the beautiful voice. Finding none he almsot hesitated, the small voice in his mind warning him that the song wasn't a good thing. Once again ignoring the voice he closed his eyes and for a moment seemed to glow a soft white, the outline of large white wings forming against his back then solidifying to a pair of snowy wings. Smiling he leapt into the air and searched the rafters for the beautiful voice.

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:39 am

Kylia's voice faltered slightly, the tears falling slowly down her cheeks. Her song switched, barely noticing the sound of wings as she laid in the corner of her nest.

"They say that falling in love is wonderful
It's wonderful, so they say.
And with a moon up above it's wonderful
It's wonderful, so they tell me.
I can't recall who said it
I know I never read it
I only know that falling in love is grand
And the thing that's known as romance
Is wonderful, wonderful
In every way
So they say "


"Cole can light things on fire," Jesse murmered, looking almost as out of it as he felt. Tears sprung to his eyes as his head dropped, no longer able to stare at the headstone. "I love you, Jesse" Kalya's voice echoed in his mind.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:49 am

Dante managed to find her, landing on the side oh her area and watching her for a moment, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it before letting the song overcome him again and stepping forwards. Its hold was weak however still, and he stood there awkwardly, still drawn yet reluctant to lay a hand on her as he wanted to. "You're a beautiful Singer."

Kristy couldn't help it then, a sob catching in her throat as she stared at the stone. Cole...Kalya...they're were here. Kalya was dead...dead and still hating her she bet. Her sister...was...dead..... "Kalya..." The broken name escaped her lips as she fell to her knees , keeping her arms around herself as she leaned over. Tears slipping from her cheeks to the ground.

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:53 am

Jesse looked over at her, his brow furrowing. He wondered why she was crying, but didn't ask. He just turned back to face the headstone and sat there. Silent and dead. "Did...did you know her?" he asked in a broken voice.

Kylia jumped and looked up, her face tear stained. Her eyes were slightly wide as she stared at Dante. "Th-thank you," she murmered, brushing the tears from her face as best she could. He wasn't affected by her singing?


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:09 am

Dante hesitated, folding his wings against his back but not sending them away as he watched her. He almost let out an audible sigh when she stooped singing, the last of the temptations of the song leaving him. "I don't believe I introduced myself before, " he said with a smile, reaching out a hand to take hers. "My name is Dante Torres. "

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:14 am

Kylia watched him for a long moment before taking his hand. "Kylia...just Kylia," she said softly, her eyes searching his and his body. He had wings. He was...he was beautiful. She was so tempted to see what she could do to him with her song. She wanted him, her harpie side wanted him. "What are you?"


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:15 am

((And in comes Moira!))

Moira stormed through the halls, vines and enormous blocks of earth ripping into the walls. Tears glistened in her eyes, but she was seeing red. She was going to find Kyle. Find him, and show him exactly what happened when you didn't help people like Kayla. She was going to make him pay for his selfishness and cowardice. "Kyle!" she shouted, balling her fists. "Come out and face me like a man!"


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:27 am

Kyle is a very heavy sleeper....he is still his room...she is welcome to wake him up by like..I dun even know..he could sleep through almost anything....

Dante smiled, raising her hand to his lips and kissing it softly before releasing it. "I'm an angel." He replied softly, pulling his shirt off over his right shoulder to reveal a broken wing tattoo. "Not a very good one but an angel none the less...."

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:31 am

Kylia's fingers trailed over the tatoo and she looked up at him, obviously in awe. Her eyes went back to his tatoo, and then to his wings which her fingers also trailed over. " have wings...just like me..." her voice held disbelief but also some joy. "I...I'm not alone..."


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Bells Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:38 am

Dante smiled, his wings shifting a little at her touch. "Yes I do, " he paused, her words sinking in and he reguarded her curiously. "You have wings as well?" His trailed over her body, not stripping like but more curious like. "May I see?"

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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:46 am

Kylia looked up at him and bit her lip. She sighed and her slate grey wings slowly appeared behind her, tattered and missing some of their feathers from her encounter the other day. "They're ugly," she muttered, hanging her head slightly, her eyes falling to the floor.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Guest Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:28 am

Yay! Moira can just smash through the wall of him room, then.

"HuHUUU!" Moira grunted as she levitated an enormous rock, then flung it into a wall. The stone smashed through and fell out the other side of the building, cold air flooding into the hall. Moira didn't feel it, she was so angry. Another tangle of roots tore through the opposite wall and revealed a bedroom. A familiar splash of red hair was on the pillow. "YOU'RE ASLEEP?!" she screeched, leaping on the bed and getting her hands around his throat.


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The Facility - Page 41 Empty Re: The Facility

Post by Sponsored content

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