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Wildcat Acadamey

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:47 pm

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Wildcat Acadamey! As I'm sure you've found out your animal gaurdians are a ceartin species of wildcats. Lions, leopards, cheetahs, and other varitiey of other breeds. It's your duty, along with your charge, to protect human life from the Shadows. The Shadows are of the same species of us, but believe the gods had chosen our kind to enslave and rule the human world. Will you survive your first year at the Wildcat Acadamey? Or will you turn to the dark side?

Humans and charges can read each others minds, but our charges can't read another human's, but can speak to another charge.

Some of our kind develop things like tails, cat eyes, claws, cat ears, etc.

We have super abilities. Flexibility, speed, strentgh, etc...

You can speak with your charge no matter what part of the world you're on.

Our kind have clans and the oldest sons take over the 'clan' whenever the parent dies.

When one of our kind has been 'disgraced' or its clan has been taken from them they end up with a scar over their right eyebrow as a sign of disgrace.

We are in a different universe. Everything is pretty much medival, but with advanced technology. We do use swords, bows, daggers, etc...

Each different clan has a crest which is tattooed onto each clan memeber at birth.

Charge's species:
Charge's Image:

Please keep the romance PG13.
Plz don't sign up then leave....
Boy and girl. You can make as much as you want.

Last edited by J. Wolfe on Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:51 pm

Charge's species:amur leopard
Image:(got none)
Tall, black hair, dark grey eyes, muscular but not overly so.
Charge's Image:
Wildcat Acadamey Amur-l10
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:52 pm

Will make female later.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:35 am

Name: Annabelle
Personality: TBD
Past: TBD
Charge: Neva
Charge's species: Snow leopard
Medium/average height, icy blue eyes, long black hair that reaches halfway down her back
Charge's image:
Wildcat Acadamey 20574509

Name: Shadow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: TBD
Past: TBD
Charge: Luke
Charge's species: Tiger
Tall, myserious green eyes, short black hair that runs across his eyes, somewhat musclar
Charge's Image:
Wildcat Acadamey Tiger-info0
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:46 pm

Name: Damian
Age: 10
Gender: M
Personality: childish but tough. Doesn't like being thought of as uncapable to do the things others older than he can. A fighter. NO filter on his mouth, so don't be surprised when he spits a curse at you
Past: TBD
Charge: Alfred
Charge's species: Jaguarundi
Image: He's small..ish for a kid his age, but deceivingly strong as well. jet black hair that's short, but still has some length to it, deep blue eyes that are almost black looking.
Charge's Image: Wildcat Acadamey Heya10

Name: Faylinn
Age: 19
Gender: F
Personality: quiet, keeps to herself. Hard to accept people as friends, but if she smiles to you, you know she thinks of you as one.
Past: TBD
Charge: Isabella
Charge's species: Clouded Leopard
Image: dirty blonde hair grown long, to her mid back, tied back in a braid. Fair skinned with freckles across her nose, pale eyes.
Charge's Image: Wildcat Acadamey Bigcat10

Last edited by Black&White on Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:53 pm

(Thx for joining guys!)

Charge's species:african wildcat
Tall, long blond hair, piercing green cat eyes.
Charge's Image:
Wildcat Acadamey Africa10
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:56 pm

(You guys can start when you want. I edited the top part. I was to lazy to put all my plans up last night.)
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:03 pm

k. pictures and descriptions added for my charries!

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:04 pm

Name: Angela
Age: 16
Gender: female
Personality: shy and quiet doesnt like people around her.
Past: TBA
Charge: Alice
Charge's species: Snow Tiger
Wildcat Acadamey Scene-emo-red-hair

Charge's Image:
Wildcat Acadamey Cute%2BWhite%2BTiger%2Bcub

Name: James
Age: 19
Gender: male
Personality: sarcastic and snarky rich boy status
Past:is rich and well he shows it
Charge: Jerrod
Charge's species: Lion
Charge's Image: Wildcat Acadamey White_lion

Image: Wildcat Acadamey Asian%2Bguy%2Bblonde2

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:24 pm

Rusty waited in the trees near the school, Nico next to him. He had a bow resting on his knees and a dagger in its seath on his hip. The Acadamey stood tall and proud in the distance behind him, the building large and magnificent. Rusty had been ordered to gaurd the gate as the new students arrived. He was shirtless, his family's crest clear on his left shoulder blade. His chin lentgh black hair stuck to his face from the humid heat and the large reddish sun hung high in the sky. Nico yawned, showing large canines and settled himself, his eyes also watchful.

Gina walked down the long deserted road towards the Acadamey, clearly showing in the distance. Her sharp green cat eyes looked about her nervously as Nieve padded by her side. Her long blonde hair was up in a pony tail and a sword hung at her hips in its seath. She clutched her bag tighter and picked up her pace, anxious to be within the Acadamey's protective walls, which stood tall and strong around the woods that surrounded it.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:35 pm

Angela came into the Academy. She felt intimadated and shy. Her tube top showed her tatto of her family's cross. Along her colorbone the words 'Never say die' were written. She looked up and she held Alice close to her. Alice purred softly and thought
Big school.... me is sleepy....
Angela laughed softly and shook her artifical dyed red hair. Alice was always tired.
Angela was lost and she ran into the gaurd when she was looking at her feet.
Alice poked her little head out of Angela's hair and purred.
Cute human... does Angela like?
Angela hushed Alice and looked up at the gaurd.
"Sorry..." She said.

James watched the newbies come in. Jerrod was at his feet and looked intenitive. James shrugged off most people who commented about his animal. He hated newbies and thought better of them when they left him alone. He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. He hated this school with a burning passion.

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:46 pm

Rusty turned his grey eyes on her, he gave a small smile, showing sharp canines. "Tis fine. Thirsty?" He reached into the bag behind him and held out a bottle of water. The heat was getting to him to and he took out another for himself. Nico stood up, coming up to Rusty's waist. He stretched, the amor leopard yawning and showing just as sharp teeth. He looked up at Rusty. "Welcome." He nodded at Alice.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:54 pm

what's the time period for this?

Isabella lounges in a tree with me, a bit away from the entrance to watch the newcomers but not get involved too much.
i send to her, crossing my arms and laying down on the branch I was on, just as comfortable at such heights as she was.
she reminds me, a soft laugh in my head.

Lips pressed into a thin line, eyes dark and fixed ahead. This was the place, huh? Tch, looks like a dang prison with this gate...

Alfred, as much as I, hated being stuck in any one place. We liked action, danger. And no one better call me incapable because all they'll get from it is a bloody nose.
I break into a smirk, looking down at him.

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:57 pm

J. Wolfe wrote:Rusty turned his grey eyes on her, he gave a small smile, showing sharp canines. "Tis fine. Thirsty?" He reached into the bag behind him and held out a bottle of water. The heat was getting to him to and he took out another for himself. Nico stood up, coming up to Rusty's waist. He stretched, the amor leopard yawning and showing just as sharp teeth. He looked up at Rusty. "Welcome." He nodded at Alice.

Angela took the water and drank it. "Thank you...." She whispered. Alice purred and jumped onto Rusty. "OH! im sorry!!!" She said reaching to get Alice off. Alice purred and cuddled against Rusty.
Leave Alice alone! She is happy! She purred

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:03 pm


Rusty just laughed. "It's fine. He's survived worst." He bit the inside of his lips to keep from laughing and took a long drink of water. He poured the rest over his head to cool off. Nico just staid where he was. He was a pationt leopard and he pawed at Alice gently, almost playfully.

Gina entered through the gates and hurried inside with a sigh of relief. She looked about her, her face becoming brave now that she was around her own kind. Nieve, the silly little african wildcat, bounded and ran around her playfully. " like..."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:11 pm

no i a year. current or past or some mixed world...?

Right through the gates, some shirtless queer to the side. /Great/.... Like what little innocence that still existed in me at ten /needed/ to still be chipped away at...

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:11 pm

Alice purred and got ready to jump. She jumped up high and landed on Nico's head. She let out a sound that sounded like a laugh. Angela shook her head and laughed. "SHe is a crazy tiger."
Alice nodded in agreement and purred.
Angela looked up at Rusty and was taken back. He was... strangley beautiful. Angela looked back down at Alice who started to play around.

James shrugged off the rest of the girls and made is way to a tree. He pulled out a cigarrete and lit it. He took in a long drag and le tthe smoke fly out of his mouth. Jerrod looked at James and shook his head.
You no smoke.... JAmes shrugged and took another drag.

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:15 pm

(Mixed world. It's medival, but has our technology...well except for a few things like cars and ceartin stuff.)

Rusty put the lid back on his water bottle and slipped it back into his bag. "Do you need anything? Directions perhaps? I think it's almost time for me to switch out with another one of the guards." He looked over his shoulder and let out a soft sigh of relief as another of the guards started their way. Nico gently shook her off and gave her what Rusty assumed was a smile.

Gina went to sit on a bench near the Acadamey. She rested her head on her hands and Nieve jumped up and laid on her lap. Gina then stroked her soft fur.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:18 pm

Alice purred and thought
Cute man equals cute animal
Angela laughed aloud and took it back.
"Sorry it is something Alice said.. um if you dont mind showing me where the dorms are which would help alot..." SHe said with a smile. Her eye lit up and looked down at Alice who nodded in agreement. Angela went down and picked up Alice who cuddled against her.

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:23 pm

Nico snorted and stood, stretching. Rusty gave a small smile and turned towards the Acadamey. "This way then ma'am." He grinned and started that way, Nico right next to him.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:26 pm

"Call me Angela..." She said trying to catch up with him. Alice struggled out of Angela's arms. SHe started to run ahead and she gave a cute moew. "Ah ALICE! You cant go running around here!" ANgela ran to find her. Angela sighed and looked at Rusty. "Will you please help me?"

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:29 pm

Rusty smiled and looked to Nico. Nico sighed, flicked his tail at them. "Show human to room. I'll take care of her." Rusty nodded and looked over at Angela. "Nico will look after her. I'll go ahead and show you to your room."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:29 pm

<Well, /you/ go ahead and be antisocial still...> Isabella cooed to me, standing and jumping down from the tree gracefully. <I want to talk to someone.>
I adjust, watch her pad up to someone on the bench. <Do whatever you like, Isabella...> Why were we such opposites....

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Alice Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:33 pm

( BW I love your picture Smile )

Angela nodded but felt uncomfortable leaving Alice but let it happen. "Okay I guess that works..." SHe whispered. Alice kept running along the pathway. THe courtyard was bigger then she had thought and ran faster feeling better.

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Wildcat Acadamey Empty Re: Wildcat Acadamey

Post by Rebel Wolf Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:38 pm

Nico took off, easily keeping pace. He stayed a bit behind her though, only keeping watch. Rusty smiled, again showing sharp canines. "I can show you where some of the fun places are here as well. " He cleared his throat, and went on ahead. He wasn't use to being nervous around girls, but this one just seemed....well different to him. He decided he liked her.

Gina looked up and smiled. "Hey there!" Nieve's hair stood up and she gave a small hiss, startled. She jumped and stood on Gina's shoulders.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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