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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:31 am

Human children have been going missing from homes mysteriously and without a trace for years now. Some scientists have gathered together and built an underground lab some how without the governments notice. Their goal is to hurry up the evolution of human kind, as well as wanting to make a master race of humans. They've managed to create, what we'd call in legends, shape-shifters, humans with the ability to shape-shift into an animal. The scientists grafted their DNA with an animals DNA, but their creations died a few days after...they then started stealing embryos from hospitals, and most were succesful. The young shape-shifters were kept as animals, and the scientists were especially careful since most were as strong as six men, and most stronger or even faster. Some gained abilities, like being able to breathe underwater, or flying at high speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. Soon some started escaping, overpowering the scientists. The scientists then started making henchmen, part elephants, part man. They're huge, standing up to nine feet tall and bulked with muscles. Despite their size they can run at high speeds and they're intelligent thanks to their elephant half. They look like men, having regular noses, but their skin are grey and they're bald. Their ears are also a little to big, but not much. But even with these new henchmen some have managed to escape. The escaped shape-shifters didn't return back to civilization, for some had new appearances: tails, cat/dog/wolf etc. ears, wings, fangs, claws and such. They created the Gaurdian Acadamey, where shape-shifters could live and train in peace. They've made it their job to keep the Scientists from kidnapping anymore children, and most keep gaurd at hospitals. The Scientists activaties have became more desperate and more and more active. It's our job to keep the rest of the humans safe. Will you join in the fight?

What animal were you grafted with?:
Powers:(Only one please. No abilities like being able to take anothers powers please!)
Shift Image:

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:58 am

What animal were you grafted wth?:wolf
Power:Can track anyone and anything.
Tall, lean, black wolf ears, sharp canines, piercing blue eyes.
Animal image:
Large black wolf with blue eyes.

What animal were you grafted with?:peregine falcon
Powers:Can fly up to 200 miles per hour
dark brown hair, golden eyes, tall, lean, sixt ft peregine falcon wings that he folds against his back and hides when he goes out into public, but at the Acadamey he just goes shirtless and allows his wings to relax.
Animal Image:
Large peregine falcon.

Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 29
Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:38 pm

Name: Serenity
Gender: female
What animal were you grafted with?: Lioness
Powers: Not really a power but she is one of the best hunters/fighters in the world even though she is small
Image: She is 5'1'' with long, curly blonde hair and deep green eyes. She is petite.
Shift Image: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4jDNIdISodwbKF95NmUOtIhqW8PxLN6OSKOrlQXrgMdnSZFTv


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:35 pm

Thanks for joining. =)
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:40 pm

I will join just have to make a charrie.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Age : 29

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:02 pm

Name: Ava
Age: 18
Gender: Female
What animal were you grafted with?: Owl
Powers:(Only one please. No abilities like being able to take anothers powers please!): Will usaully never miss when she shoots at someone.
Image: Snow white hair that come down in waves when she has her hair down normally it is in a pony tail and it comes down to her mid back. She has startenly bright green eyes that tend to change shades of green. Even though she is only 5'5 she has a intimidating aura. She normally is dressed in dark colors perfurbly something with leather so she can easily hide in the shadows. If you look closely you can see a scar on her face, left cheek. She also has a star tattoo on her neck. She has tan skin. Skinny but is stronger than she looks.
Shift Image: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance 310
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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:06 pm

I'm excited to start


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:37 pm

*laughs* Well I guess we could start now. I might be slow, my computer is being slow.

Thelios sat on the steps of the Acadamey, his black wolf ears pinned back and his blue eyes narrowed. He was busy thinking of new strategies he could use against the Scientists.

James sat on the other side of the steps and allowed his wings to drop a bit, relaxing them. He rested his head in his hands and he waited for the new members to come. It was his job to show them around. He was quite, letting Thelios think.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Location : Hanging in the woods....

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:43 pm

Serenity found the academy that she had been looking for. She pushed her blonde hair out of her face and took a deep breath. She was poised to fight if needed.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:46 pm

Ava had just recently escaped. She heard about the Guardian Academy and decided to go there. She walked up to the building slowly hoping this wasn't a trap the Scientist made to capture the escaped. She didn't want to go bacl there not to be stuck with needles and always being tested. It was like they thought she had no feeling that she wasn't worth anything.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 29

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:53 pm

Serenity saw that there was two guys sitting on the steps and one girl beside her. Serenity, falling into her instincts, stood up taller in their presence.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:50 pm

James arms spread out, gesturing towards the large castle like building. "Welcome to the Gaurdian Acadamey, where shape-shifters can learn to fight back agaisnt the Scientists and live and train in peace. My name's James, and that there is Thelios." He stood and his wings folded back against his back.

Thelios spared them a glance before shifting into a large black wolf and took off into the woods behind the school to allow his wolf side some fun. He ran as fast as he could, taking some joy in the fact he was in a cage.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:56 pm

Ava gave the guy Thelios a glance. "He seems friendly," she said sarcasticly. She turned to the other guy with wings, she thought she heard him say his name was James. "So we train here to fight against the scientist?" She wasn't sure she wanted to be here then. She didn't ever want to see the Scientists again. She just wanted to blend into to society and go on with her life not dwell in the past.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 29

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:57 pm

Serenity - I watched the guy named Thelios run and wanted nothing more than to follow his lead. I wanted to run free, but it was probably best if I took the tour. "I'm Serenity," I told James as I obviously sized him up. Then I shook my head, "I want to run so badly," I whispered looking after the other guy.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:21 pm

"Be my guest, but don't get close to Thelios and try to stay away. His wolf side tends to take control at times and he could see you as prey." He gestured for her to go ahead, then turned to the other and he crossed his arms and allowed his wings to hang a little. "And you don't have to fight the Scientists, but do you really want other little girls and boys to suffer what we have?" He raised a eyebrow.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:24 pm

Serenity - I laughed at the thought of me being easy prey. With a smirk a shifted into the lioness side of me, my fierce and ferocious side. It was the side that I liked best. Without thinking I ran gracefully towards the woods. Best time of my life I thought.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:27 pm

Ava could of rolled her eyes, he was using a guilt trip. She hated that it just made her angrier. She sighed trying to despell her anger, she didn't want to fight. "Look I just need a place to crash for the night. Can I here or do I need to keep moving?" She didn't care either way. She hated being in one place to long anyway.
Karma =)
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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:30 pm

"Of course, but you need somthing to keep you active....would you mind at least practicing so you can protect yourself, or would you like to learn how to heal. We have a pool, but otherwise we don't have much to do, unless you like searching around on slow computers."
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:41 pm

Ava nod, "Sure I could train." She still would leave in the morning but she would be a fool to pass up an oppertunity to train. Though she was good with a bow it wouldn't be enough if she wanted to survive on her own. "The name is Ava"
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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:17 pm

Serenity - I ran faster and faster and soon enough I did exactly what I was warned not to do and ran right into Thelios.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:07 am

Thelios, at the moment, had control over his mind, but he still didn't appreciate being ran into. He turned and snapped at her, but didn't bite her. He gave a low warning growl, signaling he wished to be left alone and continued walking, his excietment of running over. Ever since his girlfriend had died he'd been nothing but grumpy and unsociable, so the others already knew to leave the young alpha wolf alone.

James nodded. "The name's James, the oldest and the leader of the group here. You can stay as long as you want, and feel free to call this home whenever you're around and need someplace to stay. Mind letting me know what your DNA is grafted with? Mine is the pergine falcon." He spread his wings out a little, showing the soft brown and the flecks of white and the occasional black.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:51 am

Serenity - He growled at me! HE growled at ME! I couldn't believe it, my full body was shaking with anger. Obviously I couldn't control myself that well. Yes, I ran into him. Still, he snapped at me then just walked away! Instinctively I hissed back.


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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Karma =) Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:21 am

Ava smiled, "A falcon huh? Well I was grafted with an owl." She shrugged, "Don't really know what kind except that its white." She loved the feeling of flying. Just thinking about it made her want to spread her wings and take off now but she held herself back. "So are we going to start training now or are we late?" She was impatient, she didn't like to be standing around doing nothing.
Karma =)
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Age : 29

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Rebel Wolf Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:19 pm

A bell in a bell tower run somwhere in the distance, which underground under it was a library. James decided he's show it to her later. Twelve chimes chimed and James shook his head. "Nah, it's lunch time. After this we'll train. Hungry?"

Thelios just kept walking and moved deeper into the woods, his black fur making him seeme like a shadow. He stopped once to look back at the young lioness, then turned to keep walking, the death of his mate still fresh in his mind.
Rebel Wolf
Rebel Wolf

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Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance Empty Re: Gaurdian Acadamey: The Resistance

Post by Guest Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:22 pm

Serenity - It made no sense to anyone but Serenity herself, but she considered it very rude to walk away from a fight. Maybe it was because she had lions blood running through her veins. More than that, she had lioness' blood. She was the hunter, the provider for a family she didn't have. She would have never walked away from a fight in a million years, in fact, the scientists would often praise her for how much she relied on her animal insticts. So as he walked away she was shocked. How could he act so... human?


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