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'Ere in Ol' Lu

Jacky K.
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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Jacky K. Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:47 pm

(Note! This is a chat based off of my book setting. So sorry for the monolith! There's just so much to include. If you're confused about anything, please, run a few questions by me! )

Here on the island of Luna Nuova, times are changing. The economy's split, leaving thieves, outcasts, and homeless to flourish in the slums like algae eating off a sunken ship. While the Mainlanders carry on with their carefree little lives in simple luxury, we're left to rot down here. Unwanted, cut off, and abandoned. See, there are many ways to get stuck in the Lowlands of Luna . . . but there are only two ways out: a gun or a noose. Where do you stand?

About the Setting


Imagine a knockoff of Venice: elaborate stone buildings decorated with lacey terraces and quirky bridges, mirrored by shimmery canals below. Imagine what might happen to said knockoff after being subject to erosion, flooding, and not-too-friendly storms for a couple of generations. Congratulations! You now have a perfect picture of the Lowlands. These parts were added to Luna after the Mainlands simply didn't have enough space to fit its population . . . but their plans failed, and the crumbling beauty was soon abandoned. Now, it's inhabited by people who don't have anywhere else to go.

Lowlanders have a few quirks that are uncommon in other parts of the island. For one, they've developed a language made up of whistles. It's unknown who started the language, but it sure grew. Their culture relies heavily on sound and music, therefore, it's not uncommon for someone to speak only in whistle or sing an improvised tune as they carry on through everyday life. Though it's easy to find a Lowlander by listening, most stay hidden in alleys and abandoned buildings until nightfall. In other words . . . if you're deaf, you're screwed.

What am I forgetting? Oh, right. Landmarks. On the far edge of the city is the Bell Tower, the tallest building on the island. Seriously, the place is huge. It used to be a cathedral, theatre, library, lighthouse, and God-knows-what-else all in one. Now, it's said to be haunted. On the opposite side of that are the Playgrounds, an area that used to be an outdoor market. It's now overrun by kids who managed to claim the area as their own. Between that are clusters of more slums, gang territories, ect ect. A few shops and hotels may have sprung up, and you can have a bit of fun with this area and create a landmark or two of your own.


Picture salty air, roof gardens, and tranquil knockoff-Italian-style houses piled on top of another until it all ends abruptly before a cliffside. Skinny walkways, fishing boats, ect ect. There you have it. This place is full of people happy just where they are, and most don't want anything to do with the Lowlands. In fact, the city is in progress of building a physical wall between the two areas. They also have a nice, big prison built off to the side, just in case any unwanted criminals wander too far past the wall. Being the old-fashioned people they are, they settle for the quick and easy method of hanging said criminals if the prison becomes too crowded.

Landmarks! There's a grand old theatre that stands tall, called The Bridge. It's still in use. Unfortunately, it stands right in the way of where the separating wall is meant to be built, and it's to be demolished soon enough. Other than that, there is of course, the prison, which is another man-made island just off the coast of Luna's North beach. Just like the buildings in the Lowlands, it's sinking. As more cells are flooded, there is less and less space to keep prisoners in. A mile or so to the right of that is one more small beach, occupied by fishing docks galore. You can add in shops, houses, apartments, ect ect as you see fit anywhere else in the Mainlands.

About the People

There are a few social branches to choose from.

--Gangster: These people are very territorial. They distinguish themselves with tattoos, colors, reputation, ect. It's common for them to only come out at night: thus, if you're super pale skinned with no sign of sun, it's a sign to intimidate. The popular clothes style is to take the richest, most antique and expensive clothes you can find and tear them to shreds. The style varies with each gang, but in the general populations torn-up rich clothes say "I'm rich AND I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Fear me."

--Streetrat: These people are generally the homeless kids, before they become gangsters and drug dealers. They might stick in small gangs or go solo, running from place to place in order to find shelter and food. They don't usually last long. Hunger and disease gets to them quicker.

--Thief: Like gangsters, these people are all about competition and intimidation. However, most of them run solo rather than in a pack. Social rank in this area is established not by how rich you are, but by how many robberies you can pull off and how tough it was to do so. If you can steal another thief's knife or trademark item, it shoots you up in rank right quick. Why do people become thieves? Sometimes, they just need money. Other times, they just like competition.

--Gypsy/Minstrel: These people can exist in the Mainlands or the Lowlands. They travel on boats to entertain, but why they do what they do simply depends on the gypsy. Money? Fame? Art? Fun? Rebellion? Any reason at all to sing and dance and act. These people often have close ties to the local theatre.

--Homeless Person: pretty self explanatory. Lost your job, maybe, couldn't afford your house, so you wound up in the Lowlands.

--Outlander: If you're an outcast, you're an Outlander. There are many things that can make you an Outlander, but the number one is that you look different. See, nearly everyone in Luna has very light skin and light hair and light eyes. If you don't fit into that mold, you're an outcast. Most either fear these people, hate them, flat out don't trust them, or sometimes even have superstitions about them. Some are indifferent about them. Very few accept them.

--Runaway: Oftentimes, these people are the bratty kids that run away from Mum and Pop after a fight. They get trapped in the Lowlands, and oftentimes end up as Streetrats.

--Mainlander: Here's a broad term for you. Someone who lives on the Mainlands. Fisherman, Policeman/Prison guard, shopkeeper, ect ect ect. People there would be in an average city on a remote island with a split economy.

(Note! These are suggestions. Charries can be a mix of these things, or their own category altogether.)


Social branch / where they live:
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.)

Edit! Extra info.

There is an accent in Luna, more so in the Lowlands than in the Mainlands. It can vary slightly from person to person, but in general, it sounds cockney-ish. Here's my guide to how I portray the accent:

'H's at the beginnings of words are taken out. For example, 'have' is ''ave'.

To and The = t' and th'

Some vowels are just skipped altogether. Luna Nuovans talk pretty fast, so 'because' might become 'b'cause' and so on.

Yes/yeah = aye. This is often tacked onto the ends of sentences. "No real point t' that, aye?"

No = Nah, nonono. 'No' is reserved for more to-the-point occasions. For example: "Want t' go get food?" "Nah, I don't feel like it." "Can I 'ave that?" "Nonono, that's mine." "Want t' date my sister?" "No!"

A common curse is "Holy Hell" or " 'oly 'ell"

Keep in mind that Lowlanders have lost their written language, so to them, certain words sound the same. This shines through in some of their expressions, and you can have fun with this. For example, "hate" sounds like "ate", so it's not too uncommon to "eat someone to hell." Play around with the puns.

"Oi" is a common phrase. However, "Oi my my" is what I call a Cricketism, as well as "waitpardonwhat". These 'isms' are used by mainly one character, and feel free to make your own! *loves isms* Just keep in mind which 'isms' are general to the public and which is strictly one character's.

Other common phrases

"Raven's Crow" -- in a nutshell, it means "I'm just passing through, and don't want trouble. We're all Lowlanders, after all." Comes from an old folk song they have there:

"There's a place I used to know.
There we'd dance to the raven's crow.
We'd not mind if rats run through
'cause we're all streetrats, too."

"Blood river" -- means "Lookout, someone just got hurt! Run if you don't want the same happening to you." Can be used as a threat or a warning.

"Moon's Lullaby" -- (just thought I'd put this in here, but the meaning has flexed over the years. Bear with my spastic definitions please xD) the "Moon's Lullaby" is the sound of the whistles and cricket chirps that can be heard all night long in the lowlands.

"Keykeeper" -- cop. This one is hardly ever actually voiced, because...well, it's a warning that a policeman is nearby, and whistling the warning is much less conspicuous if the copper happens to overhear.

"Easy hunt" -- it means "Oh, look, a naive and uncannily rich passerby. We should mug them." or "This guy caves easily. We can get anything we want from 'em."

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 9 times in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:27 pm

Name: Chrystal
Age: Nobody really knows, she won't tell anybody. But old.
Gender: Female
Social branch / where they live: Gypsy/Minstrel in the lowlands
Appearance: Grey hair pulled into a tight bun, pale, wrinkled skin, and twinkling blue eyes
Other: Used to work and perform in the mainlands, but for unknown reasons, moved to the lowlands. She spins fairytales and tells stories, to help the lowlanders escape life for a while. Nobody really knows why she does it, but she manages to make due. Usually dresses in gold and purple dresses.

Name: Dusty
Age: 16
Gender: male
Social branch / where they live: Homeless person/street rat in the lowlands
Appearance: Blonde, but his hair is usually so dirty it looks darker. Pale green eyes. Skin has a constant dirt tan.
Other: Works in odd jobs, usually for Chrystal. He loves her stories. She'll give him food instead of money when he does work for her. But he does lots of other odd jobs, too. He also looks a lot younger then he really is.


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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:36 pm

Name: Luike
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Social branch / where they live: Lowlands (is a theif)
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Fair skin and strawberry blonde hair that is long enough to have some fringe, but not overly long. stunning sharp blue eyes that tell he isnt to be messed with. usually has a cold expression on his face. He isnt one to be messed with.
Other: He has a cat named felix (yes that felix). Just a cat he found on the street and had grown attatched to Luike. Its the only living creature is is semi-nice to right now. he carries a knife for protection, but doesnt really need to with Felix around. Felix will try to take down anyone who attempts to hurt him.

Name: Moko
Age: 17
Gender: female
Social branch / where they live: outcast. Lives by Bell tower.
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Dark tan skin with jet back hair. Her hair reaches her shoulders and is in layers. Her eyes and dark and mysterious. Yet at the same time, intelligent and curious. She is short and thin framed.
Other: She is very quite and curious. Will sneak around and spy on people. Is slighlty socially awkward because she doesnt talk to people often.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Kid.Icarus Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:08 am

Name: Dispater(Diz)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Social branch / where they live: Thief. Lives In an Old hotel, near the Bell Tower.
Appearance: White hair, with a Black streak on his left side: goes a bout halfway down on his back, shoulder length on side and front, parted out of his face to the left. Clear blue eyes. Tall, thin, pale.
Other: Carries at least 2 daggers at any given time, including his Old mentor's signature weapon (A curved blade, with a wing shaped Handle, ). Call him "dizzy" and he might just stab you.(other stuff later, maybe)

Last edited by Kid.Icarus on Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:00 pm; edited 3 times in total

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by ShaneColton Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:13 am

Name: Harpie
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Social branch / where they live: Gypsy / On a boat :p
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Shoulder length almost white blonde wavy hair, very light blue eyes, pale skin. She is medium height, but limps lightly, due to an injury as a child. Has small tattoo on her wrist, no one but her understands the intricate meaning of it.
Other: n/a for now

Name: Skully
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Social branch / where they live: Leader of the Scorpia Gang / Lowlands
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Medium height, Strawberry blonde hair that is short, like to her chin. Green eyes that hold no emotion. Has several tattoos up her arms.
Other: n/a for now

Last edited by shanerider on Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Jacky K. Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:46 am

Name: Swain
Age: 27

Gender: guy
Social branch / where they live: gangster, Lowlands, near the Bell Tower
Appearance: Light blonde hair that hangs just short of the eyes, incredibly white skin, tattoo of an open eye on his right eyelid. This is the Watchers gang trademark. He usually carries a wooden cane with him, proudly, because he stole it from some old hag gypsy who tried to teach him morals. It's his way of saying that he's in charge of his own future, but in reality...he's just Skelet's mini-me.
Other: See above lol

Name: Skelet
Age: 32

Gender: guy
Social branch / where they live: Around the Bell tower, gangster
Appearance: Has trademark eye tattoo, blonde hair that's cropped short, weather-worn pale skin. Sharp eyes, and a crooked smile. Lanky but strong. Carries himself with a looming, demanding air.
Other: He's the unspoken leader of the Watch gang, and is a bit obsessive compulsive. If he doesn't like you, you're going to have a few murderers after you and that's that. If he REALLY doesn't like you, he'll kill you himself. But despite all this, he keeps his gang close, like a great big, dysfunctional family.

Name: Bells
Age: 18

Gender: gal
Social branch / where they live: Near the Bell Tower, with the Watchers gang
Appearance: strawberry blonde hair that hangs limply to her waist, willowy figure and tired blue eyes. She wears expensive used-to-be-ballgown dresses that have been torn above the knee, along with a few other mismatched and completely destroyed accessories. Also has the trademark tattoo. Though she has no social status without Skelet by her side, she carries herself proudly and smoothly. Her voice matches her walk.
Other: She's stuck in the gang. Joined to keep herself safe, and it worked; Skelet made a pet out of her, and she's safe from harm...well, except the harm Skelet inflicts. A couple shots of whiskey and she soon forgets about that, though.

Last edited by Ima Jack x) on Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Bells Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:49 am

Name: Lex
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Social branch/where they live: Low lands in an old abandoned restaurant. Thief.
Appearance: Lex has wild blonde hair that she usually keeps pulled back in a pony tail because of the fact a brush just won't go through it. The pony tail runs down to about mid neck and is very frizzy. Her eyes a deep blue color and her skin a milky white. She stands around 4'11'' and is very small and skinny in stature. Normally found to be wearing a short, tight black skirt and a navy blue shirt that is torn around the edges a little.
Other: N/A

Last edited by Bells on Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Echo Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:03 am

Name: Hermes
Age: 8
Gender: Male. As far as you know.
Social branch / where they live: Streetrat. That counts for both questions.
Appearance: Scruffy, not-quite-chin-length, white hair; large, green eyes; very pale, with a line of freckles on the tops of the cheeks and across the bridge of the nose; average height; thin and lithe
Other: Hermes is quite fast. If you need a message delivered, he could get it there.
Winter Dragon

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Jacky K. Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:44 am

Name: Claire
Age: 12

Gender: gal
Social branch / where they live: Mainlander, lives near The Bridge theatre.
Appearance: Delicate-looking, with light blonde hair that's cropped at her shoulders. Dark blue eyes and pink lips. Moves like a dancer (she is one) and tends to wear comfy shorts and looser shirts, unless she's in costume.
Other: she's been an actress since toddler years, grown up right next to the theatre. Mortimer is a close friend and teacher to her.

Name: Mortimer
Age: 31

Gender: guy
Social branch / where they live: Mainlander, lives IN the Bridge theatre.
Appearance: He's a large man, with a charming and flamboyant air. Neatly trimmed dirty-blonde hair, leading down to a neatly-trimmed dirty-blonde beard. Bright blue eyes.
Other: He owns The Bridge, and is also a vocal and drama teacher there, as well as a director. He has a passion for theatre.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Momo13 Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:08 am

Name: Nox
Age: 12-13ish. He is young.
Gender: male
Social branch / where they live: Part of the watcher gang, lives around bell twoer.
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) fair, long shaggy (falls into his face) pale blond hair and emerald green eyes. Is short and kind of scrawny.
Other: Is willing to follow whatever order given by a watcher. Is passionate about being there, but still has a mind and will of his own. He doesnt exactly hover around skelet, but is usually in the same general area as him.

Name: Mel
Age: 11
Gender: female
Social branch / where they live: Mainlander, lives very close to bridge theatre.
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) wavy blonde hair that reaches down to her mid back. Her bangs are long and shaggy and fall into her face when she isnt preforming. her eyes and sea green, and almond shaped.
Other: is a close friend to Claire (if that is ok) and has been acting with her most of her life. Is a singer, and has a very good voice for her age. her voice is very powerful and carries well.

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Bells Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:11 pm

Name: Lark
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Social branch / where they live: Mainlands, works at the prison?
Appearance: He is pretty buff and stands around 5'10''. His hair a shaggy strawberry blond and his eyes are a lighter jade green color. Has the look of someone who doesn't sleep well, shadows under his eyes ect...

((I got questions about ^ and I also edited Lex.))

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Ale J. Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:31 pm

Name: Whistle
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Social branch / where they live: Streetrat. Lowlands
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Sandy lookin blonde hair, Light blue eyes. Pale skin. Scrawny, a little above average height.

Name: Trinket
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Social branch / where they live: Theif/ Lowlands
Appearance: (remember: most are blonde or strawberry blonde, pale skin, blue or green eyes. All others are rare.) Strawberry blonde, Green eyes and light skin. Usually wearin a white shirt, with a torn green cloth tied around it.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Jacky K. Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:39 pm


"You'd better take care of my baby, Skelet." I smirked up at him, feeling his strong arms wrap around my waist. He sighed, and his cigarrette breath cut through the dank evening air. I'd learned to like that smell.

"It's mine, not yours, lassie. You're much too possessive. It's not attractive in a lass." Nonetheless, I thought I saw a hint of a smile on his scratchy face. He got that look sometimes when he was about to kiss me. Then I saw Swain twirl his cane out of the corner of my eye, as a reminder that we weren't alone . . . in fact, the entire gang was clustered in that alley like a pack of dogs under the shadow of the Bell Tower. Skelet wasn't phased, and only got a greedy look in his eye as he thrust his lips against mine. I just stood there dumbly, feeling my cheeks flame as I waited for him to pull away.

I was never one to care what people thought. Every now and then some bastard would call me a bitch, and my answer was always the same: "Get your own." Aye, after being shown around like a dog on a leash for so long, I just accepted it. See, Skelet was my best friend. He loved me like a soulmate.

Skelet finally eased away, smirking like a boy flaunting a shiny penny he'd picked up from the ground. "Th' keys, Bells."

The keys slipped into his hand with a jangle. "See you, see you soon, Skelet," I said, and he only chuckled in response before slinking down the alley to a nearby canal. The Watchers followed in a flurry of whistles, but scattered into the shadows sooneafter. Just like that. Gone. Soon to reappear wherever Skelet saw fit.

Skelet was the only one to touch my baby. She was a pretty one, small and quick and dark, and her motor hardly made a sound as he sped off through the water. Aye, no scrawny rat was allowed to touch my boat. She was my pride, and Skelet's, too, second to me.

Now all I had to do was not get shot while he was gone.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:13 pm

Moko watched from a distance at the people who were talking. The gang, the watchers. She pushed a lock of hair out of her face and watched them. The main one was holding the girl to him. The others were just standing around.

The main guy had left, going to a boat. The others had scattered. Moko felt much safer once they left. She took a step closer and watched the girl. She seemed to be...accepted there. Of course she would be...She looked perfect. Unlike Moko, who had dark skin, dark hair, and dark eyes. She wasnt only an outcast, but also a rumor. People had heard of her, but she rarely let people see her.

The little boy who scurried off behind one of them caught her eye. But she stayed put. She looked back at the girl and tried to walk closer. She stepped on a piece of glass that crunched under her foot. She stopped, her breath caught in her throat.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Jacky K. Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:05 pm


I heard something crunch behind me, and my hand drifted to my gun. Oi. No. Where my gun used to be. Well, that was just bullshit. Must have left it on my Baby. Ah well, I could cope, with my knife. It was probably just a false alarm.

I glanced cooley behind me, and swallowed a scream. Holy Hell. The image hit me like a bullet straight through my eye. It was hideous, dark as soot, with hair all sprouted from its head like stringy black seaweed.


Wait. That couldn't be right.

No, it was an Outlander. The word crashed through my mind like waves on a cliffside. I just stood frozen for a moment, staring as if trying to convince myself that it was just imagined. But no, it was a girl . . . an Outlander girl, here in Skelet's realm. I wet my lips, drawing my knife from my dress. "Look 'ere, look 'ere," I said smoothly.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:23 pm

Age: 20
Gender: Female.
Social branch / where they live: Lowlands...Works as a thief.
Appearance: Rather...noodly in porportion...slender and what not, tall, lanky...all those good synonyms. Biggish Grey eyes, and whitish dreads, with assorted beads and crap dispersed throughout, she tends to bundle them into a big dreadlocky ponytail so they don't flip around.
Other: Walked out on her parental units about 6 years back, and hasn't been back since.


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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Ale J. Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:17 am


I was whistlin' through the day, Mindin' my own business, when I came across the Bell Tower. Things seemed to always find me, even at the most random times. Anywho, I walked toward it. I had heard of a gang over here. But I wasn't worried in the slightest. Not at all! I could handle a few guys and gals in a fight. I even had my favorite knife handy, very convenient. I twirled it in my fingers and continued whistlin'. A merry, happy tune it was. I replaced the blade in my pocket with my gun. I had stolen this gun from a man in the Mainlands. It was one of my many prides, carryin' it around. Then there was my blade, another beauty. It had a nice sharp end and a great grip. This one I had gotten here in the Lowlands. Took it from a runaway. The boy thought he looked all tough carryin' it around. 'Till he found it gone the next day. I had a laugh then, quite funny watchin' him panic. As if he could have found it! Once somethin's gone, it's gone. That little idiot. I came up to the Tower and looked around. I caught some movement, I Outlander...and a few people were visible, though they seemed to be hidden. I swiftly hid behind a random object and watched. An Outlander? That...was very strange. More than strange! I never saw an Outlander before!
Ale J.
Ale J.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:17 pm

Name: Quincy Fox
Age: 15
Gender: F
Social branch / where they live: thief/streetrat
Appearance: platinum blonde hair, almost white. Cream colored skin, slightly freckled. Light purplish eyes. Always wears dark clothes and a hoodie
Other: starts out as a thief. might join a gang and become a streetrat. she /was/ a fangirl of Crooks...idk if that's still happenin. yeah....real snarky and sassy. She's nicknamed herself The Fox for being so sly and trying jobs no one else will.

Name: Twig
Age: 17
Gender: M
Social branch / where they live: gangster
Appearance: sandy brown hair but dark eyes. Thin IE the name, but he's got some hidden strength. very milky tea colored skin, but for a tattoo on his upper arm.
Other: hates when people underestimate him

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Invisimort Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:00 am


I rolled out of bed. Not my bed...Not really a bed. Sofa. Ok. Right, I remembered I was staying with a 'friend'. It was Late afternoon, and I had gotten in at about...early morning. So...I figured that was about 8 hours of sleep? I liked to get it where I could, and when I could get it on someone else's sofa...I liked to get more sleep than usual.

I got up and trudged into the crumbling kitchen, picking over everything there, and tossing it into my bag. My week was up, and the 'friend' wouldn't be home for another 2 hours. I had plenty of time to relocate my...assets. The sofa wasn't worth taking this time through, however I had found, through careful investigation, a box full of...shiny things. That was already in my bag. I also was planning on grabbing the mirror, and a few other miscellaneous sundries that I could probably get at least a bit of pocket change for.

Really I had been lazy this week. Sofas and hospitality sometimes made me complacent, and as such, I was itching to get back out to the streets, where I could turn a profit just by sitting too close to someone. I pushed a few stray dreadlocks out of my face as I munched on some food item I had just picked up.

I did another once through of the place, and left, headed for a pawn shop. I wondered whether my 'friend' would be mad at the betrayal. It was an amusing question. Considering...I'd only 'known' the friend for two weeks, having wormed my way into her heart that quickly. One week of idle chatter, and they'd be happy to let you borrow their sofa for a while. It made me smile.

I walked into the pawn shop, a little bell tinkling as I came in the door. "Hello..." I called, already pulling out the items. The quicker I could get rid of it all the better.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Bells Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:39 am

Lex stood in the shadows beneath the leaning building as her eyes ran over the old hotel. She'd been there for awhile, just surveying the land as she waited for the perfect moment. Just when the sun finally dipped behind the buildings and hid from her view. This would be her best..or worst idea ever.

Lex had heard about some thief who lived in the hotel, a pretty good one if the rumors were right. Well, she was pretty good herself, and she planned on proving it. Tonight, while he lay sleeping in her bed she was going to take something. Lex wasn't sure what it would be yet but it had to be recognizable. Something that would be identifiable as his.

Shaking her head a little she stepped from the shadows and slunk over to the hotel. It was no use thinking over what to take when she didn't even know what he had. Gripping the side of a chipped brick Lex quickly began to scale the side of the building. She wasn't well known, yet, but what was known about her was that she could climb almost any surface. If it was possible she could do it. Made it hard to keep her out of a lot of places.

Reaching the top she slipped a hand over the railing of the balcony and glanced around the area before hoisting herself over and silently walked towards the door into the room. It resembled the living area or whatever it was called she'd seen in other houses. First things first, she needed to find the thief. Going slowly from room to room and peeking in the doors she found him in a room right off the living...area. Nodding to herself with a small smirk she backed back out into the area and began searching through the room for something valuable. And preferably shiny.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:10 am

I was quite rudely woken up when I heard someone in my living room... that was not right.. anybody in the hotel would have known to knock... only one conclusion.. Someone had to be punished.

I started subtly reaching for my Knife, as I heard doors start opening... this was also not right.. anyone who lived here would've known exactly where I was.. this person was not supposed to be here.

I stopped moving and pretended to be asleep as the thief approached my door... when they opened my door I got a glimpse of them... A girl... an unfamiliar girl... she had to be punished.

As soon as the door shut I grabbed my knife, I got out of the bed, making sure not to make any unnecessary noise. I quickly slipped two more daggers onto my belt, Knife still in hand, and slowly opened the door.

The girl was In the living room, searching through the drawers and whatnot. Amateur, a true thief keeps all valuables on on near their person at all times. The girl wasn't very intimidating from what I could see, short and skinny to say the least. I sneaked up behind the girl, putting one hand on her shoulder, and brought my knife to her throat.

"Lass, I'll give ya one chance t' explain 'ow th' 'ell ya got in 'ere, and what th' 'ell ya think yer doin' 'ere." I restrained myself from killing the girl on the spot, stealing from another thief, was just plain idiotic.

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Bells Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:20 am

Lex froze as soon as she felt the metal touch her throat, oh nononono it couldn't be..."'ow d' you expect a good answer when I 'ave a blade to my throat." She grumbled, her hand dropping to the dagger in her waist band. Her worst idea definitely. Now that she thought about it. What thief wouldn't wake up when she came in?

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:54 am

I chuckled at her comment, at least she wasn't as stupid as I'd thought.
"Fair point Lass," I took the knife away from her throat, and turned her around, still pointing my knife towards, my free hand now hovering over a dagger, just in case she did anything stupid.
It was only now that I got a good look at her... wild blonde hair, tied into a ponytail.. milky white skin... deep blue eyes... she couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall... Overall.. she was actually pretty cute... though she was a bit skinny.. I wondered to myself if she was eating enough.. but I quickly pushed the thought away, remembering that this girl had just tried to steal from me...
"Now then.. Ya better start explainin' yerself Lass..."

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Bells Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:03 am

Lex smirked, her fingers tightening around the dagger as she thought over what to say. "Well what are you wantin' t' 'ear mate? I climbed on t' your thingy there?" She told him and gestured towards the balcony. "Or what?"

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'Ere in Ol' Lu Empty Re: 'Ere in Ol' Lu

Post by Kid.Icarus Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:12 am

I smirked.. She probly thought she was clever..
"Well.. That answers 'ow ya got in 'ere, now 'ow 'bout yoo explain why yer 'ere in th' first place... and maybe a name while yer at it.."
I still had my knife pointed at her.. I could see her tightening her grip on the dagger... I kinda wondered how long she'd last if she tried to pull it on me..

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