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A Legendary After-Life

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A Legendary After-Life Empty A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:27 pm

Every once and a while someone will die, but their spirit won't exactly get to move on.  The life they lived didn't make them a priority, and they're a little hard to judge at that. The judges can't just send someone who didn't live that decent of a life to the best part of the after-life. They have rules to follow. At the same time, they can't just wait forever to make a decision. After all, just leave these guys alone and limbo will get stock full of people. So, the spirit is given a choice.

You can wait for a decision to be made- which will most likely mean getting sentenced to a common level where you'll have to work, or you can improve your odds a little. The judges are harsh, but they look kindly upon community service, seeing as it saves them the trouble of assigning someone to do it in the long run.

Community services can mean a number of things, but let's focus on the one that interests people the most. Those legends you've heard growing up? Santa? The Tooth-fairy? Cupid? Even the stories about guardian angels? Yeah, those are people attempting to help clear up their image so they can move on.

Unfortunately, the job isn't always that fun. Imagine helping other people out with their lives when yours just ended? Oh, yeah, let's not forget the fact that you're not allowed to actually interact with the living, since that could upset the balance of things. You get caught interacting and that's an automatic decision made- you won't get a mansion or even a middle grounds, you'll get harsh labor and have to work your way up to the common level.

However, things aren't always that simple- just because you're told to avoid people doesn't mean that you always can, or always want to.

Alright, so here's the deal. We can have a couple of guardian angels if need be, but try not to make multiple of the same legend. Meaning, a dozen cupids running around just wouldn't make sense. Check to make sure that your legend is fine, which I'm sure it will be, then just post your character sheet. I'm not against leaving parts of it blank, just put down enough for us to know what the character looks like and what they are.

Oh, and we need humans, where would the fun be without humans? Please don't leave us with just legends.

Age: (If dead, they can be a bit older than physical appearance, the judges aren't that good at keeping time)
Dead or Alive?:
Occupation: (meaning, what are they if they're dead, don't use this if they aren't)
Short Bio:

A few helpful hints:
Wings are real! If your character would have wings in the legend, no worries!
Guardian angels wear white, cause they're angels. Just... yeah.
Normally, those alive can't see the dead. There are very few chances for normal people to see them which are as follows:
1. The person made themselves visible, which is rare because it's against the laws established by the judges.
2. The rule that normally applies only to guardians, if they directly interact with the person, aka pushing them out of the way of something, keeping them from falling off of something, etc. The problem with this little chance for their charge to see them, however, is that if they're seen, the charge becomes more likely to see that specific angel in the future. They know they exist, so they're more inclined to noticing their existence, be it hearing the occasional comment, catching a glance in a mirror or out of the corner of their eye, there's just a better chance.
3. If the dead person directly interacts with an object. Moving it, dropping it, all of that. If someone sees it, they have a chance of seeing the person doing it. The same rule applies as seeing an angel, they're more likely to see it.
4. A superstitious person has a chance. Meaning, they believe in ghosts and the legends. It's like knowing they exist, they have a higher chance of seeing them or catching sight of them.

Last edited by Bells on Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:55 am; edited 2 times in total

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:54 pm

Name: Brett Webster
Age: 17 when he died. It's been three years since.
Dead or Alive?: Dead
Occupation: Cupid
Appearance: He's a 5'5" green-eyed blonde. He's lacking any muscles beyond those built up from shooting cupid's bow. Thankfully, he isn't required to wear the diaper most people associate with Cupid. Instead his uniform consists of pure white dress pants and a candy-red long-sleeve button-up. When going out he always wears the the bow and quiver given to him. Oh, and let's not forget that he has a rather large set of white wings, big enough to allow flight.
Short Bio:N/A at the moment

Last edited by Bells on Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:04 pm

Name: Aubyn
Age: 18
Dead or Alive?: Alive
Occupation: N/A
Appearance: Shoulder length hair that is black/brown and wavy, heart shaped face, hazel eyes, 5'2. Her usual outfits consist of black skinny jeans, moccasins, a sweater, and a messenger bag.
Short Bio: In her first year at college, Aubyn's shyness hasn't quite worn off. She usually spends her time sitting by herself in the only diner near campus or at the nursery where she works, watering plants all day. Although it's not necessarily her preference, she spends almost all of her time alone, something she was used to when living at home with her single father after her parents divorce.

Name: Clara
Age: 21 when she died, 1 year since
Dead or Alive: dead
Occupation: "Jack Frost" (Helps to bring the frost, snow, cold, etc.)
Appearance: Ash Blonde hair, dark brown eyes, tall and thin. Has a "uniform" of a white parka, snow boots, and white leggings, in order to camouflage herself easier to avoid humans.  
Short Bio: Still thinking on this one...
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:11 pm

They look awesome!

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:13 pm

(Thank you! ^=^ Is 3 enough to start, or should we wait?)
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:18 pm

((Ah, I have someone else who plans on joining, we can start after that. I also plan on making a human, just haven't settled on gender just yet.))

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:28 pm

(Alright, sounds good! I'll check back in a little bit then)
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:02 am

((Hi, Little Deer! Welcome to the site ^^))

Name: Nathan
Age: 18. Looks it, too
Dead or Alive?: Dead
Occupation: Guardian angel
Appearance: Long-ish but not too long black hair, hazel eyes, lanky build (stands at maybe around 6'1"). He has a white T-shirt that says "I'm just a giant ray of sunshine" in black letters, white jeans, and white All-Stars. And of course, he has a large pair of feathery, white wings.
Short Bio: Uh...died in a car accident, I guess? One that wasn't his fault, so you can imagine how he feels about the whole thing. Also a tumblr user, and often talks like one, too.

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:15 am

Name: Reid
Age: 19
Dead or Alive?: Alive
Appearance: He has that obviously dyed shade of red hair and dark brown eyes. Stands only about 5'0" but has muscles from his job, as well as a pretty dark tan. Normally wears tank-tops and shorts to keep from over-heating while working.
Short Bio: He's had a pretty normal life. Raised by a single mother and elected out of attending college in favor of a job taking care of the landscape and maintenance at an apartment complex in town. Is pretty content with how things are and doesn't really expect much else out of life. If there is anything remotely that stands out about him it's his pride.

((alright, we can start now! I'll get up a first post soon!))

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:21 am

(Thank you Winter Dragon! I'm ready when you guys are!)
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:30 am

"Choose Cupid, they said. It'll be fun, they said," Brett muttered under his breath as he knelt down next to the portal that bridged the human world and this particular level of the after-life. "How the hell is helping people who should be competent enough to fall in love on their own, fun?"
If he'd thought it through, he'd have had to admit that the job was something he was suited for. Even in life he'd found an interest in the romantic side of things, be it pushing his friends together or helping his sister get ready for a date. Grumbling had just become a habit the longer it took for his case to be settled, just as putting off going to work had recently become something he did every day.
"Can I just go home?"

Glancing at the sky, Reid wrinkled his nose. It didn't look like it was going to rain. Surely there could have been a mistake with the weather forecast. In order for him to mow, it had to stay sunny, and it had so far. In fact, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
"It won't rain," he said, voicing his thoughts aloud, then cursing himself a moment later. A bit of a superstitious person, he found the fact he'd said the words a problem. That, combined with the lack of wood to knock on unless he crossed the lawn to the closest apartment building, left a bad feeling forming in his stomach.
Well, whether it rained or not, he still had a job to do. Screwing the cap to the mower's gas tank back on, he quickly placed the gas back in the shed and locked it before getting on the mower. The sooner he finished the sooner he could head back into his own apartment for a cold glass of water.

(Just posting for Reid for now, I don't really have a way to bring him into contact with people just yet. ))

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:36 am

Aubyn: The sky outside looked angry, dark and grey. I had smelled it outside in the air earlier, rain, but so far it was still merely cold. I leaned back in my seat at the window, the red booth beneath me making an ungodly sound as I shifted. The coffee clasped in my hands was growing colder by the moment, but I couldn't bring myself to flag a waitress down for a refill. I glanced around the room, searching through the faces for something to think about.
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:39 am

Clara: I was too tired to muster up snow at this point. I had a job, but nobody had ever said I had to do it well. Sitting on the park bench, the lonely one hidden amidst the scrubby bushes, I glanced up at the sky, yawning. I was tired, and making rain used energy I didn't have yet, having no coffee in my system. The color above me slowly shifted, darkening into a deeper and deeper shade of grey, until final, I felt it. The first drop hit the painted wood next to me, and the rest followed. I let out a sigh, half annoyed, half fatigued. "Finally" I muttered under my breath.
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:02 am


First day on the new job... Just great, really. Fantastic. As I waited to find out who I'd be stuck with for a while, I started to seriously question my decision. But...the wings were awesome. I just had to remind myself that the wings were awesome, and then it'd probably be more bearable.

But really, would it kill the people in charge to let us wear something other than all white? Was a bit of color such a problem? Oh man, gotta be angelic, guys. Gotta look so angelic. Gotta wear all white clothing all the time. I felt...I dunno how I felt. I felt like a jackass dressed in all white, that's how I felt. Ugh.

((Who can he be assigned to?))
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:08 am

((Well, I don't think Reid really needs one. Little Deer, would Aubyn be alright?))

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:29 am

(Yeah, Aubyn would work super well for Nate, I think!)
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:34 am


Flipping through the papers on his clip-board, a small, dark-haired man paused not far from where the new guardian angel was waiting. He pursed his lips for a moment, then raised his eyes from the papers, giving the boy a critical look.
"Well, you'll do just fine. You're the new angel, right? What was the name..." he began, dropping his eyes back to the first paper on his board. "Ah, yes, Nathan. Your assignment has been decided. A young girl, I trust you have nothing against girls? Well, never mind if you do. Her name is Aubyn."
As he spoke, the man pulled a few papers from his clip board and held them up.
"I trust you have no problem with this?"

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:38 am

((Alright, cool ^^))


"Nope," I told the dude. "I mean, I guess not. Depends on how young she is, y'know? Wouldn't wanna make things awkward."

Imagine if she were like, thirteen or something. That'd just be so awkward and creepy. I'd feel like some sort of stalker, not a guardian. I may have been a lot of things, but I definitely wasn't creepy or a stalker.
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Bells Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:42 am

The man frowned, gesturing towards the papers he'd handed over.
"As stated there, along with her history, the girl is eighteen. I trust you were taught how to use the portals? Then get to it."
Then, without another word, the man turned his back and began walking again. His eyes dropped to his clipboard as he somehow managed to avoid walking into anyone while winding his way through the people to find the other angels on his list.

((The portals are simple. They transport you to the city you need to be in, and for guardians, they're instructed to picture their charge in mind before jumping in. The portals are placed in a single location in each level of the after-life, and resemble clear pools with no bottom.))

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:56 am

((Got it))


I was pretty sure I knew how to use the portals. Like, 90% sure. I walked over to one and looked down. These things were so weird... I felt like if I screwed something up--if that were possible--I'd be falling forever. I gave the papers a careful look, trying to make sure I had the idea of this girl solidified in my mind. went nothing.

I totally had the opportunity to be a nerd and yell something like "Geronimo!" but I passed it up. I did, however, think it really loudly.

I went through the portal and ended up in what looked like some kind of diner. And there she was, sitting at one of the booths. I slid into the opposite booth, put one elbow on the table, and rested my chin on my fist. 'Cause why not, y'know? It wasn't like she could see me or anything.

She looked pretty, like a girl I would've liked talking to. Y'know, if I weren't dead. I scowled, getting angry all over again at the thought. No, angry was an understatement. I was furious about this.

C'mon, I thought, calm yourself down... Haha, yeah right.
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:06 am

((Okay, just to clarify, humans can't see Guardian Angels?))
Aubyn: I got a momentary chill, goosebumps cropping up along my skin as I yanked my sleeves lower around my hands. At long last, a waitress came by to refill my coffee, and I stared momentarily down at the steam rising off the dark liquid, feeling it mist over my face. I had thought about calling my dad, knowing he was alone in our house, though I'm sure it wasn't much different from when I was home: no talking, fork silent as it hit the plate at dinner, his tv going after he got home from work, if he ever got home before I fell asleep. I think I had gotten my quietness from him. Still, sitting alone in a diner was just that, lonely. I sighed and entertained the thought of walking out in the rain.
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:20 am

((I don't think so, no. But Bells mentioned in the chatbox that guardians or any legend people can become visible at will, or will become visible if they interact with someone--such as pushing somebody out of the way of something or a similar situation like that. I guess she forgot to mention it here, though.

By the way, I recommend checking out the chatbox ^^ It's at the bottom of the homepage))


Man...what an exciting life this was going to be. Truly riveting. I got to hang around a quiet girl who probably wouldn't get into anything all that dangerous at all. Like, what were the odds I'd ever have to intervene in order to protect her or something? Really low odds, that's what I was assuming. Most people didn't do dangerous stuff, plain and simple. And freak accidents didn't happen too often. I mean, of course I knew they happened, but still...

I could've taken any other job, but I had to pick this one. Were the wings worth it? Were they really that worth it?
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:49 am

((Okay, would you be interested in Nate eventually becoming visible to Aubyn so they could talk, or would you prefer to keep him invisible to her?))
Aubyn: I pressed a crumpled 5 dollar bill to the table and grabbed my bookbag, quickly walking out into the rain, feeling the chill as it hit the black threads of my sweater. I took a breath, smelling the cold, and walked until I reached the river. The sound pounded into my ears, all the rain we'd had lately making the surface a violent rush of dark water, flooded over the normal bank. It looked terrifyingly powerful, in the way that made me almost want to swim. I may've been quiet, but I could never quite deny my need for adrenaline. Something about the way I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, the way my stomach felt fluttery and rose to my throat, it made me feel electric. I took off my shoes and set them against a deadened bush, cuffing my jeans and stepping to the edge of the water, waiting just to put a foot in, maybe more
Little Deer
Little Deer

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:08 am

((I'd totally be fine with him becoming visible to her ^^))


What was she doing.

No, really, what was she doing.

I came to stand in front of her, even though I knew it wouldn't make a lick of difference. I spoke, each word very distinct and pronounced. "What are you doing?" Not that she could hear me. "Yeah, sure, just walk out into some random river! I'm positive it's totally clean and safe! Nothing could go wrong!" I sighed. "C'mon, just step out of the water, dry yourself off, and put your shoes back on. Please? Pleeeeeeeease?"

Yeah, I knew this was useless. I didn't care. And I knew I'd just been mentally complaining about this job being boring, but honestly, I would've preferred if she just stayed boring and safe. This was kind of ridiculous.
Winter Dragon

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A Legendary After-Life Empty Re: A Legendary After-Life

Post by Little Deer Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:37 am

((Alright, feel free to make him visible whenever ^=^ ))
Aubyn: I pressed a toe in, the cold pricking up through my leg. It was frigid, to the point where it was painful, but I couldn't stop myself from putting my foot in, feeling the gravely bottom meet my sole. I wanted to wade in, but I felt something tighten in my chest, willing me back. Maybe it was the cold, which also made me wonder if I could shove that away. If I could just stay near the shore, I didn't think I would be sucked away by the current. I pressed my other foot in and waited for the skin to go numb. Standing on the bank, I felt my sweater growing heavier with rain water every minute. To go in, to not go in...
Little Deer
Little Deer

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