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The Full Moon Acadamey

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:41 pm

Sorry, invitation only. Brought this from other site, it'd take to long for us to say all that's happend. Had this for months.

Here's a Acadamy that all shifters come to to learn how to protect all that is good. You will learn how to survive in a pack, and learn how to control your new strengths. Their's always danger though if you go out after dark. Slayers, demons, vampires, and other creatures of the night could find you a nice snack if you're not careful. Those who can't control their shifting during a full moon will be required to lock their doors and stay in their rooms untill it is past. Those who can will have the privilege of joining the Full Moon Hunt. Where everyone in the school shifts and gathers for a hunt under the silvery light of the full moon when we are at our strongest. Their will be no killing of humans. If you are convicted of it you will stand before the shifter council in court. No killing other students either. We're here to protect, not destroy! Welcome to the Full Moon Acadamy!!!!!!!


Council-Runs the school and keeps the law of the school and are some of the oldest of the shifters. Their are seven that are known: wolf, cheetah, lion, tiger, jaguar, dragon, and fox.

People who play these roles-








Instructors-They teach us the ways of the shifters, and only the best are choosen to teach in this school.

Types of instructors:

Battle Instructor-Teaches us how to fight.
Hunting Instructor-Teaches you stealth and how to hunt safely without being sneaked upon by a enemy.
History Instructor-Teaches us the history of the shifters.
Control Instructor-Teaches us how to control our anger, and when it comes to full moons.
Biology Instructor-Teaches us how our bodys shift, and how our immune system works.
Gym Instructor-Where we gain strength, and stamia.
People that play these roles-

Battle instructor- Aric

Hunting Instructor-Mason

History Instructor-

Control Instructor-kane

Biology Instructor-

Gym Instructor-Will

Prefects-Helps keep the rules, and are usually fourth year students. Their are usually three.

People who play these roles-

Prefect one-Alyssa

Prefect two-

Prefect three-

Full Bloods-Have a mother and father that are shifters.

Bittens-Were changed by another shifter, though this is usually frowned upon. Has weaker control during full moon.

Guards-Patrols the school unseen unless you really pay attention. They keep the school safe and keep danger from comeing in.

People who play these roles-


Recruiters-Is sent by the counselers when a new shifter is discovered to retrieve the shifter safely and bring them to the school if the new shifter wishes.

Agents- Are rarely seen and have strong magic in them. They are graduated gaurds. They go off on missions for the school and are serious about their job. (Only graduated students. It'd be kind of like making a teacher, but they can exit the school grounds when absolutely neccesary.


Students-Come to the school to learn. Their are four grades you go through.

First Years: Are new shifters who, if full blooded has finnaly came of age and has shifted on their sixteenth birthday, and if bitten has came for the same reason, but they usually have the least control during a full moon.
Second Years: Have been at the school for two years now and are becoming stronger.
Third Years: Have been to the school for three years. They are now tested harder than they're use too.
Forth Years: Are considered Adult Shifters, and are now trained more seriously especially in combat and hunting.
Nurse-Well pretty much what any normal nurse does, heals us when we're ill or injured.

School Events!!!!!-

Full Moon Hunt: Happens during a full moon. The shifters that can control themselves come out and the school hunts as a pack.

New Moon Dance: Well it's pretty much just a dance during a new moon. Though the Council enjoys it since during a new moon we're at our weakest so since everyone's usually inside they can't be killed by enemys.

Breaks: Usually on holidays such as Christmas, and Halloween and such. Students are allowed to leave the school and do as they please.

Graduation:Happens at the end of the year when everyone moves on to the next grade. Fourth years graduating can choose to be a Agent, Recruiter, or if their's a spot open instructor. If the student chooses to move one else where it's fine. (Every June 8-9)




Full blood or bitten?-full blood

Type of Shifter-Wolf


Year(If student)-Fourth



Shifter image-

Paranormal/Mature cross over. PG13 Invitation only please. Brought this over from another site and it'd take forever for us to tell you all that happend. =)

Form-Me don't feel like rewriting it....just do da same as James and fill in with your own info.

Last edited by Wolfe on Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:37 am; edited 3 times in total
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Age : 30
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:46 pm

O.o you're aren't going to make it invite only? ...t'is a good idea.. considering how far along we are in the plot...

Last edited by Ella Rose on Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:50 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:47 pm

Name- Megan


Full blood or bitten?- bitten

Type of Shifter- Jaguar

Year(If student)- fourth



Shifter image-

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:49 pm

AAHH if its invite only... may I be in the chat haha sorry didnt know it was invite only =/

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:53 pm

hee hee, well we talked about it, cause we're so far along.
but me don't know.. O.o it's up to james. we still have to transition our charries over. and it's a lot to pick up.. a lot...
*finger on nose*
I am not the one to fill in the newbies this time james. my page long explanations are getting tiresome


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:58 pm

Imma gunna transition Artemis and Gabrielle over James.

"I am not a chicken!" Gabrielle scoffed, ".. a bird, yes," she relented, "but not a chicken"

Artemis grinned, pulling him closer. the kitten finally scampered up her leg and onto her lap, insert itself between them and clamoring for her attention.


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:00 pm

I think it's going to be invite only and the fill in would be so....long....
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:00 pm

*whines and curls into a ball.* My computer is being stupidly slow and it's took all this time just to go from TTS to here. XC I just now saw the comments about it being invitation only. I guess i"ll make it that way, but since I didn't have that up Aliceinwaiting you're more than welcome to join, and so far nothing but fights with vampires have happend.... and Alyssa came back from the dead.)

Wanna start? My comp. is starting to listen!
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:01 pm

*shrugs* im confused lol i just wont post

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:03 pm

Ooh i've always wanted to know the lyrics of Hoist the Colors!
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:04 pm

hahaha it my favortie song in that movie xD I get chills when I listen to it xD OHH!! ILOVE MONSTER XD IM ADDIVTED TO IT

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:04 pm

*tackles* the gang's all here!
Alice O.o sworry. You're welcome to try and join us.. might give you a migraine trying to keep up, but you are welcome to give it a shot

Ella Rose wrote:Imma gunna transition Artemis and Gabrielle over James.

"I am not a chicken!" Gabrielle scoffed, ".. a bird, yes," she relented, "but not a chicken"

Artemis grinned, pulling him closer. the kitten finally scampered up her leg and onto her lap, insert itself between them and clamoring for her attention.

me already started Razz
eagle, Alyssa was waiting for your response


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:05 pm

(i will just say that she is walking around cmpus lost as ever...)

Megan walked along campus. She had been here for 4 years and yet she still hadnt gotten to know the school better. Around and around she went walking in circles pissed off.

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:06 pm

(*sighs* I'm going to get off....really sorry guys. I'm going to try to shut down my computer and then get on later. XC Man I hate this comptuer....)

James hissed and the cat jumped scared and jumped on the floor, but unlike a normal cat it just sat back down on the ground and looked as though it was glaring at James. James held Artemis closer to him.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:11 pm

Err...I don't even remember...geez I'll have to look....
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:11 pm

Neva mind. Me got it to work. ^.^
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:11 pm

There's nothing to reply to ella...I looked...Let's just start somewhere new with Alyssa and Eagle?
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:12 pm

(O.o kk, I don't know how much I'll be on the next few days. I have to make arrangements at work and school, and then there's the funeral and wake itself. sigh. just a heads up)

Artemis hit him lightly "James!" She exclaimed, soothing the kitten with her mind "be nice"

Last edited by Ella Rose on Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:12 pm

okay, eagle. you start


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:13 pm

Megan sat down on campus and pouted. She was lost as ever and pissed off for no reason. I hate my life. Megan thought angrly.

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:16 pm

Xavier (a charrie I already had at our old site) saw Megan. He bit his lip, then decided he was a wee bit bored. He walked over to her. "Hey..."

Blake smirked. "Sure. Then prove it."

James scoffed. "It's glaring at me!" He returned the glare, then sighed and shook his head. "I won't be bothered so much if I can get a dog....something small, not to large like a husky, but not as small as a yorkie or chihuhua."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:19 pm

Artemis laughed "it would eat the kitten in one bite!" she pulled him closer, "plus, I have a feeling a certain someone would get jealous if I paid attention to said dog instead of him" she kissed him lightly, an eyebrow raised


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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Alice Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:19 pm

Megan turned and saw Xavier. "Hello." She said alittle too mean. "Sorry just not having a good day."

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:21 pm

Eagle- I held her close to me.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Full Moon Acadamey Empty Re: The Full Moon Acadamey

Post by Guest Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:22 pm

Gabrielle scowled, the shimmering picking up "I don't have to prove anything to you"

Alyssa gave a content sigh "we should probably leave the room, Gabriel might think I died again" she joked


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