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Billi's Turning Point (

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Billi's Turning Point ( Empty Billi's Turning Point (

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:12 pm

(I still need to edit this tons -.- I hate editing. But this is the point of What You Own (meh book) that billi goes from goodish to crazy/evil. Or at least starts to turn that way. This is also arlow's turning point on his view on Billi. He now longer views her as a person, but as the monster she thinks she is. Hope you enjoy! <3)

“Get her!” I heard someone shout, my feet already pounding against the floor running. Oh gods…what had I done? My hands were stained with blood and tears filled my eyes. I needed to get out. I needed to leave here before they sent me back.
I managed to get to my room and close the door and barricade it with the dresser. My breathing was ragged, both from the sobs that wanted to come and the running I just did. How could I just do that? How could I kill her? I needed an out, and I needed it now.
I looked at the window. That thin sheet of glass was what kept me from going outside. My feet seemed to move without my noticing as I walked to the panel. It was locked into place, the frame wouldn’t budge, so I tried another approach. I picked up the foot stool from the side of the bed and chucked it at the glass. A shatter sounded and I covered my eyes within seconds of the burst.
I flicked the leftover glass out of the window and started climbing out. My heart pounded as I climbed higher and higher up the side of the building. Just get to the roof where they can’t get to me…that is all I had to do. But that was easier said then done.
About half way up the side of the building my grip slipped and I started falling. Somehow, someway, I managed to grab onto a windowsill and cling for dear life. The window slid open and I saw Arlow look down at me, a scowl on his face.
“Get in,” he snarled softly to me, backing away to give me an opening to go through. I gulped and looked at the ground that was still two stories below me and I couldn’t reach the nearest tree branch. “C’mon, move.” My arms trembled as I tried to pull myself through the window. I had no foot grip to help me, and that was a mistake on my part.
A gust of wind hit me and made me lose my grip and start to fall again. Arlow was quick with his reactions though.
He grabbed onto my hand to stop my fall. The sudden stop jerked me and my shoulder dislocated because of it. A scream was stuck in my throat as I dangled there. He pulled me into the room and tossed me to the ground. He kicked me while I was on the ground and spit next to me.
“Monster. Freak.” He spat at me. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes.
“I didn’t…I’m sorry…it was an accident…” I stammered up to him, my heart pounding in my chest. He bent down and grabbed the front of my shirt, pulling me up to my feet to look at him in the eye.
“How do you kill someone on accident?” He snarled before slapping me across my face. I gasped and looked at him.
“I’m sorry – ” I tried to tell him before he cut me off.
“SORRY WON’T BRING HER BACK!” he bellowed at me, tears brimmed his eyes. I saw what pain I caused him. How much I hurt him. Guilt weighed down my soul and I looked down at the ground. I had nothing to say to that.

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Billi's Turning Point ( Empty Re: Billi's Turning Point (

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:07 pm

Thumbs up!

er. sort of fast paced. fluff it out somewhat with thoughts er memories of the incident rather than just Billi's actions to slow it down. and glass doesn't really break inwards when you throw something at it, it goes the direction the thing that broke it was going. darn physics...

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Billi's Turning Point ( Empty Re: Billi's Turning Point (

Post by Momo13 Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:11 pm

Okie. Thanks BW.

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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