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Rainbows and Butterflies

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:16 pm


Okayyy... so... yeah. I have a chat... nowait... TWO chats I should be starting. And many chats I should be replying to. And I'm only on on the weekends. Yeah... I'm a bad person. BUT SCREW IT.
Another mind chat. Just deal.

ENDELLION'S MINDPLACE... is... a scary place. Even to Ende. So... give her a moment to think of how to do this
*thinks a moment*


Okay, kiddos... my mind, AKA Endespace... or... Endece... or... something... *cough*
Anywho, it's a scary place.
Your characters will have a tour guide (see 'Citizens of Endespace' for more info) but I thought I'd draw out a little mental map first.
First off... uh... imagine a long hallway. Like... super long. Then after a bit, said hallway forks off into two separate hallways. Those two hallways stretch on forever (though there are various modes of transport. More on that later). The hallways are painted really funky, random colors, too. Sometimes with music blaring. And all along the hallways there are doors. To all different places and everything. Down one hallway, there are universes for characters and ideas and stuff, that all exist in my mind. Down the other hallway are mind spaces. Don't worry though, the doors are all locked. Only mah characters have keys, and each character has an almost entirely separate set (don't want all the characters being able to access all the doors, ya know) The only door that is unlocked sits nestled right where the hallway branches off. It's to the Lounge.

POI (Pies of investment... or places of interest. Whatever)
Obviously, I can't list them all, but here are the most important spaces. All of the characters have keys to these unless otherwise noted.

The Lounge:: To the characters, this is the most important room, really. Heck, this is where almost everything happens. It's a really rather large room, with warm, inviting colors. There's a big couch, in a semi circle, that takes up most of the space. Carpet all on the floor. Off in one corner is a little kitchen area. The whole place smells like coffee and apple pie. This place has been established in my head for a really long time, for the record.

MemorySpace:: Eh... uhm... it's a room, with a GIANT bin built into the middle of the floor. Stuff just kinda gets tossed in there. This results in me forgetting really important stuff, and remembering, like, songs I haven't listened to since I was four. And etc. The characters kinda fear this room.

Jail:: Pretty straightforward. No characters have keys to this. It's a jail with two really big cells, that some nameless cop dude, and sometimes Samantha, patrols. End of story.

Transroomportation:: Where the bikes, scooters, ect are kept. They help you traverse.

Uh... as the need arises, I will dig up some more rooms. Because there are a TON.

Citizens of EndeSpace
Oh wow. There are like... so many. I'll try to keep it to the ones that contribute the most.

Marley:: A short, blonde thief that kinda pops up everywhere and gives her advice... even when not needed T.T She will be your tourguide, and she will wear a tourguide hat. Like a boss. Or... something.

Robin:: AKA Tim Drake. He gives me logical and ethical advice on stuff. Sometimes acts as Marley's foil when the need arises. He's a superhero. Yeah.

Speedy:: Always either in the lounge, or shooting arrows somewhere. Hard to describe.

Dorian:: A heartless assassin that isn't too well liked by the rest of Inkpop. Approach him with caution

So many characters are bound to pop up... yeah... ug. Bleh. *to head* You people... ug.

They don't have forms that exist in the conscious level of my mind... and the subconscious is a nasty place, last door in the mindspace hallway... (yes, I did say the hallways were infinate earlier. HEHEHEMINDSCREW) but they're pretty much expressed by the me I imagine directly inside my mind (almost always in the Lounge) when I have to 'find my happy place' or whatever. Or sometimes I just imagine me talking to a character face to face in my mind as opposed to imagining them out in the real world. Yay. So if you see me wandering the halls by chance... which is unlikely, but whatever.... say hi :3

What do they look like:
Other Stuff That I Might be Remotely Interested In:


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Name: E.Drew(real name logan but no one knows that)/Drew
Age: look 17 but are ageless.
Chats: Erm...The academy is, DDS, and the chat box.
What do they look like: Brown shaggy hair that falls into their eyes. Drew's eyes are always sad and E.Drew's always have an evil glint. They look identical. Erm....*fails at describing them* Tallish with some defined muscle.
Background: They were given powers by a council of elders to help protect reality from evils. E.Drew(real name Logan...but everyone calls him E.Drew...I still need to iron that detail out...) started abusing the powers, and left the council to go rouge. He is now out to get drew to follow in his steps to be evil.
Drew has seen much sadness in the endless years and it shows in his eyes. He is forbiden by council rules to admit his love to a mortal (he may love them, but he can never tell them or let them find out) Without losing his powers or being on probation. hes broken that rule twice now (once with Jay in DDS and once with Mika (from his book)) so he is walking on thin glass with the council.
E.Drew: Somewhat daredevily and cocky. He loves to cause people pain, especially people who are close to Drew (ex: Ashley (kara's char) or Jay (Ende's char). to put it plainly, he's evil.
Drew: Good and usually follows the rules. Will protect those he cares for and do anything to keep everything in balance.
Other Stuff That I Might be Remotely Interested In: Reality benders. E.Drew has a endless bag of weapons that he probably will use.

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:07 pm

What do they look like: YOU KNOW THIS.
Other Stuff That I Might be Remotely Interested In:ER...*FLAILS.*

What do they look like: KINDA TALL, AND GINGER. WITH HAZEL EYES.
Other Stuff That I Might be Remotely Interested In:ER?

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Stevie Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:08 pm

Name: Ronnie
Age: 18
What do they look like: She looks like the first girl, the one with blue highlights and black hair.
Background: Her mom died when soon after she was born, so she was raised by her father. Her father was never around, and she hated him for that. She had an older brother, but he ran off around the time when she was ten. So really, she had to grow up on her own, and she had to grow up really fast. She constantly had to take care of herself.
Personality: She’s a rebel, and extremely independent. She has trouble with feelings, and she doesn’t like to act like she feels anything. Basically, zero emotion.
Other Stuff That I Might be Remotely Interested In:

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Join date : 2011-08-08
Age : 27

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:30 pm

The colors in the hallway seemed to pulsate and shift, as if the hallway itself was living and breathing. It made a nice impression on all of the new characters whenever one was added to EndeSpace. Kinda gave them a taste for what they were in for.
Only what they were in for tended to have more tragedy than a lot of neon colors.
Minor details though.
The hallways stretched onward forever, like looking down a long train tunnel. Forever and ever. Infinite places. All unaccesable to those without keys.

In the Lounge, though, it was a totally different story. It was almost uncharacteristically quiet, no fights, emotional breakdowns, or throwing up. That promised to change at any moment, but for now, there were only a handful of characters even in there.

Speedy, of course, was making a cup of coffee, while mumbling to himself. Jay, book Jay, that is, was reading in a corner, trying to catch up on her homework from Orion. She would occasionally look up to glare at Marley, since she was currently studying habui. Marley would keep glaring back, but with a tiny, amused, smirk. Kay was silently watching the two, but never commented. Not that she really ever did. Who even knows what goes on in that head of hers? And Robin was half sleeping, half making sure nobody killed each other.

Then there was a tiny knock at the door. Everybody perked up, and Marley immediately jumped up to answer it. The person was gone though. There was just a hat. A hat with a note. More specifically, a tourguide hat with a note from Endellion. Marley tentatively picked up the note, and read it... with some difficulty. Reading wasn't her thing

Dear Marls
There are some people coming to MAH BRAIN. Make sure they don't die, k?


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:36 pm

E.Drew and Drew woke up in some random, somewhat confusing lounge like place at the same time. They didnt notice the others, just eachother.
"What are you doing here?" They both demanded. "What do you mean what am I doing, what are you doing?" E.Drew glared at Drew as they continued to repeat each other. They were never really suposed to be in the same place. Band things happened then.
E.Drew wouldnt mind the bad thigns happening then, but Drew was not found of destroying someplace random. Especially where they had no idea where they were.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:06 am

After I was done reading, I turned and... wow. Okay. There were two guys in the middle of the lounge. Annnnd they looked like twins
Great, just what this head needs, more twins. Wait... they didn't just walk in like new characters do. And... I think I recognize them... from the chatbox... can't remember when, though. Huh. I slipped the tour guide hat on
"Who are you all?" I demanded, walking over and stepping in between them. Jay looked sort of scared, and confused, at the same time. Weird... maybe SHE knows them? But what would the hunter brat know... just... weird.


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:11 am

E.Drew and Drew turned to face the girl, the arguement dissapearing for tiem being.
"E.Drew," "Drew" They said at the same time. They glared at each other, fists clenched. E.Drew went for his bag and Drew grabbed his only weapon, a simple dagger, from his belt. It was obvious that they didnt like each other one bit.
"Marley, is Jay in here? My Jay i mean....not the book jay...." Drew asked, dagger clenched in his hand. E.Drew had pulled out a long, sharp sword from his endless bag and had it ready to fight. Drew knew he couldnt take on E.Drew, not by himself at least.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:24 am

"Uh... not /here/ here, but... I think she's in the training room or something" I said, glancing over at book Jay. Her eyes were impossibly wide, and she looked like she was scanning the room for a good improv weapon.
"So... uh... why the HECK are you guys in Ende's brain, and how did you even get here?!"


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:29 am


I woke up and...I was in for sitting. Ok. I was doing a lot of waking up recently. This was getting kind of...freaky.

And then I looked around...and that girl. A ginger. Uhm...Ok. This was wierd... I knew what Invisimort was planning between us...but er...we'd never actually met outside of her brain...and uhm. I saw some other people and Marley. Oh good. Someone I knew. Ok.


I woke up...and It wasn't to the sound of an alarm clock that I had slept through for 45 minutes. Wierd.

T.Mor was sitting up next to me. We hadn't really talked much beyond sitting in Files!: The Alphabetic Opera together on tuesdays. I saw a whole bunch of other people I'd never met. Interesting.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:37 am

Drew looked over at marley. "Um...I dont know why we are here. I was suposed to be with Mika tonight...Momo promised me i could finally spend some time with her." He glared at nothingness, not knowing where his author was.
"Aww. that is so sad. Wittle Drewy cant be with hsi girl tonight..." E.Drew taunted him, a sly grin on his face.
"She isnt my girl...I just am protecting her from the council." Drew grumbled. "Where can I find Jay?" If he was going to be here, he wanted to be with her.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:42 am

Now T.Mor is here, too?! "How... why... are you... what?! HOW ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE IN ENDE'S BRAIN?!" Kay had dissapeared. Typical. Jay was still looking kinda panicked. And Speedy wasn't much help, either, just kinda trying to figure out what was going on without contributing anything, it seemed.

Wait, wait... what?! What just happened here? It seemed that there were characters... characters that I didn't know... from other authors? I stood up, my brow furrowing in confusion. This... made no sense.


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Banshee Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:50 am

Could I join.....if possible?

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:29 pm

No, gh, we don't want you here...

I jest, of COURSE you can join!


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:32 pm


"Er...Uhm...I dunno. I just...woke up" I said uncertainly. "This is Ende's brain? Looks a lot than...Invisimort's." I added.

I glanced at the girl sitting up next to me. She was just looking around the place, trying to...I dunno.


"Yeah...this is a lot nicer than Invisimort's brain. No wierd math to do to get places..." I tacked on to T.Mor's ellipsing.

"Erm. Who are you people?" I figured it would be stupid to wait for T.Mor to introduce anyone, he was to busy being all...himself.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:36 pm

"Eh, it has it's perks. The Lounge is DEFINITELY the best part. But sometimes random sections of the floor dissapear in the hallways, or the physics screw up, so er... yeah. Be careful about that" I cleared my throat. Tim/Robin started techno-babbling, and I glanced at him. He looked slightly sheepish
"Um. Sorry. So who are you guys, exactly?" He inquired


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:01 pm

E.Drew looked at Drew then back at the others in this place.
"My name is E.Drew, this freak is my good counter part Drewy." He started and drew gave him a death glare.
"Marley, where can I find Jay?" He asked her again.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:05 pm

"I told you, probably the training room. That place is a bit of an... interesting place though. Uh..." I glanced over at Speedy, who looked like he was deciding if this situation was dangerous enough for him to pull out his bow or not. "You have a key to the training room, right?" He nodded


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:09 pm

E.Drew twirled his sword in a cool manner so it was down by his side. His body was relaxed and he looked at the archer hero person. "Don't worry man, Drewy wont fight me here. He knows I'll kick his *censor*....Wait why was i just censored?" His brow furrowed and he was extremely confused.
Drew cracked up laughing at E.Drew's confusion and slid his dagger back in his belt clasp.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:13 pm

"Ende must've flipped the censor on again... *censor*... yup..." Dangit, I hate it when she does that. Gah. "But... it's also kinda fun... *ceeeeeensooooor*" Heh. Back on track, Marley


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Stevie Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:14 pm

Ronnie- Not that weird occurences weren't normal in my life, but regardless, waking up in a counciling-looking room, kind of freaked me out a bit. More so, I didn't know anyone. First I thought to myself, How did I get here? Then I spoke outloud, "How did I get here?"

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Guest Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:28 pm

Now there was /another/ person. Can't a guy drink his coffee in peace?! But hey.... she was kinda hot. Snap out of it, Speedy. People were just randomly appearing in Ende's mind all of the sudden. Not the time to think about girls. I walked over to her "It's okay, don't freak out" I said kindly, offering her my hand "You're safe here. We don't know what's going on quite yet... but... you're safe"


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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Invisimort Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:31 pm


I went ahead and talked. T.Mor wouldn't be saying anything coherent any time soon, from what I knew of him. "I'm Amelia...and That's some of you seem to already know him..from..something or something?" I guessed based on how the blonde had looked at him all like she knew him.

I wondered briefly about the floor drops that had been mentioned, and then decided not to worry about it for now.


She talked for me...Which...seemed to be more...effective. "Hi Marley..." I added.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:35 pm

Drew looked at marley and sighed. "Can someone get me to Jay? Please?" Was it really asking that much to go see his friend? He looked at Marley again and facepalmed. She was going to be very...interesting to get to do stuff. He just needed help getting to the training room.

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Rainbows and Butterflies Empty Re: Rainbows and Butterflies

Post by Stevie Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:38 pm

Ronnie- I didn't flinch from the strangers hand, but I was quite confused. I took his extended hand, and looked at him. "Uhm, who exactly are you? Quite frankly, I'm kind of freaked out." I looked around. What is this place? There were random people all over the place. "Where'd you get the coffee from? We can get out of this room?"

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