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Ipswich, MA

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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:20 am

Artemis snorted, her eyes closing as she started her descent into dreams. "Not true... you saved me"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:24 am

Soda watched her, barely brushing his lips against her skin. "I didn't want to loose the most important person in my life," he said softly. He sang softly to her as best he could, but it wasn't long until his chest hurt to much to do so.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:27 am

Artemis fell asleep, a small smile on her lips, his voice following her into her dreams.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:30 am

(mind if I skip ahead to where they are out of the hospital?)


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:36 am

go ahead


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:44 am

Weeks later, Sam was up cooking breakfast, her hair tossed into a messy bun, wearing a pair of baggy sweat pants and a tank top with a sports bra underneath. She still looked tired, though not as tired. She was just more stressed than anything. She had taken it upon herself to keep track of all the medical bills and make sure they got paid. Not to mention the bills from the wreck and everything else.

Soda stirred as the morning sun poured into his room, blinking a few times as he tried to re-orient himself.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:48 am

Artemis was snuggled on Soda's chest, holding him tight as she slept.

James yawned and pulled on his boxers and shorts, making his way into the kitchen and kissing her forehead. "hello beautiful"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:52 am

"Morning," Sam said with a small smile as she dumped some eggs onto a plate and handed it to him. "There's bacon on the table," she said as she reached for the egg carton and sighed, changing her mind. She wasn't going to cook anything else until Artemis and Soda were up. She brushed her bangs from her face and looked around for something to do, finding the dishes had piled up lately. She bit her lip and sighed, moving over to the sink and starting the water to wash the dishes.

Soda smiled down at Artemis and felt like causing mischief. So he quietly and gently moved her so her head was tipping up towards him, then kissed her gently on the lips.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:55 am

Artemis stirred, kissing him back, still in her dreams as she tightened her hold.

James bit his lip, staring at his plate, then her. He frowned and went and stood next to her, helping her with the dishes "you don't have to do all this, you know"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:58 am

"Do all what?" Sam asked as she washed the dishes, setting them in the empty extra sink to be rinsed. She liked having things to do, she honestly didn't mind to much. Except for the bills part and keeping everything orginized. That she minded, although she did have a pretty good budget set out for them all.

Soda smiled and deepened the kiss, his hand brushing over the exposed skin of her back as he waited for her to wake up.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:02 am

"mhanjds" Artemis mumbled incoherently, breaking the kiss for a moment as her eyes fluttered up. She raised a brow, both confused and amused at their current set up.

James snorted, grabbing the dish and rinsing it "this, taking care of us. we have maids we can hire"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:06 am

"Oo, fancy maids," Sam said a little sarcasitcally. What? Was she not good enough to take care of them? She didn't voice her thoughts, she only continued to wash the dishes till they were all done. "Well, if I'm living here too...then I should contribute," she said with a small shrug. "I'm not a moocher."

Soda smiled down at her, his eyes searching hers. "Goodmorning gorgeous," he said softly and kissed her again, his hand sill resting gently on the exposed skin of her back. "How are you feeling?"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:09 am

Artemis gave a wide smile, her skin tingling from his touch "good," she kissed him back "and you?"

James sighed, leading her to the table and handing her a plate, "yes, but you aren't our maid either. I'll find someone today, you don't have to lift a finger"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:16 am

Sam looked at him and blinked a few times. "But I like having something to do," she said as she watched him. "I mean, it's better than just sitting around all day. I can't sit around all day, I have to be doing something." She stood there with the plate in her hand, not remembering what she was suppose to be doing. So instead, she set the plate back down and moved closer to him, kissing his shoulder gently.

Soda smile as he watched her, his hand running up her shirt and gently rubbing her back. "I'm perfect," he murmered even though the truth was he still felt pretty dismal with PT and everything else.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:20 am

James frowned "you like to clean?"

Artemis shivered under his touch, "good, i smell food, you hungry?"

im off to bed, night


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:53 am

"For food?" Soda asked as he kissed down her neck. "Not really. Not at the moment anyway," he murmered against her skin.

Sam looked up at him, her hands resting on his chest. She gave a small shrug. "Not particularly, but I'd rather do it than have someone else do it. Like I said, it gives me something to do during the day."


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:07 am

James wrapped her arms around him, holding her close, "would you like to go out today? I could find ways to entertain you" he grinned, kissing her forehead and rocking her gently.

Artemis laughed lightly, tilting her head, allowing him to continue. "Oh?" she wrapped herself around him


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:12 am

"Yes," Soda murmered as he reached the collar of her shirt, brushing his lips lightly against the skin, back and forth. His hands wandered lightly over her back, not moving from it. He didn't want to make her mad at him.

Sam looked up at him and smiled as she rocked with him. "What did you have in mind?"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:19 am

"hmmmmm" Artemis breathed, her voice catching slightly "me either." Her hands found their way up his neck and into his hair, embedding themselves there gently.

James remained thoughtful for a moment, "the fair? there's one two towns over"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:23 am

"Fair?" Sam looked slightly confused and bit her lip as she watched him. "What's a fair?"

Soda smiled slightly as his lips moved back to hers, moving over her slightly. He didn't plan on doing anything though, just making out. He was proud of himself for being so good, not that he really had a choice for a while there, but still.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:27 am

Artemis pulled him down over her, kissing him back, melding their breaths. How did she get so lucky? Seriously.

James frowned, "you've never been to a fair? you know, cotton candy, popcorn, rides that make you lose your lunch, fun stuff like that"


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:36 am

Sam frowned and shook her head. "No, I don't think I've ever been to one," she said as she watched him. "Why would you want to ride something that makes you throw up?" That was just....stupidity right there.

Soda smiled as he held her, kissing her happily. It was perfect. He almost felt like she was kissing his soul, not just him. "I love you," he murmered after a while. He made sure to be gentle with her, trying to also be gentle with himself. It wasn't like they were completely healed yet and the constant protest of his left side just reminded him of that sore fact.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:45 am

"I love you too," Artemis managed, breaking away and kissing his neck. A strange... fire was forming in her. She wasn't use to it, but... she love it, and his kisses seem to be what fueled it, so she kept kissing him.

James gave an exasperated sigh, "you've never been to a fair before? You go" he tapped her butt lightly, "go get ready, I'm taking you to one."


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:53 am

Sam looked up at him and raised a brow. She didn't like being told what to do, and he knew that. Even if it came with a pat of the butt. She didn't move and instead kissed him, waiting for a "please" to come out of him.

Soda turned his head so she could kiss his neck better, closing his eyes in happiness. He rolled so that she was ontop of him, his left side not protesting as much. His hands began to be more bold.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Guest Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:55 am

Artemis melted into his touch, lingering over his neck and chest before moving her lips back to his. The continued to grow, she wanted to quench it, just didn't know how.


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Ipswich, MA - Page 36 Empty Re: Ipswich, MA

Post by Sponsored content

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