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Story of My Life...

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Story of My Life... Empty Story of My Life...

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:15 pm

sorry. this is a bit of a read... I like being specific

This is a mysterious land, one largely undiscovered or locked up, rarely traveled or hidden. My head holds lots of places. It is not without its 'Bad Things', as Faylinn says, but things can be quite amazing if you really stop to look at them. Looking through the other mind chats, I think I'll make mine a little different. There's many ways to the door out of my mind, to which portals from one place to another will be supplied.

It all shall start for your characters where it started for me...

The Kingdom of Green
Otherwise known as where I largely grew up. Lots of land to this little house atop a mountain, to which is next to two greenhouses with constructed ponds in the front. A great gravel driveway leads to the ponds and greenhouses, full of many plants. The waterlilies are blooming with the lotuses, under which colorful koi swim around in the dark depths. Frogs sound constantly in this place, day or night. Behind the greenhouses is a treehouse. Mine, when I was younger, complete with many imaginating games because of the lack of TV i had as a child.
The house, cedar siding and dark roofed, has a bath down to the greenhouses that splits to go to the house driveway, long and stone. Trees hide most of the property from the road, if there was anyone to pass by. It was a fairly secluded hill however. Behind the house: the backyard. Surrounded with shrubs and a big oak tree in the center with a tire swing, to the side a pool. A break in the shrubs leads to a path that goes back around to the greenhouses. Behind all of this is woods, and if you treck a little into them, the power lines.

Here you will find:
- Me. Young me. Short, curly mess of brown hair and big blue eyes. Freckles all around and tan, very tan. Hand me down clothes from a variety of cousins, nearly all of my pant legs torn in some way or another.
- Two Bad Things. Divorce and Confusion.
Eerily empty other than for those. Young me tries to ignore these two Bad Things the best she can. Before I started writing, you see. None of my characters really existed then.
There are two ways out:
At the end of the driveway there isn't a road but a doorway. A red door with an etched window, brass knocker upon it. This Goes to Suburbia.
In the back, beyond the backyard and tree house, beyond the woods, you will eventually come to powerlines. These lead to a different door, Deep Woods.

Deep Woods
The land of mystical things. Fantasy lives in these dark woods. There is a single door, but you must not open it. Must not. The worst Bad Thing is beyond that door. All sorts of evil will happen to my mind if you unleash it. A lake hidden in the depths.

Here you will find:
- Quincy. Not that Quincy...or that Quincy either (I've used that name too many times...). Quincy the vampire, who appeared in a vague short story. She might be scary but she's not a bad person once you get to know her.
- The Lone Traveler. Caleb is his name, accompanied by his dog. He's looking for...something...
- Wolf. The guardian of the door. She will not let you open it without a fight.
- Noquisi. A dragon, the color of the stars. Big, doesn't shift, might be kind to you if she feels like it.
- Yotzi. A mermaid, friend of Noquisi's. Sweet but dangerous.
- One Bad Thing. Beyond that door is Depression. Only a dark place for a dark being. Inhospitable to characters.
There are no ways out:
turn back, it's a dead end. Do NOT open that door.

Where I've spent five years of my life after my Kingdom. A small yard and a small house. Yellow with red shutters and that red door, a garage, a grove of birches in front. Through the red door you will exit at the end of what used to be my street. Suburbia. Culture shock for a girl who came from such a wild place. There's an eerie air around the place due to the many Bad Things that roam this place. Around back is an equally small backyard with enough room for a patio and a trampoline.

Characters you will find:
- Faylinn. The blind, ghost seeing girl. Mysterious and quiet, she mostly talks in written messages. considered crazy.
- Isabella. Faylinn's guiding ghost. A black cat with striking green eyes and a thorned tail.
- Mr Sam. Faylinn's guardian. do not mess with Faylinn. Mr. Sam may be old but he knows ways to make you feel some pain. Old, as i said, with a tweed suit, cane. hollowed eyes and heart.
- Annabel Lee. (I had a Poe phase as well). A young victorian woman, Faylinn's caretaker.
- Me. A slightly older me, wearing lots of black or all around dark colors. Carries a notebook, like Faylinn. She's shy and quiet, mumbles. Doesn't trust people and isn't outgoing. Mostly stays in her room.
- Wolf. She may wander out of the woods from time to time. Leaves a chance for that door...But DONT open it! I warned you!
- Six Bad Things. Step Father, Step Brother, Mother, Culture Shock, Stranger, Depression's accomplice: Angst
there are two ways out:
Continue down my street and there will be a fork in the road. One door on the left and right.
Left goes to a large Gothic door, black wood and dark settings. (Here's where it gets slightly different...) This goes to Gotham.
Right goes to a barn door. Red wood. This goes to The Inn.

Yes, Superville. Superheroes all around and such. Gotham, various other comic settings... Self explanatory, is it not?

Characters you will find:
- Robin
- Nightwing
- Arrowette
- Shadow
- Batgirl
- Alfred
- Kid Flash
- Dare Devil
- Harbinger
- anyone else Endellion wants to bring in if she wants...
- Though not Bad Things...Villains. Livewire, Inque, Harley Quinn, Red Hood, Lullaby, Gambit, Rhapsody, Red X
there are two ways out:
One, to the east, goes to the old fair grounds. Here there is a door, colorful and crazy. This goes to The Circus.
Another, to the west, in the woods by the Wayne Mannor, goes back to Deep Woods.

The Inn
Where I currently live. A bigger place, it was a 1801 Inn turned into a house. Two stories, it's white with a gray roof. In the front is a patio. There was a barn but it collapsed in the back, next to which is a garden. In the front on the other side of the driveway is a large natural pond. Woods all around, but fenced in.

Characters you will find:
- Wolf. Again, she sometimes ventures out.
- Ayakashi. Tipically on the roof with her alien friend. An escaped government experiment with telekinesis. Doesn't understand emotions.
- Mo. Ayakashi's alien friend. Gave ten percent of her DNA. Small, pitch black humanish figure, no features but for large yellow eyes.
- October Tyler. The girl who dreamed to be a spy...
- Jiff Daniels. the boy she dragged along. Feel free to make fun of his name. everyone does it in their story :p Jiff. Like the peanut butter.
- Current Me, in all my glory. Still quiet but less...ish shy. Starting to trust, but not much of an improvement.
- Three Bad Things. Step Father, Step Brother, Mother
there are no ways out. Or is there?
There's a car in the driveway (a Daewoo Lanos), but it is locked. Find the key? A possible way out?

The Circus
The newest addition to my head that i'll have in here. Consists of a main tent, a front with all of the venders and consession stands, and a back to which is the train with all of the freak's homes.

Characters you will find:
- Nosus the Hobo. As said, a hobo who tags along with the train.
- Fool. A quiet mysterious girl. Usually stays with the animals. with a fool's hat with long tendrils, leggings, tootoo, flats, and a tight shirt with white face make up and black triangles on her cheeks but bright red lips.
- Seven Bad Things. Envy, Greed, Wrath, Depression's accomplice: Sloth, Gluttony, Pride, Lust
there are no ways out.

Sooo.... To Recap... (tha's a lotta explaining for a simple-ish layout i have to say...)

Kingdom of Green --> Deep Woods --> The Door that Should Not be Opened
Suburbia --> Superville --> The Circus, Deep Woods
The Inn
Car -->???

if ya want in my houses i'll describe them ta you. but that would just make this post so much bigger.

Have I seen ya before:

PS: Bad Things will not be people. more...bad spirits that can't or don't want to listen and do whatever they want to cause your charries difficulties in their travels. black, sort of dementor-ish, if you need an image.

Sooo...ya. Go nuts. :p

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Story of My Life... Empty Re: Story of My Life...

Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:02 pm

Can has join?


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Story of My Life... Empty Re: Story of My Life...

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:12 pm

i said yesses.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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