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The Random Scene Chat!

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Jacky K. Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:14 pm

You know those random chatbox scenes that you want to do in an actual chat, rather than the box, but they have no place whatsoever? Well, here is where you put them! You do not need permission to enter, just get your scene planned and have at it! Think DDS, with or without the violence and/or death. Have fun!

Erm...are character sheets really necessary? If you want, I suppose, you can post the basic


but it's not really necessary.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Echo Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:17 pm


Random Guard #7:

They were running. That was stupid. I couldn't really see them all that well through the stacks of boxes, but, I fired several rounds of dakka in their direction any way. I dead people.
Winter Dragon

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Jacky K. Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:43 pm


Gunshot split through the air, and in a burst of adreneline I sped to full speed. The boxes zipped past in a flurry of brown and white, and suddenly I was through a door, the smokey air hitting my face like a brick wall. I'd made it. Had they?

Oh bother. I hadn't heard anyone go down, but what if . . . ?
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Echo Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:26 pm


I heard a gun go off several times and ran even faster. Could I...? No. There was no way I could concentrate enough while running at this speed and trying to avoid tripping over boxes. Falling right now...would be bad. Very, very bad. Feeling entirely useless, I kept sprinting through the warehouse. I made it through a door and immediately pressed my back against the outside wall, panting. I saw Cricket...good. Had everyone else made it alright? I hadn't heard any shouting, never know...
Winter Dragon

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Invisimort Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:42 pm


OH CRAP. There was gunfire! ...I...actually had not been expecting that... so suddenly. Which...was...a bit silly, considering all the stuff I had heard about this place from Peter.

The logical next step was running away like your hair was on fire. So...that's what I did. I followed Peter out...through some door, where I also found the guy who had the haircut back at that other box.

"...well. That....that was intense." I stated quietly, as I caught my breath. "Is the whole thing like this?"

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Jacky K. Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:10 pm


My chin flicked up in a nod, but I didn't answer the new lass otherwise. My eyes searched the door as I waited for it to open, and listened for any sound. There were only three of us there. We were missing someone: Peter, the new girl, and me, I counted. The door had yet to budge. Where's Marley? I questioned silently. Oi my.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Invisimort Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:35 pm


So... the short girl... She wasn't coming out of the warehouse thingy. me, seemed really really ominous. The part of me that enjoyed watching CSI late at night wanted to assume that she was bleeding out on the floor in there...but... she was a real...person. Like... That was a bit... freaky...

I glanced at the two guys, as I couldn't tell where we should be going next. A huge grey building loomed about 100 yards ahead of us, and some kind of... I guess you could call it a city was kind of sprawling about...Although this place was a bit distant from buildings, probably to keep it from being on fire. I guess. I can't pretend to know though....this place was wierd.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:21 am

Gunfire. My first instinct, formed from years of well... surviving, told me to duck, cover, and run like a bat out of hell. But then, as I turned for the exit, I saw Cricket running ahead, right in front of me...
And I hesitated.
I /hesitated/.
Against all logic, all rules of survival, all basic instinct... I paused.
Another shot rang out, and time seemed to slow down to a crawl... I fell to one knee before I even felt the pain, the searing, almost unbearable pain, shoot up my right arm, from my now shattered elbow.
A strangled, half-but-not-quite scream escaped my lips, and my vision blurred
"R-Run!" I stuttered as I screamed to the others, in case they heard the shot, the yell... they couldn't stop for me. I was in too much pain to continue... but... they needed to keep going. They /had/ to.


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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Echo Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:43 am


I looked at the door, giving a concerned frown. Where was Marley? Did...did she...? I wondered exactly how canon this Auda was. Would we respawn here, or...?

Sesria, could you go look? I thought.

On it. There was a pause. I think I see her, but...

"...Sesria says that Marley's down," I announced, my hands clenched into fists. "So..." I trailed off.
Winter Dragon

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Jacky K. Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:07 am


. . . She was down. No, no, that couldn't happen. I clenched an unclenched my fists, staring at the door, still waiting for it to move. ". . . A'right, then I 'ave t' go in after 'er," I said, and I felt my lips press into a determined line.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:14 am


What...We were going back in there? With the... like... gun happy guard man? I thought we were here to go deal with the whole...Ginger issue. I mean... No offense to the short girl. None intended at all... But... I didn't wanna get killed Before I got to wherever I was going. "Guys... Uhm... We kind of have to keep moving so we don't die. I mean... yeah... this is bad, but... We need to go sort this out. THEN we can go and get her." I said, trying to be logical or something.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Echo Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:39 am


I was about to protest, but I stopped myself. We couldn't just leave Marley behind...but we couldn't risk all of us getting arrested, either. ...Getting arrested, thrown in cellblock five, and tortured to death... No, we definitely couldn't do that.

"I hate to say it," I started, "but...I agree with Amelia. If we go back now, we might never get to fix this."

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:40 am

Random Guard #7:

Of all the dakka I just One hit. Some...short girl. Some short girl... In this warehouse. HOW DID SOME SHORT GIRL GET INTO THE WAREHOUSE? THAT...WASN'T SUPPOUSED TO HAPPEN. I closed the distance between myself and her, and pulled her to her feet by the non- shattered elbow. I started for the Employee exit, Making sure to notify Random guard #8 that I was hauling someone down and that he should take over for a while. I pulled her down to the nearest government building entrance, and sent her off to processing. Processing. When no one could read. Right...

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Guest Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:50 am

I struggled, but not as much as I usually would. I guess when there's less to fight for... I bit back a scream as my elbow was jostled as he tugged me along, but I refused to make any audible noise. I was so lost already, none of this was familiar... I got a sick feeling to my stomach that told me this might turn out to be another brush with dds...?


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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Jacky K. Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:19 pm


I opened my mouth to protest, but shut it again. I had to sort out my own thoughts, first. I couldn't just leave her, after all . . . but perhaps . . . perhaps she didn't care if I went back after her or not. Something had been off about her.

But that was no reason to let her get caught . . . again.

Perhaps she was already dead.

I caught myself tracing over the scar on my neck, and forced my hand down. ". . . You're right. We can't 'elp 'er if we're dead, too." Too? Nonono. Bright side, think bright side. My eyes turned to the building looming a ways away. "Well. Are we going, friends, or are we going?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Random Scene Chat! Empty Re: The Random Scene Chat!

Post by Invisimort Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:26 pm


"...Yeah. Yeah let's go...Before more bad crap happens." I said and started...well...forward. Which felt kind of funny, since I was not actually sure where I was going. There was a building a bit away with more of those dudes in faceless masks flanking the door. It was freaky. These dudes.

"Well...Someone tell me where I'm going before I get us all shot." I said after a second. Then I realised that may have been a bit insensitive. "...Sorry...uhm."

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