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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:26 am

Crippling machine by A Rotterdam November.

The mystical realm of Amagea has broken out into war. Ice vs fire. Both blame each other to the down fall of the magical realm, and neither will stand down from the battle that is coming. Everyone must choose a side, whether it be with their friends, or with their element.
Friends turn against friends and family members against family members.
power(one Elemental power only...pick from the list please.)

list of powers:
Illusions - can creat illusions in someones mind.
snow/ice - can manipulate water and turn it into ice or snow.
fire - can create and manipulate fire.
water - manipulate water if given a source. Sometimes, if strong enough, can pull water from the air.
earth - control plants and what not.
shadows/dark - can control shadows.
rock/ground - can control/ manipulate rocks and the ground around them.
air - can manipulate the air around them.
wild/morphing - morph into animals.
storm/electricity - controls electricity

Name Aaron
Age 15
-hair- dark blond hair. not short but not medium long.
-eyes- green hazel
-skin - pale with a golden undertone
-body - average height. Slightly defined muscle.
-other - is 'puppy dog' cute. Not exactly hot, but is still adorable.
power - fire
side - fire obviously.

Name - Michael
Age - 15
-hair - black hair, slightly spiked out yet still neat.
-eyes - dark brown almost black
-skin - pale with freckles around his nose and cheeks.
-body - taller than average and lean muscles.
-other - n/a
power - ice
side - ice

Name - Thalia
Age - 16
-hair - fiery red hair
-eye - vivid purple
-skin - golden tan
-body - average height and average weight. But is fit.
-other - has a scar that runs down her left arm from a previous battle.
power - She's actually a surprise. You'll see.
side - she doesn't know yet. She was told by the prophet that whatever side she choose would tip the balance. She also cant decide between her two best friends (Michael and Aaron.)

1. the only two powers that dont have a choice in what side they are one are Fire and Ice.
2. Lets try to keep the posts longer then 3 sentences if possible. Be descriptive.
3. no PPing, GMing or anything like that.
4. talk to multiple characters.
5. have fun.
6.I don't want to sound controlling about this...but can we try to have at least one character on each side? We don't want a lot of undecided characters. The only reason Thalia is, is because she can't choose between michael or Aaron and can't bare to hurt either one.

Last edited by Momo13 on Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Avery Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:29 pm

I'll reserve my spot now, but I'm on my phone.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:36 pm

Understandable. Your spot is reserved.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:29 pm

Name: Kiki
Age: 16
-hair: Short spiky pixie-cut blue-black
-eye: Bright ice blue
-skin: pale
-body: Tiny, nice figure, a smidget short
-other: Nope
power: Air
side: None, really, She fights to protect those she cares for.

OOC: Will probably put up another character later but im not feeling well so im getting off now.


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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:30 pm

OOC: alright. see ya later rav. Feel better!

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:34 am

Name: Robin
Age: 16
-hair very long wavy dark brown
-eye:cat-eye green
-skin: Milky
-body: short, and petite
-other: dresses very earthy, has a sparrow tattoo on her hip
side: Is torn between 2 sides, hasn't decided...

Name: Damon
Age: 16
-hair Shaggy dark brown
-eye Gold/amber colored
-skin "sun Kissed"
-body tall, pretty toned
power: Shadows
side: Ice


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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:02 pm

I don't want to sound controlling about this...but can we try to have at least one character on each side? We don't want a lot of undecided characters. The only reason Thalia is, is because she can't choose between michael or Aaron and can't bare to hurt either one.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:45 pm

No problemo, sorry! Since Damon is on Ice, I'll put Robin on the fire side Smile


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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Avery Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:52 pm

Name: Kalkaia Pierce
Age: 17
-hair: Dark, raven black hair, slightly flippy
-eye: Dark, mossy green
-skin: Tanned, like that perfect shade
-body: He'd like to think he's built like a god, but he's tall and has lean, defined muscles.
-other: He always has that cocky grin that he's known for
power: Shadow manipulation
side: Ice, I guess.

Name: Kingsley
Age: 16
-hair: Chestnut brown hair, fairly long and wavy
-eye: Bright red eyes framed with long, dark lashes
-skin: Fair skin, some freckles on her cheeks
-body: About 5'9" and long, lean body. She's fit with healthy curves
-other: She has the words "Mea Culpa" tattooed on her wrist.
power: Electricty
side: Fire

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:04 pm

Twins ^^ i love twins ^^ Since they're almost identical, im just going to do one sheet for them.

Name: Theo/Thorn
Age: 17
Gender: Male
-hair: Shaggy unkempt shock of snow-white hair
-eye: Theo: Ice blue, Thorn: Stormy grey
-skin: Fair
-body: Slightly on the tall side, some muscular definition.
-other: N/A
power: Theo: Storm/electricity, Thorn: Wild/morphing
side: Theo: Fire, Thorn: Ice


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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:18 pm

"Thalia, you must choose a side. This war has to end now! You can end it." The queen had called Thalia to the castle for this meeting. Thalia sat bored in her chair, already hearing the speach a hundred times over.
"I told you once, and a million times after that: I refuse to take part in this! I faught your last war, and finished that one. And now i refuse to chose sides between the two people who helped me. Good bye, and dont call me here again." She snarled at her highness before standing. She left in a rage, her purple eyes stormy with anger.

Michael walked around the Ice camp. Where was she? He hated not seeing her. Maybe she was with She wouldnt choose that fool over him, would she?

"Fire side meeting!" Aaron called through the camp. He went to the fire pit and started up a blazing fire. He had been hoping that thalia would show by now, tip the balance for him. But she had gone MIA ages ago. After finding out who she was, she left everyone. Her best friends, her sister, she even turned her back on the queen. Rumor was she was called to special meetings once a blue moon, but no one ever saw her besides those she let see her.
He scanned the skies for her dragon, for anything that would show she was out there. But nothing gave her away.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Avery Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:28 pm

Kingsley walked over to the blazing fire, her hands at her sides. She sat down around the pit and other people gathered, too. Her bright eyes were on high alert, scanning the area and eventually landing on Aaron. When he yelled 'fire side meeting' it sounded like he was trying to get a group of girl scouts together.

Kal laid in the grass, his eyes searching the sky. He sighed and closed them, wishing the days would be more eventful.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:42 pm

"Hey Kingsley. How are you doing? Isnt it nice out today?" Aaron babbled. He babbled often, always full of energy. His ADHD always kept him moving and speaking.

Thalia whistled high pitch, and shouldered her bag. a peircing screach went through the sky as a black mass passed infront of the sky. "Atta girl." Thalia murmured as the large reptile landed infront of her. She was one of the many granted with the gift of being a dragon rider. But, it was the only gift she seamed to like. Everything else felt like a curse. "We have people to visit." she jumped onto the dragons back and set off into the sky.
She passed over the ice camp and scanned the ground. She couldnt find Michael like she had hoped, but found Kal easily. At least, she thought that was his name. "Hey, kal, you've seen Michael?" She asked as the dragon hovered over the ground next to him.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Avery Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:51 pm

Kal opened one eyes, annoyed. "No, I'm not his babysitter," he said. He's probably around here somewhere," he sighed. "Now, if you'd move, please. You're blocking my sun," he said.

Kingsley's eyes flickered away and she shrugged. "It's a fine day out," she said. "And I'm okay," she sighed, running a hand through her hair. "What about you?" She asked.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:03 pm

"Alright, alright. I'm moving." Thalia sighed, flying up again. "Can I leave a message for you to give to him?" She looked around nervously. She was too out in the open right now. But at the same time, she wanted to talk to michael.

Aaron smiled over to her. "I'm just....great...everything is just great." He ended up sighing at the end. It had been almost a year since the war started, and almost a year since he had seen thalia. "So, how did you get dragged into this war?"

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Post by Avery Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:31 pm

"No, you can't," Kal said, closing his eyes against and putting his arms behind his head. Why she was here annoying him was perplexing. There were a ton of other people here who probably knew where Michael was.

"My parents never had a son. So, I was the oldest and in turn they sent me here. Not like I don't want to fight, though. I can't wait," Kingsley said, her eyes sparkling slightly. She loved a good fight.

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Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:44 pm

Theo: I paced the fire camp, irritated. As mad as i was at Thorne, i still missed him terribly. Why couldnt he just see sense? Why did he allow this war to divide us? It was frustrating. A meeting was called and i walked over, taking a seat, but did not speak.

Thorne: I was wandering just outside of the ice camp, thinking about my brother. I was worried about him, and i missed him badly, but i hated that he refused to see eye to eye with me! He could be so stubborn! I wished this war would end.... then i wouldnt have ot worry aobut it tearing me apart from the only family i had left.

(I'll try to post for Kiki later, no muse for her right now.... :/ )

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Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:51 pm

Aaron nodded to what she said. "I'm only here because...well I'm not totally sure. I felt the need to do something productive. Life seemed too boring for me." He shrugged. "Also, my friends had already devided. Michael, my best friend, is head of the ice capital. There was no way with my powers I could join him. So I did the next thing that came to mind, I went against him. I figure if I can help end this war, we can go back to normal. Fight about normal, girls....and thalia."

"Um...alright then....thanks for nothing." Thalia sighed as her dragon flew off. She saw another person and landed a little ways away.
"Stay" she instructed to her dragon. She walked behind the guy (Thorne) and tapped his shoulder.
"Um....hi there."

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:53 pm

Thorne: I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder practically having a heart attack. "Wagh!" i yelled in surprise, whirling around. "Why.... did you sneak up on me....? Not cool!" i said.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:55 pm

"Sorry! Not so good at this meeting new people thing...I havent talked to anyone besides our 'wonderful' queen in the past year. I'm here to find Michael...You seen him?" Thalia apologized to him, hands up to show she wasnt trying to kill him or anything.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:56 pm

Thorne: "Ummm, i havent seen him since early this morning. I think he may be back in camp." i said, trying to recover from my momentary shock.

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Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:59 pm

"Can you take me to him then....? look, i'm not really suposed to be here...I'm not suposed to be anywhere. But I need to see him..." Thalia stammered and looked at her hands.

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by PavoLights Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:59 pm

Can I still join?

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These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died. Empty Re: These fields are haunted by, a thousand men who died.

Post by Momo13 Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:04 pm


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Post by Avery Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:09 pm

Kingsley rolled her eyes. Ah, Thalia. Thalia, Thalia, Thalia. It seemed that it was all he ever talked about. Well, her and Michael. "I didn't ask for your life story," she mumbled, turning. Her eyes met with another boys, across the campfire and then she sighed, her red eyes finsinf the ground.

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