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Whitecap Bay

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:22 pm

I shake my head. "No," i voice quietly, swimming down to the swaying kelp. The sun gains strength through the water, warm even down this deep. I settle in the sand, watching my sister's silhouette against the bright surface as the leafy plants dance.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:34 pm

I glance back at her before checking for myself. Swiftly I poked my head out of the water. The beach was empty...wait a moment, there was a figure. Heart pounding, I dared to stay up and try to see...ew. I think he threw up. I dove back into the water with a flick of my tail and swam down to my sister. "Humans are so disgusting..." my voice sounded more bewhildered than I would have liked. They were mysterious, scary creatures...
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Ravyn Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:35 pm

Hunter: School...... was for losers. Hence, i was not currently IN school. I was skipping.... again. And i didnt really care if i was yelled at. Id become quite proficient at tuning yelling out. It wasnt that i was stupid. Quite the contrary, actually. I generally found schoolwork fairely easy, but it was boring and i preferred not to got through the drudgery of classwork and be out places. Not that there were many places to go in this town. Except the beach. I liked the beach, at least more than i liked any other place in this town. On impulse, i walked out down one of the docks and sat at the end, staring out across the water, deep in thought.

Talise: Once again..... i was very, very bored. Id woken up early and was now swimming about aimlessly, restless. It was irritating me.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:44 pm

(its saturday hunter :p)

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:04 am

Oh...... >.O im sorry, i just... have no muse. And you mentioned they were still in school...... so i assumed that it was a weekday *headdesk* okay, disregard all points involving school then. Sorry 'bout that ^^'

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:19 am

My head snapped over facing the water. I thought I had heard a splash and maybe seen something. I figured it was just a big fish. Maybe if the fish were jumping I could catch something. I loved fishing. I hurried home to get my fishing rod.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Sat Jul 16, 2011 11:38 am

Sapphire swam a little closer to the shore, keeping her head barely above the water as she strained to see a human on the beach. She wished she could at least see one of these strange, frightening creatures. Maybe then she could figure out how to catch one. She shivered, a hint of fear creeping down her spine. She hoped that she would catch a human upon getting a chance, not the other way around.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:05 pm

After getting my fishing rod I race back to the beach, close to the spot where I had heard the splash. If fish were jumping here it was always a good place to start. I bait my hook and cast the line far into the surf. I let my feet hang over the side of the dock into the water as I sit there enjoying the sea breeze and listening to the surf.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:03 pm


I nod absent mindedly. Disgusting... Why are we forced to rely on them...? Ripples upon the surface scatter the light a few minutes later, a shape floats down and casts odd shadows to the sea floor as it sinks into the kelp.

I walk along the docks, boats floating silently in the calm waters of the inlet. Most of the fishing boats were gone, looking for their catch of the day. I head down a dock, leading to a modern white building set into the stone slightly. A little early today, i sit down and wait for Boss to show up and unlock the place, my legs dangling down but the dock too tall for my feet to reach the water.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:48 am

I see Aiden sitting on the dock. I nod to him. Then I go back to fishing. I feel a tug on the line. I get excited and then reel it in quickly. Nothing but a stingray. I sigh and toss the ray back into the water.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:21 pm

I move up slightly, curious. To the surface to hide behind a rock far away, as the line goes taunt and he pulls up a sea creature. Ready to kill it, i concluded. Kill the poor stingray...
But then he lets it go. He doesn't look too happy about it but he let's it go, unlike those fishermen on the boats. I bite my lip, uncertain of what to think of this.

Boss finally walks up the planks, keys jingling in his hand. "Wanted away from your aunt that fast?" He comments with a sly chuckle.
I simply sigh as I sit up again "No," I murmur. Just all the crazy chores she's giving me. Does it every time I come up. The trials and tribulations of having a petite, Inn owning family member though, i suppose.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:46 pm

I sit there for a few more minutesd holding my line and just watching the water. I feel a slight tug again. I start to reel in the fish. I pull out a decent sized Snapper. I smile and say, "Well you are big one aren't you". The fish seems to glare at me. I laugh. I hold it's mouth open and gently pull out my hook. I then toss the fish back in. I don't usually keep the fish I catch. I just fish for the fun of it.

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Location : The Soul Society

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:33 pm

Sapphire watched the boy on the docks((Aiden)) curiously. A human. She swam a little closer and watched as he talked to another. Her lucky day, there were two of them. She let her eyes track their every move. Searching for something she could tell the others about the humans that would help. Surely there was something to use against them.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:10 pm

Boss unlocks the door and steps in. "That seabird's wing needs some new bandages. And that sea turtle's ready for release; maybe we'll take the boat out and do that today..." His voice fades as he walks on, not noticing I hadn't followed. Last moment of relaxation before its back to business.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:12 pm

Cautiously Sapphire poked her head out of the water a little bit to see him better. A human boy, teenager by the looks of it. She narrowed her eyes in thought as she watched him, creeping a little closer to the docks as she tried not to be seen. What is it about these creatures?

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:37 am

I see something moving through the water towards the docks. My first thought is maybe I can catch it then I think, shark. I pull my feet out of the water and stand up so I don't get dragged under.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:53 am

Startled at the movement not far from her Sapphire took her eyes off the human boy(Aiden)) and ducked back under the water to stare at another((David)). She narrowed her eyes at the sight of a fishing pole and swam backwards a little before poking her head above the water to see him better. Curiosity was a bad thing for her, she was full of it.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:00 pm

I reeled in my line. To my surprise there was a big Flounder on it. "Wow" I say, "today is my lucky day" I say chuckling. I gently take out my hook from the Flounder's lip. I then lay the fish gently back into the water so it can swim off. I look back out to where I had seen what I thought was a shark. I shrugged and started home with my fishing pole over my shoulder. I liked fishing but I didn't like the idea of killing the creatures I just did it as a bit of sport. So if there was a shark in the water it didn't matter to me. It didn't bother me so I wouldn't bother it.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:05 pm

Sapphire watched him for a moment, confusion setting in. He let the fish go? She started to go back down then paused and swam just under the water as he walked away, following him up the coast. This human could prove to be interesting for sure......

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:11 pm

As I walked down the water front I thought someone was watching me. I looked over my shoulder no one was there. I still felt like I was being watched. I started to walk a little faster.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:18 pm

Sapphire smirked a little at the boys unease as she continued to follow him curiously. Flipping her tail to make a splash she darted under the water and waited. Let's see how he reacted to that...

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:20 pm

I heard the splash. I dropped my rod and sprinted down the road. The fishing rod could be replaced or I could go get it later, or maybe some nice person would find it and bring it back to me. Or some stalker would find my address on the pole and kill me. Stupid! I think to myself. Oh well, whats done is done. I continue running.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:26 pm

Sapphire giggled as she watched him run. This was fun! She swam to the edge of the water carefully, making sure that no one was around and pulled the pole in and examined it. Huh, she ran her fingers over the writing curiously. Wonder what those meant. Shrugging she slipped back under the water to swim home, with the fishing pole.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Stark Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:30 pm

I got home breathing heavily. I walked inside and my mom berated me for losing my rod. I ignored her and went up to my room. I lived in a house right on the water. My room looked over the ocean. I climbed out of my window and sat on the roof. I looked over the dark ocean the moon casting an eerie white glow over the waves. I think of all that goes on beneath the surface. I had always wanted to go scuba diving to see for myself but I could never afford it.

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Whitecap Bay - Page 2 Empty Re: Whitecap Bay

Post by Bells Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:08 pm

A little while later Sapphire's mind was still stuck on the human's and their weird actions. Sighing she crept back up to the shore with the fishing pole in hand. Taking a very deep breath she stepped out of the water.

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