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Turning the Tables

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Turning the Tables Empty Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:39 pm

They are known by many names, their tales recounted in many different ways all over the world, everyone saying something different. Some praise and worship them, other damn and fear them, and some do not believe they even exist, completely ignoring the legends as foolish wives tales or meritless drivel. But although they have all but faded from human memory, pushed away, forced into hiding and secrecy as the human world develops, falling into decay, they still linger here, if you know where to look.

Some have disguised themselves as human….
Some have fallen prey to mortal drugs or alcohol…..
Some live as all once did in the last truly wild places on Earth….
And some hide in plain sight, invisible in the fountain outside the town hall, or hiding in a tree in the park….
But they are still here, still watching, and still up to their old fashioned tricks.

They are the Fay Folk, and as much as their culture has changed, forced to alter by the ever growing and evolving human society, they are still around, and their love of tricks and games has never gone away.

It doesn’t help that they often find themselves bored……

If you know nothing of them, then listen carefully and tread with caution. For if you run across one, they can do any number of horrible things to you. They’ll ruin your life for laughs, perhaps addict you to their food just to watch you beg and plead for more, perhaps trap you in one of their circles and watch you dance yourself to death, drag you underwater and kiss the breath from your lungs, or trap you in an eternal loop, trapping you in time as their own personal little pets forever. They’ll steal and break your heart just to watch you fall.

But what happens when a particular human catches their eye and something completely unexpected happens? What happens when they start to care? What happens if for once, it is them who have their hearts stolen? What will they do? Will it ever occur to them to simply try to gain the affections of their beloved the way another human would? Not a chance. These feelings are entirely unnatural, and the manner in which humans deal with them is foreign and alien. The differences in behaviour and customs between man and fay are simply too great. And this is where it gets interesting… because when the tables are turned, the tricksters denied the thing they desire, what will they do?

Will they disguise themselves as humans and attempt to pull their loved one away from their lives, friends, and family? Will they simply get completely direct and kidnap them? Will they use friends or family as leverage? Will they turn everything into one big game, the odds tipped in their favour? Or suck their loved one into some kind of deal that only benefits them?

Well now... we’ll just have to see, won’t we?

~*Human Form*~
Close Friends/Family/Current BF/GF?:
Background (not required, but some details would be nice):
Anything Else?:

~*Fay Format*~

~*True Form (Fay Form)*~
Other Significant Features (wings, horns, etc):

~*Human Glamour (if they choose to use one – if not, disregard)*~

Any Powers or Seasons/Elements They May Be Affiliated With?:
Close Friends?:
Anything Else?:

Please keep the male/female and human/fay ratios even. More information may be added if needed and I may ask you to change a post if it does not fit the plotline. Please try to avoid crappy one-liners….. if you have to post a one liner, fine, but at least make it a GOOD one with some actual detail instead of something along the lines of ‘I walked down a street I saw a girl I said hi.’. Try to aim for at least three lines though, where possible. Longer is better, but not necessary as long as the quality of the writing is good. Give us something to work with! Let’s have some fun! I’ll be posting my characters ASAP!

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:28 pm

~*Human Form*~
Name: Kadian Stone
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair: Layered, shoulder length, black-brown, has sidebangs. Kinda spiky at the tips.
Eyes: Bright green.
Skin: Fair
Height/Build: Average
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: N/A
Close Friends/Family/Current BF/GF?: Lives with her dad and older brother
Background (not required, but some details would be nice): Mother left when she was very young - she hardly remembers her. Her dad's a good guy but he's out most of the time working so that the bills are paid and everything. Her older brother pretty much raised her and taught her how to look out for herself.
Personality?: She's very resourceful and independent, smart and able to handle things. She's stubborn and not at all hesitant to fight back, passionate about the things she cares about and not afraid to show it.
Anything Else?: Nope! Anything else'll be developed later, i guess.

~*Fay Format*~
Name: Gale
Age: Looks maybe 18 or 19, is actually over 2000 years old...
Gender: Male

~*True Form (Fay Form)*~
Hair: Long-ish, just bast his sholders, and rather shaggy/messy looking.
Eyes: Black
Skin: Incredibly pale
Height/Build: Taller than average, very very thin but deceptively strong.
Other Significant Features (wings, horns, etc): Has broad black ravens' wings, ears are slightly pointed, and his nose is kinda beaky

~*Human Glamour (if they choose to use one – if not, disregard)*~
Hair: Shaggy and black, but not as long as in his true from. Just brushes his collar.
Eyes: Dark grey
Skin: Fair
Height/Build: Still tall, but isnt as abnormally thin, has some muscle.

Personality?: Quiet and thoughtful, somewhat detached.
Any Powers or Seasons/Elements They May Be Affiliated With?: Can fly, by use of his wings, and can perform some magic.
Close Friends?: Nope
Background?: He's been around.... for ages. Always in the same place. He's seen and done a lot, and none of it is developed yet, haha.
Anything Else?: He lives in a huge old dead tree in the local cemetary.....

Last edited by Ravyn on Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Alice Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:37 pm

~*Human Form*~
Name: Holden Louffer
Age: 19
Gender: female
Hair: a deep dark auburn with black bangs, razored and she changes the color has face fringe
Eyes: a blueish silver with gold felx
Skin: ivory
Height/Build: 5'8 and femine build. She is a dancer
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: has scars on her arms from her own self affliction and snakebites. has a tatto on her back that says 'never say die' it is for her dead brother
Close Friends/Family/Current BF/GF?: she lives in a attic above a hotspot club. She is friends with the cook and some other people and no faimly of bf
Background (not required, but some details would be nice): Parents died and so did her borther. She is alone and has grown up by herself.
Personality?: sacastic and has a quick fire tongue but will not talk about her past.
Anything Else?: um... MONKEYS DANCE ON TUESDAYS! But other that ... NOPE Very Happy

~*Fay Format*~
Name: Gabriel
Age: looks 22 but is 300
Gender: male

~*True Form (Fay Form)*~
Hair: a icy blue
Eyes: gold
Skin: tan
Height/Build: 6'8
Other Significant Features (wings, horns, etc): has wings and a burn from a end of a casting iron that was heated up

~*Human Glamour (if they choose to use one – if not, disregard)*~
Hair: black
Eyes: a deep warm brown
Skin: tan
Height/Build: 6'3
Personality?: quiet.. he is funny when he wants to be
Any Powers or Seasons/Elements They May Be Affiliated With?: He can control the element of fire. It has some set backs of course
Close Friends?: n/a
Background?: TBC
Anything Else?: n/a


Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 28
Location : dont know dont care

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:22 pm

~*Human Form*~
Name: Aella (means Whirlwind/ Storm wind....fitting....very fitting Very Happy)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Hair: chestnut hair down to her mid-back or a little shorter
Eyes: A greenish-grey-brown mix
Skin: Tanned
Height/Build: She's average height and curves and is quite musuclay in a lean way, she's got good muscles in ehr arms and legs and has a shadow of a fourpack but it works for her
Piercings/Scars/Tattoos: has a few scars, just little scrapes. Has a tattoo on her lower back with the words Victoria aut mors (Victory or Death in latin)
Close Friends/Family/Current BF/GF?: None. She doesn't do friends. Her only living relative is her father
Background (not required, but some details would be nice): She's a kickboxer state champion and is trained by her father who is ex military. He's abusive in the form that he pushes her past her limits and throwing up her lunch or whatever from exhaustion is not an unusual occurence for her. Despite this, she adores her father and tried her best to live up to his expectations. She knows he wanted a son and blames herself and tries to be as good as a son. She's been shoved around by him a bit but shrugs it off and explains any unexpected bruises as a mistake while training
Personality?: Stubborn, coldly blunt and calls the as she sees them. She's not one for talking and prefers to just punch you out and do whatever the hell you were stopping her from doing lol. She doesn't do mushy stuff and thiks that love is a load of BS and that even if it is real, she's never ever going to go anywhere near the L word
Anything Else?: Her one softness is a love for collecting stones. She's got boxes full of them and can remember why she got every single one and they each have a story behind them.

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:51 pm

Gale: Today was no different from any other day, which was to say, it was boring. I was perched in my old tree in the field of bones as usual, my only company being the ravens who lived here with me in my tree. This boneyard was very old, almost as old as this human dwelling itself, and not many humans frequented this place. The ones who did were dull and predictable and generally uninteresting, and i would simply watch them come and go, invisible up in my tree with my ravens. Even if they stared directly at me, they could not see me unless i allowed it. Such was the nature of the fay. It often seemed as if even the living humans who entered this place were not really alive. Their gazes were blank, their actions predictable and robotic, like they were simply empty little drones. I often felt as if the only living things in this place of death were me and my birds, but someday..... someday, i thought, something alive would come through this place, and perhaps i'd have a reason to show myself.

Kadian: Shit. The word echoed through my thoughts as my feet pounded the sidewalks of the old grey town i called home. I hurtled through the mostly-empty streets, dodging the occasional pedestrian as i fled my pursuers. I had been careful........ but it hadnt been enough. If it wasnt for the fact that Garret would worry if i came home covered in cuts and bruises, i would have stayed and fought. I could have taken them, and then maybe they'd stop trying to pick fights. But for my brother's sake..... i was running. I glanced back to see how far they were behind me, and didnt like what i saw. Too close, too close..... i needed to break the line of sight. I dashed around a corner and into the local park, ducking around another small building and hurtling up a tree, watchign and waiting to see if they'd pass. I was certain they hadnt seen me come up here, but i wondered if my heavy panting would give me away. I was on the track team at school and was one of the top runners on our team, but running in my school uniform was annoying and difficult. I made a mental note to bring street clothes to schoool with me from now on and change before leaving in case i had to run. It'd be easier if my dad and brother would just let me drop out of the freaking private school, especially since dad had to work almost twice as hard to pay for it, but they refused, insisting that i needed a better education. For once, i was seriously wishing they didnt care as much....

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:28 am

Aella: I jogged down the street, glancing around quickly to make sure my dad wasn't around. He liked to visit moms grave too sometimes and would be pissed as hell if he saw me here instead of training. I let out a sigh of releif when I didn't spot him and went over to moms grave, sitting crosslegged in front of it "Heya mom." I said softly, smiling "Didn't bring any flowers this time, sorry about that. I'm about as broke as a hobo." I laughed, wondering if she would have laughed with me or been annoyed about me making a joke about a homeless person. People glared at me and I rolled my eyes. Just because we were in a graveyard didn't mean they had to be sad. I doubted their relatives wanted them to be dripping tears and snot everhwere over their graves. "Anyways, I won my last tournament. The girl wen't down HARD after I was done with her. Practicallly ran from the ring." I smiled "Dad said I did a good job!"

oh by the way this is her

Turning the Tables Boxing10

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Karma =) Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:13 pm

~*Fay Format*~
Name: Ryder
Age: looks 17 but is actually 150
Gender: Male

~*True Form (Fay Form)*~
Hair: flaming red hair literarly
Eyes: glowing green eyes
Skin: tan skin with a red tint
Height/Build: 6'3 and a little muscular
Other Significant Features (wings, horns, etc): none

~*Human Glamour (if they choose to use one – if not, disregard)*~
Hair: A dull shade of red like aurburn
Eyes: green
Skin: tan
Height/Build: 5'6 and a little muscular

Personality?: He usaully is disconnected from things. He isn't like other faeries he doesn't care for humans that much except when he falls in love which for him is rare.
Any Powers or Seasons/Elements They May Be Affiliated With?: He is intune with the world. Can see peoples auras and feel people emotions
Close Friends?: No
Background?: He doesn't like to talk really about the past since there is nothing he can do to change it.
Anything Else?:
Not at the moment
Karma =)
Karma =)

Posts : 2074
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 29

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:17 pm

*tempted but doesnt want to be a char whore*

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:31 pm

Gale: Someone was making a racket, and for once it wasnt incessant, irritating sobbing. This..... was actually interesting. My curiosity actually piqued, i glided from my tree and wandered amongst the graves, still invisivle, in search of the cause of the racket. Eventually i found a girl. An ordinary human girl. But..... she was more animated than the others. Yes, she seemed to have immediately sought the bones of a loved one, but that was where the predictablity of her actions ended. She seemed bright and loud and so very, very full of life, not like the grey broken people that frequented this place. It was like a blind man seeing colour for the very first time, something so amazing and unusual and beautiful that it was shocking to the core. I actually felt something veeeery tiny shift somewhere inside myself, but didnt pay it much mind. I..... found myself very much wanting to speak with this girl. I retreated behind some bushes and became visible, donning a human glamour before leaving the cover of the foliage and walking into her line of sight. But i paused, wondering how best to approach her. It had been a very long time since i had spoken to anyone but my ravens, and my conversational skills had atrophied significantly as a result. It did not occur to me that i was now visible and that she might wonder why i was simply standing there watching her.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:41 pm

Aella: I smiled "I got into the state championships. It's next month!" I grinned widely. "I'm gunna kick ass, I might even get into Nationals!" I smiled wider and then blinked, feeling eyes on e. I turned around and raised an eyebrow, standing up "See something you like?" i said, frowning slightly. he could be a fan or something but i didn't really have any, just a few people from other towns and such that supported me. Besides, he looked to thin and unmuscled to be a kickboxer. Mugger? He did look a little shady but I wasn't gunna assume anything. But if he was....he would be in for a surprise.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:47 pm

Gale: I blinked in mild surprise as i sudden;y remembered she could see me. "Perhaps. But i was really just curious as to who was making all the noise..... this place is typically rather quiet, as the dead won't speak to those who can't hear them. Incidentally, i am not one who can hear them, although i do often wonder what they might have to say...." i said thoughtfully, tone completely even.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:50 pm

Aella: Okay, he was a nutcase. Great, now I had to be nice. "What's the point of being sad over somethign that's already happened? I don't think these dead guys would want us sobbing and getting snot and shit on their graves now woud they?" I regarded him

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:58 pm

Gale: I cracked a very small, amused smile. "It seems unlikely. I think you have the right idea there...... now if only more would think like that. I see far too many people come through here insisting on clinging to their past tragedies even as it tears them apart....." i said with a small sigh. HUMANS..... when would they learn....

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:06 pm

Aella: I tilted my head, looking at him curiously "Yeah....You're different" I said, looking at him "Not many people would agree with me about that." I tied my hair up, revealing a scrape along my jaw that was bruised but healing

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:08 pm

Gale: Her comments amused me. If only she new how different i actually was...... "You're hurt." i said bluntly. "What happened?"

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:20 pm

Aella: I grinned "Took a left hook to the face when I wasn't looking. The girl had a hard punch, but i won in the end" I grinned "Kickboxer." I said to explain a bit better

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:24 pm

Gale: I had no idea what a 'kickboxer' was, but she seemed to be implying that she had been fighting for some kind of sport. "I see...." i said simply, not really sure what else to say about something that occurred during an event that seemed to basically mean fighting but that i did not really understand.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:25 pm

Aella: I raised na eyebrow "What? you a Pacifist or soemthing?"

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:28 pm

Gale: "No. I've just never heard of 'kickboxing' before. I can't really make a lot of remarks on something i know nothing about, can i?" i said simply. "I take it you've been fighting for a while, then."

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:30 pm

Aella: I raised an eyebrow> Okay then.... I smiled proudly "Since I could reach the punching bag" I said with a grin "Been training my whole life"

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:32 pm

Gale: Only one question formed in my mind when i heard this. "Why?" i asked. I was not opposed to fighting, but devoting one's entire life (especially since life was entirely finite) to only one thing? That seemed.... absurd.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:44 pm

Aella: I blinked, pausing. Nobody had ever asked me that before and I....I had to think about it "because....because I enjoy it. And my father expects me to"

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:47 pm

Gale: I raised an eyebrow. "You devote your entire life to this simply because it is expected of you? Surely there are other things you enjoy." i said.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Cairo Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:50 pm

Aella: I scowled "i DO enjoy it!" I snapped, crossing my arms "I like beating my opponents and challenging myself!"

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

Post by Ravyn Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:02 pm

Gale: "Fair enough. But that doesn't mean you have to base your entire life around only that. Variety is important, you know." i said. There was no way she would work so hard at this only because she enjoyed it. There was some kind of external pressure there.

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Turning the Tables Empty Re: Turning the Tables

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