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Ale J.
Jacky K.
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--Daycare-- Empty --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:11 pm

Awwwww, weren't they adorable? Or...*looks at toddler Mr. Face* reletively smaller and just as creepy? Unfortunately, writers hold very busy lives! Every now and then we've got to dump our miniature charries somewhere so we can go write the story of their depressing adulthoods! That's right. This is a daycare for the rugrat versions of your favorite characters! Huggies will fly, lincoln logs will be used as weapons and tantrums will be thrown! Knock yourselves out.

Daycare sign-up sheet
This care facility is open for characters ages 3-10.

1.) Share.
2.) Keep hands to yourself.
3.) Don't eat the glue. Or the silverware


Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by ßøn∑z Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:12 pm


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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:13 pm

You can put them in too!
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Invisimort Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:21 pm

Name: Mr. Face
Age: for this...7
Gender: male
Appearance: take the mental image you have... Replace the suit with ill fitting striped shirt. And jeans. He's terrifyingly thin.
Other: blind... Has problems with others... Bites... Parental abandonment issues...

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:25 pm

Name: Cricket
Age: 8

Gender: guy
Appearence: Huge honey-gold eyes, small for his age, hair not as long but long enough to hit his eyes
Other: He's just learning how to cope on the streets, and how to steal without getting caught

Name: Finn
Age: 10

Gender: guy
Appearence: very light blonde hair, freckles, toothy little grin
Other: friend to Cricket, recently lost his memory

Name: Tickety
Age: 9

Gender: gal
Appearence: pin straight blonde hair to her mid back, blue eyes, always wears a too-big black paperboy hat low over her eyes and a pocketwatch on a chain around her neck.
Other: friend to Crick and Finn
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Ale J. Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:50 pm

Name: Lyla
Gender: Girl
Appearence: Beautiful brown curly hair, Green eyes
Other: She is an angel! Literally!

Age: 6
Appearence: Blonde straight hair, Grey eyes
Other: She is a huge trouble maker! She is a Dark Angel so, she is bad!

Appearence: Brown straight hair, Brown eyes. But if you see her eyes turn purple, BACK AWAY!! She doesnt exactly know how to use her powers!
Other: Sorceress, she doesnt know it though. And her powers are small right now, so no need to panic!

Appearence: Black hair half in his face, Blue eyes
Other:He has powers too, they are smaller than alysons so no panic attack here!

Appearence: Blonde hair, His eyes have a red outline on his iris
Other:Vampire, but dont worry! His fangs are dull until he turns 10!

Last edited by Ale J. on Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:56 am; edited 4 times in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:08 am

Name: Peter
Age: 8
Gender: Guy
Appearance: He still has the shaggy, brown hair, only it's even shaggier and messier. More unruly. It hangs in his large, equally brown eyes, hanging even lower than that of his older iteration. He finds this problematic on occasion. His clothes are ragged, torn, and dirty; likewise, he himself is also rather dirty. Brownish-black knees, smudges on the face, arms, and legs. That sort of thing.
Other: He has a purple-eyed barn owlet--not owl, owlet--soul named Sesria, and he has powers over heat and fire. He hasn't yet learned how to control wind, however. Also, he's too afraid to actually use his fire powers; he simply works with heat.

Name: Sarah
Age: 8
Gender: Gal
Appearance: She has straight, auburn hair that's slightly longer than chin length while not yet being shoulder length. Her light gray eyes look out from a pale, round face. She wears a light-colored shirt, a white skort, and white sandals. Yes, a skort. That was not a typo.
Other: Her soul is a green-eyed ginger tabby kitten with no name. She can see people's animals...but she doesn't know why. She doesn't know why no one else can see them, either.

Name: Senet (pronounced "suh-nay" for those who don't know)
Age: 9
Gender: Guy
Appearance: He has longish (chin length), light blonde hair and shining blue eyes. Like Peter's hair, his hair is unruly and messy. Like Peter, he is dirty, with ragged, torn, dirty clothes.
Other: His soul is an amber-eyed filly named Aiolï. He can control wind, though the most of what he usually does is fly. Also, he doesn't speak much English.

Name: Nike (pronounced "nee-kay" for those who don't know)
Age: 10
Gender: Gal
Appearance: She has sleek, black hair that she puts in high pigtails. She's Asian. She wears a pale aqua shirt, navy shorts, and white sneakers.
Other: Her soul is a blue-eyed black bear cub named Zereol. Like any young child, she is still a mana type with no element or energy powers--aside from soul energy powers, that is. However, she's an LB, or learned bonder.
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:40 am

Name: Kylia Kits
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Other: absolutely hates sharing stuffed man doll with wings. Comes from an abusive family, yet somehow refrains from violence.....most of the time

Name:Mark Billington
Age: 6
Other: In short...he's a pill. Only a few months ago he fell into a freezing lake with his twin brother and almost died. Now he sees ghosts.


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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Ale J. Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:27 am

Name: Johnny
Age: 9
Gender: Boy
Appearence: Brown short hair, Dark brown eyes
Other: He is Alysons older brother

Last edited by Ale J. on Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:35 am

"Hey--no! Stay here. No, this way! No, wait...alright missy, fun's over, let's get you to--Hey! HEY! Do not even think about it!" I pulled and tugged and herded, and still kept slipping away to explore down the hall. I'd had to pull Tickety out of three doors so far. Maybe I just had to speak their language. I grabbed Tickety and Cricket's hands, even though they were on the brink of too old for that. "Waitpardonwhat! Oi my my whistle whistle tweet whistle boomshackalackalacka skidoosh! OUUCH!" She bit me. She bit me, and was now towing Cricket along by the hand, giggling something at him. Finn looked back at me and then followed his gang. "Oh come too? Finn? You're the...aren't you the good one?"

"Not in my book," he threw over his shoulder.

I huffed. Not in my book it was my book always has been they've got some nerve even though they're really cute...oh. There was the Daycare door. I walked in, glancing around. I heard a whistle behind me, and then the trio was in the doorway as well. Huh. Maybe they got curious?
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:42 am

I held the nice lady's hand as we walked. Actually...she might've just been a girl. But she was nice. And her hair was brown and purple! We walked through hallways that had lots of doors. It wasn't just the two of us, either. There was another girl who looked just a little older than me, and two boys who were...filthy. The boys were talking gibberish, too! They said some things in English, but all the rest made no sense. Every now and then, the nice lady would say some of the gibberish, too.
"What are you saying?" I asked, looking up at her. She had gray eyes like me.
"It's French," she answered with a smile. "Senet, here," she said, patting the blonde boy's head lovingly, "is from France. He doesn't speak a lot of English yet."
"Where are we going?" asked the other girl.
"We're going to a daycare center," the nice lady answered. "I need a place where you can stay so I can write! We can't have you running about, can we? And these two boys need a safe place that can handle their new powers."
"You know about--?!" the brown-haired boy began, jumping back and pulling the other boy with him.
"Yes, yes, I know all about them," the nice lady broke in with a smile. "Don't worry, it's fine! You two are fine."
"A-are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"...Powers?" I asked, confused.
"Like bonder powers?" the black-haired girl spoke up.
"Exactly like bonder powers! They're seebees." What was a seebee?
"Oh! I'm an ellbee!"
"I know." I didn't know what that was, either. "Ah, look, we're here!"
There was a door with colorful pictures on it. The nice lady opened the door with her free hand, letting go of mine and ushering the four of us inside. There were a few other kids there already, and another lady. She was about the same height as the nice lady with the funny hair, actually.
"Ah, hey, Jacky!" the nice lady said. "Are these Cricket, Finn, and Tickety? Awwww, they're so cute!"
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:55 am

I blushed and eyed the purple-haired lady distrustfully, shifting my feet. Tickety and Finn went silent, too. The kids over there looked different...Outlanders. I avoided eyes. You weren't supposed to meet eyes with people outside your gang.

"Not once they start biting," Jacky said, wiping her hand off on her pants. She smiled and looked at the other kids. "Awww, yours are adorable though! Oh my goodness, this'll be awesome!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:01 am


"Biting?" the nice lady asked with a laugh. "I'm glade mine aren't biters! And thank you. Totally agreed...this is going to be sooo awesome!"

What did she mean by hers? She wasn't my mom. I'd only met her today! I'd thought that she was some kind of babysitter...until she'd brought us here. She said she had to write. What was she writing?

The other three kids were looking at us funny. Like they didn't like us. I didn't want that! I didn't like it when other people didn't like me. I walked over to them.

"Hi!" I greeted. "What are your names?"

Come to think of it, I didn't know the names of the kids I'd walked here with. Well, except for Senet.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:08 am

"I don't want too!" Mark whined as Taylow led them to the door. Kylia was clutching to her fingers with a death grip that Taylow as sure was cutting off cirulation in her hand.
"It's just for a little while."
"You're being mean!" Mark frowned.
"Don't you love us?" Kylia asked, her carmel eyes wide and filling with tears.
"Of course I love you guys. But I need to get some work done and I thought it would be good if you had someone to play with."
"Play?" Mark asked excitedly.
"They're not going to take my doll right?" Kylia asked now really concerned about her doll.
"No, they won't take your doll." Taylow sighed as she opened the door and walked in with them.


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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:12 am

The one lady laughed and started blabbering again. I think she said her name was Jacky, but I wasn't so had a nice sound to it, but what the heck was a Jacky? Maybe it was a sound name, like mine. I reached for my watch, which was still roundabouting with a comforting tick. "Non'ya. What do they call you?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Ale J. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:19 am

Johnny helped me up as we walked around the place. I saw different kids coming too. Johnny picked me up. He knew i liked to be carried. I saw two other girls come. A older girl came over and picked the one with curly brown hair up and the boy with black hair.
"What was that girls name?" I asked Johnny.
"You can call her Ale" He said.
The boy around my brothers age went by the girl with Blonde hair.
"Who are these people Johnny?"
"The yellow hair one is Jamie, That curly hair girl is Lyla, and that little boy that Ale is holding is Jake. When you go to school again next year, they will be there."
I nodded and waved at Lyla. She waved back. When we got to the door, Ale wrote on a peice of paper and put Lyla and Jake down.
"Johnny can you put me down?" i asked and he said yes. Ale went over to some older people and i walked over to Lyla.

Last edited by Ale J. on Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:21 am

((Er, Ale, they couldn't get here by car. It hasn't really been made clear, but this is inside the ME mansion.))


"I'm Sarah," I said, then frowned. "And you're mean." I thought for a moment. "The lady with purple in her hair said that you three were Cricket, Finn, and Tickety. Cricket and Finn sound like boy's names. Tickety almost does, too, but it sounds the least boyish. You could be Cricket, but you don't look like a Cricket to me! So you must be Tickety, right?"

Tickety looked funny. I'd never seen a hat like that before! And I'd never seen a kid wear a pocketwatch, either...much less like that. She wasn't wearing it right.

Then some new people came in. Another tall lady with more younger kids.

"Hullo!" the nice lady greeted the new lady. "Haven't seen you around before. I'm Winter Dragon, by the way. Who're you?"

Winter Dragon? Did she say her name was Winter Dragon? What kind of name was that? Now Jacky, that sounded like a proper name...but Winter Dragon? As Winter Dragon was talking, yet another lady and more kids came in. This place was filling up!

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:58 am; edited 2 times in total
Winter Dragon

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:22 am

"Um, ya this is my first time. I'm Taylow, it's nice to meet you." Taylow gave a small smile. "Alright, go and play you two." Taylow said as she pried Kylia from her hand. Kylia immediately clung to Mark who was looking at her disgustedly.
"Get off! You're going to give me cooties!" He said as he tried to push her away. Taylow rolled her eyes and kissed them both on the head, and Kylia burst into tears.

Last edited by Taylow on Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Ale J. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:23 am

(OOOOOH lol okay then Razz))
Ale J.
Ale J.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:32 am

Tickety didn't phase, just tipped her hat up a bit to look at the new kid. Then she smiled after a moment of thought. "I like you. Whether you like me or not I don't care much."

That was the okay to proceed. I smirked. "Aye, she's Tickety."

New people came in. Jacky was talking again. "Hi!, huh?" She looked at the crying one. I cocked an eyebrow.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Ale J. Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:35 am

I put the kids down,"Now Johnny," i said turning to him, "Your the oldest, so keep an eye on the little ones, the babysitters should take care of you guys." I smiled at them, "Im going to stay here for a few more minutes, but then im leaving. Okay?" I said, and they nodded. I went to where all authors were, "Hi im Ale J." i smiled
Ale J.
Ale J.

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Sweet Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:37 am

Name: Castle
Age: 7
Gender: Guy
Appearence: dark brown hair and dark brown eyes

Name: Rose
Age: 8
Gender: Girly
Appearence: blond hair and blue/green eyes
Other: Someone has to like cookies...

Last edited by Copper Rain on Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:39 am


I grinned at Tickety, partly because I'd gotten her name right and partly because I'd made a new friend. Or...had I? It wasn't very clear. Well, in my mind, I had.

"Ah, the lovely age of cooties," Winter Dragon said across the way. "What was that old rhyme? Circle circle, dot dot, now you have your cootie shot! I can't believe I still remember that..." Then the lady who introduced herself as Ale came over to the other ladies. "Ah, nice to meet you!" Winter Dragon spoke with a smile. "Well, not meet, but, er, you in person. Anyway, who've you brought here?"

The other kids that Winter Dragon had brought along with me weren't really interacting. The black-haired girl had gone straight to a set of little colorful brick things and was dutifully building some sort of tower. The two filthy boys were on their own in some corner, keeping to themselves. What was with all these kids? Hadn't anyone ever heard of getting to know each other?

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Sweet Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:41 am

(How should I pop in?)

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--Daycare-- Empty Re: --Daycare--

Post by Echo Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:42 am

((Just come along through the door-filled hallways and bring your little charries Very Happy))
Winter Dragon

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